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Donor Impact Report 2020

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Donor Impact Report 2020

Donor Impact Report 2020


A message from the Master


Virtual Dulwich


Fundraising success and finances


College finances




Sixth Form leavers’ destinations


Dulwich in lockdown


The future of Dulwich College


Life at the College – a snapshot


Serving the wider community


Community Action


A lasting legacy


Our donors



The events of the last nine months will ensure that this past academic year will long be remembered as one of the strangest in the College’s 401-year history. Not a day passes on which we do not reflect how fortunate we have been that COVID-19 did not strike in our 400th anniversary year, 2019. We were able to enjoy a year of celebration, commemoration and revelry, visiting OAs and our friends around the world without really thinking of what a luxury that was. The coronavirus pandemic has affected the whole world in 2020, and we have had to face new challenges. In the third week of March, a week before the Easter holidays, we had to close the campus and turn ourselves (not quite overnight, but in very short order) into a “virtual” school. It is not stretching the point to say we have achieved the equivalent of three or four years’ progress in the delivery of an online education in just a few months. I am proud of how our teaching and operational staff have responded, and continue to respond, to this challenge, but most of all I have admired how well our pupils have risen to the occasion – their appetite for learning and engagement in our co-curricular and charitable enterprises undimmed, despite the vast upheaval they have faced. Beyond the virtual classroom, I have been heartened by the response of our community to the pressing need for philanthropic support. From parents who have donated fee rebates to help us supply PPE to the NHS (and the many other projects our Coronavirus Fund has enabled), to Old Alleynians, amongst others, who have continued to contribute generously and in great numbers to our Bursary Appeal Fund.

In 2019-20, donors committed to gifts of over £1.43m, most of which has been given to support bursaries. We are incredibly grateful to everyone who has donated.

To all those who have joined us on our journey so far to becoming, ultimately, a needs-blind Dulwich, your support is deeply appreciated. You are providing many talented boys with the opportunities that an outstanding education can provide. It is my great pleasure to present this report on the impact that philanthropy has had in the academic year 2019-20 and on the part your support will continue to play for years to come.

On behalf of the Governors, staff and pupils at Dulwich College, thank you for your contribution. We are sincerely grateful for your support.

Dr Joe Spence The Master



Thursday 19 March 2020 was the day when education at Dulwich College changed dramatically. With news of a worsening global pandemic and a countrywide lockdown imminent, the College campus closed to all except children of key workers, and “Virtual Dulwich” opened. Remote Learning was rolled out not just for every academic subject for pupils from age 4 to 18, but for co-curricular activities and clubs and societies too. Our online offering retains its range of distinctive Free Learning elements, fostering a love of learning within and beyond the syllabus and helping to nurture independence of mind. Throughout London and across the world where our 138 boarders were at home, Alleynians and their teachers threw themselves into their timetables with energy and enthusiasm. Virtual Dulwich spread beyond our immediate community. Our resources and virtual meetings were open to the teachers and children of our partner state schools. We enjoyed a number of opportunities to engage with Old Alleynians who gave not only their time to the pupils through virtual learning, but also contributed their experiences of life at the College and beyond in our OA Stories - a new series of alumni interviews.


Fundraising success and finances 2019-20 We are humbled to receive the generous support of so many in such unprecedented times, and to benefit not only from monetary gifts but from your generosity with your time, expertise, resources and contacts. Your support serves as a reminder of the strength of the Dulwich College community and the vital part each of you plays within that. 1.43 £ Each year all of Dulwich College’s funds are committed to delivering its principal aims. The generous support of the whole College community makes an essential contribution to this work year after year. During the period of 1 August 2019 to 31 July 2020, we received donations totalling more than £1.43 million towards achieving these aims. To read more about our principal aims, please visit: masters-welcome Despite the hardships of this last year, over 509 donors helped us to reach this substantial sum. This support came from OAs, parents, pupils, staff and friends of the College from fourteen countries across the world. In addition to this figure, a number of individuals pledged ongoing support for the College with annual gifts.


million of philanthropic income. Used for bursaries, capital development, and * other College priorities *general donations which the College will allocate to its most pressing priorities, including: specific projects, unrestricted income, prizes and awards.

Donations received 1 August 2019 - 31 July 2020

Bursaries £1,196,293

Capital development £140,686

*Other College priorities £100,777


We need your support. Whilst financially strong, the College operates on relatively small margins. Philanthropy is essential to achieving the College’s educational vision and social mission. We are very grateful to our supporters at all levels – you are making a vital contribution to the future of education at Dulwich College. Thank you


The summarised information below is taken from the financial statements for the year ended 31 July 2020. All the College’s funds are committed to the pursuit of its charitable objectives. A copy of the full audited accounts can be found published online at: and-accounts

*figures rounded for illustrative purposes

EXPENDITURE £48.5m * Staff costs £28.6m 59% Other operating costs £6.7m 14% Bursaries/Scholarships £5.1m 11% Depreciation £4.1m 8% Trading/Finance £3.6m 7% Surplus £0.4m 1%



INCOME £48.5m * Fees and extras £37.9m 78% Trading £4.5m 9% Dulwich Estate £2.4m 5% Fundraising £1.4m 3% Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme £1.2m 3% Investments £1.1m 2%



1619: Edward Alleyn founded the ‘College of God’s Gift’ to provide ‘good learning’ to ‘twelve poor scholars’. Recognising that education should be for all, regardless of financial circumstance or background, this visionary act of philanthropy has defined the College throughout our history.

