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Ellis: Don't Suffer With Pain

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Don't Suffer With Pain

2 large head) • 2 cups chopped heart of romaine • 1 tart-sweet red apple, chopped Exercise Essential

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Don't Suffer With Pain

leg back to a leveled position. Alternate legs and repeat 6 times. KNEE EXTENSION STRETCH While sitt

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Progressive: Don't Suffer With Pain

Analysis, and Pre-Work Screens. Erin’s professional interests include sports medicine physical thera

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NRG: Don't Suffer With Pain


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Don't Suffer With Pain

Fall Prevention Program • Back and Spine Issues WWW.MARKETPLACEWELLNESSCENTER.COM

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Don't Suffer With Pain

2 large head) • 2 cups chopped heart of romaine • 1 tart-sweet red apple, chopped solutionsphysicalt

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Don't Suffer With Arthritis Pain

Don't Suffer With Arthritis Pain Health&Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For

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Kinetix: Don't Suffer With Pain


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Don't Suffer With Leg Pain

16 going forward. Exercise Essentials Try these exercises to help maintain a healthy back and spine

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Ellis: Helping Arthritis Pain

2 of the marinade mixture on top, give it all a shake or stir, then allow shrimp to marinate in the

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Ellis: Don't Suffer With Pain

Newsletter Getting To Know The Ellis Physical Therapy Staff DR. JAY ELLIS, PT, DPT

Dr. Jay Ellis is the president and owner of Ellis Physical Therapy in Idaho Falls, Idaho since 1994. Dr. Ellis started his academic journey in physical therapy in 1969 with a General Studies PE and Physical Therapy Emphasis at Brigham Young University (formerly Ricks College). He then continued his education in General Studies with a Physical Therapy emphasis at Brigham Young University (1973), a General Studies with a Physical Therapy emphasis at the University of Utah (1975), a Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy at University of Puget Sound (1978) and a Doctor of Physical Therapy (T-DPT) at Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions (2006). Dr. Ellis contributes to Ellis Physical Therapy in many ways. He evaluates and establishes an appropriate Plan of Care for physical therapy patients and acts as the clinical coordinator of student interns. He also plans and develops new and successful clinical education programs. Looking For An Active Vacation? Whitewater rafting guarantees a release of adrenaline. Rafting also provides you an escape from reality. The quietness of nature lets you relax and leave all your worries behind you, especially when the river is slow-moving. In this moment, you can bask in this moment of peace. And yet, when the river gets going again, you can be sure to exude your stress through the exercise required in heavy paddling!

Dr. Ellis’ certifications include: • Sports Medicine • Orthopedics • Back Rehabilitation • Work Injuries • Functional Capacity Testing & Pre-Work Screening • Pilate’s Rehabilitation • Clinical Education • Strength Coach

Newsletter Health &Wellness

“Keep Moving Without Joint Pain!” DON’T SUFFERWITHPAIN

Do you suffer from knee, hip or leg pain? You are not alone.CDCstudiesshow that30%ofadultshave reported some form of knee, hip or ankle joint stiffness or pain in a 30 day period. The hip and knee joints are incredible marvels of the human body. At times they have to withstand up to 6 times your body weight in force. The knee joint is the second most complicated joint in the body and has to move in many directions including forward, backward, side to side and rotation. These different movements are called accessory motions and are needed for normal walking, running and bending. When you experience pain in the side of the hip, groin, thigh or knee, you may have difficulty with these accessory motions. Prolonged sitting, injuries, arthritis and disease can affect accessory motions. With every day use, tissues around the hip and knee joints tighten, leading to a gradual loss of motion. This causes a lot of pressure to build up on specific parts of the joints. When Your Motion is Lost When you lose the movement of the hip, knee or ankle joints, your muscles have to take on the abnormal strain. This leads to common aches and pains experienced by millions of people. Many people feel that medication will help solve their hip, knee or leg pain. While medication


can help to decrease inflammation and pain, it cannot address the root cause of the problem. Most pain in the hip, thigh, knee or leg comes from poor flexibility, strength or coordination. Treating Leg Pain To determine the source of your leg pain our physical therapists examine your walking, squatting, joint movement, comparing the strength and mobility of the joints.Acomprehensive treatmentplan, includingspecial handson techniques, ismade toachieve the fastest relief and the longest lasting results. If you are suffering with hip, knee or leg pain, call us today to learn more how we can eliminate your pain and put a spring back in your step! Look inside to learn more and say good-bye to that aching knee or hip!


