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Fitness Together MV - April 2018

2016 #2 Studio in North Carolina | 2015 Top Performer Panel Fitness Together

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of research that suggests spring cleaning might actually be good for your health!

Almost 12 years ago, I made one of the biggest decisions of my life when I moved from my home in California to North Carolina. I was relocating to start my own business, and I had a huge checklist I needed to complete before I could make the jump. One item on my list involved going to my parents’ home and cleaning out the boxes I’d left there when I moved out 10 years prior.

Researchers from Sweden studied 851 adults for 15 years. They found sitting for just half an hour less per day reduced their risk of cardiovascular disease by 24 percent. For many people, doing some household chores is enough to keep you on your feet for a while. Additionally, research at the University of Minnesota found that people who are in a clean, organized room are more likely to choose healthier foods

My parents still lived in the house where I grew up, so it was easy to leave boxes behind. The packages were full of old

to eat than someone who is in a messy environment. Even just getting rid of old dishes can help you eat better! (More on that inside.) In the spirit of taking advantage of spring cleaning, we kicked off the season with our Spring Clean 10-Day Challenge. For just over a week, we posted one spring cleaning challenge each day. They weren’t massive projects, like “repaint your house” or “clean the whole garage.” Instead, I wanted to show people the power of

school stuff, papers, and souvenirs from my childhood — all items that once had value to me, but were now collecting dust and taking up space. Before I could move to North Carolina and start a new stage of life, I needed to clean out what remained of the past. I took down around 10 boxes of junk and went through every single one. I kept the things I still loved, held a garage sale to get rid of the items with value, and threw the rest out. The whole process was a lot

“Much of the time, we get hung up on the clutter, and it prevents us from moving forward.”

tackling smaller projects, like “throw out the junk food in your pantry.” They were simple tasks that didn’t take more than 15 minutes, but even clearing out a little bit of excess can make a world of difference.

of work, but it was also such a positive experience. Cleaning out clutter really embodies the idea of “out with the old, in with the new.” The physical act of cleaning freed up space and opened a path for me to move on to the next chapter of my life: moving to North Carolina and starting my business. This was the first time I was introduced to the effect picking up clutter can have on the rest of your life. As we enter spring, I believe there’s something to be said for doing a little spring cleaning. After a winter spent hibernating indoors, we could all stand to tidy up our environments a little. And spring cleaning does more than just make your living room look presentable when you have people over. There’s tons

Much of the time, we get hung up on the clutter, and it prevents us from moving forward. This spring, join us in starting new chapters and improving our health by doing a little spring cleaning.

-Bryan Wisdom


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Have you ever fallen asleep on the beach after swimming in the ocean? If you have, you know it’s the most restful and relaxing sleep imaginable. You might have thought it was just the result of warm sunlight and vacation vibes, but research suggests you may have been experiencing the effects of a practice called “earthing.” Earthing, sometimes referred to as “grounding,” helps bring our bodies into a natural balance. The theory states that our bodies naturally develop a positive charge. As leading nutritionist Dr. John Briffa explains, “During the normal processes of metabolism, the body generates what are called ‘reactive oxygen species,’ which are commonly referred to as ‘free radicals’ ... Free radicals lack sparks of energy known as ‘electrons.’” When a molecule lacks electrons, it gives off a positive charge. An unbalanced positive charge contributes to inflammation, which can then cause many chronic diseases, including heart disease. You should balance your natural positive charge with a negative charge. How can you safely expose yourself to a negative charge? Just let your skin touch the earth.

Earth gives off a mild electric charge, with plenty of electrons to balance out our overabundance of free radicals. There has yet to be a large-scale scientific study about the benefits of earthing, but current research is promising. One study published in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found earthing helps reduce blood viscosity, which is a major factor in cardiovascular disease. Another study in the Journal of Inflammation Research showed that earthing might speed up healing. Firsthand accounts from individuals who practice earthing often report lower stress levels, increased energy, and better sleep. Many people who practice earthing make it a point to walk outside barefoot on grass, soil, or sand at least once a day. You have to be careful where you walk, as you don’t want to get cut on sharp rocks or broken glass. An alternative to walking barefoot is to use an earthing pad, which can imitate the negative charge of our planet inside your home. Earthing is quickly gaining a following in the health community. If you are looking for a natural way to improve your overall health and sleep better, why not try taking a walk? Just remember to leave your shoes behind.


