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FMN | October 2nd, 2017

godigital FINAT Label Study ( Cont’d from Page 1) A im for your target audience in the Flexographic

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FMN | March 2nd, 2020

Minneapolis locat- ed close to the Mall of America in Bloomington,Minne- sota on October 27-29. By r

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FMN | April 2nd, 2018

newperformance Tailor made solutions from Koenig & Bauer KBA-Flexotecnica presses are tailored to yo

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FMN | September 2nd, 2019

Cylinder Wear and Damage Print Defects Like Dirty Print, Streaks Lack of On-going Compliance Trainin

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FMN | August 16th, 2021

CUT ® PERFORMANCE DOCTOR BLADES Meter More Precisely Print Cleaner Dots Longer Protect Anilox Invest

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FMN | August 6th, 2018


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FMN | August 5th, 2019

Social Media Coordinator Tom Vilardi (1961-2018) Chairman Ted Vilardi (1933-2013) - Founder ©2019 NV

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FMN | August 20th, 2018

CUT ® PERFORMANCE DOCTOR BLADES FLXON INCORPORATED 8531 Crown Crescent Court, Charlotte, NC 28227 (8

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Marhaba 2nd Quarter 2021

Marhaba 2nd Quarter 2021 Message from GM We have made great strides in this quarter.  We are ranked

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FMN | August 7th, 2017

techteam for the latest technical tips. Partners in Flexo Innovation. PIA Unveils State Print Profil

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FMN | August 2nd, 2021

Vol. 23 No. 16 An N.V. Publication Market News FLEX Serving The Flexographic Printing Industry For More Than Two Decades ®

August 2, 2021

Pamarco Showcases New Batavia Facility

FPA Partners With PACK EXPO

The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA) is again participating in the Part- ner Program at PACK EXPO Las Vegas and co-located Healthcare Packaging EXPO, September 27-29, 2021 at the Las Vegas Convention Center, owned and produced by PMMI, The Associ- ation for Packaging and Processing Technologies (PMMI). Supporting the event at the Tier 1 level in the PACK EXPO Las Vegas Partner Program, FPA joins more than 25 associations who are lead- ing forces in the exchange of ideas and collaboration with an invested interest in the future of processing and packaging. Coming Together PACK EXPO Las Vegas and Health- care Packaging EXPO will bring to- gether more than 1,500 exhibitors from 40+ vertical industry markets. There will be Pavilions dedicated to processing, printing, containers & materials, the confectionery industry, and reusable packaging. The FPA exhibit, located in the As-

by Greg Kishbaugh

O bsolescence comes quickly to companies that do not inno- vate and grow. So, as it celebrates its 75th anniversary this year, anilox roll supplier Pamarco continues to introduce new technology, refine its long-standing processes, and find solutions to streamline the ways in which it operates.

(Cont’d on Page 8)

Pamarco’s new Batavia, Illinois, facility offers a streamlined manufacturing process.

For exclusive content and breaking news visit

The company recently opened a new anilox manufacturing fa- cility in Batavia, Illinois, and, despite working on the new facility during the chaotic backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic, man- aged to do so on time and under budget.The 36,000-square-foot greenfield facility was opened in June of last year.

(Cont’d on Page 3)








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Pamarco (Cont’d from Page 1)

production was moved to its Roselle, New Jersey, loca- tion, allowing the new facility to exclusively produce laser engraved ceramic anilox. “The old building presented too many organizational problems to overcome, we simply could not continue to grow efficiently in the old location,” said John Bur- gess, President, Flexo Division for Pamarco.“We want- ed to create a new workspace that would benefit our employees,provide the capacity for continued growth and provide a venue to showcase our technology and educate our customers.This new facility and the cap- ital invested is designed to meet the ever-increasing demands from the market on precision, accuracy and response time.” Critical Inspection The new building was designed with a bridge crane system, which allows materials to travel from worksta- tion to workstation without the need for employees to move them manually. Every roll at the facility begins its journey with an inspection to identify the work needed to return the roll or sleeve to OEM specification. After initial in- spection, anilox rolls move to the prep department where the old ceramic is stripped, and repairs are made to prepare them for coating and then the la-

Pamarco has operated in Batavia for 61 years. The original location, opened in 1960, stands about two and a half miles from the new location. In the original location Pamarco produced laser engraved and me- chanically engraved anilox rolls. The mechanical roll

Pamarco has refined its production process, which greatly benefits its employees and provides a show- case for its customers.

(Cont’d on Page 4)

Take the pain out of selecting the right product Picking the best inking system or parts washer for your pressroom can be confusing. We’ll make sure that the products you order decrease downtime, clean your parts and keep your pressroom running efficiently. We speak your language and understand your needs. We may have 10,000 choices in our catalog - but there’s only one solution for you. You Don’t Make Money When Your Press Isn’t Running!