1940s: The College had been in decline through the 1930s and had huge debts, in part on account of war damage. The then Master of the College, Christopher Gilkes, took advantage of the stipulation in the Education Act 1944 that any child who passed the newly implemented common entrance exam qualified for a free place at a secondary school with the fees paid for by the local authorities. This was the start of the Dulwich Experiment, the term adopted to describe the system by which great numbers of boys came to Dulwich College on free places.

1950-60s: Gilkes' initial vision for the Dulwich Experiment was to reserve 50% of places for London County Council entrants, but by 1957 as many as 85% of boys were in receipt of full fee awards from local authorities in and beyond London.


1980-97: Local authority funding was replaced by the central government’s Assisted Places Scheme. Approximately 280 boys were on a means-tested place through this scheme.

1997: Since the Assisted Places Scheme was abolished in 1997, the College has relied on philanthropic support and its own financial resources to fund bursary places. In 1990, our Bursary Appeal Fund was established, consisting mainly of a ring-fenced endowment. Since its inception, the Bursary Appeal Fund has contributed a total of £4,553,000 towards bursaries at the College.

2014 - today: Since 2014, over £7 million has been added to the Bursary Appeal Fund thanks to the incredible generosity of our benefactors. Today, the fund stands at £16 million (including some non-endowment donations) and is currently able to support approximately 16% of the bursaries we offer. With your help, we can continue our mission to grow the fund so that many more talented and deserving boys can access a Dulwich education with the help of financial support.


“I think bursaries, and people giving to bursaries, is incredibly important and valuable. There are lots of really talented young people out there who come from underprivileged backgrounds and that in itself is not a reason to prevent them from getting the opportunities that I was able to receive at Dulwich.” Donald Nartey OA (2002-09) Bursary award holder and former School Captain


income distributions from the Dulwich Estate and income generated through our educational partnership with Dulwich College International. As we look ahead to the future of the College and what this might mean for the sustainability of bursaries, we hope to build further our Bursary Appeal Fund, the income from which will continue to fund these places in perpetuity. “The impact of bursaries cannot be overstated. Bursarial awards are transformational for the bursary holders and their families. Whenever I look at the boys when they are assembled in the Great Hall, I feel a great sense of pride and gratitude. Proud of the cohort of boys that we have managed to build; grateful to all those donors whose generosity has made this possible.”

We are proud of our history and remain committed to increasing financial support available for talented boys who might not otherwise be able to access a Dulwich education. We currently provide financial support in the form of scholarships and means-tested bursaries to 35% of pupils in the senior school. All our bursaries are means-tested and reviewed annually, and range from 10% to 100% of fee support (with a focus on transformational bursaries of 75%+). Dependent on individual circumstance, bursarial support also provides funding for a pupil to fully engage with all aspects of a Dulwich education – from necessities like travel and uniform to involvement in academic and co-curricular trips. Each year around 65% of our intake at 11+ come from state schools, many whom receive substantial bursaries to attend Dulwich College. We work with local primary schools to promote our bursary programme, encouraging local families to apply for support. Bursaries are funded through a combination of the generosity of benefactors to the College’s Bursary Appeal Fund and our own financial resources, including

Sameer Tanna OA (1994 - 99) Head of Lower School

2019-20 £4.15 million spent on bursary support (a 250% increase since 2012) 195 boys received bursaries Majority received more than 75% fee remission


Last year, 218 pupils went on to make their way in the world. 25 of these benefited from a means-tested bursary place at the College.

MOST POPULAR UNIVERSITY CHOICES (figures include OAs on deferred entry):

20 14 14 13 11 11 11 10 10



Oxford Durham

Newcastle Edinburgh Nottingham Cambridge


DEGREE SUBJECTS STUDIED: Non-bursary recipients Bursary recipients





7 3 2 1

USA (including Duke and UCLA)



Hong Kong



University of Glasgow University of St Andrews

Imperial College London Queen Mary University of London UCL

Newcastle University

University of Manchester

University of Nottingham

University of Leicester

University of Oxford

University of Surrey

University of Brighton


At a time when the world is facing an extraordinary period of challenge, Dulwich College is committed to supporting our community wherever we can. We strongly believe that now is a time for us to stay connected and to help one another. Many OAs, parents, pupils and staff have played individual roles in volunteering in the community, and at the College itself a number of initiatives have been running throughout the pandemic.

“You are doing such an invaluable service to the healthcare profession and you have our deepest gratitude.”

