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Finding Relief From Knee, Leg & ACL Injuries

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Finding Relief From Hip, Knee & Leg Pain

familypt Kelly graduated from American International College in 2005 and immediately began working i

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Finding Effective Hip & Knee Pain Relief

kneebook Exercise Essentials Try these exercises to keep your body strong and flexible... HIP ADDUCT

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FitnessLab: ACL Injuries

dry-needling-by-physical-therapist-what- you-should HAS YOUR PA I N COME BACK? 1 2 3 Call us and ask

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Equilibrium_Hip, Knee, & Leg Pain Relief

or massage therapy. For example, people experiencing dull or sudden inexplicable muscle strain, head

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Fleming: Hip, Knee & Leg Pain Relief

2-ounce) cans diced tomatoes • 2 to 3 tablespoons chili powder • 1 teaspoon salt • 1 teaspoon pepper

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Valley: Hip, Knee & Leg Pain Relief


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Hip, Knee Or Leg Pain & Finding The Source

Hip, Knee Or Leg Pain & Finding The Source Health & Fitness JOHNS CREEK PHYSICAL THERAPY The Newslet

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SOUTHSHERBROOK.COM We’re happy to announce that we’re back open and accepting patients again! If you

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Wise PT: Finding Relief From Neck Pain


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Finding The Source & Pain Relief From Your Back Pain

HEALTHTRAX 3 Weymouth Road Enfield, CT 06082 P: (860) 698-6308 F: (860) 698-9658 Colchester, CT 0641

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Finding Relief From Knee, Leg & ACL Injuries


“ If You Are A Soccer Player, Here’sWhat YouNeed To Do About Your Injury. ”

Finding Relief FromKnee, Leg&ACL Injuries

Most soccer injuries are a soft tissue injury. As expected, 50-80% of soccer injuries affect the feet and legs. 40-45% of leg injuries involve ankle injuries and foot pain. Most of those injuries are a sprained ankle. Knee injuries account for 25% of leg injuries. The ACL injury (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) is the most common season-ending problem but other knee ligaments are common. Meniscus tears are also common due to the pivoting nature of soccer.

(continued inside)

INSIDE • Finding Relief From Knee, Leg & ACL Injuries • Exercise Essentials • Patient Spotlight • Running Tips • Staff Spotlight

HEALTH &FITNESS Sport Physiotherapy | Orthopedic Rehabilitation | Training

“Physiotherapy Relieves Pain From Spor ts Injuries Naturally!” Finding Relief FromKnee, Leg&ACL Injuries

In young soccer players, Osgood-Schlatter Disease is a common cause of knee pain. Sever’s disease is a common source of heel pain. In the lower leg, tibial shaft fractures are uncommon, but they represent the most severe type of lower extremity trauma in soccer. Athletes fear the possibility of an ACL tear from playing on the field. When you tear the ACL, you may feel a sharp, intense pain or hear a loud “pop” or snap. You might not be able to walk on the injured leg because you can’t support your weight through your knee joint. Usually, the knee will swell immediately (within minutes to a few hours), and you might feel that your knee “gives way” when you walk or put weight on it. Thankfully, physiotherapists havemuch experience with healing patients with these injuries. Once an ACL tear has been diagnosed, you will work with your physiotherapist to decide if you can recover without surgery. If you don’t have surgery, your physiotherapist will work with you to restore your muscle strength, agility, and balance, so you can return to your regular activities. Your physiotherapist may teach you ways to modify your physical activity in order to put less stress on your knee. Your treatment programmay includemovement exercises. During your first week, your physiotherapist will help you begin to regain motion in the knee area, and teach you gentle exercises you can do at home. The focus will be on regaining full movement of your knee. The early exercises help with increasing blood flow, which also helps reduce swelling. Resources:

FREE STRONG(HIM) WORKSHOP Saturday, May 27th at 4:30pm AND WE’RE BACK! This time for the men! If you know that you need to improve your strength (or you have a spouse who is in denial), but you aren’t sure how, this workshop is for you! Located at Craven SPORT services in Saskatoon, SK. All ages are welcome! Register at or call 306-934-2011 or email us at css@


