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FINAL FC Sessions with Speakers

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FC Sessions with Speakers

18 E1 Review of the REAP Manual Presented by: Karen McAvoy, PsyD E3 Sleep as a Method for Improving

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FINAL FC Sessions with Speakers

c o n f e r e n c e s e s s i o n s





8:30 A.M.




A1 Infection Control Planning

A2 Locked in Syndrome: Epidemiology, Anatomy, Medical Management and Rehabilitation B2 Impulsive Behavior in Youths with Traumatic Brain Injury

A3 Disorders of Consciousness - What We Know Now

A4 The Eyes are the Window to the (Concussed) Brain

9 A.M.

B1 Buffalo Concussion Treadmill Test Uses in Acute Concussion and Post Concussion Syndrome

B3 Working with Challenging Clients: Improvement of Treatment Outcomes and Decreasing Treatment Team Burnout C3 Physical Aggression, Sexual Aggression, TBI & the “Me Too” Movement: Should Treatment Programs Support Staff Pressing Charges Against Clients Who Offend?

B4 Qualifying Students With a TBI For Services In The Schools: Looking Beyond Numbers

C1 Fee Scheduling and Utilization Reviews

C2 Rational Detachment - The Importance of Managing Our Own Emotions as Professionals

C4 Utilizing Neurofeedback Therapy to Treat Symptoms of Traumatic Brain Injury in Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence

10:30 A.M.





D1 Bladder/Bowel Dysfunction After TBI and Advances inManagement

D2 Creating a Workplace that is Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive

D3 Adding Life to Days - Quality of Life from a Recreational Therapist's Perspective E3 Sleep as aMethod for Improving Brain Health

D4 HowMusic Affects the Plasticity of the Injured Brain

11:30 A.M.

E1 Review of the REAPManual E2 Humor and Resiliency Within Brain Injury Rehabilitation

E4 Concussion’s Impact on Learning: Return-to-Learn Protocols for Hospital and School Collaboration F4 Working with Common Frontal Lobe Injury Challenges

F1 The Role of Exercise in Improving Depression Symptoms in Those with TBI

F2 The Realities of Litigating Medical Malpractice Cases

F3 Treatment of Problem- Solving Deficits after TBI





1 P.M.

G2 Colorado Funding Structures for TBI Treatment

G3 What Do I Need to Know About Requesting an Accommodation at Work?

G4 Healthy Eating on a Budget

G1 The Journey To Excellence: Using a Quality Operating System to Drive and Enhance Performance

2 P.M.

H1 Brain Injury 101 and Beyond

H2 Get Your Groove On: Music Therapy Interventions for the Brain and Beyond

H3 Cannabis andMarijuana Use in Healthcare

H4 Return to Work after a TBI: The Who, What, Why & How

I 1 Navigating New PIP Choice and Low Level Limits

I 2 Cannabis andMarijuana Legality

I 4 University of Michigan Adaptive and Inclusive Sports Experience (UMAISE) for Brain Injury

I 3 F alling Through the Cracks: Addressing Aphasia and Mood Disorder Collaboratively





3:30 P.M.


4 P.M.




d e s c r i p t i o n s o f c o n f e r e n c e s e s s i o n s




FRIDAY, 9/18

8:30 A.M.





A1 Infection Control Planning Speaker TBD CANCELLATION due to speaker unavailability

A2 Locked in Syndrome: Epidemiology, Anatomy, Medical Management and Rehabilitation Presented by: Richard Harvey, MD Locked In Syndrome (LIS) is a rare consequence of TBI, stroke, or ALS. LIS is a complex condition often requiring multiple levels of medical and rehabilitation care including acute hospital, long-term acute care, acute rehabilitation and skilled level care as well as intermittent life-time sessions of outpatient therapy. This discussion will cover the epidemiology of LIS, prognosis, and quality of life. The discussion will focus on medical issues that are peculiar to this diagnosis and require special attention (respiratory care, eye care, autonomic dysfunction and others). Also, rehabilitation approaches used for LIS involving physical, occupational, and speech therapy. B2 Impulsive Behavior in Youths with Traumatic Brain Injury Presented by: Brooke Luckhardt, MS, CBIS Incarceration and recidivism among youths with traumatic brain injury is a national concern and impulsive behavior within this population lies at the core of the problem. Understanding the biology of the trauma and the causes of the behavior, helps to assess for potential risk factors within this demographic. This session is designed to identify causes of maladaptive behaviors, examine risk factors after injury, and discuss real life examples.

