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Financial Architects - May 2019

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Financial Architects - May 2020


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Financial Architects - September 2019

4 cup fresh lemon juice DIRECTIONS 1. In a saucepan over high heat, combine sugar with 1 cup of wate

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Financial Architects - May 2021

2 tbsp fish sauce • Juice of 1–2 limes, to taste • 4 small shallots, thinly sliced • 4 green onions,

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Financial Architects - March 2019

3 cup canola oil • 4 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted 1. In a small skillet over medium heat, toa

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Financial Architects - November 2019

3 cup leftover dressing or stuffing • 2 tbsp leftover gravy • 1 tbsp butter, room temperature Note:

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Financial Architects - October 2019

Financial Architects - October 2019 OCTOBER 2019 888-466-5453 A PERFECT MATCH

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Financial Architects - December 2019

2 cup canola oil, molasses, brown sugar, eggs, ginger, and cranberries. In a separate bowl, sift and

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Financial Architects - June 2019

4 cup toasted hazelnuts, coarsely chopped • Mint leaves, for garnish • Parmesan cheese, preferably P

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Financial Architects - January 2019

2 cup fresh mint leaves • 1 avocado, cut into wedges • Salt and pepper, to taste INSTRUCTIONS 1. Hea

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Financial Architects - February 2019

2 cup bittersweet chocolate shavings, for garnish INSTRUCTIONS 1. In a large mixing bowl, use a whis

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Financial Architects - May 2019

MAY 2019



It may sound peculiar, but I’ve wanted to be an executive assistant ever since I was a young girl. While taking a position of direct leadership never appealed to me, it felt natural to desire to be there to lend support to those who took on the responsibility that comes with executive leadership. So, when I turned 18, I took the first secretarial job I could, and almost 39 years later, I can say I still look forward to going to work. As an organized person who’s always been motivated by pressure and deadlines, there couldn’t be a more perfect job for me. Executives like Chris Cousins and Pat Marody will always be in high demand, and being the kind-hearted people they are, they tend to want to be available to everyone. The challenge of keeping their schedules manageable while ensuring our clients get the attention they deserve is the kind of logic puzzle I get a rush in solving. This combination of personal interaction with clients and problem solving is just one reason I’m proud to work at this firm. “This July will mark my 12th year with Financial Architects, which longevity I think is indicative of the company’s dedication to integrity and respect.” It was thanks to Chris that I actually found my way to Financial Architects in the first place. Funnily enough, I’d been his father’s assistant for 27 years, right up until his food service management company sold.

close friends with a family home in Italy. We’ve made several trips together, picking up local recipes from the little old ladies in the village when we’re there. Before we started making these Italian excursions, I never dreamt of making homemade pasta and sauce, but now I thoroughly enjoy doing this. Financial Architects’ family-first approach is nothing to take for granted. When family matters come up that need my attention, I am always able to be there for my family as well as have the support of the other team members (i.e. my extended “family). This means a lot when going through an already stressful situation. From my childhood (when I dreamt of having a job like this) to now, only one thing has changed: As a young girl, I always believed that I’d eventually leave work to become a stay-at-home mom, but in reality, it turned out I loved the job too much to step away. In fact, my husband will be retiring next year, but I have no plans to slow down. When you find such a rewarding field, surrounded by people you genuinely care about, going to work is a joy. Thanks to everyone on the Financial Architects Team for making this firm so wonderful.

In the outcome of the sale, Chris was good enough to offer me a position here, and there couldn’t have been a better fit for me. The whole office was extremely welcoming, and it was clear that even the most senior partners held the staff in high regard. This July will mark my 12th year with Financial Architects, which longevity I think is indicative of the company’s dedication to integrity and respect. Part of that respect is the firm’s emphasis on making time for family. Having been married 36 years, my husband and I love finding time to get out on the lake and spend time with our grandkids. We also love to travel and are fortunate enough to have

