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FMN | March 16th, 2020

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FMN | August 16th, 2021

CUT ® PERFORMANCE DOCTOR BLADES Meter More Precisely Print Cleaner Dots Longer Protect Anilox Invest

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FMN | April 16th, 2018

na © 2017 DuPont. All rights reserved. The DuPont Oval Logo, DuPont™ and Cyrel ® are registered trad

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FMN | September 16th, 2019

cylinder damage Easily meter white inks Lower Annual Doctor Blade Spend At FLXON, Smart Technology d

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FMN | March 2nd, 2020

Minneapolis locat- ed close to the Mall of America in Bloomington,Minne- sota on October 27-29. By r

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FMN | March 30th, 2020


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FMN | March 18th, 2019

FMN | March 18th, 2019 An N.V. Publication FLEX March 18, 2019 Vol. 21 No. 6 Market News ® Serving T

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FMN | March 28th, 2022

FMN | March 28th, 2022 Vol. 24 No. 7 An N.V. Publication Market News FLEX Serving The Flexographic P

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FMN | March 19th, 2018_v2

converting machinery and UVTechnolo- gy curing systems and replacement parts. Mark Andy, Inc. is hea

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FMN | March 29th, 2021

15 11:54 AM Page 1 Greg Kishbaugh (317) 306-1060 [email protected] DuPont ™ CYREL ® FAST Ther

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FMN | March 19th, 2018

converting machinery and UVTechnolo- gy curing systems and replacement parts. Mark Andy, Inc. is hea

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FMN | March 16th, 2020

Vol. 22 No. 6 FLEX Serving The Flexographic Printing Industry In Print and Online at ® FPA Awards Best In Flexible Packaging AICC Analyzes E-Commerce An N.V. Publication Market News

March 16, 2020

AICC’s E-Commerce Xperience, held February 18-20 at the Sheraton DFW Airport Hotel in Irving, Texas, brought together converters, packag- ing consultants, e-commerce experts, brand owners, and industry suppliers for an intensive look into the forces shaping the growing retail segments of online sales. Speakers addressed the new mar- keting and packaging requirements of retailers and online sales channels like Amazon, and how brand owners are dealing with the fast-changing e-commerce landscape. Attendees also heard from AICC member box- makers who are active in the e-com- merce “space,” as well as suppliers of technology to enable more efficient delivery to this sector. A Recent Phenomenon Koenig & Bauer Durst hosted the pre-reception event on February 18 at its corporate headquarters, provid- ing a lavish spread of authentic Texas fare; the opportunity to network be- tween corrugated converters, staff,

reported by Greg Kishbaugh

T he Flexible Packaging Association (FPA) announced the win- nersof its64thAnnual FlexiblePackagingAchievementAwards Competition during the FPAWelcome Dinner & Flexible Packag- ing Achievement Awards Ceremony heldWednesday, March 4, in conjunction with the 2020 FPA Annual Meeting at the Hyatt Re- gency Coconut Point Resort and Spa in Bonita Springs, Florida. This year, 73 packages were submitted in the competition, for

a total of 206 entries (some packages were entered into multi- ple categories). Thirty packages were hon- ored with 48 Achieve- ment Awards in vari- ous categories.

The judges for this year’s competition in- cluded Min Degruson, Ph.D., Assistant Profes- sor,Packaging,Universi- ty ofWisconsin – Stout; Matt Reynolds, Editor, Packaging World; and Mike Richmond, Ph.D., Principal, PTIS, LLC. Sustainability continues to be a focus, with several entries us- ing bio-based and compostable materials. “I’m excited about how the industry has really stepped up to the sustainability and circular economy challenges with en- hanced barriers and recyclability, increasing the post-recycled content, and reusability,” said Richmond. The Highest Achievement Award went to AeroFlexx from Innventure.

