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Sports & Ortho PT. Determining The Origins Of Your Pain

NORTHBROOK 224-282-8133 S K I P T H E S C R I P T ! Relieve Back Pain In Minutes Try this movement

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Advanced Rehab: Determining The Origins Of Pain n° 312259 - Level Hard

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PinnaclePersonalTraining_Determining The Origins of Your Pa…

CALL US TODAY IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING ANY PAIN 3 Easy Steps To Healthy Knees Refer A Friend Who Do Y

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Nova_ Determining The Origins of Your Pain

4 pounds Brussels sprouts, trimmed and halved • 2 tablespoons canola oil • Kosher salt and freshly g

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TheraFit: Determining The Origins Of Your Pain

activities you should do to alleviate pain: 1. Walking 2. Swimming 3. Yoga 4. Pilates 5. Stretching

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Determining The Origins Of Pain

zppG7 Mention or Bring in This Coupon Today For a FREE Joint Pain Analysis Download theKaywaQRCodeRe

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Marketplace: Determining The Origins Of Your Pain

video Do you Qualify? In order to qualify for our new and exciting program there must be an underlyi

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Breckenridge: Determining The Origins of Your Pain Always consult your physical therapist or physician before starting exercises you are un

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Determining The Origins Of Pain

Determining The Origins Of Pain Health & Fitness Determining The Origins Of Pain a muscle strain. Ch

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Outpatient: Determining The Origins Of Pain n° 4430 - Level Expert 6 26837 Maple Valley-Black Diamond Road SE, Suite 200 Maple Valle

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Eastside Sports & Rehab. Determining The Origins Of Your Pa…

DETERMINING THE ORIGINS OF YOUR PAIN A L S O I N S I D E : Understanding Your Pain • Patient Success Spotlight • Exercise Essentials Follow Us On Social Media • Keto Recipe




Sometimes it happens when a pain develops that you can immediately identify the cause. A new pair of shoes may cause a sharp pain in your heel, or an old chair at work may cause your back to grow sore and uncomfortable as time goes on. But there are other situations in which pain develops, and the cause of the pain is unclear. Different types of bodily pain can tell you different things about your body and overall bodily health. Sometimes, a pain in your arm or your leg may have little to nothing to do with an actual issue in your arm or leg. Physical therapists are like well-trained detectives when it comes to identifying the causes of pain. A physical therapist knows the way that the nervous system works, making it possible to identify the potential causes of pain, even if the pain is manifesting itself in an unusual or seemingly inexplicable way. Whether you are suffering from pain in your head, your back, your neck or anywhere else in your body, working with a physical therapist can help you find the relief you are looking for. Physical therapists are trained in identifying and treating the cause of your pain, giving you the opportunity to shift away from the ongoing use of pain medication and instead find relief from your pain with a series of strategies that include stretching, muscle building and flexibility training.

“You won’t be disappointed in your results!” “I’m very limited on giving recommendations on anything unless I really think it is of extreme high quality. Lisa flat out is one of the best physical therapists in the Pugent Sound area . I have recommended her to many of my friends, and they in turn provided her with additional recommendations. You won’t be disappointed in your results.” - E.L.

(continued inside)


When you meet with a physical therapist to understand where your pain may be coming from, one of the first things you’ll do is have a conversation aboutyourpain.How longyou’vebeenexperiencingpain,where itdeveloped and how the pain manifests itself are all very important distinctions that can help shed some light on what may be causing your discomfort.

develop, you are sometimes dumbfounded as to why. Most likey, there is something that you think could be influencing it. If the pain started around thesame timeasachange inenvironmentor lifecircumstances, it is worth telling your physical therapist about the association. Another thing to consider about your pain is whether or not it develops at particular times of the day or year. There are plenty of situations when someone begins to experience pain when the weather starts to change, and it turns out that the pain is a result of arthritis and inflammation. There are othersituations inwhich thepainwilldevelopasaresultofprolongedsitting or the opposite — such as when things get crazy at home or at work, and you find that you are not getting as much sleep as usual. Considering any changes in your daily habits or environmental factors can be very helpful in determining what is causing your pain. Regardless of where your pain is, how long you’ve been dealing with it, or how intense the pain feels, the smart thing to do when pain develops is to speak with a physical therapist. Working with a physical therapist can help you finally get a step ahead of your pain, finding treatment options that are designed toprovideyouwith long-termrelief insteadof temporaryrelief from medication.CallEastsideSportsRehabat 425.576.8180 formore information!

