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Elkins Dental - October 2021

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Elkins Dental - October 2017

2 cups frozen bell pepper stir-fry • 2 cups water 1. Heat a large saucepan over medium-high heat. Co

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Elkins Dental - October 2020


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Elkins Dental - October 2019


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Elkins Dental October 2018

4 inch thick • Toothpicks for skewering • 16 very thin slices of pancetta (or cured, unsmoked bacon)

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Elkins Dental - March 2021


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Elkins Dental - May 2021

2 tbsp fish sauce GOOD CHEER Beer lovers, rejoice! Idaho is the world’s largest hop producer, and mo

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Elkins Dental - February 2021

4 cup pure maple syrup (or honey) • 1 tsp vanilla extract Out-of-town relatives who are visiting for

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Elkins Dental - September 2021

4 tsp pepper. Set aside. 2. In a small bowl, combi e apple cid and mustard. Set aside. 3. In a large

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Elkins Dental - January 2021

3 cup beef, cucumber slices, sesame seeds, scallions, and gochujang, to taste. 1. In a small bowl, c

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Elkins Dental - August 2021

or bed. Browse sites like Chewy and Build-Basic to learn how to make your own! Raised Food Bowls Rai

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Elkins Dental - October 2021




My Baseball Weekend in Los Angeles

When my 19-year-old daughter, Juliana, was a newborn, she was sleeping in my arms at a baseball game with my brother and my wife. When a foul ball started heading our way, I stood up to be sure I could maneuver out of the way if the ball came too close and posed a threat. The ball hit the rafter above us and came down towards us. My brother attempted to catch it, but it deflected off of his hand, onto my wife’s head and landed fairly softly in Juliana’s lap! She caught the ball! I still have that ball to this day. Now that I’m home from my baseball trip, it’s time to begin

As many of you may know, I’ve made it a huge goal of mine to visit every baseball field in the country, and in late August, with my brother and some friends, I crossed two more off the list. Now, I have visited 24 out of the 30 stadiums in the country — when I visit all 30, I’m just going to have to start all over again because I love the game. My baseball trip in Los Angeles spanned from a Saturday morning through that Sunday night. My brother and I played in a gig with our band the Friday night before, forcing us to fly out Saturday morning. We arrived at Angel Stadium in Anaheim, home to the Los Angeles Angels, early enough to get in as soon as they opened the gate so we could watch batting practice. We spent the time trying to catch home runs and foul balls with our baseball gloves and just hanging out in one of our favorite places — a baseball field. Hands down, the Oakland Athletics are my favorite team, and the Angels are rivals. Normally, I’d be rooting against my team’s rival, but there is something so fun and special about rooting for the home team. (I can only say that because the Angels are nowhere near catching up to the A’s in the standings this season.) We had a blast watching the Angels beat the San Diego Padres 5–2. We stayed in a hotel that night within walking distance of the field and rested up for day two of baseball fun. The following day, we traveled an hour to visit Dodger Stadium, home of the Los Angeles Dodgers. We attended batting practice again before the game and spent the whole day from morning to early evening at the ballpark. The Colorado Rockies beat the Los Angeles Dodgers 5–0. The crowd wasn’t too pleased, and it was sad to watch the home team lose, but I’m not a fan of the Dodgers, so I didn’t mind. I got home around midnight on Sunday night and still made it to work on Monday — mission accomplished! I had a blast with my brother and some of my friends doing something we love. I’m thrilled that we made it to both batting practices before the games. Trying to catch all of the foul and home run balls reminded me of a special experience I will never forget while I was in dental school.

Me and my brother, Russ, in front of the Angels stadium.

All of us right in front of the Dodger Stadium.

prepping for Halloween. Luckily, two of my six kids are still young enough to trick-or-treat, so as the excitement builds, we will have some costume brainstorming sessions. I am excited to enjoy the holiday with my family, and I wish all Elkins Dental families and friends a very safe and happy Halloween!

–Dr. El kins | 1

You Can Use WHAT to Tidy Up?!

