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Elm Street Placements - July/August 2019

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Elm Street Placements - July/August 2019

Placements Elm Street

educational & therapeutic consulting

July/August 2019


Connecting Families and Professionals

KATHY NAUTA PULLS FROM FAMILY EXPERIENCE TO HELP OTHERS W hen my oldest child was diagnosed with mental health issues at age 7, I knew it was time to put my CPA career aside and make her recovery my full-time job. I thought we had run out of options after years of doctors’ appointments, interviews, and consultations with limited results. Then I found Lucy Pritzker who helped my child and family by introducing us to an educational environment that actually met our daughter’s needs.

I learned that although parents may know their child’s psychological and educational needs, it’s the professional who must help those parents become aware of appropriate and available resources. There are many passionate, caring people in this industry who work hard to help those children succeed, and for years, I wanted to become one of those powerful, compassionate professionals. So, I completed trainings offered through the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) and the Statewide Parent Advocacy Network (SPAN), and I eventually began teaching these trainings to other parents. I became a Parent Advocate for the N.J. Children’s System of Care, where I taught parents how to advocate for their children in IEP meetings and doctor’s appointments and helped connect them with local resources. I took a year-long class with the Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates,

which led to an internship with a special education attorney.

Then I called Lucy to ask if I could join her practice as a Therapeutic and Educational Consultant; our relationship had come full circle. As it turns out, Lucy was looking to expand her educational consulting practice. Lucy gave me even more training, and I’ve now been working with Lucy and Elm Street Placements for three years. I feel incredibly lucky to help families each day. Today, my daughter is a successful family member and college student. She has friends, she has interests, and she has peace of mind. My goal is to help the families you serve find the same success my own did.

-Kathy Nauta



Published by The Newsletter Pro •

The Curse of the Ungrateful Employee

Why You’re Experiencing Churn Instead of Gratitude

PRIORITIZE RESPECT Respect is one of the top three things employees look for in the workplace. In fact, a 2012 survey of social workers

No matter how much someone loves their job, at the end of the day, most people come to work to get a paycheck. But providing steady income to your employees doesn’t mean they will automatically feel appreciated and stick around, and it shouldn’t! If you’re struggling with employee churn and an unhappy workplace, it’s time to look at how you can create a culture of gratitude. BE A LEADER If you want to cultivate a culture of gratitude, you need to lead the charge. This doesn’t have to be a big production; a quick, genuine “thank you” when you’re passing through the break room can go a long way. A study from the University of Pennsylvania found that when leaders expressed gratitude to their employees, those employees were 50% more successful. Plus, employees who feel appreciated tend to have a higher degree of job satisfaction, which is crucial for longevity. KEEP COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS CURRENT Offering good benefits shows employees you’re invested in their overall health and futures. If you find yourself losing good employees to your competition, it might be time to look at what they offer that you don’t. Are you paying employees a fair wage for their work — or better? Do the benefits go beyond the legally required minimum? Are they the kinds of benefits your employees actually want and need? Having a reputation for offering the best benefits in your area will attract quality employees and make your current employees feel valued, keeping them from seeking greener pastures.

found that a lack of respect is a large contributing factor of voluntary turnover. Paul Marciano, organizational psychologist and author of “Carrots and Sticks Don’t Work,” outlines a few critical ways managers can show respect.

• Equip employees with the tools they need to be successful. • Set clear expectations and hold employees accountable. • Practice thoughtfulness, empathy, and kindness. • Trust in your employees’ abilities — don’t micromanage. Employee happiness doesn’t have to come at the cost of company profit — just look at Salesforce! This global CRM leader was voted the No. 1 spot on Forbes “100 Best Companies to Work For” list in 2018. More often than not, happiness translates to overall success. Look around and see how you can start building a culture of gratitude and happiness at your own company.


Invisible Disability

In school, students with NVLD may read quickly or pick up on topics with ease, but they struggle to identify sarcasm

(nonverbal part of language), and fail to turn in homework on time because of poor executive functioning. These children may have low math scores, poor handwriting, limited social abilities, and difficulty performing executive functions.

