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Eversole Law Firm February 2019

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Eversole Law Firm - December 2019

2 cup canola oil, molasses, brown sugar, eggs, ginger, and cranberries. In a separate bowl, sift and

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2 red onion, diced Directions 3. With a wooden spoon or potato masher, gently crush corn to release

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2-inch pieces Directions 1. Heat oven to 275 F. 2. In a large mixing bowl, fold together pretzels, s

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4 cup popcorn kernels ● 2 tablespoons flaky sea salt ● 1 teaspoon black sesame seeds ● 2 teaspoons w

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Eversole Law Firm - July 2019

4-inch rounds • 1 block feta cheese, cubed Directions 1. Assemble skewers by placing one watermelon

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4 cup fresh lemon juice Directions 1. In a saucepan over high heat, combine sugar with 1 cup of wate

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Eversole Law Firm January 2019

4 cup onions, chopped • 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil • Salt and freshly ground pepper Direct

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4 cup celery, diced Directions 1. In a large stock pot, bring salt, sugar, and 4 cups water to a

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4 cup extra-virgin olive oil For the salad: • 1 head romaine lettuce, chopped Directions 1. In a med

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Eversole Law Firm February 2019

Eversole Monthly

The Value of Honesty When thinking of a topic to write about this month, I saw that Abraham Lincoln’s birthday is on Feb. 12. This led me to think about what the former president did for our country and what he represents. Of course, I’m referring to the name given to him: Honest Abe. During his time working as a clerk in a New Salem store, whenever he realized he had accidentally given someone the wrong amount of change, he would close the shop and take them the correct amount, no matter how far he had to walk. Lincoln went to great lengths to live an honest life and was known to be honest and straightforward during his career as a lawyer. He’s even known to have said, “Resolve to be honest at all events; and if in your judgment you cannot be an honest lawyer, resolve to be honest without being a lawyer.” Honesty is one of the best qualities to have in life. It’s important in relationships, work, family, school, and everything in between. When you’re honest with yourself and the people around you, it's far easier to enjoy a meaningful life. Often, when people lie, they’re trying to cover up their mistakes or shortcomings, which can lead to an increase in anxiety and emotional strain.

February 2019

God, the ultimate triumph of the right, and the overthrow of wrong.” His life continues to inspire people to be as sincere as he was. Considering all the good things honesty brings led me to think about the people who work at Eversole Law Firm. Everyone who works here is a person of integrity who prides themselves on being the best they can be for our clients. I’m blessed to have such hard-working people with me on a daily basis. One staff member I want to mention is Debbie Rogers, who is retiring this year. Debbie has been my right arm for the past 15 years, and while I’ll miss her dearly, I’m so happy to have spent those years working with her. Thank you, Debbie; thank you for honest and dedicated work all these years — wishing you all the best in the years ahead with your family.

Considering all the good things honesty brings led me to think about the people who work at Eversole Law Firm.

The people in your life will grow to trust and respect you when you’re honest with them and yourself. Your self-confidence and self-respect will increase, which will reflect on how you present yourself and your work. Lincoln was living proof of this; he was a well-respected man before and after he became president. Leonard Swett, a close friend of Lincoln, stated, “He believed in the great laws of truth, the right discharge of duty, his accountability to

-Alysoun Eversole 1

AWalk in the Woods Is the Prescription 3 Ways Contact With Nature Improves Your Health

individuals diagnosed with depression. In one study from the University of Essex, participants with major depressive disorder reported an improvement in self-esteem and mood after spending time in nature. Exercising while in nature resulted in even more of a mood boost for participants. A Calming Effect Research also shows that spending time in nature reduces stress. In a study conducted by Chiba University in Japan, participants spent two nights in the forest. Researchers evaluated their levels of stress hormones during and after this period and compared it to their normal work days in the city. Across the board, participants’ stress levels were much lower during the days spent in the forest and for several days afterward. Today, we’re less connected to our natural environment than our ancestors were. Modern comforts and technology mean we don’t have to go outside to get our food. But nature is still accessible and you don’t have to go far to find it. In many of the studies, even minor exposure to the outdoors, like adding plants to your home or looking out a window during work, showed health benefits. This winter, find ways to bring a little more nature into your life each day. Your brain will thank you.

Our ancestors were deeply connected to their natural environment, mostly because their survival depended on it. With no Whole

Foods available, those who could best track a mammoth, find water, and forage for edible plants kept themselves alive and passed on their genes. Given our history as hunter-gatherers, it’s no wonder contact with nature provides us with several health benefits.

A Memory Boost In a University of Michigan study, a group of students were asked to take a memory test that involved repeating numbers back to researchers. Next, researchers separated the students into two groups. Group A took a walk around an arboretum and Group B walked along busy city streets. Afterward, they were asked to take the memory test again. Group A, the students who had walked in the arboretum, performed 20 percent better on the memory test. Group B didn’t show any marked improvement. Additional research has corroborated the memory-enhancing effects of nature. A Mood Boost Observing the benefits nature has for cognitive function, scientists wondered what effects it might have on