Flexo Market News August 2, 2021 3

Pamarco (Cont’d from Page 3)

Experience the power of SWED/CUT ® “Anydefect,anymid-runpressstop, canentirely eliminiatemargin froma job. AsQAManager, it is up tome toprevent wastebefore it happens. That’s why I rely on FLXON’s products and support togainour competitiveadvantage. QAManager,WideWebPressroom

ser engraving processes.These critical processes are controlled to the highest standards, and independent laboratory testing is regularly performed to certify process control. At the beginning of this year, a new 3.5M ALE laser was installed in Batavia, the third fiber optic solid state laser at the facility.The laser is fully equipped to pro- duce rolls and sleeves in all screen count and volume ranges. Finally, a final inspection is performed and a cell- base certification is issued using Ultra-precision white light interferometry measuring not only the depth of the cell but the shape and final cell volume of the anilox. Certifying that the roll or sleeve has been produced to the highest standard and to the

Columbus, OH - Booth #854


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equarterHOUSEAD.qxp_Layout 1 8/13/19 6:21 PM Page 1

In addition to its bi-weekly print edition, Flexo Market News also offers unprecented online reach for advertisers, as well. * Every ad in our print edition appears in our online edition, which includes a link back to your company’s website. • Banner ad opportunities exist at both and

• Exclusive online sponsorships allow your company to have sole ownership over online content, in addition to your ad on a web blast that goes to our readers. • Web blast sponsorships that reach our entire

Pamarco’s new facility is an upgrade over the plant the company had operated in Batavia since 1960.

customers specification. Pamarco operates four laser engraving facilities, La Palma,California;Atlanta Georgia;Warrington,UK and the new Batavia facility, each utilizing state-of-the-art technology. Consistency and repeatability remain the

readership with your exclusive content.

(Cont’d on Page 7)

4 August 2, 2021 Flexo Market News

Esko Forms Distribution Partnership For AVT Solutions Esko as formed a new partnership with Beswick Machinery Ltd to distribute its range of AVT solutions across southern Africa.

Johan Bastiaen, Esko Territory Sales Manager for Af- rica, welcomed the deal, which will see the Johannes- burg, South Africa-based Beswick Machinery acting as distributor for Esko AVT Solutions across South Africa and neighboring countries including Botswana, Mo- zambique, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Under the new agreement, Beswick will distribute Esko AVT hardware such as the Apollo, Jupiter, Argus, Titan and Helios automated inline inspection units, as well as a range of innovative packaging and label workflow software. Bastiaen added that Beswick would also act as a Ser- vice Partner in the region. All4Labels Global Packaging Acquires Etichettificio Dany All4Labels recently signed the agreement making Etichettificio Dany, an Italian pressure sensitive label supplier, part of All4Labels. Terms and conditions of the transaction were not disclosed. While Etichettificio Dany becomes a fully owned subsidiary of All4Labels, Marco Olivieri, who founded and developed the business over decades, becomes shareholder of All4Labels and part of the management team.

Beswick Machinery’s sales team ( from left ) Kevin Tucker, Bruce Beswick, Riaan Hopley, and Martin Attwell.

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Flexo Market News August 2, 2021 5

Mondi, Unilever Develop Paper-Based Packaging

Unilever has partnered with Mondi to develop a new high barrier paper-based packaging material for its Col- man’s dry Meal Maker and sauces range with reduced plastic, increased paper content to ensure recyclability in the existing UK paper waste stream. By replacing the previously unrecyclable multi-ma- terial laminate with paper packaging, Mondi supports Unilever in its sustainability targets.The aluminum, as well as all unnecessary plastic layers of the previous material, were eliminated.This resulted in a new pack- aging with 85 percent paper content and an ultra-thin functional plastic layer that seals the packaging and provides barrier protection for the food. The two companies closely collaborated throughout the entire development process, including mastering the challenge of limited access to production facilities during the Covid-19 pandemic. Starting with a proof of concept, followed by ex- tensive line trials at both Mondi and Unilever’s R&D pilot plants, provided the flexibility to quickly proto- type and test the unique packaging material before scaling up. APTech, FSEA Introduce Amplify Event The Association for PRINT Technologies (APTech) and the Foil & Specialty Effects Association (FSEA) are collaborating on a new in-person event, Amplify, an exhibition and educational program spotlighting the print finishing value chain. The three-day experience will take place June 14-16, 2022, at the Minneapolis Convention Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Association Partners Both associations welcome print and packaging de- signers, commercial printers, print finishers, binders, mailers, and creatives to connect with the equipment manufacturers and suppliers to those industries. Other association partners who will be supporting Amplify include AICC, the Independent Packaging Association, and RadTech, the Association for UV&EB Technology. Amplify will feature an interactive learning experi- ence through technology demonstrations, product spotlights, and classroom educational experiences. Ex- hibitors and educational programs will cover process- es that include metallic decorating techniques, folding and gluing, UV coating, laminates, laser cutting, perfect and mechanical binding, folding, and direct mail ma- chinery and software.