This spring, Lucy Pritzker of Elm Street Placements and speech and language pathologist Deb Browne from the Brehm School presented at the Independent Educational Consultant Association’s biannual conference. Their presentation was ‘Nonverbal Learning Disability: A Forgotten Disorder. Identifying NVLD & Setting Up Success.’

Quantitatively, NVLD reveals a difference of 15 points or more in verbal IQ as opposed to visual spatial IQ in cognitive testing.

Below is a brief description of their presentation.

As mental health professionals and educators, it is vital that we continue to learn about nonverbal learning disorders. The sooner you, the child’s parents, and their school professionals are made aware of this diagnosis, the sooner the child can find specialized learning environments or therapies to help them thrive. Every child, regardless of their academic or emotional

Nonverbal learning disorders (NVLD) often go undiagnosed because there is a lack of awareness and understanding of the disorder and confusion around the constellation of symptoms. Additionally, NVLD is not in the DSM 5. People with NVLD are often thought to have behavioral issues. In reality, they are experiencing a disorder that affects how they understand and relate to the world. They struggle with the nonverbal components of language, such as body language, tone, facial recognition, and gestures.

challenges, deserves a chance to succeed. We would love to help your patients find these opportunities. To collaborate with our team of professionals, call 908-228-2212.



Published by The Newsletter Pro •

Engaging Opportunities

Where in the World are Lucy, Kathy, and Fran?

STAYING ENGAGED In early June, Lucy attended School Connections in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where she engaged with representatives from therapeutic programs to discuss the latest happenings on their campuses.

Elm Street Placements consultants are committed to guiding their families to the best options, which means continuing engagement with schools and programs. NETWORKING TOGETHER The trio attended the Independent Educational Consultant Association’s biannual conference in Chicago. This event was a continuing-education and engagement opportunity for the group. Lucy also had her first meeting as an association board member and presented on Nonverbal Learning Disabilities with speech and language pathologist Deb Browne from the Brehm School in Carbondale, Illinois. (Learn more about diagnosing these disabilities on Page 2.) Back in the local community, Lucy, Kathy, and Fran hosted workshops for professionals and parents about the unique issues and treatments for adopted children, featuring Dr. Norm Thibault, LMFT executive director of Three Points Center in Hurricane, Utah.

VISITING ORGANIZATIONS Kathy toured 12 of North Carolina’s therapeutic programs this spring, including schools for children and teens with mental health needs, substance abuse issues, and residential therapeutic young adult programs. Kathy’s busy schedule also took her across New York and New Jersey to tour schools that offer one-on-one learning environments and a camp that specializes in children with disabilities and also provides a residential program for adults. While in Chicago for the IECA conference, Lucy spent time with residents and staff at a recovery community for young-adult men.

A LITTLE FUN, TOO It’s not all work and no play! In between various tours, Lucy, Kathy, and Fran attended a Cubs game at Wrigley Field. Lucy also met with former President Barack Obama’s education secretary, Arne Duncan. For more information on our travels or to collaborate with our team, visit




• 3 small zucchini (3/4 lb.) • 1/2 tsp lemon zest, grated • 3 tbsp fresh lemon juice • 3 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil • Salt and pepper, to taste • 1/4 cup toasted hazelnuts, coarsely chopped

• Mint leaves, for garnish • Parmesan cheese, preferably

Parmigiano-Reggiano, for garnish


1. Using a mandolin or very sharp knife, slice zucchini lengthwise into extremely thin, wide ribbons. 2. Arrange zucchini ribbons on a plate, sprinkle with lemon zest, and drizzle with juice. 3. Drizzle oil over zucchini, season with salt and pepper, and toss. 4. Scatter hazelnuts over the top, garnish with mint and cheese, and serve.



Published by The Newsletter Pro •


66 Elm Street, #13 Westfield, NJ 07090


Connecting Families and Professionals How to Cultivate a Culture of Gratitude Recognizing Nonverbal Learning Disorders I nside

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Zucchini Salad With Toasted Hazelnuts


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