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Say Goodbye to Neck Pains n° 318674 - Level Hard Play on your mobile these puzzles and find their solutions by fla

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MarathonPT: Say Goodbye To Neck Pains

roast-chicken-meyer-lemons-and-potatoes 3 (516) 487-9810 556B Middle Neck Rd Gr

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ValleyRehabCenter: Say Goodbye To Neck Pains

CHIN TUCK Slowly draw your head back so that your ears line up with your shoulders. Hold for 30 seco

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Nestor PT: Say Goodbye To Neck Pains

20 401-356-4777 CALL TO SCHEDULE TODAY! Call Today! 401-356-4777

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Farmingdale PT: Say Goodbye to Neck Pains


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TotalPerformancePT. Say goodbye to neck pains

4 cup brown sugar • 5 cinnamon sticks • 1 tbsp whole cloves • 1 tsp ground allspice DIRECTIONS Cut y

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CoreSolutions: Say Goodbye To Neck Pains

spiced-oatmeal-and-apple-bars ATTENTION PAIN SUFFERERS Mention or Bring in This Coupon Today For A P

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FYZICALRussell: Say Goodbye To Neck Pains

products. Happy Holidays Everybody! I know this is a busy time of the year for everyone but I still

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NorthernPT_Say Goodbye to Neck Pain

NorthernPT_Say Goodbye to Neck Pain Newsletter Say Goodbye To Neck Pain Get Back To Your Life Safely

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Say Goodbye To Neck Pain

Say Goodbye To Neck Pain HEALTH & FITNESS The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

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EasternShorePT_Say Goodbye to Neck Pains

Health &Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body


INSIDE: • Relieve Your Neck Pain with Eastern Shore Physical Therapy • Healthy Recipe • Relieve Pain In Minutes • When To Use Ice & Heat For Pain Relief


In Memory of our Friend Bernie Ayres

Health & Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body


Do you have trouble sitting up straight at your desk, tilting your head down to tie your shoes, or even lying down to go to sleep at night? Do you have headaches more than once a week? If so, you’re not alone. According to the Institute of Medicine of TheNational Academies, over 100 million Americans suffer from chronic pain. Of those 100 million, 15% suffer from chronic neck pain. In a survey conducted with over 300 chronic pain sufferers, 59% reported an impact on the quality of their life and 77% of those surveyed reported feeling depressed. Even small amounts of pain can lead to a downward spiral in quality of life, energy, and overall wellbeing. Fortunatelyphysical therapy canhelp resolve all the pains in your neck. Contact Eastern Shore Physical Therapy today to schedule your consultation. WHY DOES NECK PAIN OCCUR? The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) states that approximately one-third of the population will experience neck pain in any given year. It can get

worse if left untreated, and in severe cases, surgery may even be needed. Additional symptoms of neck pain may include: • Discomfort and pain when remaining in the same position for too long. • Muscle stiffness and tightness in the upper body. • Headaches. • Armweakness. • Numbness or tingling. • Inability to fully stand up or sit up straight. • Loss of sleep due to pain and discomfort. The neck is an integral area of everyday movement, and sharp pains can prevent you from functioning properly in your day-to-day life. The neck is comprised of 7 vertebrae (bones), over 16 joints, and numerous muscles and tissues. The greatest concentration of muscles and tissues is in the upper neck, at the base

of your skull. This area consists of the larger muscles that attach your head to your neck, and it is where the vertebral and carotid arteries travel through your neck, in order to reach the skull. When these muscles become tense, the blood flow from the arteries can becomeaffected, resulting inneckpainandheadaches. Your neck relies on a lot from your body – such as proper posture, flexibility, strength, and coordination. In our daily lives, weplace tremendous strainanddemand onour neck. Stress andpoor posture cancausemuscle weakness in the neck, and can even lead to long-term damage over time. Any sort of chronic strain on the neck can result in inflammation and contribute to our pain and headaches.

Have neck pain that won’t go away? We want to help! Call us at (410) 641-2900 or visit today!


Our physical therapists aremovement experts, equipped in identifying and treating themain source of your neck pain. Theywill analyze your posture, movement, and problemareas, in order to determine the best course of treatment for your needs. Your treatment planwill focus on relieving your pain, in addition to improving your posture, mobility, strength, and coordination. Your diagnosiswill determine themake-up of your treatment plan, andmay include any combination ofmanual therapy, targeted stretches and exercises, activity modification, or ergonomic recommendations. It may also include additional methods as deemed fit by your physical therapist, such as ice and heat therapies, ultrasound, or electrical stimulation.

Physical therapy can help significantly reduce your neck pain by implementing the following benefits: • Maintaining proper posture when sitting and standing. • Restoring flexibility to your neck muscles and joints. • Strengthening your mid-back muscles and shoulders to provide support to your neck. • Improving the coordination of your neck muscles. • Educating patients on eating well, by reducing the consumption of processed foods that increases inflammation in the body.

