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FMN | October 25th, 2021

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FMN | April 25th, 2022

21 5:52 PM Mercian Labels Enhances Cyber Security Mercian Labels has been acc

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FMN | May 25th, 2020

FMN | May 25th, 2020 Vol. 22 No. 11 An N.V. Publication Market News FLEX Serving The Flexographic Pr

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FMN | November 25th, 2019

folding cartons, corrugated display and packaging, converting equipment, specialty printing, finishi

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FMN | June 25th, 2018

[email protected] 4 June 25, 2018 Flexo Market News Flexo Report ( Co

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FMN | December 25th, 2017

newperformance Mark Andy, DuPont ( Cont’d from Page 1) existing Mark Andy consumables portfolio of m

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FMN | October 11th, 2021

Brunton powerhouse. What a delight for both of us to become part of that team! In the past 30 years

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FMN | October 2nd, 2017

godigital FINAT Label Study ( Cont’d from Page 1) A im for your target audience in the Flexographic

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FMN | October 3rd, 2016

feeder system when you SPECIAL OFFER! R c esour er S taew astWeful e 1978 olutions Sinc BECKART ENVI

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FMN | October 17th, 2016

Europe Ted Vilardi (1933-2013) - Founder ©2016 NV. Publicaions All Rights Reserved www.nvpublication

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FMN | October 31st, 2016


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FMN | October 25th, 2021

Vol. 23 No. 22 An N.V. Publication Market News FLEX Serving The Flexographic Printing Industry For More Than Two Decades ®

October 25, 2021

Webinars Aim To Improve Workforce

FTA Entries For Annual Industry Entries are now being accepted for the 2022 installments of FTA’s three industry-wide award competitions that recognize the best in flexogra- phy for achievements in printing excellence, technical innovation and sustainability efforts. The FTA Excellence in Flexography Awards honor extraordinary flexog- raphic printing of exceptional quality and consistency, as well as the print- ers responsible for it.The deadline to enter is January 11, 2022. The FTATechnical InnovationAward recognizes the flexographic tech- nologies in the prepress department and on the pressroom floor that are advancing the industry. The deadline to enter is January 31, 2022.The FTA Sustainability Excellence Award is giv- en to companies who demonstrate a commitment to and pursuit of sustain- able flexographic printing. The dead- line to enter is January 7, 2022. Winners will be announced at an Awards Banquet during FORUM & INFOFLEX 2022, held March 13-16, 2022 in Fort Worth,Texas.

reported by Greg Kishbaugh

A ICC, The Independent Packaging Association, understands that many members are searching for new employees and have current employees moving roles within their companies.To help employees in new roles and HR professionals get ready for potential challenges,AICC has developed several new webinars.

For new and seasoned process improvement professionals, AICC is offering What Every Process Improvement Professional Needs to Know onThursday,October 28.This webinar shares an overview of the mindset, methods, and tools required to effec- tively lead a company’s efforts to improve quality and productiv- ity to become a learning organization. In 2021, the U.S. EEOC announced that for the 11th year in a row, retaliation was the #1 basis of all charges filed. Learn the ba- sis of these charges and how to avoid them in Workplace Retal- iation: The Employment Boomerang on Tuesday, November 16.

For exclusive content and breaking news visit

(Cont’d on Page 3)

But only when it comes to printing opaque white ink. Tests prove that GTT can deliver higher opacity with lower ink volume, resulting in reduced ink consumption & potentially higher press speeds. So if mottling or pinholes aredulling your colors —or if you need a double-bump to make your white truly opaque — give GTT engravings a close look. Discover how GTT’s open-channel geometry anilox rolls and sleeves can empower you to: We don’t like being transparent. We admit it.

Micrograph of opaque white ink layer printed with conventional closed- cell anilox engraving.

· Achieve higher-quality opaque white printing; · Improve ink homogeneity; · Minimize mottling & pinholing;

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Opaque white ink layer printed with GTT open- channel anilox engraving.

Learn how one flexo printer slashed ink consumption by more than 10% — and achieved better opacity and faster clean-up. GTT delivers the secrets to flawless opaque white ink printing. Scan the code, download your free article today — and stay for the movie!