NHS Hammersmith and Fulham CCG


• Support for key workers through the provision of a programme of work and activities for their children on campus. • Open access to online educational resources for students from all schools and special access to society meetings and other projects for schools of the Southwark Schools' Learning Partnership (SSLP). • Support for the NHS through the 3D printing of over 2,000 PPE visors and the distribution of over 650 pre-existing forms of eye-protection by our Design and Technology Department, with the help of Upper School pupils, for key workers in London, primarily local to the school. virtual-dulwich/ppe-from-dc-dt

• Raising funds for charities: Many OAs, parents, pupils and staff have wholeheartedly taken part in a number of charity challenges over the past few months, raising vital funds for some great causes. These have included: The 2.9 Challenge, Meals for Marlow, and a challenge to row 2 million metres over five days, which raised over £2,000 for The Felix Project, to name just a few. • Hardship bursaries through our Bursary Appeal Fund for families facing financial uncertainty throughout this difficult period. • Tackling digital poverty - funding of £40,000 from the Bursary Appeal Fund was spent on laptops to ensure that pupils on transformatory bursaries at the College had access to virtual learning.

“Heartfelt gratitude to Dulwich College DT Department for providing eye protection for staff at Moorfields Eye Hospital to support the delivery of sight-saving treatment.”

Moorfields Eye Hospital


We believe that our diversity is our strength – that good learning with a social conscience can only be achieved in an environment where a healthy social mix exists, representing a breadth of talent, character and backgrounds. Our ability to offer bursaries lies at the heart of this.

We now look ahead to a time when Dulwich can be, effectively, a needs-blind school – one where admittance is dependent on ability, regardless of your financial circumstances – and where we play a key role in our local community to empower and support the aspirations of children from all backgrounds. Bursaries, partnership and outreach are fundamental to the future of education, both at Dulwich and beyond. This work is more necessary than ever in the wake of coronavirus and its likely impact on the global economy – more children than ever will be in danger of being left behind. Achieving this vision will take time, but our work starts now. We are focused on increasing our capacity to fund bursaries, but also to learning more about how we can attract more who can most benefit, and to creating a truly inclusive and supportive environment within the school for all those that join us, no matter their background. This will be a generational mission, and philanthropy will be vital to our hopes of achieving it. We are grateful to all those benefactors who have already offered their support, at whatever level.


we are at our strongest when we are a diverse school, representing talent from many different backgrounds – ensuring that an OA is someone who neither defers nor condescends to anyone, but meets all as equals. ‘Adding to History’, our Dulwich College Black History Month programme, was an opportunity for our pupils to renew their collective commitments to social justice and to celebrate those black pioneers who otherwise might have been forgotten or hidden. Find out more at: news/~board/news-20-21/post/adding-to-history- dulwich-college-black-history-month

Diversity and Inclusion Alliance One of the key developments of this year has been the formation of a Diversity & Inclusion Alliance, led by Dr Malcolm Cocks, a member of our English Department, in answer to the tragic death of George Floyd in May and the subsequent protests around the world. This group consists of pupils, teachers, OAs and others, and is intended to be a group to work together to ensure that no one in the College feels undermined on account of difference or perceived difference. It has already identified four key areas of action: increasing the diversity of the teaching body, introducing unconscious bias training, tackling casual racism more explicitly and auditing the curriculum. We are now laying down plans to try and make more rapid progress in these areas. Like many institutions we have long regarded ourselves as being non-racist – we see now that more is needed from us, and we are determined to become a school that is actively anti-racist. Dulwich’s history shows that

“The last five months have been both a stark reminder of how far we seem from that world of social justice, but also of how communities have come together, how individuals have supported each other from across the racial spectrum. It’s made me think and hope that we’re really poised to achieve that world of social justice and for that to be soon, and I think that begins with us, with the youth, in the school and our community, and the teachers.”

Dr Malcolm Cocks Director of Diversity and Inclusion


The opportunities offered by a Dulwich College education can be life-changing, providing an engaging and inspiring platform on which our pupils can go on to reach their full potential in the world. It is difficult to encapsulate the true breadth of academic and co-curricular endeavour of our current pupils, but we offer here a small insight into just some of the opportunities available to, and achievements of, today’s generations of Alleynians in the senior school (2019-20).

595 music lessons given each week

483 pupils learn a music instrument in College

285 boys taking part in LAMDA

57 active clubs and societies (Year 9 - 13)

63 languages spoken at home in addition to English, including: Ewe, Kannada and Silesian 338 language lessons taught every two weeks by native speaker Assistants

DUKE OF EDINBURGH 228 pupils - Silver 81 pupils - Gold


at GCSE 90 %

Bath Cup for Swimming (first time in College’s history) 30 sports played 276 teams

A*/A or 9-7

24 offers to Oxbridge

242 pupils Community Action projects

Year 11 Pupil – artwork exhibited at the Royal Academy Young Artists Summer Show

54 Year 6 boys performed the Rainbow Dance from Founder’s Day 2020 at the nationally broadcast U.Dance Digital Choreography Challenge **

Independent School of the Year for the Performing Arts 2019

**A colourful, uplifting and vibrant dance celebrating twin themes of supporting the NHS and embracing individual identity under the banner of the rainbow. Performed outside, with dancers rehearsing in bubbles and maintaining social distancing, the dance was a way for the boys to joyfully reunite through movement. See image on page 8.