(Cont’d on Page 8)

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(Cont’d on Page 4)

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Hasnet Label Adds Fourth Nilpeter FA-Line

Get your company in front of the flexo industry’s key decisionmakers. Flexo Market News ’ readership is comprised of Presidents, Owners, VPs and General Managers of flexo operations — the key people who make decisions on equipment purchases. An ad in Flexo Market News is a direct sales meeting with thousands of the industry’s best thinkers and most influental leaders. Reach the Decisionmakers

Hasnet Label, a Turkish producer of self-adhesive la- bels, has acquired a new Nilpeter FA-Line, its fourth from the Danish press manufacturer, adding both capacity and label options to its modernized and eco-friendly factory in Gunesli, Istanbul, Turkey. The press was installed in December 2019. The new FA-17 features advanced automation, regis- tration, video monitoring and more. ALTANA Completes Schmid Rhyner Acquisition ALTANA has completed the acquisition of the over- print varnish company Schmid Rhyner AG, which was previously part of the Swiss Conzzeta Group.The acqui- sition was originally announced on December 20, 2019. Schmid Rhyner AG will be integrated into ALTANA’s ACTEGA division. Schmid Rhyner was founded in 1880 and currently has headquarters in Adliswil, Switzerland, and a sub- sidiary in New Jersey.The company has almost 80 em- ployees and sells its products in more than 100 coun- tries worldwide.

AFTER 80 YEARS, We’ve got innovation down to a science.

We’re proud to celebrate 80 years of working with press builders, converters, and ink makers to develop ink circulating and conditioning systems which meet their unique requirements. With a new 125,000 square foot factory outside of Chicago, Illinois and over 80 years of experience serving the global market, Graymills continues to lead the industry in innovation, quality and sustainability.

Flexo Market News March 16, 2020 3

FPA Awards (Cont’d from Page 1) An increasing trend seen for this year’s competition is the number of entries that contain both matte and spot gloss aspects. The transition of products previously packaged in rigid containers to flexible packaging was also seen as a growing trend. Several of the entries also addressed consumer con- venience, making it easier for the consumers to shop, transport, dispense from, and use flexible packaging. The Highest Achievement Award went to AeroF- lexx, from Innventure, which also won Gold Awards for Expanding the Use of Flexible Packaging; Packag- ing Excellence; Shelf Impact; Sustainability; andTechni- cal Innovation.AeroFlexx uses an air frame to integrate tailored rigidity into a flexible film, creating a package with no discreet closure; clean and controlled one handed dispensing functionality; a 360 degree palette for branding; a structure that is e-commerce complaint without additional protection, all with at least 50 per- cent less plastic than a bottle.

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In addition to its bi-weekly print edition, Flexo Market News also offers unprecented online reach for advertisers, as well. * Every ad in our print edition appears in our online edition, which includes a link back to your company’s website. • Banner ad opportunities exist at both and

Printpack won a Gold Award — Printing for Stacy’s Women’s History Month Packaging.

Printpack won a Gold Award — Printing for Sta- cy’sWomen’s History Month Packaging.This collection of limited edition packages tells the story of a female entrepreneur’s journey to success and is designed to inspire and support female entrepreneurs. The pack- aging’s purpose is to connect and align the brand, fe- male entrepreneurs, and supporters of female-founded businesses. These were sold online through the Unit- ed Way to help fund new and emerging businesses to celebrate Women’s History Month and as part of the Stacy’s Rise Project. Plastic Packaging Technologies won a Gold Award — Packaging Excellence ; Silver Award — Sus- tainability ; and Silver Award — Technical Innova- tion for Hill’s All PE “Recyclable” Pet Treat Bags.These all PE laminated bags reportedly allowed the interna-

• Exclusive online sponsorships allow your company to have sole ownership over online content, in addition to your ad on a web blast that goes to our readers. • Web blast sponsorships that reach our entire

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(Cont’d on Page 9)