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Industry Webinars (Cont’d from Page 1)

webinars to give members the information they need to continue to build their sales and understand their customers. Create Impactful Value Statements for Every Sales Opportunity on Wednesday, November 3, will explain how to create a value statement from a sales standpoint, develop ‘sources of value’ for their offerings in words the customer understands, and a simple approach to develop a situational value statement through the eyes of the customer. Maximize Your Professional Persona Using Linke- dIn on Wednesday, December 1, 2021, will allow at- tendees to learn to develop an effective LinkedIn profile and create a winning follow-up cadence with customers. Do You Have the Right Sales Structure for the Fu- ture? will be offered on January 11, 2022. One of the keys to driving profitable growth is having the right people in the right roles with the right training.When teams have their associates in the right roles they per- form and create value for the organization.However, if a company has the right person but in the wrong role, results suffer and often companies will lose a key team member. More than 60 percent of once face-to-face salespeo- ple are struggling to sell in the new virtual hybrid mod-

Attendees can learn an empowerment matrix that will help leaders become comfort-able empowering others, let go, and allow teams to grow in their posi- tions in Empowering Others for Success on Thursday, December 9. Successful Coaching A great coach learns about the capabilities of their people and puts them in the best position to be suc- cessful. How Do Leaders Become Coaches? on Thurs- day, February 10, 2022 will teach attendees to set stan- dards for behavior and performance, empower people to make decisions and solve problems, and how to become a mentor. Attendees can keep up with the latest regulations during Don’t PlayWith My Pay:AWage and Hour Up- date onWednesday, February 16, 2022. Managing Disability and Leave Issues ,Tuesday,May 24, 2022, an interactive program, will help HR profes- sionals, managers and supervisors lay the groundwork to set expectations for and enforce attendance expec- tations, manage disability, and leave issues while build- ing proactive employment practices.

Increasing Sales Additionally, AICC is launching several new sales

(Cont’d on Page 7)

Take the pain out of selecting the right product Picking the best inking system or parts washer for your pressroom can be confusing. We’ll make sure that the products you order decrease downtime, clean your parts and keep your pressroom running efficiently. We speak your language and understand your needs. We may have 10,000 choices in our catalog - but there’s only one solution for you. You Don’t Make Money When Your Press Isn’t Running!

Flexo Market News October 25, 2021 3

Stora Enso Sets 2030 Sustainability Targets

Experience the power of SWED/CUT ® “Anydefect,anymid-runpressstop, canentirely eliminiatemargin froma job. AsQAManager, it is up tome toprevent wastebefore it happens. That’s why I rely on FLXON’s products and support togainour competitiveadvantage. QAManager,WideWebPressroom

Stora Enso’s goal is to offer 100 percent regenerative products and solutions by 2050. By adopting a regen- erative stance, Stora Enso is shifting its sustainability goals from minimizing negative environmental impact to becoming a net positive contributor within the de- fined focus areas of climate, circularity and biodiversi- ty by 2050. Being regenerative means providing renewable and fully circular products and solutions that help reduce climate impact and support biodiversity restoration. Stora Enso is also committing to new 2030 targets for its key sustainability priorities: climate change, biodi- versity and circularity. With its updated science-based targets, Stora Enso has committed to reducing absolute scope 1 and 22 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from operations by 50 percent by 2030 from the 2019 base-year, aligned with the 1.5-degree scenario. Stora Enso also com- mits to a target to reduce scope 32 GHG emissions by 50 percent by 2030 from the 2019 base-year. The science-based targets have been approved by the Sci- ence Based Targets initiative, a partnership between CDP, the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). Net Positive As part of its new ambition, Stora Enso has commit- ted to achieving a net-positive impact on biodiversity in its own forests and plantations by 2050 through ac- tive biodiversity management.A set of actions toward 2030 has been developed and initiated to improve bio- diversity on species, habitat and landscape levels. “Stora Enso uses its own forest in Sweden as a devel- opment platform for enhancing biodiversity,” said Jari Suominen, Executive Vice President, Forest Division at Stora Enso. “We will, for example, increase the share of broad-leaved trees and the amount of dead wood. Continuous cover forestry will be tested to evaluate its impact on biodiversity and forest growth in areas suitable for this method. Furthermore, Stora Enso will unify and expand performance evaluations that assess the quality of our work in Finland, Sweden, Russia and the Baltics in order to enhance biodiversity.” Stora Enso’s work will be supported by a sci- ence-based monitoring program and more than 15 in- dicators tracking progress on the species, habitat and landscape levels. During 2022 Stora Enso will start to share >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16

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