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EVO Delta Factsheet 10th Dec 2019

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EVO Delta Factsheet 18th Dec 2019

Bar Area un`l then. When You Arrive Visi1ng Guests: On arrival you will be greeted by our Guest Host

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EVO Delta 2nd Birthday FACTSHEET

725246974 Schedule for Delta 2nd Birthday Meeting 0800 – Online meeting starts, led by Danny Matthew

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EVO Delta Launch Meeting 25th Sept Factsheet

Set-Up the 2 x 1-to-1s 8.55 - Guest Speaker: Mark GuReridge ‘What's Your Story? Crea5ng a brand peop

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EVO Sigma Factsheet 4th Dec 2019

Set-Up 1-to-1s 8.55am - Welcome from EVO Sigma Group Co-Leader, Ben Mason and Raphael Herzog, Genera

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EVO Delta Factsheet 29th Jan 2020

Set-Up 1-to-1s 8.45am - PresentaAon from Evelina Jankauskyte and Hannah Thomas-Barrah 9.05am - 1-to-

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EVO Delta Breakfast 3 Dec 2021

Baldwin Suite Opens to attendees - open Networking over drinks 0815 - Guests seated for breakfast &

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EVO Delta Evening Meeting 15th Oct Factsheet What People Are Saying Here are a selecCon of unsolicited, public

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Guest Question Round 0925 Last Words - Meeting End *Please prepare a short 1 minute intro about your

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EVO Factsheet

EVO Factsheet Page 1 Made with FlippingBook - professional solution for displaying marketing and sal

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EVo Ultra Factsheet #8 - Dec 21

given by Members freely with no expectation later of any form of financial reward, IP or compensatio

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EVO Delta Factsheet 10th Dec 2019

Event Factsheet: EVO Delta Group Evening Mee9ng in the Fleet Room 6.15-8.15pm, Tuesday 10th December Address: Bath Rd, Wick, Bristol BS30 5RN

Please Review This Short Page Guide

Group Leader: Ben Mason 6.15 – 6.30 Guests Arrive - Drinks Served 6.30 – 7.00 Drinks/Open Networking/Food Served (6.45) 7.05 – 7.15 Welcome / Attendee Short Intros 7.15 – 7.30 Member Presentation - Vicky Henderson

7.30 – 7.40 Comfort Break and Networking 7.40 – 8.10 2 x 10 minute 1-to-1 Meetings 8.10 – 8.15 Group News & Guests’ Meet

We are looking forward to welcoming you to our EVO Group mee9ng. This mee9ng is held at The Fleet Room in Tracy Park.

Please Bring:

business cards (ideally 30+)

- - -

a notebook

Your Group Leader is Ben Mason .

prep a *10 second* intro about yourself

When You Arrive

** Arrival Time - PLEASE NOTE

Visi>ng Guests: On arrival you will be greeted by our Guest Host, your name checked-off on a list and you’ll be given your namebadge . You’ll also be given 2 x 1-1 Mee>ng Cards . One is marked ‘ Mee#ng 1 ’ and the other, ‘ Mee#ng 2 ’. Please be sure to swap these Cards with 2 people in 9me for your 1-1 mee9ngs. You also will be asked to place a stack of business cards on the card table, place your mobile on silent and invited to network un9l over a drink un9l we start - when you’ll be seated ready for a formal welcome.

PLEASE NOTE - allow plenty of 9me for any traffic - and the Mason’s doors will be open from 6.15pm. Please be sure to 9me your arrival accordingly. You can wait in the Drawing Room in the main house un9l 6.15pm if you arrive early.


Parking is easy and free inside the venue


[email protected]

Address: Bath Rd, Wick, Bristol BS30 5RN

What People Are Saying

Here are a selec>on of unsolicited, public tes>monials from the last couple of EVO mee>ngs, published by Visi>ng Guests and Members alike. “Good networking events are o5en hard to come by but today I had a very great experience at the EVO breakfast networking event. It was the first #me I walked away from a networking event thinking how successful it was and how extremely well put together. Great new contacts made!" EVO Guest - Leanne Kesterton , Sales Manager at Tracy Park Golf and Country Hotel “Great start to the day Jamie, MaJ & team - thank you! Real buzz & energy in the room and people doing business” EVO Guest - James Durie, Chief Execu>ve - Bristol Chamber of Commerce and Ini>a>ve & Execu>ve Director - Business West at Business West “High end loca#on, high end opportunity, high end colleagues … absolutely premium quality networking … Jamie Breese does it again … and being very scep#cal about joining networking groups becoming a founder member of EVO Alpha was a very clear yes!” EVO Guest - Halina Jaroszewska, Execu>ve Coach “Absolutely the best networking around at the moment. 40+ in the room, loads of visitors - and at a #me when a lot of other groups have less and during 1st week of school holidays. Why wouldn't you aJend?” EVO Member - Nigel Peeck, Director at N3 Display Graphics “It was a great launch. Such a buzz in the room, and everyone is so friendly. Thank you.” EVO Member - Helen Hart, Publishing Director at SilverWood Books “A great morning…. With soooo many networking groups out there that run under capacity it's great to get a packed room! I've been talking about EVO to my tribe this week :)” EVO Member - Jill Chi\y, LinkedIn Expert

December 2019 Mee>ngs

Join EVO Delta at your first mee9ng as a guest and SAVE £50.

EVO is a Membership-based Business Network.

There are 2 EVO Groups in Bristol and, now, this new Group in-between Bath and Bristol - EVO Delta.

Please see the PDF document here with how to apply to join and other informa9on.

• It costs £100/£150 for the joining fee and then £199 a quarter.

• Please note, prices are exclusive of VAT .