A3 Disorders of Consciousness - What We Know Now Presented by:

A4 The Eyes are the Window to the (Concussed) Brain Presented by: Nathan Keiser, DC, DACNB, FABBIR The brain has a remarkable ability to convert sensory information from the world around us into complex human activity. The visual system plays a major role in this process and is often compromised in those suffering from post-concussion symptoms. Measuring errors in sensory processing and motoric execution in the visual system provides a profound window for localizing injury within the brain and guiding non-surgical and non-pharmaceutical treatment applications. B4 Qualifying Students With a TBI For Services In The Schools: Looking Beyond Numbers Presented by: Megan Remenap, MS, CCC-SLP, CBIS Traumatic brain injury is the leading cause of death and disability for children and adolescents, yet only about 27,000 kids with TBI are served in the educational system under IDEA. Kids who have a brain injury in childhood may have persistent behavioral, cognitive, social, and academic issues. Without intervention, these students may struggle through school and have difficulty transitioning into adulthood. SLPs have the education to provide adequate services to students with a TBI in the school setting. This presentation will address the need to go above and beyond basic language testing to determine the most appropriate interventions for students with TBI. Best practices for evaluating students with mild, moderate, and severe brain injuries will be discussed.

Lynn Brouwers, MS, CRC, CBIST, and Janice White, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, CBIST What really happens to people with brain injury who are not able to follow commands during their first month post injury? Is their prognosis for recovery as bad as the general medical community believes? Learn the latest on long term outcomes and hear about the new Guidelines for Disorders of Consciousness endorsed by the American Academy of Neurology, the American Congress for Rehab Medicine, and others.

9 A.M.

B1 Buffalo Concussion Treadmill Test Uses in Acute Concussion and Post Concussion Syndrome Presented by: Karley Glashauser, DPT, CBIS, CCI, SCCE, CF-L1 and Emily Wolf, DPT Following concussion early initiation of exercise rehab has been found to be safe and beneficial when performed at appropriate thresholds and monitored by a knowledgeable clinician. Use of a standardized test such as the Buffalo Concussion Treadmill Test provides clinicians with a safe diagnostic tool as well as aids in establishing an appropriate intensity level of exercise program tailored to the individual. Modifications to a standard exercise program must be made for concussion patients with comorbidities such as POTs.

B3 Working with Challenging Clients:

Improvement of Treatment Outcomes and Decreasing Treatment Team Burnout Presented by: Valerie Evans, MA, LPC, CBIS TBI treatment team members often find themselves struggling to assist clients that present with limitations or behaviors that are incongruent with achieving optimal functioning. This session is directed at instructing any treatment team member in methods to increase therapeutic alliance with challenging clients in order to increase the efficacy of treatment and decrease team frustration and burnout.

9 A.M.


WEDNESDAY, 9/16 C2 Rational Detachment - The Importance of Managing Our Own Emotions as Professionals Presented by: Colin King, PhD, Licensed Psychologist, and Margaret Browning, JD Rational detachment is the ability to control our own behavior and not to take other’s reactions personally. This is especially important for professionals working with individuals with brain injuries, psychiatric disorders and substance abuse. Most professionals in our industry want to help others but may not be vigilant about protecting themselves emotionally. In order to be effective in one’s professional role, it is important to stay calm and maintain objectivity. This presentation will help professionals be mindful of triggers and learn skills to remain grounded and focused on the goal of encouraging the client’s rehabilitation.


FRIDAY, 9/18

C1 Auto No Fault Fee Schedule and Utilization Reviews Presented by: Wayne Miller, JD Learn about how the new auto no fault law has affected the fee schedule and utilization reviews.

C3 Physical Aggression, Sexual Aggression, TBI & the “Me Too” Movement: Should Treatment Programs Support Staff Pressing Charges Against Clients Who Offend? Presented by: Colin King, PhD, Licensed Psychologist, and Stephanie Huhn, MA, LLP, CBIS, CCM, CAADC In this era of the ‘Me Too’ movement, and the awareness of discriminatory and predatory practices against women in particular, and other vulnerable groups in society, how should brain injury programs respond when clients engage in sexually explicitly or physical acts of violence against others? Should programs support pressing charges against these clients? This presentation looks at the challenges facing clinicians, treatment programs, and the legal community. Suggestions and recommendations are proposed in this stimulating presentation.

C4 Utilizing Neurofeedback Therapy to Treat Symptoms of Traumatic Brain Injury in Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence Presented by: Dessie Clark, PhD, and Sidney Linck Survivors of intimate partner violence are at increased risk for traumatic brain injury (TBI). These survivors may experience negative symptoms of TBI including anxiety, depression, PTSD, and symptoms of disability. Neurofeedback is a form of biofeedback that uses operant conditioning to regulate activity in various regions of the brain. Some research suggests that neurofeedback decreases these negative symptoms improving survivors well-being both acutely and over time. This presentation will discuss neurofeedback and how it may be used to help survivors.

