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Florida Women's Law Group - September 2021

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Dellutri Law Group - September 2021

4 tsp pepper. Set aside. 2. In a small bowl, combine apple cider and mustard. Set aside. 3. In a lar

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Spada Law Group - September 2021 617.889.5000 | SPADALAWGROUP.COM THE SLG ADVISOR SEPT 2021 A Labor

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Shannon Law Group - September 2021

4 tsp pepper. Set aside. 2. In a small bowl, combine apple cider and mustard. Set aside. 3. In a lar

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Soto Law Group - September 2021

2 cup unsalted butter • 1 cup flour • 2 cups sugar, divided • 1 tbsp baking powder • Dash of salt •

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Florida Women's Law Group - September 2018

hurricanes, you’ll find great hour-by-hour advice for preparing for and dealing with the aftermath o

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Johnson Law Group - September 2021

2 cup unsalted butter • • • • 1 cup milk 1 cup flour 4 cups peaches (fresh is best!) 2

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VanMeveren Law Group - September 2021

4 tsp pepper. Set aside. 2. In a small bowl, combine apple cider and mustard. Set aside. 3. In a

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Florida Women's Law Group - September 2019

building inspectors • Crossing guards • Clergy These seven jobs are projected to grow between 8–14%

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2 hours to South Carolina. It was the week before classes started, but orientation was happening alo

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Florida Women's Law Group - September 2021



Advocate September 2021

Why Finding Your Outlet Can Make You a Better Parent MOMS DESERVE A BREAK!

For years, I would wake up at 5 a.m. to go running with a friend — and I hated it. But I loved the time I spent with my friend and the exercise I accomplished each morning. Exercise is very important to me. Yet it was always so diff icult to climb out of bed each morning, sleepily strap on my shoes, and run into the brisk morning air. And I discovered I wasn’t alone. If you go running in the early morning hours, you will see many women out there, too, likely squeezing in a run or a walk before their children wake up. My mom did it, too! As a single parent, this was the only time she had to herself, and she wanted to stay in shape. She made running a priority, even if it meant starting her days very early. And while I hated my early morning runs, I knew that was the best time to do it. Like my mom, I had to squeeze in my exercise, even if that meant modifying what I would prefer. Today, I have a much better system. Rather than running, I hop on my Peloton or do some yoga, although my favorite way to work up a sweat is to play tennis. I’m able to socialize, feed my competitive side, and exercise at the same time. It’s the perfect way for me to unwind and relax. Regardless of what I do, I make time for exercise almost every day. It may seem indulgent, especially as a mom and a business owner, but I have found that taking time for myself is the only way to guarantee I’m a better mom. This September, we will recognize National Lazy Mom Day, and while my way of unwinding may not be “lazy,” I believe all moms deserve to relax in their own way. We need to and we should. If I were to plan my perfect lazy day, with no responsibilities or kids involved, it would start with yoga, tennis, or a ride on my Peloton. Then I would go to the spa for some light pampering before hitting the beach. I would lie on the beach, listening to the waves and reading a good book. I may even dip into the ocean for a few moments,

2018 Jacksonville Business Journal Fast 50 2018 Florida Super Lawyers list

but just being on the beach would be enough to lull me into relaxation. I love the beach.


Of course, this perfect day is just a fantasy, but every day I can carve out time for a workout, I get a piece of that indulgence and reset. Exercise is an outlet that allows me to clear my mind, focus on myself, and become a better mom, attorney, and friend. It allows me to collect my thoughts and process the day in an efficient, healthy manner. It may not do that for everyone, but as moms, we each have to find what works and commit to doing it for ourselves. This National Lazy Mom Day, I would encourage you to consider how you can be “lazy.” What ways can you indulge yourself and take care of your mental, physical, and emotional well-being? What would be the one thing to help you reset? Once you find it, do it! Being a mom does not mean you have to give up your needs. You deserve to indulge and take time for yourself, too.

