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Environment Advocate Series


Environment understand the impact the environment has on your health

A steady deficit Our environment can be a dangerous place. Toxins, chemicals, pollutants, and many other harmful substances contribute to the formation of free radical species within our bodies. Free radicals are a byproduct of oxidation, which is an essential life process. This oxidation process is managed through a delicate balance of antioxidant defense systems comprised of water-soluble molecules (vitamin C and glutathione), fat-soluble molecules (vitamin E, lipoic acid, carotenoids, and coenzyme Q10), and enzyme molecules (superoxide dismutase, catalase, and Glutathione peroxidase). When any of these essential defenses are out of balance, so are our bodies. Product of Our Environment

Cause and Effect Dangers of our environment

Genetically modified foods, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, fertilizers, along with air pollution, standard house hold chemicals, many of the foods we eat, and even the water we drink all expose the body to billion upon billions of external free radicals daily. This means our body is under constant attack. Tipping the scales of disfunction, disharmony, disease, and illness in a rapid and unrelenting direction that lead to chronic disease, mental condition, infertility, and even cancer. With soil depreciation and modern production processes, the nutrient density of vitamins and minerals in our food are significantly reduced. It is more and more difficult to obtain antioxidant protection from our diets. Additionally, as our bodies age (starting around the age of 30) they are less efficient at producing many of the enzymatic molecules that comprise the body’s internal or endogenic free radical defense system.

Free Radicals

Impact throughout the body • Brain Disfunction

• Hearing Loss Age and noise related hearing loss are accompanied by an immune response and inflammation, along with the formation of free radicals. Without an antioxidant termination process continued hearing loss is the natural result. • Pregnancy The demands of pregnancy and childbirth can leave mother and child more susceptible to disorders associated to free radical damage (Respiratory issues, eyesight issues, low birth weight, etc.) due to the elevated antioxidant reserves dedicated to the growing fetus. A growing fetus also has an extremely high metabolic rate. • Beauty & Integumentary System (Skin) Exposure to environmental factors such as sun, smoking, and air pollution can increase oxidative stress on skin. Free radicals degrade and destroy the elastin and collagen in skin cells leading to thickening of the skin, more noticeable discoloration, and exaggerated wrinkles. • Cardiovascular Disease Many cardiovascular conditions initiate with free radical attack. LDL (low density lipid (bad cholesterol)) particles easily pass between the cells

The brain requires 4 trillion molecules of ATP (adenosine triphosphate (energy molecules)) each minute. The process of producing ATP is a highly oxidative process that naturally produces billions of free radicals. The antioxidant defense of the brain is reduced due to low levels of antioxidants in the average American’s diet, leaving it vulnerable to free radical damage, and dysfunction (infant asphyxia, multiple sclerosis, stoke, and other neurodegenerative disorders). • Mental Conditions Free radicals play an important role in cellular signaling and comminutions. With alterations of antioxidant defense systems processes including energy production, inflammation, impairment of cell signaling, and the generation of neurotransmitters (GABA, Serotonin, and Dopamine) can be interrupted. • Eye Damage The eyes are very likely to be damaged by free radicals due to ultraviolet light (the sun), blue light (tv, phone, and computer screens), and their naturally high metabolic rate, leading to degradation (macular degeneration (AMD), glaucoma, cataract, diabetic retinopathy, and retinitis pigmentosa.)

and stay inside the cell membrane. LDL particles are comprised of fat molecules susceptible to free radical oxidation that can trigger an inflammatory response. Over time, if this process is propagated due to a breakdown of the antioxidant defense mechanisms, the termination process never occurs, leading to a build up of fatty deposits called plaque that eventually can form an arterial blockage. • Metabolic Syndrome People who suffer from metabolic syndrome often experience hyperglycemia (elevated levels of blood sugar). Chronic hyperglycemia primes the innate immune system for an exaggerated inflammatory response. This is the perfect environment for free radical propagation. Frequent hyperglycemia reoccurrences deplete the body’s antioxidant reserves and allows metabolic syndrome to progress to more serious conditions.

Additional conditions impacted by free radicals • Oral Health • Miscarriages • Skeletal System (Bones)

• Joints Integrity • Muscles function, Strength, and Tonus • Infertility • Respiratory Disorders • Diabetes

The Pathway The initial pathway of free radical damage

Free radical formation can be triggered by external environmental stimulus (pesticides, fluoride, GMO’s, house hold chemicals, air pollution) or internal stimulus (exercise, stress, anxiety, depression, anger, normal bodily functions). These triggering events can lead to inflammation and immune responses referred to the initiation process. As this process continues additional pro-inflammatory messengers and free radicals continue this cascade of collateral damage in a process called propagation. If the body has adequate antioxidants and a healthy immune response this process is quickly terminated and homeostasis and vitality return. However, since our environment, diet, and busy lifestyles constantly drain our antioxidant reserves the termination process is too often not accomplished. Resulting in continued cellular damage leading to cell membrane rigidity. Cells with rigid cell membranes are less able to perform essential life-giving processes. They also take in excess water leading to cellular eruption and cell death. Additionally, free radicals target the fats and proteins of the cells, which can lead to DNA and RNA damage. Compromising the cell formation and reproduction, if left unchecked, this will result in chronic disease.

Antioxidant The path to better heath Antioxidants are found abundantly in several natural sources, including fruits, vegetables, seafood, and protein. These sources are known as exogenous antioxidants meaning they come from outside the body. The body cannot produce these antioxidants by itself, but they are essential to the formation of antioxidants within the body. The body also has a natural enzymatic process for generating antioxidants internally. These antioxidants are called endogenous antioxidants, indicating they come from within the body. Endogenic antioxidants are especially efficient in terminating free radicals. Daily supplementing with broad spectrum and concentrated antioxidant, multivitamin, and mineral supplements help the body to control oxidative and free radical processes. Reducing sugar, refined foods, processed meals, and daily exposure to environmental contaminates assist the body to have a strong free radical defense system.

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