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EXPLO | 2022 Family Agreement

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EXPLO | 2022 Family Agreement


EXPLO, Exploration Summer Programs, and Exploration Learning are operated by Exploration School. The Programs collectively will henceforth be referred to as EXPLO. Admissions Considerations EXPLO is a learning community whose success depends on each member of the community fully participat- ing in courses, electives, activities, trips, and student life meetings and activities. The parent/guardian under- stands that this expectation underlies enrolling in, and remaining at, the program through the session. Many different types of students have had successful summers at EXPLO. In assessing whether the program is suitable, parents/guardians need to understand that the program might not be a good match for some students. EXPLO includes a mix of both structured and unstructured time. Students need to be able to both commit and adhere to intensive schedules and clearly-defined boundaries. In addition, students are afforded appropriate levels of independence, and we expect our students to handle the choices and responsibilities they are given with an appropriate level of maturity. If parents/guardians have any questions as to whether EXPLO is the right place for their child, we ask that they contact our Admission Office (781.762.7400). EXPLO not only forms a relationship with the student who attends the program, but also with their parents/ guardians. For the program to work in a positive and safe way for our students, parents/guardians must be able to support our policies and procedures. EXPLO reserves the right to dismiss a currently enrolled student if the child’s parents/guardians are not cooperative and/or compliant with EXPLO policies and procedures. In addition, EXPLO reserves the right in subsequent summers to deny enrollment for similar reasons. In signing this agreement, I am confirming that my child has not been involved in a serious infraction of school or community rules or laws. Should such an incident occur, EXPLO reserves the right to review its admission and enrollment decisions. Program Attendance Before you enroll your child, please make sure your child will be able to attend and participate throughout the full duration of the program session enrolled in. The program has an overall curricular plan that includes courses, activities, electives, trips, and student life meetings and activities. Since each session of the program is short, it is not appropriate for a child to miss whole days, or part of each day of the program, whether at the beginning, middle, or end of each session. If family vacations or other obligations mean a child will miss more than two days, the child will not be allowed to register. Please review our refund policy below. Contact our Admission Office (781.762.7400) if you have any questions or concerns about conflicts with program dates.

Immunization Requirements Please note that all enrolled students must be fully immunized against disease according to recommenda- tions from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the Center for Disease Control (CDC), and state requirements. If, by the start of your child’s program, one or more vaccines for COVID-19 are available, students must be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 before attending EXPLO. For more information about required immunizations, please contact our Admission Office. Refund Policy Deposit + Tuition March 1: Deposits, less an application processing fee of $100 for academic enrichment programs or $50 for EXPLO Mini (educational childcare), are refundable until this date. After March 1, deposits become non-refundable. If you proceed with enrollment, the full deposit amount, including the application processing fee, will be applied to your tuition balance. April 15: Final balances are due on this date. All payments made, with the exception of the Miscellaneous Account and the Damage Deposit, are no longer refundable. Students applying after the final balance due date of April 15, 2022 must pay the entire bill immediately after acceptance. Permission to Participate I give my full consent and permission for my child to participate in all co-curricular, extra-curricular, recre- ational, and athletic activities and off-campus trips offered by EXPLO, and I represent that my child’s physi- cian has provided them with medical clearance to participate in all these activities. I also represent that my child has not been advised by a health care provider, or mental health care provider, that they should not participate in physical or other activities offered by EXPLO, except as already disclosed to EXPLO in writing. I represent that I will inform EXPLO immediately if the aforementioned statements are no longer accurate. General Trip Permissions EXPLO offers a number of off-campus trips each summer. Transportation to and from trip locations is generally by school bus or coach bus, though may occasionally involve public transportation. My child has my permission to attend any and all off-campus trips offered by EXPLO. A complete list of off-campus trips will be available on the Student Portal prior to the summer. Technology Use I understand and acknowledge that EXPLO incorporates educational, web-based computer applications and online or remote learning programs in its curriculum and program and that I may contact EXPLO for more information about these applications and programs. I authorize the Student to use such applications in con- nection and consistent with the EXPLO’s curriculum. By signing this agreement, I understand and acknowl- edge that student usage of these platforms allows for information collection and privacy protection consis- tent with applicable law and the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act. I further consent to the recording of any online or remote learning interactions between EXPLO, any of its employees, and the Student.