8771 Perimeter Park Court Suite 101 Jacksonville, FL 32216

Better yet, you deserve to be a little lazy, too. –Heather Qu ick


Postnups cover the same territory as prenups but are drafted after the marriage has already begun. It’s a common stereotype that nuptial agreements are only for rich people or for people who think their marriage won’t last. It’s better to think of a postnup agreement as a healthy foundation to a solid marriage — or even a marriage contract. Financial and relationship concerns are common reasons for postnuptial agreements, but they’re not the only ones. Sometimes couples with strong negative feelings about a prenup later regret not having one. Other times, circumstances with your finances or relationship can change, prompting the need for an agreement where one may have previously felt unnecessary. A postnup might be right for you if you’ve brought significant financial assets into the relationship, but it’s also helpful in more common scenarios where half the couple owns or starts a business, or when one of you unexpectedly receives a large inheritance. Other couples decide to get a postnup when there’s been infidelity in the marriage and a future divorce might be possible. Postnups can also be used as an estate planning tool to protect the financial security or inheritance of prior children. Postnuptial agreements are especially useful if you are a stay-at-home parent. If you have left the workforce to raise your family, your future earning power has likely dwindled. A postnup leaves you less vulnerable and protects your future financial security. Drafting a postnuptial agreement can be stressful, but Florida Women’s Law Group is here to help. We can negotiate the terms of your agreement so you and your partner feel comfortable. Call Florida Women’s Law Group today; our attorneys have the experience needed to guide you on your marital journey.

Is a Postnuptial Agreement Right for You? IT’S NOT TOO LATE

Chances are you’ve heard of prenuptial agreements, or “prenups,” and you might even have strong opinions about them. You’re less likely to have heard of postnuptial agreements, or “postnups,” but they are just as useful in protecting your assets and reducing uncertainty or acrimony in the event of a divorce.

From a Scatterbrained Summer to an Orderly School Year Summer break (especially for young kiddos) is a lawless time with little meaning that’s punctuated by a vacation or trips to the park and pool. Transitioning children back to the calm, orderly world of the school year can be challenging for both teachers and parents. label different hooks in your mudroom or hallway if that’s all you have to work with. Whatever the case, when your kids have an established place to put their school stuff, it’s that much easier for them to find as they head out the door in the morning.

ORGANIZE YOUR SCHOOL LUNCH SUPPLIES. Making your kids’ lunches each morning can be exhausting, but if you put different lunch items (e.g., bags of chips, apples, juice pouches, etc.) in different, easy-to-reach containers, you can turn making school lunches into an assembly line process where your kids do most of the work themselves, teaching them responsibility and taking a load off of your shoulders every school morning. You can even consider making the lunches the night before to lighten up the morning routine! PLAN YOUR KIDS’ OUTFITS FOR THE NEXT DAY … OR THE NEXT WEEK. If they had their way, you know your kiddos would wear the same Spider Man or Elsa T-shirt every day of the week. So, if you want to make sure they look respectable and ready to learn every day, plan out their outfits for the entire school week. This is especially easy if they have a set of hanging cubbies in their closets. Allow them to help choose outfits on a Saturday or Sunday before the new week; it will also help them learn how to dress themselves later in life.

How can you make sure your kids trade in their summer hats for their school brains? Well, luckily, you can use a few hacks to make that transition brighter, seamless, and even fun. CREATE A FUN CHECKLIST FOR SCHOOL TO-DO’S. Spelling out all the tasks your kids have to do before and after school will help them ease back into the routines of going to bed each night and getting up early for school. Plus, it will introduce them to the satisfaction of checking items off a list after completing them. When your kids know what to do and when to do it, it makes your day a little easier! MAKE A COLOR-CODED CLOCK. Lots of kids are visual learners, which means an analog clock will be their best friend when it comes to keeping track of time. Color code different sections of the clock for different parts of the day to help them remember what they’re supposed to be doing, whether it’s blue for breakfast time, orange for homework hour, or purple for their bedtime routine. MAKE SCHOOL SUPPLY CUBBIES. If your child tends to throw their backpack and jackets all over the house, then school supply cubbies could be a game-changer. You could even just 2 Florida Women’s Law Group | 904-549-6553

Back-to-school season shouldn’t be hectic — and with a few of these hacks in mind, it won’t be!