4 Deep-Cleaning Hacks to Prep for the Holidays

get back to clean blinds. All you have to do is find a pair of old socks, “glove up,”and dampen them. From there, if you grip each individual blind panel and slide your hand along the length of it, you will gather tons of nasty dirt and dust onto the sock. Cleaning Balls Utilizing tennis balls for your house chores may sound strange. However, when drying a bulky bed comforter in your dryer, adding a few tennis balls will ensure the stuffing does not gather all to one side. The balls help keep everything nice and even. Pillowcases and Fans Your ceiling fans collect all of the nasties — dirt, dust, bugs, and allergens. For an easy way to clean them without spreading all the grime around your home, turn to old pillowcases! Simply slip the pillowcase over each individual fan blade and then wipe. All of the debris

Prepping for the holidays is exciting and fun, but it requires tons of planning, cooking, decorating, and cleaning. To avoid getting bogged down while preparing for cheerful celebrations

with friends and family, try these easy ways to get your house sparkling clean and ready to host.

Roll the Ceilings When it comes to ceilings, especially if they are textured, thoroughly cleaning off dust, dander, and cobwebs can be challenging. When you use a broom, chunks typically go flying around and make a larger mess. However, if you whip out a painting roller, dampen it, and roll your ceilings just like you are painting, you are sure to get the job done!

Socks on Your Hands Have you ever run a finger along a panel of your blinds and it comes up black? Blinds tend to be huge dust collectors. By throwing some socks on your hands, you can

will end up in the pillowcase itself.

A Word With Cheyenne

Halloween Survival Guide

chomping down! Candies that are sour and make you pucker can be very acidic and may lead to tooth decay. And when it comes to those popcorn balls, you should definitely have floss handy! Kernels can get stuck between your teeth and cause problems if they stay there! If you eat your candy with a meal or as a snack right after, you will limit the amount of acid in your mouth. Snacking on sugary foods increases the risk of cavities, but consuming it at the same time as other foods helps neutralize your mouth. It can be tempting to have candy around all the time, but it may benefit you to pick out your favorite kinds and donate the rest. Drinking more water throughout the day can also help rinse the acid out and keep you cavity-free. Be sure to maintain a

The sugar in your Halloween candy can play some unwanted tricks on your teeth! When you eat candy, the bacteria in your mouth eats away at the sugar, and an acid is produced that can cause cavities. However, that doesn’t mean you should sit Halloween out! As long as you are flossing daily and brushing twice a day, you’re in the clear to have some Halloween candy fun! The Best Candy for Your Teeth If you’re trying to eat the best candy for your teeth, chocolate is the top choice because it washes off of your teeth well. Dark chocolate has less sugar than milk chocolate, which means less acid. The Worst Candy for Your Teeth Sticky and gummy candy can get stuck in those hard-to-reach areas on your teeth and are the top cavity culprits! Other types of candy can also cause some damage to your teeth if you aren’t careful! Hard candy, such as Jolly

healthy diet and don’t forget the fruits and veggies! Even though it’s fun in the fall to eat all of those treats, your health is always the most important.


–Cheyenne, RDH

Ranchers or Lemon Drops, can break or chip your teeth. Try to suck on them instead of

2 | Elkins Dental



You’ve paid into your insurance all year long, so allowing your dental benefits to expire would be like throwing all that money out the window! THAT’S FRIGHTFUL! With the holidays quickly approaching, don’t let the busyness of the season get in the way of your dental health. By calling today, you can lock in your reservation to ensure your smile stays BOO-TIFUL! Don’t be left looking like a jack-o-lantern this Halloween — call today to schedule your dental reservation and take advantage of your benefits before they expire!




Inspired by


3 tbsp oil, divided

1 1/2 cups warm water

GOOD CHEER Beer lovers, rejoice! Idaho is the world’s largest hop producer, and more and more people are taking advantage of our agricultural bounty by opening breweries in the Treasure Valley. Share a few of these treasures with visiting family members and their only question will be “How did we not come here sooner?” 2/3 cup baking soda • 2 eggs, beaten • Coarse salt, for sprinkli g •

MOUNTAIN RANGES Surrounded by the Rocky Mountains, we don’t have to go far to find mountaintop winter activities. If skiing or tubing is your idea of winter fun, Bogus Basin is just a short drive away, and heading to McCall makes a fun weekend getaway. ... AND RIVERS Not only are we surrounded by the Payette and Boise rivers, Idaho is also home to the deepest gorge in North America: Hells Canyon. Take that, Arizona! 1 tbsp salt • 1 tbsp sugar • • 4 1/2 cups flour •

Out-of-town relatives who are visiting for the holidays might wonder what makes Emmett so special. But we already know the Treasure Valley is full of gems — and we don’t just mean the rocks. Here are some additional reasons Emmett and The Gem State are great. WE’VE GOT SUNSHINE On average, we have 210 sunny days per year. Compare that to 144 rainy days in Portland and we can feel pretty happy about all our free vitamin D. 1. In a bowl, combine water, salt, and sugar. Add yeast and let rest for 5 minutes. Add flour and 2 tbsp oil, then mix thoroughly into a dough. 2. Remove the dough from the bowl. Coat bowl with rem ining oil, then return the dough, cover with plastic wrap, and set it aside in a warm place for 1 hour. 3. Preheat oven to 450 F. Directions JOKES DAD What kind of music do mummies like listening to at parties? WRAP Music!