–Jan Winters



Customer Appreciation Isn’t Seasonal Heat Up the Slow Months With a ‘Wow!’ A little customer appreciation can go a long way — after all, everyone likes to be treated well by the people they do business with. But if your appreciation stops at holiday cards and birthday offers, you might be missing the mark. Summer tends to be the slow season, so take the extra time to plan a new way to show customers you care. HOST A SUMMER EVENT There’s no need to plan a black-tie gala. Summer is the season of relaxation, so keep it low-key and let your clients know they are welcome to bring their friends and family. Here are a few fun ideas to consider. • Host a barbecue at the office or local park. Make sure you have the proper permits first. • Book a movie theater, and show the latest blockbuster. (We hear “Avengers: End Game” is pretty awesome.) • Plan an adults-only scavenger hunt. Include local landmarks, offer prizes, and provide grown-up beverages afterward to make the event really memorable. • Throw a block party. This one requires some planning, but if you pull it off, your clients will talk about it until next summer! DELIVER ONE BIG ‘WOW’ Social media makes it pretty easy to keep up with everyone’s lives, so look for an opportunity to make a great impression on one customer. Maybe a client is expecting their first grandchild. Could they use a new stroller? Is a wedding anniversary coming up? Who wouldn’t love a limo ride and dinner at the nicest restaurant in the city? Go a bit over the top! People love to share stories on social media about the cool, unexpected things businesses do. Wouldn’t you like to go viral for a good reason? SEND CARDS FOR STRANGE HOLIDAYS Sure, you mail cards during the winter holidays, but so does everyone else. Why not mail a card for National Doughnut Day on June 1? You can even include a coupon to a local doughnut shop. Or you can send a funny card with a picture of your office dog for National Mutt Day to announce that, thanks to your client’s support, your company is donating to a local animal shelter. These ideas may work great for your clients, or you might need to brainstorm a bit. Your clients are as unique as your company, so don’t hesitate to find a special way to show them you care.

BLACK GOLD FOR YOUR GARDEN SOIL National Learn About Composting Day!

Most people have heard of composting one way or another. Your mom might have kept a bin in the backyard for overripe Halloween pumpkins, yard clippings, and egg shells. You might even have a coworker who boasts about the giant compost pile they use to fertilize their garden and lawn. Whatever your level of composting knowledge may be, there is always more to learn about this popular and extremely beneficial method for handling organic food waste. Luckily, May 29 is National Learn About Composting Day! This day provides a great opportunity to introduce yourself to and begin the conversation about composting if you haven’t already. Below are a few answers to your basic composting questions to get you started. What Is Compost? Compost is decomposed organic matter, which is especially good for people who have gardens or aspire to live a sustainable lifestyle. People put coffee grounds; vegetable scraps; paper products, including receipts, paper towels, and tissues; wood chips, leaves, and other types of waste that are not categorized as processed food, meats, or fish products in their compost bin. Compost can stabilize gardening soil, keep the soil from contracting diseases, and help the ground retain moisture. Why Do We Compost? Besides giving gardens and lawns significant nutrients, composting also reduces landfills. According to the United States EPA, “Food scraps and yard waste together currently make up about 30 percent of what we throw away.” Organic material often takes longer to decompose in a landfill due to being wrapped in plastic. The more organic material that is composted, the quicker it can deteriorate. When you dive in, you’ll discover you can compost materials you never knew you could, including latex balloons and cardboard egg cartons. Once you do your research, you can start your very own compost by dedicating a part of your backyard to disposing of organic matter or by purchasing a compost bin. This article covers the basics of composting, but there’s still plenty more to learn! Head to your local farmers market or botanical garden and talk to the experts about any questions you have — they’ll be sure to give you some great tips.

The information contained in this newsletter is derived from sources believed to be accurate. You should discuss any legal, tax, or financial matters with the appropriate professional. Neither the information presented nor any opinion expressed constitutes a solicitation for the purchase or sale of any security. Registered Representatives offer Securities through The O.N. Equity Sales Company, Member FINRA/SIPC ( and Investment Advisory Services offered through O.N. Investment Management Company and FAI Advisors, Inc. Financial Architects, Inc. and FAI Advisors, Inc. are not subsidiaries or affiliates of The O.N. Equity Sales Company or O.N. Investment Management Company. We have representatives currently registered in the following states: AL, AZ, CA, CO, DC, FL, GA, IL, IN, LA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MS, MO, NC, NJ, NV, NY, OH, OR, PA, SC, TX, VA, WA, and WI. 2

Take A Break


The Heart of Our Firm

solution on page 4

In March, we kicked off our three-part series focusing on a core foundation of our firm: The Value Creation Principles. These principles are a set of 9 universal values that guide our team. So far, we’ve introduced: “Clients at the Center,” “Always Creating Value,” “Continuous Improvement,” “Ideal Team Players,” “Effective With People and Efficient With Resources,” and “Be Our Own Best Client.” This month, we’ll discuss the final third of our list to explore the traits that keep our Architects at the top of their game.