110 pupils study languages in the Upper School

15,500 * hours of Senior School teaching delivered online

4,456 * hours of Junior School lesson preparation/teaching/feedback/ activities and live clubs

achieved A* or A grades 75 % ENGLISH A LEVEL

185 pupils took part in CCF (incl. 40 from JAGS)

10 virtual concerts given

8 webinars in the Thinking About lecture series

*approximate number



Saturday Schools We are committed to expanding aspirations through running Saturday schools at the College in Science and Art. In 2019-20, the schemes provided over 140 hours of free tuition to students from 18 local state primary schools. In partnership with the Southwark Community Education charity, we host the Science Scheme, supporting and mentoring 60 Year 6 pupils and through partnership with The Creative Dimension Trust we also offer pupils aged 9-12 the opportunity to participate in art workshops. The pandemic provided an opportunity for reflection and to undergo a redesign to maximise the educational impact and to reach more pupils, particularly those most in need. School-Centered Initial Teacher Training (SCITT) The College plays a leading role in the new national SCITT programme, acting as the London hub offering courses aimed at new graduates and career changers. In 2019-20, the College directly trained and supported 30 newly qualified teachers in Maths, Physics and Modern Foreign Languages, with 20 of them securing jobs in state schools. Staff Outreach College staff provide support in all areas of our educational partnerships, with 23 holding positions of governorship or trusteeship. 47 staff engaged with Community Action on a weekly (or fortnightly) basis. The Royal National Children's SpringBoard Foundation Dulwich College has worked with the UK's largest boarding school bursary charity since 2015, to provide life transforming opportunities for disadvantaged and vulnerable children through a boarding place at the College. Dulwich College International A community of 10 international schools, with over 9,000 students, taking the Dulwich name, ethos and best practice out into the wider world. We continue to forge a strong educational partnership across the commonwealth of schools.

We believe that mutual benefit comes from engaging in partnerships. Across the College pupils and staff voluntarily contribute their time and expertise to a wide range of community activities which are carried out under the umbrella of the College's whole- school strategic development plan. The College has a range of important partnerships which support raising aspirations across both the independent and maintained sectors through educational partnerships, Community Action and shared facilities. Educational Partnerships Dulwich College acts as an educational partner to City Heights E-ACT Academy, providing support for its educational work and developing links that mutually benefit pupils and staff at both schools. In 2019-20, 105 students from City Heights connected with Dulwich pupils or staff on a weekly basis. The partnership is strengthened through our joint membership of the Southwark Schools' Learning Partnership (SSLP). With the Master as its Co-Director, Dulwich College plays a leading role in this long-standing collaboration between 17 local schools to promote projects for students and joint career professional development for teaching staff. Thinking About A series of live webinar talks with Q&As for students in Years 11 to 13. It is a partnership between the SSLP and Dulwich College that initially ran in response to the coronavirus pandemic school closures. Guest speakers included Turner prize winner Jeremy Deller OA, physicist Dr Emma Springate and historian and writer Iain MacGregor. It proved so popular with participants coming from almost 60 different schools that it has been extended for the 2020-21 academic year.


In the academic year 2019-20, as part of our

Community Action outreach programme, 242 pupils from Year 10 to 13 volunteered weekly/fortnightly on 16 different projects supported by 47 staff. Volunteering and fundraising activities included: foodbanks, reading mentors in schools, gardening in the community, support for the elderly and much more.


Below, we hear more from Revd.Tim Buckler, our College Chaplain and Head of Community Action, about a new partnership which the College has formed with the charity Action Tutoring as part of our outreach programme. “18 months ago, I became aware of an educational charity called Action Tutoring and the outstanding work that they undertake. Many disadvantaged children in our country are not able to access additional tutoring that will help in preparation for both their SATS exams in Year 6 and their GCSEs in Year 11. There is great evidence that tutoring is a highly effective intervention to support a child's education. But for those from low-income backgrounds, the cost of tutoring is simply prohibitive. Action Tutoring seeks to address that, assisting children in specially chosen state schools to: ‘achieve a meaningful level of academic attainment, helping them to progress to further education, employment or training’. It was tremendously exciting for Dulwich College to be approached by them. Traditionally, Action Tutoring had used professionals, graduates and retirees as their volunteer tutors; to be the first school to trial this provision with existing students is a great honour. As Head of Community Action at the College it seemed logical for me to become an Action Tutoring tutor myself in order to experience first-hand both the demands and the impact of this provision.