Summer is a great time to run. However the heat and humidity can play havoc on your running pace. The warmer the weather, the more challenging it becomes to adequately cool your body. Heart rates are higher and breathing is more rapid than your normal running pace. The body has to work double time in the heat. The good news is there are a few tricks for beating the heat and getting in your runs this summer. 1. Switch gears and adapt. It takes about two weeks for your body to adapt to the heat and cool itself more efficiently. Slow your pace and reduce your intensity and get the run in rather than pushing through it. Doing so will allow you to more efficiently acclimate and continue to run. Your body will gradually become better at cooling itself in the warmer weather allowing you to continue to run at your normal pace. 2. Work with the heat. Run by your effort level rather than your typical pace until you acclimate. If you are new to running, add power walk breaks every 4 to 8 minutes to cool yourself during your runs. It is all about managing your body core temperature and not allowing it to rise too much, risking overheating and really slowing down. Like a car, if the temperature rises too high you will overheat. 3. Accessorize. Wear light colored, loose fitting wicking running gear. Technical apparel will allow moisture to pass through them to be evaporated, keeping you cooler. Wear sunglasses that filter UVA and UVB rays, waterproof sunscreen, and a hat or visor to protect your skin and eyes from the sun.

4. Timing is everything. Run at cooler times of the day in the morning or in the evening. If you run in the morning, you’ll avoid the heat, but may encounter a higher humidity. The air quality is also better in the morning, since ozone levels increase soon after dawn, peak at midday, and then again in the early evening. Times to avoid running are noon till 3pm. 5. Extreme measures. If there is a heat alert or poor air quality day, take your workout indoors. You won’t get any super-human reward for pushing in dangerous heat and it most likely will take your body longer to recover from the workout. Train smart. 6. Hydrate during your workouts. For workouts shorter than 45 minutes, water works just fine. For longer runs, research suggests consuming about a cup of sports drink every 15 to 20 minutes to fuel your muscles and aid in maintaining electrolyte levels.

PELVICFLOOR VIDEOS Bree Rutten our Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist on staff has started a video series on the Pelvic Floor and Pelvic Floor Health! Here she will discuss what treatments she performs, what these might entail, as well as common myths associated with the Pelvic Floor.

To learnmore about Pelvic Health, check out her Youtube videos: http://

Sarah received an ACL injury in the Fall of 2017. She is currently working on rehabilitation at Craven SPORT services and is 4 months post-surgery. She says, “It’s crazy how fast you progress from nothing with just consistency and hard work to get back to where you were.” She currently comes to Craven 5 days a week for about 2 hours a day. She has put a ton of effort into her ACL Rehabilitation and she is recovering quickly! And excitingly, she has signed a scholarship to Illinois State on a full ride! Congratulations Sarah! SARAH OCHITWA, SASK SOCCER HIGH PERFORMANCE SOCCER ATHLETE PATIENT SPOTLIGHT Hear What Our Patients Have To Say!

To view Sarah’s Interview with Craven SPORT services:


KELSEY BOHACHEWSKI, B. KIN, CSEP-CEP “I chose to become a Strength and Conditioning Coach because I have always been interested in how athletes, who are considered to be fit, would have repetitive injuries throughout their season or careers. After starting University and competing with the track team I learned first-hand how specialized training needs to be for every sport and for every person. Taking classes that worked in adapted populations really inspired me to pursue a career that works with rehabilitation and high performance training. The opportunity to empower people who are recovering or are learning their potential is the most rewarding part of the job. Seeing progress is fantastic, but hearing someone say how what we have worked on changes their daily life is the best! Currently, I really enjoy working with Para athletes as well as high performance athletes. In the future I would love to keep working with these groups of athletes. My goal is to keep helping people be the best they can be!”