1 packet active dry yeast

4. Cut dough into 8 pieces. Roll them into thin ropes, then twist ropes into pretzel shapes. 5. In a large pot, boil water. Add baking soda, then boil each pretzel for 1 minute, flipping halfway through. 6. Transfer pretzels to a baking sheet. Brush them with egg and sprinkle with salt. Bake for 10–15 minutes. Enjoy!

Know why skeletons are so calm? Because nothing gets under their skin.

'Oh My Gourd!' Pumpkin Facts DID YOU KNOW? Did you know that from a botanist’s perspective, pumpkins are technically a fruit? Although they are members of the squash family, they contain seeds.Vegetables are the flowers, bulbs, stems, and leaves of a plant that do not contain seeds. Pumpkins are closely related to peppers, cucumbers, olives, tomatoes, and avocados, all of which are also fruits! Pumpkins, along with some of these other fruits mistakenly called vegetables, are referred to as veggies because they aren’t sweet like other fruits. So, from a culinary standpoint, they are deemed vegetables anyway. Each normal-size pumpkin carries about 500 seeds — so, get ready for some roasted pumpkin seeds after carving your pumpkins this Halloween!

Facts Tooth Fun

Teeth in the womb?!

Although your teeth didn’t start to come in until you began teething at about 6–12 months old, your baby teeth, sometimes known as milk teeth, began to form when you were still inside your mother’s womb. Optimal nutrition is paramount for a mother to pass on the proper nutrients to her developing fetus. Proper amounts of vitamin C, calcium, vitamin D, and phosphorus are essential to help those chompers grow!

Teeth undergo four stages of development:

1. The formation of the basic substance of the tooth forms at about 6 weeks of age in a fetus. 2. At about 3–4 months of gestation, the hard tissue surrounding the tooth is developed.

3. After a child is born and teething, the teeth break through the gums.

4. Baby teeth are lost and the permanent adult teeth come in! | 3

INSIDE THIS ISSUE 1. My Baseball Weekend in Los Angeles 2. Deep-Cleaning Hacks for the Holidays


3. Oktoberfest

4. How the MLB

Soft Pretzels

Helped Create Disney+

Did You Know?

1110 S. Washington Ave. Emmett, ID 83617


Halloween Survival Guide

Happy Halloween From Elkins Dental


THANKS, BUD! Baseball’s Former Commissioner and Streaming TV

BAM became such a smashing success that it soon became BAMTech and started creating platforms for other popular sports leagues like World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) and the National Hockey League (NHL). (It even assisted HBO!) In 2017, one of the biggest players in movies, Disney, invested in BAMTech, claiming a majority stake, and began its transition into streaming services. Soon after, as The Hustle reported in July 2021, Disney announced Disney+, a streaming platform whose features were similar to that of Netflix and BAM. In March 2021, Disney+ hit more than 100 million users, making it a powerhouse in streaming — all created because of BAMTech. Today, BAM and BAMTech are credited with being on the forefront of streaming services and continue to hold a power position over streaming and within entertainment companies. "Media companies are not good at tech and really struggle with large scale," says investment analyst Rich Greenfield in TheVerge. "They don’t trust companies like Google or Amazon, who want to displace them. BAM is seen as friendly."

You don’t become America’s national pastime without learning how to adapt — and Major League Baseball (MLB) made the ultimate pivot. This October, MLB’s biggest stars and teams with the most wins all-time will take the field for the 2021 playoffs. The winners will be crowned champions of the world, but the league these champs call home already owns an equally prestigious title: the founders of streaming services. Their legendary reign started back in the early 2000s, when former MLB commissioner Bud Selig asked every team in the league to contribute $4 million for the creation of Baseball Advanced Media (BAM). At that time, the dot-com bubble had yet to burst, and Selig wanted America’s once favorite sport to“keep up with the times,”so to speak. BAM created a website for each team, but it soon took on other qualities that gave it an edge. The Hustle reports that BAM offered online video, multidevice watching services, and a large >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6

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