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Feb 2022 - Foresight Newsletter

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June 2022 - Foresight Newsletter

Nurse Practitioners, Allied health staff and Allied health Students; as well as a new Smoking Cessat

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July 2022 - Foresight Newsletter

Resuscitaire equipment checklists (RNSH | HKH | Ryde | MV | MHDA | PACH) St 8 Clinical Governance St

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April 2022 - Foresight Newsletter

April 2022 - Foresight Newsletter APR I L 2 2 2 ED I T I ON 1 4 IN THIS EDITION :

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March 2022 - Foresight Newsletter

22 - Safety Alert Red FOOD RECALL Elecare, Similac and Alimentum infant formula - Issued 21 February

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2022 Jan/Feb Newsletter

19* Be sure to book in advance as we expect this exclusive day to fill up quickly! Injectable Appoin

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Newsletter -Feb 2022

or Outside Personal Trainers are not allowed in the Gyms or at Fitness Classes The Seven Oaks Scene

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Dec 2021 - Foresight Newsletter

21​- ​Safety risks due to new labelling on the outer carton packaging of intravenous potassiumchlori

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DEC 2020 - Foresight Newsletter

20 - Heroin and cocaine containing fentanyl and acetylfentanyl - Issued 26 Nov 2020 For more informa

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Aug 2021 - Foresight Newsletter

Aug 2021 - Foresight Newsletter AUGUST 2 2 1 ED I T I ON 8 Useful Information and resources for

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Oct 2020 - Foresight Newsletter

symptoms and evidence-based prevention and treatment of thrombosis among the public and health profe

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Feb 2022 - Foresight Newsletter

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After a very successful trial in late 2021, Northern Sydney Local Health District will begin a staged implementation of the real-time patient experience survey (RTPES) to all adult inpatient wards. The RTPES provides a platform to receive timely patient feedback. Each unit or ward can pro-actively view and respond to their own patient feedback. Patient safety and quality issues can be addressed to improve the patient experience. To gather real-time feedback, two questions will be asked of inpatients who have been discharged on the previous day. The questions are in English and will be translated into the 10 most common languages for those requiring a translator. The information collected from the surveys will be reported in a QIDS dashboard called the Patient Experience Survey. A number of reports will be available including the net promoter score results. The dashboard will provide real- time patient experience feedback and be updated hourly. REAL TIME PATIENT EXPERIENCE SURVEY PHASE TWO


Real-time patient experience survey (phase two) Safety and Quality Essentials Pathway New end of life care e-learning modules Podcasts to guide morbidity and mortality (M&M) meetings NSLHD clinical audits

What did you think of this edition? Give us your feedback.

Patients discharged are invited to share their experience by answering two simple questions

NSLHD has developed the RTPES in partnership with the Clinical Excellence Commission (CEC).

The rollout will see a third of inpatient wards go live with the new system on 1 March 2022, with a plan to have all remaining wards be live with the system by May 2022. For more information, visit the Consumer Participation & Patient Experience, Patient Survey intranet page or email [email protected]

Patient experience is captured and reported as a net promoter score . The score is the measure used to gauge patient feedback and is calculated on the 0-10 rating provided by the patient.

Clinical Governance Standard

Partnering with Consumers Standard

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Clinical Governance Standard


3. Adept Level The Adept level is designed for clinical and non- clinical leaders of safety and quality, focusing on workplace application to build local capability and lead continuous improvement. The Applied Safety & Quality Program takes place over 12 months. The Applied Safety & Quality Program replaces the Clinical Leadership Programs which were previously offered. This program is expected to be available from September 2022. Please note that acceptance to the program requires a formal application and interview process.

NSLHD in partnership with the Clinical Excellence Commission (CEC), has introduced a new and exciting safety and quality development initiative. The Safety & Quality Essentials Pathway aims to develop the capability of staff across NSLHD to be leaders in safety and quality and apply the learnings back in their areas of work. The programs within the pathway are mapped to the Healthcare Safety and Quality Capabilities Framework . There are three levels within the NSLHD pathway, which staff can build on, and they include: 1. Foundational level At the foundational level, staff across NSLHD regardless of their role (clinical and non-clinical) take responsibility for the quality of care that is delivered. Foundational level training opportunities are based on the Six Dimensions of Healthcare Quality .

Objectives of the program include:

To measure and understand local processes To enable effective team culture The ability to facilitate psychologically safe and effective cultures in a range of team contexts Increase participants understanding of human factors and human-centred design Providing organisational leadership for healthcare clinical quality and safety An understanding of quality improvement methods, tools and processes and the range of >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5

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