9 A.M.

10:30 A.M.





D1 Bladder/Bowel Dysfunction After TBI and Advances in Management Presented by: Ayman Tarabishy, MD Urinary and bowel dysfunction are not uncommon after traumatic brain injury. They have a significant impact on the survivor’s quality of life. Dysfunction of neural circuits controlling bowel/bladder function after traumatic brain injury can be challenging to manage, many of the oral medications (especially anticholinergics) have adverse effects on cognition and memory, and some are implicated in developing Alzheimer’s disease. Nonpharmacological alternatives like biofeedback, pelvic rehab, sacral neuromodulation, amongst others as solutions to these issues will be discussed.

D2 Creating a Workplace that is Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive Presented by: Glenn McIntosh Learn from Oakland University’s Chief Diversity Officer how to create a workplace that is Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive.

D3 Adding Life to Days - Quality of Life from a Recreational Therapist's Perspective Presented by: Heidi Nadobny, CTRS, CBIS, and Courtney Remy, CTRS Modern medicine is able to add days to people’s lives that have experienced serious physical injury. Recreational Therapists strive to help clients add meaning to these days they have been given. This presentation will address how to understand the whole person, its variety of needs, and ways to be empowered in making choices for a hopeful future.

D4 How Music Affects the Plasticity of the Injured Brain Presented by: Kris Stevens, MA, CCC-SLP, and Grant Anderson, BA This presentation integrates pictures, videos, as well as treatment ideas and research regarding how important music has been in Grant Anderson’s ongoing recovery from his severe TBI in 2007, at which time he nearly died. After his injury, he completed his B.A. in Music at WSU (2014). Information includes research on how music affects the plasticity of the brain, especially in the areas of functional memory and complex attention. Grant will conclude by singing a song he composed after his injury.

11:30 A.M.


E2 Humor and Resiliency Within Brain Injury Rehabilitation Presented by: Karley Brouwer, CTRS, CDP, CBIS, and Kendall Seiler, CTRS Difficulties with mood regulation is a common symptom after sustaining a brain injury and can be a barrier to optimal resiliency and functioning if not managed effectively. This presentation explores the impact of mood regulation difficulties on brain injury rehabilitation, the clinical use of therapeutic use of humor, recreational therapy as a part of brain injury rehabilitation, and offers practical applications for daily use throughout the interdisciplinary team and client lifestyles. Within this presentation you will learn to incorporate humor within treatment to maximize rehabilitation outcomes for those individuals who have experienced a brain injury and live with mood disorders. WEDNESDAY, 9/16


FRIDAY, 9/18

E1 Review of the REAP Manual Presented by: Karen McAvoy, PsyD R*E*A*P is an inter-disciplinary team approach to concussion management. It outlines the 4 steps that 4 teams need to coordinate with each other to ensure a quick and successful return to school, return to learn and return to play for the school- aged student.

E3 Sleep as a Method for Improving Brain Health Presented by: Robert Spencer, PhD, and Percival Pangilinan, MD Sleep problems are common among people who have sustained a TBI. Often overlooked as a treatment strategy, improving sleep can enhance cognitive and behavioral quality of life and help prevent developing chronic health effects. We will discuss the biological and psychological effects of restricted sleep and provide an outline for how to engage in effective treatment.

E4 Concussion’s Impact on Learning: Return-to-Learn Protocols for Hospital and School Collaboration Presented by: Anne Crylen, PhD Returning to school after sustaining a Traumatic Brain Injury is recommended, but the experience is more complex than arriving in the classroom. In this session, we will discuss the need for Return- to-Learn protocols necessary for hospital and school collaboration. Using a case study analysis, a new model is needed of “short-term disability” to activate educational accommodations within the framework of multi-tiered systems of support, shifting the perspective of educational leaders and the current mindset of concussion.

11:30 A.M.

F1 The Role of Exercise in Improving Depression Symptoms in Those with TBI Presented by: James Dolbow, DO, MS, BS, BA The session will outline the effect and prevalence of TBI on depression, and why. It will then continue into how depression is traditionally treated in these patients, and how this compares to non-TBI patients with neurological trauma, such as spinal cord injury patients and patients with neurodegenerative disease. The session will then go into what my most recent research has found, which is “How does exercise affect the mental health, specifically depression in TBI patients” (Manuscript currently in peer- review). >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7

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