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One Trick to Drop Your Caloric Intake How an Optical Illusion Makes You Overeat

When we want to eat healthier, we pay a great deal of attention to what’s on our plate, but do we think about our plates themselves? Nutrition experts Brian Wansink and Koert Van Ittersum say we really should. Beyond checking that the plate or bowl you pulled from the cabinet is clean, you probably don’t pay too much attention to your dishware. But if you want to cut down on the calories, you should also cut down on your plate size. Professors Wansink and Van Ittersum found that eating from a larger plate causes people to eat more food, because they think they don’t have

half-empty plate can make your body think it’s still hungry. If you want to feel full and shrink your portion sizes, grab a smaller plate before you fill it with food. This doesn’t mean you should toss out all your bigger plates and bowls. The Delboeuf illusion can be used to your advantage if you serve healthy foods like vegetables on large plates to get yourself to eat more. Meanwhile, when you want to treat yourself without overindulging, using a 5-ounce appetizer bowl to get a scoop of ice cream can satisfy your sweet tooth without sabotaging the scale. Optical illusions aren’t the only thing that can add to your waistline. If you’re ready to learn about other factors that might be causing unhealthy habits, give us a call at 704.658.1522. Our fitness experts can teach you how to take control of your health.

where your brain perceives something as being smaller when it’s surrounded by more empty space. A study conducted at a health and fitness camp found individuals who were given larger bowls consumed 16 percent more cereal than those with smaller bowls. And when asked to estimate how much they had eaten, campers with the larger bowls gave estimates of 7 percent lower than campers who ate from smaller bowls. Essentially, we will fill up the space available to us, whether we need that food or not. Unfortunately, just because you know the Delboeuf illusion will cause you to grab a bigger serving of spaghetti on your big plate, you might not be able to ignore it. Your brain still perceives the empty space as making your meal look smaller. Consequently, even if you eat just the right amount, sitting with a

enough on their plate.

This is called the Delboeuf

illusion, and it’s a phenomenon

TACO SALAD TO GO April is always busier than you think, and it’s important to keep up your energy while you’re on the go. Try this convenient and healthy salad-in-a-jar recipe, perfect for a midafternoon pick-me-up.


• 1/2 cucumber, chopped • 1/2 cup black olives • 1/2 cup cilantro, chopped • Fresh spinach • 1 Mason jar

• 8 ounces cooked chicken breast, cut into bite-sized pieces • 1/2 cup salsa • 1 large lime, juiced • 1 large avocado • 2 Roma tomatoes, chopped


4. Place tomatoes, cucumber, and olives on top, followed by cilantro and as much spinach as you can fit. 5. Seal and refrigerate until you’re ready for lunch.

1. Place salsa in bottom of Mason jar. 2. Put avocado in a separate bowl, and mix with lime juice. Drop mixed avocado into the jar. 3. Add chicken.


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704.658.1522 229 MEDICAL PARK RD, SUITE 100, MOORESVILLE, NC 28117 Find the latest exercise and nutrition tips at


Open and Discover!

• Something to Be Said About Spring Cleaning • April Testimonial • Have You Tried This Natural Healing Remedy? • Taco Salad To Go • One Trick to Drop Your Calorie Intake • Gardening: Bringing Family Together


Bringing Family Together


involved with a single project, and you can literally share the fruits of your labor. Deciding on Plants When it comes to deciding which plants you want in your garden, there are many variables to consider. Do you want to grow edible plants, ones that have magnificent blossoms, or ones that are easy to care for? Flowers are a good start if you want a plant that grows a little faster; plus, they lend a pop of color to your garden. Growing vegetables is also rewarding, as the kids will take great pleasure in eating what they’ve grown. Other possibilities include sunflowers, blackberries, peas, and lettuce. You might be surprised at how willingly children eat their greens when they’ve had a hand in growing them. Family gardens can bring something new and fresh to your home. So, get outside, enjoy the sun, and discover the joys of plants and gardening.

After spending a winter cooped up inside with your family, there might be a little tension between everyone. Fortunately, it’s spring, and the warm weather, melting snow, and blooming flowers offer a good way to ease restlessness. This season, why not bring your family closer together by starting a family garden? A Learning Experience Nearly every step in the gardening process can be a learning experience for kids and parents alike. Begin by discussing where you should start and why, what supplies you’ll need, and the types of plants you want to grow. Gardening also offers opportunities to learn about science, ecology, and nutrition. Collaboration Gardening gives your family a chance to collaborate. When you’re stuck inside for long periods, you may be spending time together, but it’s usually not quality time. Working in a group to create and maintain a garden is a hands- on experience for everyone. It’s a chance to get the whole family


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