4 March 16, 2020 Flexo Market News

FEFCO Welcomes New Circular Economy Action Plan In light of the EU last week releasing its Circular Economy Action Plan, FEFO released a statment prais- ing the plan. The circular economy is vital for achieving the Green Deal ambition for climate neutrality, preserving natu- ral resources and supportingthe competitiveness of the European economy, FEFCO said. The sustainable product policy framework could be a real driver for circularity, which starts with the right selection of raw materials and the efficient use of resources. The bioeconomy plays a key role by providing renewable fibre-based materials as a sustainable alternative to oth- er finite resources. Supporting The Initiative FEFCO said it was pleased with the Commission initiative to support the “sustainable and circular bio- based sector.” Recycling gives valuable materials like paper and board a long-life span.The circular economy needs recycling as much at it needs waste prevention and re-use to keep the materials in the loop and to minimise the use of resources. Designing sustainable products is key and should be a requirement for all packaging.

The paper and board industry already issued “Pa- per-based packaging recyclability guidelines” to sup- port the industry and its customers in building cir- cularity into their products, said FEFCO. Corrugated cardboard packaging is a real example of circu- larity and sustainability. Paper comes from a renew- able source and we use recycled paper as a major raw material, optimising the use of natural source and reducing the environmental impact, FEFCO said in the statement. “On average corrugated packaging contains 89 percent recycled content and is circular by na- ture,” said Angelika Christ, FEFCO Secretary Gener- al. Packaging plays a key role in protecting products and ensuring safe delivery and storage, maintaining the quality of the product and often extending shelf life of fresh food.While overpackaging should be re- duced, underpackaging can have a hugely negative impact on the environment. Packaging fit for pur- pose can prevent food waste and support the EU am- bition and the UN Sustainable Development regard- ing food loss and waste. In conclusion, FEFCO stated that it is essential to maintain the competitiveness of the EU industry and to support its growth while protecting the environment and building a new cir- cular economy.

Flexo Market News March 16, 2020 5

Survey: Excessive Packaging Threatens Brand Loyalty According to a recent survey by Mondi of more than 2,000 people aged 16-75 across the United Kingdom, the majority of consumers said they would switch to a different brand because it uses less packaging than other brands do. Southerners outside of London are the most likely to make the switch, with Londoners, Scots and theWelsh trailing behind, per the survey. Just under six out of 10 (58 percent) British con- sumers said that when shopping for food and every- day household items, they would switch to a different brand because it uses less packaging. Just more than six out of 10 (62 percent) Southerners (defined as those living in the South West and South East of England outside of London) said they would switch to a different brand because it uses less packag- ing, in comparison to only five out of 10 consumers in London (54 percent), Scotland (53 percent) andWales (47 percent); Six out of 10 (61 percent) British women would switch brands for one with less packaging when shop- ping for food and everyday household items, with just over five out of 10 (54 percent) men saying the same. Just under two-thirds (65 percent) of 35 to 44-year- olds said they would switch to a different brand be- cause it uses less packaging. In comparison, only around five out of 10 Generation Xers (between 45-54 years old) and Baby Boomers (between 55-75 years of age) said the same: (54 percent) and 52 percent, re- spectively.

ISA International Sign Expo 2020 Postponed

The International SignAssociation,which was sched- uled to take place in early April, has been postponied due to concerns around COVID-19 and will now take place August 23-25, with preconference sessions on August 22. ISA Sign Expo will remain at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida.

TAGA Annual Technical Conference Cancelled

Printing Industries of America (PIA) and the Techni- cal Association of the Graphic Arts (TAGA) announced that the TAGA Annual Technical Conference slated for March 15–18 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, has been cancelled in the wake of the World Health Organiza- tion declaring the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) a pandemic.

6 March 16, 2020 Flexo Market News

Global Packaging M&A Deals Total $2.71B In Q4 2019 Total packaging industry M&A deals in the fourth quarter of 2019 were worth $2.71 billion globally, ac- cording to Global>Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16

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