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Case for Marketing Content Hub

Case for Marketing Content Hub G U I D E The case for a marketing content hub Table of contents Intr

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2020 Kenya Adult Trip

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2020 Ecuador Adult Trip

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2020 India Adult Trip

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For Adult Content Creators




Threesom e Fantasy Theywantto worship yourfeet W atersports Fantasy StepsisterFantasy Anal Play Theywantto degradeyou They love tits Theylikeseeing you usebig toys Theywantto beyourdaddy/dom GENERALSCENARIO GUIDES CONTENTShE2

KNOW ABOUTUS Good news!There’sloadsofwaysto starta sexting session witha fan.Sextingsgetseasierovertim e, Especialywhen a new fan turnsinto a loyalone. You wil earn theirwantsand needsduring a session, know how to getthem to the end destination and ultim atelykeep them com ing backform ore. W hen you starta sexting session with a new fan,it isn’tassim ple,depending on whatthe custom ers wantsand needs.That’swhyIhave created this docum ent,to help you getstarted with how to setthe scene,thingsto sayduring and afterthe session. Ithinkit’salso im portantto note thatjustbecause it’sa sexting session,you don’tneed to take live photos/ videos.Thisdependson the size ofyourcontentbank. Before som eone paysfora sexting ses ion,Iwould suggestyou askquestionsto find outasm uch as possible abouttheirexpectations,while also seting your own.

Session sale conversation tem plates:

Quote: “Hey!YesIdo sexting sessions,Iwilbe free in X hours,doesthatworkforyou?” “T’m looking forward to it!Did you have anything particularin m ind forthe session,orhappyform e to take the lead?” Before som eone paysfora sexting session,Iwould suggestyou askquestionsto find outasm uch as possible abouttheirexpectations,while also seting your own.

Noted!Here are m ypaym entdetails”

Optional-“Hey,justso you know,Idon'ttake /Ilim it the am ountoflive contentIsend to X asIfind ittakes awayfrom the actualsexting,which Irealylove geting into.

ACTLIKETHEIR PARTNER WHO IS CHEATING ON THEM Quote: "Heybabe,I’ve justgoten backfrom a friends,he needed som e em otionalsupport,he justbroke up with his wife,Ionlyjustgotyourm essagesSory." Content: 1.Cleavage revealing,leg showing,yoga pants,flirtyoutfits. Conversation starters: Notes: He m ayorm aynotbring up the question ofcheating, ifhe does,go along with it,he get’sof on knowing you're a “slut”.Ifhe doesn't,he stilgetsof on the idea ofyou being naughty,butdoesn’twantto know aboutthe who,whatwhen where. • He wanted a cuddle,Ihope that’sokay. • Iprobablysm ellike him ,he usesso m uch cologne. • Iwantto feelclose to you,are you in the m ood baby? • I’m realy horny,let’s fuck. • Talkabouthow wetyou alreadyare. • Talkabouthow you love itwhen a m an getshard foryou. • Talkaboutcream pies. • How m uch you love cum .

THEY WANT TO WORSHIP YOUR FEET Quote: “I’ve heard a litle rum ourthatyou’re a bit ofa footboy,isittrue?”or“So,you won’tm ind m e teasing you with these feetpicsthen. ” Content: • Soles • Showing yourarches • Diferentcolored toes • Feetup showing • High hils • Sockson/of • Include nudityand otherareaswith feetincluded in the pose. Conversation starters: • Telm e whatyou’d do to m yfeet,Iwantto hear everything. • How do m ypretytoeslooked wrapped around thisdildo. • Do you like itwhen Iscrunch up m ytoes.

Notes: The m ain curvebalsforthese ideasare ifhe wantsthe othersirltae hiswife/gforifhe wantsit tobeaMMF. • Idon'tcare where you finish,aslong asIgetto taste it. • W ould you preferm e to be the one riding yourcock ofsiting on yourface? • I'd love to sityou in a corner,while you watched us foolaround fora bit.

Ifso,justbe Iive to each scenario.

THEY WANT TO WORSHIP YOUR FEET Quote: “I’ve heard a litle rum ourthatyou’re a bit ofa footboy,isittrue?”or“So,you won’tm ind m e teasing you with these feetpicsthen. ”

Content: • Soles

• Showing yourarches • Diferentcolored toes • Feetup showing • High hils • Sockson/of • Include nudityand otherareaswith feetincluded in the pose. Conversation starters: • Telm e whatyou’d do to m yfeet,Iwantto hear everything. • How do m ypretytoeslooked wrapped around thisdildo.

• How do m ypretytoeslooked wrapped around thisdildo. • Do you like itwhen Iscrunch up m ytoes • I’d love itifyou could coverm yfeetwith your hotload. • W ould you suckon m ytoeswhile we fucked? • IfIcam e backfrom the gym ,whatwould you do with m ysweatyfeet. • W ould you like to m assage these feeteverynight? Ilove a good footrub Notes: Be prepared forguysthatlike dirtyfeetby having im agesreadyto go.Barefootoutside,dirty socks,squashing food with feetetc.


Quote: “I’ve heard you’re quite the dirtyboy,telm e how you’d feelifIwasto use you asm ypersonal toilet.”OR“Ihearyou love watersports,Itake itnot the sportkind,telm e m ore.” Content: 1.Posing in the bathroom 2.Siting on the toilet,on tippytoes. 3.Videosofyou on the toilet 4.Anything pee-related (up to yourcom fortabiltywith the fetish). 5.You can sim ulate pee with waterifyou getcreative when taking im ages. Conversation starters: • W hatwould you do ifyou heard m e peeing in the bathroom . • Som etim es,Ilaugh so hard a litle bitofpee com esout,doesthatturn you on?