6 August 2, 2021 Flexo Market News

Pamarco (Cont’d from Page 4) cornerstone of flexo printing and Pa- marco’s ERP system ties its facilities and specifically its lasers together for perfect matching/repeatability of an engraving. This allows its laser op- erators in any location to match en- gravings produced in other locations, a great benefit as converters stan- dardize production jobs in multiple locations. At this moment in time, perhaps nothing is as important to customers — and consumers — as the protec- tion of the environment, and sustain- ability. Pamarco has made certain that those criteria have all been met at the new facility. “In addition to focusing on precision and quality we also focused on the en- vironment, this is a completely green


John Burgess

David Drozd

facility,” said David Drozd,VP Manufacturing, Flexo Divi- sion.“We don’t produce hazardous waste,all biproducts of the manufacturing process are recyclable.” AICC Offers Hazmat Packaging Forum AICC, The Independent Packaging Association, is of- fering Hazmat Packaging: Roles and Responsibilities Under the HMR and the Production & Maintenance Forum during SuperCorrExpo,August 10-11, in Orlan- do, Florida. Most box makers face the situation routinely: cus- tomers want them to supply “hazmat packaging” [4G, 11G, 50G boxes]; and these are good business oppor- tunities often securing large or high margin accounts, but the HMR are complex and tangential to your core business expertise. What are your responsibilities under the HMR? Your customers’? What exactly does your government ex- pect of you? How do we get this right? What are the risks? This seminar focuses on three categories of specif- ic regulatory issues surrounding the roles of the box fabricator under the HMR for the tasks the routinely performed on behalf of their hazmat customers and is designed to help answer the questions above includ- ing strategies for compliance with the least internal friction. Participants will reportedly return to their own plants with a greater understanding of new and tra- ditional technologies and how the standard practices (SOPs & Decision guides).

When your anilox roll arrives for reconditioning, we perform a multi-point inspection to ensure we understand the scope of work to be done to meet OEM specications before we prepare the roll for repair.


Take a virtual walk through our production process!Visit our YouTube channel: Pamarco Inc.

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www.pamarco. com i nfo@pamarco. com

Flexo Market News August 2, 2021 7

PACK EXPO (Cont’d from Page 1)


Sustained solutions to your most pressing pressroom concerns.

sociation Partner Pavilion in the Central Hall, booth C-1341, will display the winning packages from the 2021 Flexible Packaging Achievement Awards com- petition. FPA will also distribute copies of the 2021 Achievement Awards and Innovation Showcase, the 2021 Flexible Packaging Achievement Awards Call for Entries, the 2021-2022 Flexible Packaging Buyers Guide, the Report to the Membership, and a list of all FPA members exhibiting at PACK EXPO Las Vegas and the location of their exhibits. Winning packages of the 2021 Flexible Packaging Achievement Awards competition will also be on display in the PACK EXPO Las Vegas Showcase of Packaging In- novations, Booth N-9720 in the North Hall of the Las Ve- gas Convention Center,which is sponsored byWestRock. Housed in the Containers and Materials Pavilion, The Showcase of Packaging Innovations features winning en- tries from worldwide packaging competition. MacDermid Announces The Flexo Xperience Center MacDermid Graphics Solutions has announced plans for a collaborative endeavor,The Flexo Xperience Cen- ter (The FXC). The Flexo Xperience Center is a partnership between MacDermid and SOMA and is an expansion of their ini- tial plans to install a SOMA Optima2 printing press at MacDermid’s facility in Atlanta, Georgia, announced in December 2020. The FXC will include multiple part- ners providing software, equipment, and consumables. The Flexo Xperience Center was conceptualized in late 2020 by the leadership, marketing, R&D, and sales teams at MacDermid and SOMA while discussing plans to install the printing press and plate mounting equip- ment at MacDermid’s facility. The teams identified a need in the package printing industry for a wide-web flexo printing center with every aspect of the flexo process, including artwork, prepress, platemaking, print, print finishing, and print evaluation. The mission of The Flexo Xperience Center is to move flexo forward. This global center will combine both hands-on and virtual visits for a “one-stop-shop” for the package printing industry’s entire workflow to experience the latest flexographic printing innova- tions. In addition, the FXC will foster and host indus- try training, collaboration, research, experimentation, and learning, all designed to ensure package print- ing excellence.The center will be open to pre-media suppliers, tradeshops, printers, converters, consumer product good companies, industry associations, educa- tional institutions, manufacturers, and other players in the package printing market.

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Internet Directory Potential customers can locate your products and services, clicking directly to your website. Both in print and online, it’s a cost-effective means to reach Flexo Market News readers and increase your bottom line.

To take advantage of this opportunity contact:

Greg Kishbaugh / 317-306-1060 / [email protected]

Robyn Smith / 910-553-4055 / [email protected]

8 August 2, 2021 Flexo Market News

ARC Installs New Fibertronic Engraver

Engineered Better Anilox Sleeves and Rollers Crafted Specifically For Your Budget, Your Press, Your Job.

Charlotte, North Carolina-based ARC International has invested in a 5.5-meter (18-foot) laser engraver.The new Fibertronic control system reportedly features the very latest in optical fibers to connect all parts of the laser engraving system. This Fibertronic control system contains all the key electronic and software components necessary to in- tegrate four graphical >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16

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