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EVO Sigma Factsheet 4th Dec 2019

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EVO Sigma Factsheet 4th Feb 2020

150 joining fee Minimum 6-months. Prices ex vat. £199 per quarter

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EVO Delta Factsheet 18th Dec 2019

Bar Area un`l then. When You Arrive Visi1ng Guests: On arrival you will be greeted by our Guest Host

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EVO Sigma Factsheet 19th Feb 2020

Set-Up 1-to-1s 8.45 am - Guest Presenta[on by Mark GuCeridge 9.05 am - 1-to-1s Round 1 9.15 am - 1-t

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EVO Delta Factsheet 10th Dec 2019

£150 for the joining fee and then £199 a quarter. • Please note, prices are exclusive of VAT

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EVO Sigma Factsheet 22nd Jan - PLEASE REVIEW

Set-Up 1-to-1s 8.40 am - Guest Presenta:on by Danny Ma?hews 8.55 am - 1-to-1s Round 1 9.05 am - 1-to

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Guest Question Round 0925 Last Words - Meeting End *Please prepare a short 1 minute intro about your

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EVO Factsheet

EVO Factsheet Page 1 Made with FlippingBook - professional solution for displaying marketing and sal

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EVo Ultra Factsheet #8 - Dec 21

given by Members freely with no expectation later of any form of financial reward, IP or compensatio

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EVO Alpha Factsheet 18th Dec 2019 at Harvey Nichols

150 joining fee Minimum 6-months. Prices ex vat. £199 per quarter

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co produces the weekly LinkedIn accredited show The Biz Live and continues to work for charities, ha

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EVO Sigma Factsheet 4th Dec 2019

Event Factsheet: EVO Sigma Group Launch Event

7.30-10.00am, Wednesday 4th December 2019 The Brunel Room (first room aNer lobby on the right) Address: Tortworth Court, WoSon-under-Edge, GL12 8HH Please Review This Guide

7.15am - Brunel Room Doors Open ( doors are closed un$l 7.15am )

7.30am - Mee1ng Starts with Open Networking over Coffee & Tea

7.45am - Guests Seated to eat Breakfast

8.00am - Welcome from Paris Troy, EVO Sigma Group Co-Leader

8.05am - 30 Second Intro Rounds with each Member/Guest

8.45am - Comfort Break/ Set-Up 1-to-1s

8.55am - Welcome from EVO Sigma Group Co-Leader, Ben Mason and Raphael Herzog, General Manager of De Vere Tortworth Court

9.00am - ‘Fireside Chat’ with EVO’s Jamie Breese hosted by Paris Troy

9.15am - 1-to-1s Round 1

9.25am - 1-to-1s Round 2

9.35am - EVO - why, where, what? Invite to Join from EVO Founder Jamie Breese

9.45 - 10am - Formal End of Mee1ng and Open Networking

Please Bring:

We are looking forward to welcoming you to our EVO Group meefng. This meefng is held at The Brunel Room . This is the first room on the right, just aNer the hotel’s lobby (where the brollies and wellies are kept!). Please be sure to read this important 6-page Factsheet.

business cards (ideally 40+)

- - -

a notebook

prep a 30 second intro about yourself

** Arrival Time - PLEASE NOTE

Your Group Leader today is Paris Troy

PLEASE NOTE - the venue doors open at 7.15am - please be sure to fme your arrival accordingly

When You Arrive

Visi1ng Guests: On arrival you will be greeted by our Guest Host, your name checked-off on a list and you’ll be given your namebadge . You’ll also be given 2 x 1-1 Mee1ng Cards . One is marked ‘ Mee$ng 1 ’ and the other, ‘ Mee$ng 2 ’. Please be sure to swap these Cards with 2 people in fme for your 1-1 meefngs. You also will be asked to place your mobile on silent and invited to network unfl we start - when you’ll be seated ready for a formal welcome.


Parking is easy and free inside the venue grounds


[email protected]

Address: Tortworth Court, WoSon- under-Edge, GL12 8HH

What People Are Saying

Here are a selec1on of unsolicited, public tes1monials from the last couple of EVO mee1ngs, published by Visi1ng Guests and Members alike. “Good networking events are o