This tutoring became something of a highlight in my week. To see the levels of engagement from my three tutees combined with the development of their clear potential was both an inspiration and privilege. The resources that were used were carefully compiled by Action Tutoring and I was able to spend some well- directed time in preparation for meeting the children each week. I was tutoring English and so would read a passage with the children and discuss questions that were tailored to the style of question that they might expect in the actual SATS exam. I have valued the relationship that we as a school have developed with Action Tutoring. The support that they give to tutors is structured and practical. As of November this year, we have launched our first group of U6 boys who are tutoring for 10 school weeks up to February 2021. Coronavirus has had a significant impact on Action Tutoring. Summer 2020 was spent creating an online platform so that tutoring could be virtual. Our Year 13 boys will, therefore, be tutoring online. This is a terrific way that Dulwich College is able to invest both in the development of our own pupils as well as in our service to others.” Head of Lower School at Dulwich College


“Over 50 years after graduating from Cambridge, I am still

doing consultancy work and loving it. I know that none of this would have happened if I had not got a bursary place to Dulwich. I feel proud to be able to leave a legacy for bursaries to the College in my will and to contribute towards giving more boys access to the same opportunities and inspiration that I received.” Clive Whitbourn OA ( 1957–64) Dulwich Experiment award holder


A legacy to Dulwich College is your opportunity to support the education of future generations of pupils at the College, helping to provide first class resources for teaching and learning, and to make a Dulwich College education available to as many academically minded boys from all backgrounds as possible. By leaving a gift to Dulwich College you do something amazing, allowing boys to benefit from an education that will shape their future. The Canon Carver Society recognises those who have pledged a gift to the College in their will. Established in 2004, it was named in honour of Canon Alfred James Carver, Master of Dulwich College (1858-83), who set the College on a new course following the Dulwich College Act of 1857. The changes he instigated transformed the College and led to its reputation as one of the country’s leading schools. The Society today has over 125 members and is led by its President, Sir Peter Bazalgette OA (1962- 71) whose enthusiasm and commitment are invaluable. The College has received contributions of more than £7 million in legacy gifts since the Society was founded in 2004. Donations to the College are exempt from inheritance tax and every gift makes a difference, no matter its size. If you would like to know more about remembering Dulwich in your will, please contact:

Matt Jarrett Director of Development +44 (0)20 8299 9285 [email protected]


Every year the College produces a Roll of Benefactors to thank all those who have given financial support to the College. The list includes gifts received between 1 August 2019 to 31 July 2020. Every effort has been made to ensure that the Roll of Benefactors is complete and accurate. If your name has mistakenly been omitted, then please accept our apologies and do inform us. We would like to take this opportunity to thank our anonymous donors and all those who have supported the College in other ways; notably through time, expertise and good will. Specifically we would like to acknowledge the Governors, members of the Development Committee, the Alleyn Club Committee, and the Friends of Dulwich College.

To everyone who has given, pledged, or is planning a bequest to the College, we thank you very much indeed.



“Having supported education overseas for several years we were keen to find a way for our educational charity, The Quadstar Foundation, to sponsor a talented pupil lacking the financial means to experience a first-class education. We approached Dulwich College and were delighted, not only with the ethos of the school and the impressive facilities but also with the tangible commitment and encouragement for this proposition. We are now 18 months through our bursary support for an exceptionally gifted pupil from Tottenham and we have been simply astonished by his outstanding progress and achievement. We are delighted to have supported him on his journey.”

Nick and Michelle Butcher Donors


David Heycock Geoffrey Holloway Dr Robin Hughes Chris Ignatowicz Martin Jackson Huw James Robin Jewett The Revd Canon Nicholas Kerr Michael Kirkman Vaughan Lilley John Lovering CBE The Revd Brian McHenry CBE Sunil Mehta The Revd Ray Morris Robert Newton David North Gp Capt Derek North DL Amit Pandya Ian Paton David Paul Michael Pearman John Pearse Jeremy Pearson Jan Pringle Dr Francis Quinault Patrick Rawson Dr Robin Rayner Philip Rickard The Rt Hon Peter Riddell CBE

Dr Michael Shirley Dr Theodore Stening Michael Stone Dr C John Toynton

Chris Field Alan Finlay Dirk FitzHugh Donald Goodsell Christopher Gordon David Griffiths Raymond Hann Roger Hedge Ronald Hickson Norman Hocknell

Old Alleynians 1900-1939 Prof C D Broad

David Walker Peter Webster Roger Weston

1940-1949 Derek Akers Nigel Dunsmore-Rouse Julian Ellis Alan Evans Marshall Field CBE Giles Flint Peter Grose Dr John Lewis Peter Munson Barry Rose Michael Shadbolt Derek Stretton David Webster OBE Gordon V W E Wood John Wright 1950-1959 Lt Col Terry Adams Prof Ewan Anderson George Appleby Y S Bakhle William Barry The Revd Peter Beale Robert Bembridge

Tony Willats Brian Willis David Wilson The Revd Beresford D R Wood John Yelland

Philip Holliday Peter Johnson David Jowett Geoffrey Keeble

1960-1969 Roger Alexander Jeremy Baker Philip Beaven Mark Berry

Geoffrey Kirk William Leon Derek Long

Dr John Maile Colin Mander David Martin-Clark David Matthews Val McCarthy CBE Brig Bruce McDermott CBE Dr Hector McLean CBE Colin Mealor Clive Mellor Andrew Morley Bruce Noble MBE John Norton Richard Norton HE Anand Panyarachun Hon KBE Bob Parker Edward Pearce