You may want to consider a few things before heading into physical therapy:

• Consider exactly where the pain occurs in your body, and research what the different parts of the body are called so that you can have an accurate and helpful conversation about your pain. For example, back pain has a lot of different differentiations, and lumbar pain (which is in the lower back) is frequently caused by factors different from what would cause upper-back or neck pain. • How does the pain feel when it develops? Is it a lingering ache? Is it a sharpstab? Is itmoreofa tingling feeling?Eachof thesesensationsare actuallyassociatedwithdifferent typesofproblems,sodescribingyour pain appropriately may be helpful in determining the best treatment methods for your body’s needs.

• Whatdoyou thinkmaybecausing thepain?Ofcourse, ifapainstarts to

EXERCISE ESSENTIALS Perform This Exercise To Improve Core Strength

QUADRUPED ALTERNATING ARM & LEG LIFT Start on your hands and knees. Engage your lower abdominals by pulling your belly button to your spine. Slowly raise youroppositearmand legwithoutshifting your trunk to the side or arching your back. Return the arm and leg to the startingposition.Repeatwiththeopposite arm and leg. Hold for 3-5 seconds and repeat 10 times on each side.




Always consult your physical therapist or physician before starting exercises you areunsure ofdoing.



Patients with family plans or those who have had major surgeries or have a chronic illness are especially likely to have a $0 balance remaining on their out-of-pocket expenses. This means that the cost of physical therapy could be minimal or completely covered by the patient’s insurance plan. If you are close to or have met your insurance deductible for the year, then now is the time to come in for Physical Therapy! Are you feeling aches and pains? Need to work on your core? Let us help you get a head start for 2020. Have you undergone surgery recently? Call us today at 425.576.8180 to schedule an appointment with one of our physical therapists. We’ll guide you to affordable treatments that will place you one step closer to pain relief.

IF YOU’VE MET YOUR ANNUAL INSURANCE DEDUCTIBLE, YOU COULD QUALIFY FOR PHYSICAL THERAPY AT NO COST TO YOU! An insurance deductible is the amount of money that you must pay before your insurance company pays for your medical services. If your deductible is met, your Physical Therapy may not cost you anything.

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INGREDIENTS • 3 cups almond flour, sifted • 3 tbsp of cinnamon • 3 tsp of ground ginger • ½ tsp of ground nutmeg • ¼ tsp of ground clove • 3 tsp baking powder • 1/2 tsp of sea salt

• 1 cup unsalted butter, softened • 8 oz cream cheese, softened • 1 1/2 cup granulated sugar substitute • ½ cup choice of brown sugar substitute • 2 tsp of vanilla extract • 6 large eggs

• 1 cup pumpkin puree (unsweetened) Keto Maple Icing • 1 cup powdered sugar-free (confectioners sugar substitute) • 1 tsp cinnamon powder • 8 tbsp heavy whipping cream • 2 tbsp of sugar-free syrup

DIRECTIONS Preheat the oven to 350°F and grease donut molds. Sift together almond flour, cinnamon powder, ground ginger, ground nutmeg, ground clove, baking powder, and salt and set aside. Beat together the softened butter, cream cheese, both sugar substitutes, and vanilla extract until light and creamy. Mix in the pumpkin puree. Add eggs one at a time alternating with the dry ingredients, mixing thoroughly after each addition. Using a pastry bag, pipe the cake batter evenly into the prepared donut pan(s). Bake about 15- 20 min or until an inserted toothpick comes out clean. Allow donuts to cool in molds for 10 min. To make icing, mix the powdered sugar substitute and cinnamon powder in a small bowl. Whisk in the 8 tbsp of heavy whipping cream making sure to fully incorporate the mixture. Lastly, add 2 tbsp of sugar-free maple syrup and mix well. If icing is too thick, add another tbsp of heavy whipping cream until softened.