NOW OFFERING A HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE CHAIRLIFT FOR OUR POOL Ellis Physical Therapy is happy to announce a NEW accessible chairlift for our indoor pool therapy. This NEW feature allows the process of physical therapy to become a lot easier for the elderly and handicap. If you or someone you know feels they can benefit from pool therapy, contact us to schedule an appointment today at 202.523.8879.

(208) 523-8879


Relieving Joint Pain Exercising is important to help reduce jointpainandstiffness.Light tomoderate- intensity physical activity can actually prevent a decline in function, even restoring health. However, some people with arthritis may be reluctant to exercise because of joint pain after activity. You can take various steps to relieve pain, such as heat and cold therapy, or pain relievers, making it easier for you to exercise and stay active. In addition to physical therapy, choose non–impact exercises such as bicycling, swimming or water exercise. Furthermore, research shows that even modest weight loss combined with exercise is more effective in decreasing pain and restoring function than either weight loss or exercise alone. If you are suffering with arthritis pain, call us today and discover how we can relieveyourpain,returningyoutoamore active, pain-free lifestyle!

Millions of Americans suffer through arthritis pain every day, taking Ibuprofen andstrongermedication tonumb thepain and address the ongoing inflammation. The definition of arthritis is joint inflammation, however the term has acquired a wider meaning. Arthritis is now used as a generic term for osteoarthritis andotherconditions thataffect joints.The pattern, severity and location of arthritis symptoms can vary depending on the specific form of the disease. Typically, arthritic conditions are characterized by pain and stiffness in and around one or more joints. The symptoms can develop gradually or suddenly. Certain rheumatic conditions can also involve the immune system and various internal organs of the body. Physical therapy is an important part of the ongoing treatment for arthritis. Physical therapy strengthens, stretches and stabilizes muscles surrounding affected joints providing needed support.

Direct Access AT ELLIS PHYSICAL THERAPY Direct access saves you time by allowing you to come to us directly, without a doctor referral and see our therapists at Ellis Physical Therapy. We can treat you without expensive tests. Therapy is a low cost value packed healthcare service. No wait, no hassle, with less out of pocket expenses. We would love to show YOU what our patients already know! Call to schedule your appointment today at 208- 523-8879.


• Sports Training & Agility • Work Injuries

• Senior Wellness • Healthy Living

CALL TODAY! (208) 523-8879

Physical Therapists Are The Mechanics Of Your Body

Think Ellis PT FIRST

Patient Success Spotlight

I was back on the road!

Why You Need To Come in For Another Check Up: � Move without pain � Bend and move freely � Balance confidently and securely

� Sit for long periods comfortably � Walk for long distances � Live an active and healthy lifestyle

“Ellis Physical Therapy saved my life. I had hurt myself and could hardly move to get out of my house let alone hop in my car and travel hundreds of miles over the following week to make sales stops at various businesses throughout the Northwest. After two visits, I was back on the road, not only feeling better, but with knowledge and tools to help me keep on going. It seems like he knew just what was going on and just what to do to get me going again.” – Clint K.

If you know someone suffering with aches and pains give the gift of health. Refer them to Ellis Physical Therapy today. Pass along this newsletter or have them call us directly to schedule an evaluation!

CALL TODAY! (208) 523-8879

HEALTHY RECIPE Eating Right Never Tasted So Good! COCOA BANANA WALNUT BREAD INGREDIENTS • 1 cup whole-wheat pastry flour • 3/4 cup cocoa powder • 1 tsp. baking soda • 1 tsp. cinnamon • 1/2 tsp. salt • 1/2 tsp. allspice • 2 large eggs • 1/2 cup brown sugar • 3/4 cup plain, low-fat yogurt • 1/3 cup canola or grapeseed oil • 2 Tbs. molasses • 2 ripe bananas, mashed • 1 tsp. vanilla extract • 1/2 cup chopped walnuts DIRECTIONS

Relieve Hip Pain In Minutes Try this movement if you are experiencing hip pain.

Relieves Hip Pain

HIP HIKES While standing up on a step, lower one leg downward to- wards the floor by tilting your pelvis to the side. Then return the pelvis/leg back to a leveled position. Repeat 10 times.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees and grease a 9-by-5-inch loaf pan. In a large bowl, sift together flour,cocoa,bakingsoda,cinnamon, saltandallspice. Inaseparatebowl, lightlybeat eggs, then stir in sugar, yogurt, oil, molasses, bananasandvanilla.Adddry ingredients towet andmixgently.Fold inwalnutsandpourbatter intopreparedpan.Bake for45 to50minutes,or untila toothpick inserted in thecenter comes out almost clean. Let cool several minutes before unmolding.

Not all exercises are appropriate for every person. Please consult with a healthcare provider before starting.