Don Boadella John Bouldin Michael Brett

Frank Browning Michael Butcher

Douglas Butterfield Dr Gordon Campbell

Ian Carpenter Paul Charlton

Dr David Cheesman Prof Aldwyn Cooper Col Robert Crawley OBE JP Jeremy Davies

Murray Ross Robert Scott

Denis Bodiam Donald Bower

Michael Simons John Smallwood Ian Smith Timothy Smith Dr Richard Soper Prof Christopher Stephens OBE Martin Stone

Mike Davies Dr David Day Christopher Dean Simon Dyson Jeremy Eccles Christopher Edwards John Fordham Col Keith Galbraith Gerald Gardiner Derek Goodchild HHJ Andrew Goymer Laurence Green Dr Stuart Herbertson

Prof John Briggs Richard Burgess Dr James Burton Roger and Rosemary Chadder Rodney Chambers Cdr Graham Creedy LVO RN

David Price George Ray Michael Renton HH Michael Rich QC Eric Robertson Arsa Sarasin Malcolm Sargent Edward Saulter The Revd David Sharp Frederick Shelton Bruce Shilstone

Roger Croucher Anthony Daltry Morys Davies Ronald Davis Colin Deverill Richard Dew Peter Dorey

Dr Paul Taylor Alan Trangmar Adrian Underwood OBE Robert Upton CBE Philip Virgo Anthony Wallace


Ivor Warburton Robert West Nicholas White Prof John Wyke

Timothy Smith Christopher Tarrant James Thornton Martin Turner Michael Wade Graham Ward CBE Dr Rick Weber Robert West Vincent Williams

Lt Col Philip Rosell Dr Yohan Samarasinghe Dr Vish Saxena Hugo Stolkin Andrew Tatman Peter Vicary-Smith David Wise

James Bavister Tanawin Charoen-Rajapark Dr Tommy Gorgy Jack Hellewell Viktor Jakubiuk Rizwan Kassam Dr Alexander Langley Edward McCarthy Ojonimi Ocholi Christopher Owen Shrenik Patel Shyam Patel Opeyemioluwa Runsewe Dr Simon Sprague Alexander Teytelboym

1970-1979 Michael Abrahams Stephen Barber David Barke Timothy Birse Stephen Bondfield Dr Paul Bostock Oliver Burns Robin Chapman Robert Condon Nicholas Cremin Guy Davis Dr John Dean Jim Dewes Grant Duncan Tony Edgley James Gowans Sunil Gupta Steven Hastings Nicholas Hunsworth David Ince William Jutsum Peter Leggett Stephen Locke Keith Macquarie Prof Nicholas Manton Richard Mattick Peter Miles John Murray Michael Mustoe Keith Penfold Andrew Reid Jervis Rhodes Anthony Roberts Tim Roberts-Holmes John Rose Nick Rundle Prof Richard Sainsbury Prof Bruce Sizer

1990-1999 Omer Ahmad Ishminder Alg Andrew Byrne Richard Davies Clyde Fare

1980-1989 Mark Aldous

Stewart Bowling Robert Burrage

Dr Adrian Carr Simon Clarke Dr Julius Clayton Simon Cox Edward Cross James Cunningham Richard Ford Adrian Fuller Andrew Guy Gavin Hall Nicholas Hallwood Russell Harper Timothy Havenhand Jeremy Hopkins William Jinks Ali Kewfi

Dr Ben Field Eric Fosdike Jonathan Fowles Matthew Ghinn Jon Guinness Nicholas Hamilton

Dimitri Umnov Idongesit Umoh

2010-2020 Carl Heimann Jonathan Ma Andrew Moss

Daniel Hanna Jason Harris Dowshan Humzah Stephen Ireton James King Thomas King Vikram Kumar Lt Cdr Thomas McPhail Dominic Murphy Ghanem Nuseibeh Tremayne Parvin Hugh Price Sumit Rai Amit Sharma Dr Christian Smith

Parents and past parents Suresh and Meranto Abboodass Adesegun and Olayemi Adeyemi Florence Akingbade Mr and Miss Akinpelu Dr Burhan Al-Chalabi and Christine Jones Mark and Kirsten Aldous Jose and Mariana Alvarez Pasquale Amodio and Randa Hanna-Amodio Andrew and Sarah Backen Graeme and Lydia Baldwin Gregor and Samantha Bamert Sean Bates and Maria Jorge William Beckett and Maria Aller-Cardona Adrian and Wanda Bird Justin and Claire Blackburn Nigel Blackman and Sonya McGilchrist

Naguib Kheraj Anthony King Guy Lester

Darius Lewington Daniel Markham Dr Nicholas Martin Jason Meers Matthew Oakeley Alexander Offer Salil Patel Vishank Patel Ashley Preston David Roche Dr Nicholas Rollitt