Call If: • You have back pain at the end of the day • You have trouble enjoying time with family due to pain • You have limited mobility at work • You have trouble bending or reaching • Your joints are stiff or swelling • Suffering with pain from an old injury

Get Answers For Your Aches & Pains. Call: 306.934.2011


• Is your mind on your hip, knee or leg pain instead of your life? • Have loved ones stopped listening to your complaints because they have heard it so many times before? • Do you feel really stiff when you try to get out of bed in the morning? • Do you have to think twice before you pick things up? If You’re Nodding Yes Then Now is The Time to Make Your First Step in The Right Direction and Take Charge of How You Feel. DOWNLOAD THIS eBOOK TODAY! ATTENTION ACHE & PAIN SUFFERERS!

SASKATOON’S 2017 WINNER! We are so excited to announce that we have been selected as Saskatoon’s winner for the 2017 Consumer Choice Awards in the category of Physiotherapy! This is a huge privilege and we feel so honored! We hope to continue to improve and move forward with excellence! Thank you to everyone who made this opportunity possible! 2017SASKMARATHONTHANK YOU! A HUGE thank you to all participants in the Sask Marathon and Craven SPORT services 5K! We had a blast working with all of you and seeing you accomplish your goals!

FREE ACLPREVENTION& REHABILITATIONWORKSHOP WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7THAT 7PM LOCATEDAT CRAVENSPORT SERVICES Are you an athlete that has a goal of playing sports for many years? Would you be interested in a program that can help reduce injury and improve performance all at the same time? Craven SPORT services is handling an alarming trend of an increasing number of ACL Knee Injuries in Athletes....especially female athletes! This is why we are hosting a FREE ACL Prevention &RehabilitationWorkshop! REGISTERBY FOLLOWING THE LINK: or call us at 306-934-2011 or email us at [email protected]


Try these movements if you are experiencing pain. EXERCISE ESSENTIALS Relieve Aches & Pains In Minutes Without Pain Medication!

SINGLE LEG STANCE Stand on one leg and maintain your balance. Next, hold your leg out in front of your body for 10 seconds. Return to original position. Then switch and repeat 6 times. Maintain a slightly bent knee on the stance side.

HIP ADDUCTION - SIDELYING While lying on your side, slowly raise up the bottom leg towards the ceiling. Keep your knee straight the entire time. The top leg should be bent at the knee and your foot planted on the ground supporting your body. Alternate legs and repeat 8 times.

Helps With Balance

Strengthens Legs


Always consult your physiotherapist or physician before starting exercises you are unsure of doing.


Cranberry Scone Recipe

10 Ingredients • 1 + 2/3 cups organic all-purpose flour • 1/4 cup wheat germ or rolled oats • 2 teaspoons baking powder

• 6 Tablespoons organic unsalted butter, cold and cut into bits • 1/2 cup Organic Blue Agave syrup • 1/3 cup organic cream zest of one organic orange • 1/2 cup cranberries • 1/2 cup walnuts, chopped organic cream, for glazing

• 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon • 1/4 teaspoon sea salt

Directions Place a rack in the center of the oven and preheat to 425 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment or a silpat for easier cleanup. Sift together the flour, wheat germ or rolled oats, baking powder, cinnamon and salt. Add the butter and cut into the flour using your hands or 2 forks till the mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Make a well in the center. In a separate bowl, whisk together the agave, cream and orange zest. Pour 2/3 of the liquid into the well, add cranberries and walnuts. Using a plastic dough divider or the edge of a metal spatula, turn and cut the dough, gradually adding the remaining liquid until the mixture comes together into a soft, sticky dough. Flour your hands and gently knead the dough to form a ball. Add a tablespoon or two more flour if necessary but the dough should be slightly sticky. Pat the dough out on the prepared baking sheet to make an 8 inch circle about 3/4 inch thick. Brush with additional cream for a shinier appearance. Cut the dough into eight equal pie shape wedges and gently lift them about 1 inch apart. Bake until the edges of the scones are lightly browned, about 15 to 18 minutes.