Youwill work together with your physical therapist to understand the goals and expectations of each step in your personalized treatment plan, with themain focus being on overcoming your neck pain and recovering as quickly as possible. If your neck pain has been limiting your daily life, don’t wait any longer to seek help. Contact us today to schedule an appointment. At Eastern Shore Physical Therapy, we are dedicated to providing youwith the tools you need for recovery and relief! CONTACT US TODAY TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT AT (410) 641-2900!

Guacamole with Tortilla Chips Healthy Recipe


• 3 tomatillos • 1/3 cup chopped onion

• 3/4 teaspoon salt • 2 ripe peeled avocados • 2 jalapeño peppers, seeded and finely chopped • 1 garlic clove, minced

• 1/3 cup chopped plum tomato • 3 tablespoons chopped cilantro • 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice


• 8 (6-inch) corn tortillas • Cooking spray

• 1/2 teaspoon salt • 1/2 teaspoon chipotle chile powder


Preheat oven to 375°. To prepare chips, cut each tortilla into 8 wedges; arrange tortilla wedges in a single layer on 2 baking sheets coated with cooking spray. Sprinkle wedges with 1/2 teaspoon salt and chile powder; lightly coat wedges with cooking spray. Bake at 375° for 12 minutes or until wedges are crisp and lightly browned. Cool 10 minutes. To prepare guacamole, peel papery husk from tomatillos; wash, core, and finely chop. Combine tomatillos, onion, and remaining ingredients; stir well. Serve guacamole with chips.

CALL TODAY! 410.641.2900

Relieve Pain In Minutes Try this movement if you are experiencing pain.

Staff Spotlight

Barb Behounek

In June 2020, Barb started working at Eastern Shore Physical Therapy as a Patient Care Coordinator. As a Patient Care Coordinator, she will be scheduling patients and verify their insurance. Barb is a native of Northern Baltimore County, where she raised her two sons. She relocated to the townof Berlin in2015, with

Helps With Tightness In Neck

FOUR POINT + ARM RAISE Start on hands and knees, hips and shoulders at 90°. Lift one arm out front. Bring it back down and then repeat on opposite side. 8-10 times on both arms.

her husband to restore anoldhouse in town. She became interest inphysical therapy after being treated for a sciatica condition. She has taken classes geared toward physical therapy and has worked in the field for the last 4 years. Besidespending timewithher husbandof 39yrsand their dog, Emma, Barb enjoys running, kayaking and going to the beach. She joined the local cyclinggroup, knownas theTDF’s. (‘Tour deFriends’). She is looking forward tomeeting and getting to knowall of our patients.

Upcoming Workshops

Discover How Physical Therapy Can Help Treat Your Pain The Rotator Cuff Workshop is for people suffering with shoulder pain who are looking to feel normal again and heal naturally without medications, injections and surgery. Rotator Cuff/Shoulder Pain Workshop Tuesday, September 29th | 6:00 PM

When To Use Ice & Heat For Pain Relief

When you’ve just sprained your ankle or pulled a muscle, all you want is some pain relief. If painkillers are handy, you probably pop a couple of them. If not, you ask for some ice... or was that heat instead? To sort out this confusion, let’s see what they really do. Both ice and heat relieve pain and help recovery. How to use ice Ice is useful when you want to reduce swelling. For example, your ankle balloons up after a sprain. This is because blood and fluid collect rapidly, making it both painful and stiff. At this point, an ice pack helps to close off those tiny vessels. The blood flow slows down. Small nerves become numb, so the pain reduces. The muscles also relax. The inflammatory reaction is slowed down. As a result, your ankle is less swollen and painful. Ice packs are very useful in bruises, strains and joint swellings. Use them for any acute swelling, over the first 24 to 48 hours (except back strains). Ice helps later too, while exercising the limb. Our friendly

therapists can show you how to make movements less painful and more flexible by using an ice pack just before or during exercise. How to use heat Heat packs, bottles or infra-red lamps can be very useful if you have a muscle spasm or 48 hours after injury. Icing a muscle spasm contracts the muscle fibers, so they would hurt intensely. On the other hand, heat improves the circulation, soothes and relaxes the muscles by carrying away toxins and bringing in healing oxygen. Heat can comfort a back or neck strain, especially if it has been persisting for some time. When you use a heat pack, wrap it in a towel and check the temperature so it doesn’t burn the skin. When not to use heat Don’t use heat if you have a painful, red or swollen joint. This increases circulation so that fluid collects, worsening the swelling and stretching or compressing the nerves and surrounding healthy tissue. This makes it still more painful. You’d be better off icing it.