Ben Turnbull John Warren James Young

2000-2009 Dr Paul Adams Charles Bagley Dr Goban Balasubramaniam Teddy Barron


Vitali Ray Sacks and Wendy Jones Dr Sergey Sanzhar and Iryna Sanzhar Roderick Seligman and Susie Wesson Darren and Urzula Spencer Alice Squires Dr Umasuthan Srirangalingam and Dr Radha Selvaratnam Carsten and Emily Sterz Saleem and Florence Taj Alexander Terletskiy and Ekaterina Terletskaya Jackie Tong and Irene Fok Dr Jeremy Tuck and Rosalind Fowler George Ubah and Cesarina Mezzanotte-Ubah Jeffrey Usideme and Veronica Uchegbu Severa von Wentzel Bevan Watt and Dale Lattanzio Marcus and Sally Warren Jean-Baptiste and Claudine Wautier Jie Wei Andy and Lori West Simon White and Dr Frances Woisin Noel and Kate Williams Simon and Annabel Williams Nicholas and Karen Wright Nicholas and Penny Xanders Spiro and Teresa Youakim Dr Wing Tong Yu and Pauline Tong Tianxiang Zhu and Xiaoying Xu Dr Morris and Dr Rachel Zwi

Mr Nicholas Lyster and Ms Oliver Peter and Sarah MacDonald Eggers Simon and Lucie Marc Daniel Martin and Catey Hillier Princess Ann Martindale James and Anoushka Maxwell- Scott Scott and Nicola McCubbin Sid and Nancy McGrath Daniel and Sarah McKimm Francis Meehan and Miutahara Ahmed Etsegenet Melese Celine Menard Preston and Evgenia Mendenhall Guillaume Menuet and Catherine Kervennic Dr Michel and Dr Thoraya Michaelides Arthur and Martha Mina Kate Morris Gregg and Louise Mulley Scott and Dr Jane Murray Guy and Cara Norfolk Dominik and Magdalena Ogidel Steven and Emma Penketh John Perks and Barbara Carr Patrick Chiu Fei Poon and Yan Yan Fu Michael Pos and Tania Buckrell Pos Simon and Lisa Potter Denis Power Eileen Reynolds Patrick and Rebecca Robb Robert and Elizabeth Rome Jonathan Rush and Joanna Broadbent Lorenzo Russo and Emanuela Cernoia Russo Nader Sabbaghian and Valeria

Guy and Olivia du Parc Braham Mike and Jo Duggan Dulwich College Class 8S 2019- 2020 Doug and Hilary Eastman Dr Michael Fenlon and Prof Yvonne Doyle Dr Ian Firla and Emanuela Bove-Firla Paul and Kimberly Fitzgerald Campbell and Lisa Fleming Dr Laurent and Anne-Pierre Ganem Cuneyt and Marina Goy Benjamin and Yioula Grinnell Stephane and Marie Pauline Gruffat Chris and Yvonne Gurney Vladimir Gushchin and Dr Svetlana Gushchina Sebastian and Isabelle Henkell Von Ribbentrop Dr Venetia Herzmark Gary Hogg and Jane Neal Alistair and Joanne Hooper Mark and Jessica Hopkins Adam and Tierney Horne Michael Horner Richard Howells and Bozena Michalowska-Howells Brad and Sian Hurrell Daniel Johnson and Ashling O'Connor Andrew Johnston and Rachel Kearsey Dr Alamgir and Dr Saleha Kabir Devan and Rebecca Kaloo Andrew and Belinda Kemp John and Janet Kennedy Elliot and Fiona Lane Daniel and Malgorzata Lazarek Raymond Leung and Cissy Lee Dr Terrance Li and Sheung Chee Tsang

Nicholas and Elizabeth Bliss The Bona Family The Bowers Family Dr Nicholas Bradshaw and Dr Candice Roufosse Dr Michael Bristow and Claudia Salazar Robert Brown and Elizabeth Small Peter Camilleri Roy and Katherine Chambers Kin Pong Charles Chan and Rebecca Lee Dr Jonathan Chesterman and Dr Shubulade Smith Chi Kin Chui and Shun King Chan Leonardo Conga and Margherita Martelli Adrian Cox and Elaine O’Connor-Cox Chris and Barbara Croft Dr Peter Crowther and

Nicola Richardson James and Corinne Cunningham Qiang Dai and Jing Xu Susan Dancey Jose De La Infiesta Ruwan De Soyza and Natasha Newbold Dr Neil Deasy and Dr

Henrietta Deasy Richard Denny Andrey Dobrov and Tatiana Dobrova Andrena Dookun Mr and Mrs Double Marie Dove Matthew Downer and Katerina Tanti Anthony and Jill Drake- Brockman

Staff and former staff Stephen Burton The Revd Neil Fairlamb Matt Jarrett


The Canon Carver Society

The Revd Horace Bedloe The Revd Colin Beevers Robert Bembridge David Bethell Ian Birdseye Timothy Birse Reginald Bliss Ronald and Diana Blythe

Dr Richard Jones Damian King Richard Mayo JoAnn Thornton Simon and Nel Yiend

James Dyer Peter and Viviane Edgley

Christopher Edwards Dr Adam Eisenhauer Susan Ellicott

Leaving a legacy is one of the greatest gifts you will ever make. Dulwich College is honoured to be remembered by so many Old Alleynians and family members, who have chosen to give back by contributing to the education of future generations of Alleynians. The following list includes all members of the Canon Carver Society, both past and present.