Acknowledgement of Risk I recognize that EXPLO believes that students learn best through active involvement in a variety of learning experiences. I am aware that all students will be involved in a wide range of co-curricular and extra-curricular programs. I am also aware that EXPLO believes that such activities are of greatest value when students are afforded increased autonomy, independence, and responsibility. I understand that this may also expose students to risks, including, but not limited to, risk of personal injury, illness, death, and property damage and theft. I acknowledge and accept these risks on behalf of my child. Medication Packaging Students who take prescription and regular non-prescription medication may be required to have their medication specially packaged by an EXPLO designated pharmacy. EXPLO is not responsible for any charges incurred for any prescriptions or other medication purchased through such a provider. If the provider is not paid, the provider may present an invoice to EXPLO. Should that occur, EXPLO reserves the right to withhold amounts sufficient to pay such bills from a student’s Miscellaneous Account or Damage Deposit. COVID-19 Should COVID-19 still be a threat during the summer of 2022, EXPLO has extensive plans to keep students safe and those plans require all members of the community to uphold COVID policies and procedures. (During our 2021 in-person season, EXPLO ran COVID-free programs.) This is an instance where individual choice may be restrained for the common good. COVID plans may include, but are not limited to: requiring the wearing of masks; social distancing; frequent hand washing; the use of sanitizing stations; extensive and frequent cleaning of classrooms, bathrooms, residence halls, and other spaces; COVID testing; use of PPE equipment; limits on coming and going from campus, and the like. In the event that emerging information or new safety recommendations are released that EXPLO deems important, EXPLO may set up an enhanced COVID safety protocol that may result in a required COVID surcharge ($150 per session or less). If necessary, student Miscellaneous Accounts may be debited to cover COVID testing, should the program deem testing necessary. Participation in EXPLO requires students and families to follow all COVID related policies and procedures and failure to do so will result in students not being allowed to register or being asked to leave the program without refund. EXPLO reserves the right to modify the on-campus experience to ensure the health and safety of students and staff. EXPLO will work to avoid modifications, but should they prove necessary, EXPLO will provide substantive alternative programming. Such substitutions and modifications do not entitle families to refunds or discounts. Students and parent/guardian understand and acknowledge that COVID-19 is a public health risk. Although EXPLO and its Host Institutions have enacted many COVID-19 Prevention Measures as recommended by the Center for Disease Control (“CDC”), EXPLO and its Host Institutions cannot guarantee safety or immunity from infection or exposure. Students and Parent/guardian acknowledge this fact and elect to participate in EXPLO’s programs despite publicly communicated and known risks associated with COVID-19 exposure or infection. These risks include but are not limited to acute respiratory disease, pneumonia, hospitalization, admission to the ICU, isolation, intubation or mechanical ventilation, potential future health complications, and death.

Release In consideration of attending EXPLO, I, on behalf of myself, my child, and any other parent or legal guardian of my child, and our respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns (collectively referred to as “Releasors”), hereby voluntarily release, discharge and relinquish fully any and all claims, causes of actions, and legal actions, of all types, against EXPLO, its officers, trustees, employees, agents, insurers, and representatives (collectively referred to as the “Released Parties”), and agree that Releasors will not prosecute, present or otherwise pursue any claim of action for personal injury, property damage or theft, or wrongful death against any Released Parties arising from, or relating to, Releasors’ participation in EXPLO, including but not limited to, the activities on and off the primary location of the programs, and all related travel, to the fullest extent permitted by law. I understand and grant EXPLO permission to use the first name and likeness of the Student including pho- tos, video, and the like on its website, in publicity materials, and in media outreach. In addition, I understand and grant EXPLO’s partners and Host Institutions (Wellesley College, Sarah Lawrence College, and Wheaton College, and any other location where EXPLO holds a program during the summer of 2022, together “Host Institutions”) permission to use such materials in their own media outreach. Emergency Care Authorization In the event that I cannot be reached with reasonable effort, I hereby authorize by my signature any licensed physician or licensed health care professional selected by the administration of EXPLO to secure treatment for, give injections, administer anesthesia, perform surgery, and/or do any other procedure which, in his/her opinion, is reasonably necessary in light of the condition of the named student. Governing Laws This Agreement and all matters relating hereto, including any matter or dispute arising in contract, tort, violation of statute or otherwise, shall be interpreted, governed, and enforced according to the laws of the United States of America, and, in particular, of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The parties to this Agreement consent and submit to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the Massachusetts courts in Norfolk County, Massachusetts and/or the Federal District Court, Suffolk County, Massachusetts as deter- mined by applicable rules of court, to address all matters arising under or related to this Agreement. The parties acknowledge that this Agreement and the student’s participation in EXPLO constitute a business transaction within Massachusetts. For information regarding Title IX, please click here. Further, Participants of any age with certain health conditions are at an increased risk or a potential increased risk of severe illness from the virus that causes COVID-19. Student and Parent/guardian understand the risks stated above and voluntarily assume these risks and hold EXPLO and its Host Institutions harmless for any injury or damage due to COVID-19 by their enrollment and participation in EXPLO’s summer programs.

General Parent/Guardian Agreement EXPLO, in the operation of its summer program, shall not be held responsible for any personal injury or loss of property suffered or caused by any of its students. EXPLO does not reimburse students for personal inju- ry, or loss, theft, or damage of personal property. EXPLO reserves the right to terminate participation of any student without refund and without formal hearing when the administrators of the program deem it to be in the best interest of either the student or the program. EXPLO is granted permission to use the names and likeness of participants including photos, video, and the like on its website, in publicity materials, as well as for EXPLO’s and its partner’s and Host Institution’s media outreach. EXPLO may share participant contact information with Wellesley College, Sarah Lawrence College, and Wheaton College and any other location where EXPLO holds a program in the summer of 2022. I affirm that I have read and accept the Admissions Considerations, Program Attendance, Immunization Requirements, Refund Policy, Permission to Partici- pate, General Trip Permissions, Technology Use, Acknowledgement of Risk, Medication Packaging, COVID-19, Release, Emergency Care Authorization, and Governing Laws as stated above. I understand that my child’s enrollment at the program is contingent upon their ability to abide by the rules and standards of the pro- gram as outlined in the guidebooks available on the Student Portal and as required during the course of the program. EXPLO’s program at Sarah Lawrence shall operate under a permit from and is inspected by the Westchester County Department of Public Health, 25 Moore Ave., Mount Kisco, New York 10549. Inspection reports and safety plans are filed with the health department and available for review. More information regarding the responsibilities of Children’s Camps in New York State can be found in this publication. I also understand that EXPLO makes its admission and enrollment decisions based on the information provided in this application, and I hereby affirm that all the information I have provided is complete and true. The un- dersigned parent/guardian acknowledges reading the above, understanding its content, and agreeing to its terms and conditions.