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“I have learned over the years that when one’s mind is made up, this diminishes fear; knowing what must be done does away with fear.”

–Rosa Parks

A PASSION FOR FASHION Irene Scott’s Journey as a Stylist

Irene also gets to have personal conversations with clients. She commonly works with women who are going through a diff icult time in their lives — whether that be a divorce, a funeral, or some other trauma. This allows her to use

When Irene Scott began working summers at Nordstrom during college, she had no idea that she was embarking on a lifelong passion. After graduating from Western Washington University with a degree in psychology, she planned to leave the fashion business behind. She spent some time working in outpatient care but found it wasn’t the fit she’d hoped. And so Irene returned to Nordstrom. Irene spent seven years styling customers at the Austin, Texas, Nordstrom before moving to the f lagship store in Seattle, Washington. Following a personal tragedy, Irene moved to Jacksonville, Florida, where her local Nordstrom didn’t have a styling department. They soon recognized her talents and created one.

her psychology degree, and she can empathize from personal experiences.

“I lost my son when he was 20,” Irene says. “My marriage did not survive that trauma. I understand what it is to go through a major life change, and I understand how it affects how you feel about yourself … I was married 24 years, and it was a big, big transition.” Today, Irene is loving Florida and spends her spare time with her boyfriend and two 15-year-old Pekingese dogs. Irene got to know the Florida Women’s Law Group when she met Heather at Nordstrom. She remembers, “I had a good attorney when I went through my divorce, but having a holistic approach with therapy, styling, and other services [like those found at Florida Women’s Law Group] is so wonderful.”

Four and a half years later, the coronavirus pandemic got her thinking about venturing out on her own.

“There’s always a bit of trepidation anytime you set out to do a new thing,” Irene recalls, but having her own business allows her to support customers in ways she never could before. Working independently allows her to meet her clients at their homes where they’re more comfortable and she can see the pieces already in their closets. “Fashion tends to be very driven — what’s the next trend, what’s the next ‘in’ thing,” Irene notes, “but true styling is about listening to the person.” The goal, she explains, is “enhancing their personality without changing them. It’s a balance.”

For more information about Irene’s services, visit or call 512-466-5546.


8771 Perimeter Park Court Suite 101 Jacksonville, FL 32216



Why You Need an Outlet

Should You Get a Postnup?

Hacks to Get Your Kids Organized for the School Year

Meet Personal Stylist Irene Scott

3 Things All Students Need Before Moving to College

PREPPING FOR AN EMPTY NEST? 3 Things to Do Before Your Graduate Leaves

Congratulations to parents sending their children off to college or “the real world” this year! Parenthood is not for the faint of heart — from toddler meltdowns to angsty teenage years, you might be counting down the days to an empty nest.

Yet, that doesn’t make your child moving off to college any easier.

Fear not, for you can help your child live more independently at college in many ways and give yourself peace of mind knowing that your baby is going to be fine. PREPARE LEGAL DOCUMENTS Once they turn 18, your child is no longer under your care — legally speaking. You can no longer make decisions for them, including medical decisions, should they become incapacitated and unable to make their own decisions. Connect with a trusted attorney to create medical and financial powers of attorney that give you these rights. (Just consult with your child first before doing so!) COVER THE HOUSEHOLD BASICS If there’s one thing to look forward to, it’s all the laundry you won’t have to do anymore. And the fridge will be fully stocked without ravenous teens emptying it regularly! But before you drop your child off at college or their new home, make sure they can manage laundry, cook basic meals, and keep a tidy space. Some basics to cover include the difference between hot and cold wash and how to make scrambled eggs. 4 Florida Women’s Law Group | 904-549-6553

MAKE A BUDGET Living as a broke young adult is almost like a rite of passage to “real” adulthood, but you can make this experience easier just by opening that often taboo door and talking about money. Explain the processes or budgeting systems that work for your family and guide your child through their potential living expenses. Try test runs so they understand how much they will have to spend on necessities, like groceries, hygiene items, and gas. Pro Tip: Before your children take off, don’t forget to schedule one more dental appointment! We can set up recurring appointments during breaks to ensure their oral health is never compromised.

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