Employee Spotlight

Meeting Sharon Perry

For our February edition, we wanted to feature one of our newest team members, Sharon Perry. Sharon started working for our firm in November and has proven to be an excellent addition to our staff. Willing and eager to help where she can, our newest legal assistant has been helping Debbie Rogers with our paperwork. “I’ve only been here a short time, but I’ve really enjoyed it,” Sharon says. Before she started working for Eversole Law Firm, she was working at real estate firm. “I wanted to find work somewhere else, which is when Cherese called me.” Cherese Handy used to be the title abstractor at the firm where Sharon worked previously. She knew Sharon was passionate about her work and would be a perfect fit for our team. When Sharon is in the office, she works on estate planning documents, post closings, and file organization for Alysoun Eversole. Sharon hints that the best part about working at our firm is the atmosphere. “It’s really great being here; everyone is really friendly and willing to help out.” When she’s not in the office, Sharon enjoys yoga and kayaking or paddleboarding on the Beaufort rivers. “I try to get out every week, but sometimes I get really busy. It’s been pretty warm lately, so I’ve been trying to get out when I can.”

Our team is excited that Sharon has joined us and we look forward to working with her in the years to come.


National Random Acts of Kindness Day

pushed de Jong to create the holiday, along with Rueben Gwyn, Marshall Gray, and Megan Singleton.

Many people know February for Valentine’s Day, but there are other holidays taking place this month as well. Feb. 17 is National Random Acts of Kindness Day, which is a day dedicated to

There are many ways to celebrate and participate in this holiday. One of the most significant aspects of the holiday is that kind gestures don’t have to be grandiose. You could hold the door open for someone behind you, help someone carry their heavy bags, or say good morning to the people around you. Individuals who want to do more may donate to charities, pay for someone’s groceries, or volunteer to help those in need. The joy of National Random Acts of Kindness Day is that it doesn’t have to be limited to just one day. Doing something nice for people can be something we do throughout the year, every year. Feb. 17 can be the day that leads to a year of good deeds and good feelings. If you’re looking for ideas, posters, or even calendars for this event, you can visit the following website:

treating people kindly that has increased in popularity with every passing year. Many groups, organizations, and individuals across the country commit themselves to encouraging and raising awareness for acts of kindness.

The holiday was first founded in New Zealand. Josh de Jong, a co-founder, was sitting in traffic, watching the increasingly irritated drivers around him. The negativity he saw led him to wonder what life would be like in his country if everyone were kind to one another. It was that thought that


Ingredients LEGALESE Tiramisu

Inspired by


• 2 teaspoons dark rum • 24 packaged ladyfingers • 1/2 cup bittersweet chocolate shavings, for garnish

• 6 egg yolks • 3 tablespoons sugar • 1 pound mascarpone cheese • 1 1/2 cups strong espresso, cooled

To reduce a debt by regular payments of both principal and interest.


soaked ladyfingers at the bottom of a walled baking dish.

1. In a large mixing bowl, use a whisk to beat together egg yolks and sugar until thick and pale, about 5 minutes. 2. Add mascarpone cheese and beat until smooth. 3. Fold in 1 tablespoon of espresso. 4. In a small, shallow dish, combine remaining espresso with rum. Dip each ladyfinger into mixture for 5 seconds. Place

5. Spread half of the mascarpone mixture on top of the first layer of ladyfingers. Top with another layer of ladyfingers and another layer of mascarpone.

6. Cover and refrigerate 2–8 hours. 7. Remove from fridge, sprinkle with chocolate shavings, and serve. 3


Eversole Law Firm, P.C. 1509 King Street Beaufort, SC 29902 (843) 379-3333

Disclaimer: The content of this publication has been prepared by Eversole Law Firm, P.C. for informational purposes only and is not to be construed as legal advice. It does not create an attorney-client relationship with its readers and may not be used by you, the reader, as legal advice. You are encouraged to consult with us or another attorney about your circumstances to which the information in this document may apply.

What’s Inside 1. Being Honest Throughout Your Life 2. 3 Ways Nature Improves Your Health Employee Spotlight 3. National Random Acts of Kindness Day Tiramisu 4. All About Chocolate

What You Didn’t Know About Chocolate

to produce a milder flavor, making it a fantastic option for use in baked goods, candy, and ice cream.

Chocolate is a treat savored by people all over the world. What we know as the sweet, creamy decadence that sustains Valentine’s Day actually has greater historical and cultural significance. Fermented chocolate drinks have been dated back to as early as 350 B.C. The Aztecs believed it was the beverage of wisdom, and the Mayans saw it as something to be worshipped. While the history of chocolate is as rich as its flavor, there are some common misconceptions about the treat. Dutch chocolate doesn’t necessarily refer to chocolate made in the Netherlands; the name refers to a specific chocolate- making process that uses the cocoa press. Before Dutch chemist and chocolate-maker C.J. van Houten invented the machine in 1828, chocolate was only used in beverages. Dutch chocolate is chocolate that has been modified with an alkalizing agent in order

German chocolate actually has nothing to do with the country of Germany, either. It used to be called “German’s chocolate,” named after its inventor, Sam German, an American who made sweet chocolate for baking. Adding sugar to the chocolate made it a go- to option for bakers around the world, and the base for German chocolate cake was born. For chocolate to be classified as Swiss, it has to be made in Switzerland, as chocolate-making is considered an art form in the country. Known for its “melt in your mouth” quality, Swiss chocolate uses condensed milk to add a velvety texture. Many chocolate makers outside of Switzerland will refer to their interpretations of Swiss chocolate as milk chocolate instead.