Brian Ellis MBE Carl Emmerich David Emms OBE

Friends Nick and Michelle Butcher Lady Evelyn Clarke Martin Coomber Viviane Edgley Mary Poole-Wilson Jutta Raftery Bob Reeves Holly Ross Katharine St John-Brooks Neil Welton Dmitry Yashnikov Organisations The Alleyn Club Deutsche Bank Dulwich College Boat Club Association The Friends of Dulwich College UBS Trusts and Foundations Arkwright Scholarships Trust Friends of West Norwood Cemetery The Karia Foundation The Solo Charitable Trust The Timothy Franey Charitable Foundation The Worshipful Company of International Bankers The Worshipful Company of Pewterers

Richard Bolton John Boulding Dr Michael Boyes Patrick Brown David Burden Stephen Burton John Bushby Michael Bushby Leonard Butler

Alan Evans Alex Evans

David Ewings Peter Fewtrell

Chris Field Alan Finlay

Dirk FitzHugh Peter Franklin Angus Freathy

Michael and Sheila Calder The Very Revd Dr Wesley Carr KCVO The Revd Ronald Casebow Roger Chadder Hazel Chapman John Chapman Keith Chaundy George Churchill CBE Brian Clark Sir Robert and Lady Evelyn Clarke John Cloux Sydney and Jean Cole Dr Geoffrey Cook Nick Cosh Brian Coulton CBE Cdr Graham Creedy LVO RN Basil and Enid Cridland The Rev Dr Keith Cripps Robert Deakin Leslie Dean David Destefano Peter and Sheila Dorey Sir Peter Duffell KCB CBE Dr David Dunlop Nigel Dunsmore-Rouse

Godfrey Garrett OBE Kenneth Garrod JP

Anthony Gedge Anthony Gibbs Edgar and Muriel Gilbert Revd David Gooday Donald Goodsell Jeremy and Janet Gotch

Graham Able Derek Akers Dr John Amis Warwick Armstrong Chris Austen Neil Austin

Cmdr Bob Grainger Christopher Gravatt Alan Gregory CBE Jim Hammer CB Anne Hanson B Harfoot John Harper Russell Harper Michael Hart Peter Hart Prof David Harvey Timothy Havenhand Ian Hay Davison CBE Ronald Hickson

Jeremy Baker Geoffrey Ball Douglas Bartlett Dr Richard Bassett Christopher and Mary Batten

John Battersby Bernard Battley David Baxter David and Marion Baxter Sir Peter Bazalgette Vivian Bazalgette Kenneth and Marjorie Beales Philip Beaven

Norman Hocknell Michael Holmes Kenneth Hopper Peter Humphrey Brig Anthony Hunter-Choat OBE


Ian Hunter-Craig Derek Hyams Robert Jackman Thomas Jessop John Jones

Lord Andrew Turnbull KCB CVO and Lady Diane Turnbull The Venerable Robin Turner CB DL Wilfred Tyson Michael Wade David Walker Brig Johnny Walker OBE DL Dr Martin Walker Terry Walsh John Walters Peter Ward Robert Weaver David Webster Robert West Roger Westbrook CMG Clive Whitbourn Dr Michael and Jane White Anthony Williams Eileen Willis John Wiltshire Nicholas Winter The Revd Beresford D R Wood Paul Woods

Ron Moos Alan Morgan William Morgan Jack Morrison

David Shapland Bruce Shilstone Michael Shirley Robert Smith CMG Dr John and Anne Sowton Anthony Spain Patrick and Merrill Spencer Denis and Veronica Spink Michael Stone Kenneth and Mary Stoneley Dale McDonald Sumner

Peter Mudge Peter Munson Dr Colin Niven OBE Palmes AcadÈmiques Peter Niven Bruce Noble John and Margarita Noble John Norton Richard Norton

Pauline Jones Dr Niloy Karia Raymond Keene OBE Roger Knight OBE Tom and Rebecca Lawrence Vaughan Lilley Cdr David Lingard Jacqui MacDonald-Davis JP Ralph Mainard Nigel Massey John Massingham Alfred May John and Triona Mayhew Hugh McDonald Dr Hector McLean CBE Prof Bob Michell William Mitchell The Revd Canon John Mockford and Revd Betty Mockford

Ralph Sutton Howard Tate Nicholas Tatman Barry Taylor Irving and Maureen Teitelbaum

Tom Owens Bob Parker Richard Pearse Keith Penfold Barry Phelps Dr Peter Pompa

Brian Thomas Neil Thompson Graham Thorne

Christopher Poulton HH Michael Rich QC

Gerald and Ann Thornton Prof Andrew Tomkins OBE John Trotter Dr Dan Tunstall Pedoe

The Rt Hon Sir Colin Rimer Chris and Susan Rowe Nick Rundle


Thank you


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