INGREDIENTS • 1/2 pound raw shrimp, peeled and deveined • 1/2 pound cooked sausage, cut into 1-inch pieces • 2 zucchini, cut into 1/2-inch cubes • 2 tablespoons extra- virgin olive oil • Wooden skewers, soaked in water for 30 minutes


Focus: Progress toward potential. The future is bigger than the past.


A way of seeing the world that embodies all things about improvement, hope, enthusiasm, change, and leadership. Regardless of age or life stage, we still have things to contribute. We still make a difference. We still matter.

• 2 tablespoons paprika • 1/2 tablespoon garlic powder • 1/2 tablespoon onion powder • 1/2 tablespoon


Focus: What’s possible? We understand that when we begin with a mindset of “If something is worth doing, we will explore it.” A fixed mindset tells us that we cannot do certain things because: 1) We aren’t capable right now, 2) We don’t have the technology needed, 3) It would require too much change. A growth mindset tells us to focus on where we are going and say yes to what can get us moving in that direction. The focus becomes who and what is needed to move forward rather than how and why something may not be possible.

cayenne or chili powder • 1/4 tablespoon dried oregano • 1/4 tablespoon dried thyme


1. Heat your grill to medium-high. 2. In a bowl, combine all ingredients for creole seasoning. 3. In a large bowl, combine the shrimp, zucchini pieces, and sausage pieces, and cover them with the olive oil. 4. Add creole seasoning and mix well until all ingredients are covered. 5. Load up skewers with alternating pieces of shrimp, sausage, and zucchini until they’re full. 6. Grill skewers until shrimp are well-cooked (6–8 minutes).


Focus: Follow through. Vision without execution is hallucination.

Continuous improvement without innovation is impossible. Without innovation, we lose ground and fall behind. Value creation becomes difficult. Without execution, innovative ideas stay ideas and part of the “wish we had” list. Innovation with execution brings improved efficiencies and continuously better outcomes. A problem well defined is half solved, but only half solved . It takes good execution to experience full value.

Inspired by

3 888-466-5453

39395 W. 12 Mile Road Suite 102 Farmington Hills, MI 48331



Inside This Issue 1 | Jan Winters’ Childhood Dream

2 | Black Gold

2 | The Most Unique Customer Appreciation Ideas Ever

3 | Sharing Our Core Principles

3 | Shrimp Sausage Skewers

4 | How to Travel Sustainably


Vacations can come with great expense, and not just for your bank account. According to a 2018 study published in Nature Climate Change, travel accounts for 8 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. Cut through the greenwashing and do your part to lessen these emissions by traveling sustainably. TRAVEL GREEN When possible, trains, hybrid buses, and carpooling are great alternatives to larger, more environmentally intrusive travel methods. Large cruise liners are detrimental to oceans, and airplanes emit large amounts of toxins into the air. However, you can cruise and fly with the earth in mind. Some cruise lines are working to reduce their impact by installing more eco-friendly lighting and materials, and flight experts recommend using “green” airports, choosing fuel-efficient airlines, staying

longer, and traveling less. If anything, it’s an excuse to extend your European vacation!

STAY GREEN Where you stay impacts the environment as much as how you get there. Hotels use copious amounts of water for bathing and laundry, and they struggle to reduce energy because guests leave their lights and televisions on. However, many luxury resorts, woodsy cabins, and even entire countries have opted to make eco- tourism easier. If you’re looking for a region of the world committed to preserving nature, look no further than Iceland, Finland, and Sweden, which are ranked the three most environmentally friendly places in the world. DO GREEN Man-made attractions like the Egyptian pyramids and Machu Picchu are some of the world’s greatest wonders, but Earth itself is pretty breathtaking. Check out

natural attractions while hiking or camping in preserved forests, or soak up all the Caribbean has to offer by snorkeling, scuba diving, sailing, kayaking, canoeing, and paddleboarding. When you’re mindful of your surroundings and remain unobtrusive, there are endless outdoor activities you can explore. Some locations even partner with environmentally conscious organizations you can donate to or volunteer with. Opt for a green vacation and know that while you relax, the earth is getting a little relief too. 4