• Ilike peeing in the shower,would you care to join? • IfIwasto pee on you,where would you choose? • Ithinkit’shot,you know,because Igetto m ark m yteritoryon VielUp. Notes: Be prepared to catertowardssubm issive types,aswelassuysthatjustsim plyenjoybeing peed on.Generalyspeaking,itisa degrading act, so you can talkdown to yourfan,take iteasyto startnlesg theyhave stated otherwise.


Quote: "Heybabe,I’ve justgoten backfrom a friends, he needed som e em otionalsupport,he justbroke up with hiswife,Ionlyjustgotyourm essagessory." Content: 1.Posing in the bathroom 2.Siting on the toilet,on tippytoes. 3.Videosofyou on the toilet 4.Anything pee-related (up to yourcom fortabiltywith the fetish). 5.You can sim ulate pee with waterifyou getcreative when taking im ages. Conversation starters: • W hatwould you do ifyou heard m e peeing in the bathroom . • Som etim es,Ilaugh so hard a litle bitofpee com esout,doesthatturn you on?

Notes: He m ayorm aynotbring up the question of cheating,ifhe does,go along with it,he get’sof on knowing you’re a “slut”.Ifhe doesn't,he stilgetsof on the idea ofyou being naughty,butdoesn’twantto know aboutthe who,whatwhen where.


Quote: “Ihave som e choresforyou,wilyou be a good boyform om m ytoday?”

Content: 1.Kitchen naked 2.Loungeroom naked. 3.Vacuum naked 4.Flirtyclothing around the house etc.

Conversation starters: • You’re such a good boyform om m y,thankyou for doing alofyourchores. • W hyhaven’tyou gota girlfriend? • Ilove youngerm en,theyturn m e on so m uch. • I’ve caughtyou a few tim es,jerking of,buthaven't said anything untilnow. • W hatkind ofporn do you like? M om m ywatches… • You know,yourdad'sawayforthe nextweek,what are we going to do?

• You fuckbeterthan yourdad. • M om m ycould teach you a thing ortwo. • W oah,big boy,Ican see where you getthatfrom , although it'sdefinitelybigger.

Notes:Again,be m indfulofanyactualincesttalk iftheybring up personalexperiences,it’silegal.


Quote: “Ilove anal,notm anygirlswould agree, butiactualythinkit’sbeterthan sex.” Content: 1. Gaping 2.Assplay(fingers,toys) 3.Couple play Conversation starters: • W oah,thatwilbe a chalenge,butI’m definitely capable oftaking alofyou. • W ilyou pulm yhairwhile you fuckm e in the ass? • Ilove a big load in m yasshole. • Ibetm yasswould feelgreatwrapped around that cockofyours. • Do you wish Iwastwerking on yourcockinstead? • Ilove sucking on cockafterit'sbeen deep in m yass • I’m a bitofan analwhore,notgoing to lie. • W ould you eatm yassbaby? Ilove good rim m ing. • There’snothing beterthan a hard spanking while be fucked in the as .


Quote: “Helo sir,I’m here foryou to do whatyou please,Iwilwaitforfurtherinstruction.”

Content: 1.Spanking 2. Marks 3.Tied up

4.Looking up to the cam era Conversation starters: • I’m yourgood litle whore,aren’tI? • Doesthisposition please you? • Iwantto heareverything thatyou’d do to m e ifIwasthere. • The m ore handprints,the beter. • I’d love to be tied up in yourbed. • Ilove pleasing you,telm e how Ican please you m ore. • Telm e how m uch ofa slutIam ,Itgetsm e of. • Im aybe a slut,butyou’d stilfuckm e,wouldn'tyou?


Quote: “Heybabe,doesthistop looksee-through to you? IswearIcan see m ynipples… ” Content: 1.Cleavage 2.Bikinipics 3.Shirtpulup reviewsforthe ultim ate bounce efect 4.Holding them together 5.Nipple rubbing. 6.Ice place. Conversation starters: • Ifyou were giving m e a fulbodym assage,would you rub them too? • Ilove itwhen a guysqueezesm ynippleswhile he fucksm e. • M ynipplesare so sensitive,lookhow hard theyget. • Isquirted lotion overthem ,wilyou rub itin form e? • Ilove itwhen a guytityfucksm e and cum sal overthem .

• Thatcockwould lookgreatbetween m ytits. • Are you a fan ofsideboob,because you beter be afterseeing this. • Thisisthe view you’d have ofm ytitsifiwas riding you.


Quote: :“Thisisthe biggesttoyIhave,do you think it w il fit? ”

Content: 1.Gripping toy 2.Size diference com pared to anothertoy. 3.M outh fitatem pt.

Conversation starters: • You wantto see itinside m e,don’tyou? • W ould you fuckm e afterI’d played with it? • Big toysare great,butIthinkyou’d feelbeter inside m e. • Itfeelsso good inside m e,alIneed now isthat cockofyoursin m ym outh. • Ihope I’m m aking a good im pression. • Ibetyou can'twaitto see m e cum on thiscock. • Ilove playing with thisdildo and then sucking on itafter.


Quote: :“Heydaday,I've m issed you,can you show m e whatyou're up to? Iwantto feelclose to you.”

Content: 1.Subm issive poses.

2.Cute outfits. 3.Tied up,etc.

Conversation starters: • I've been such a good girlforyou daddy. • I've done everything you've asked ofm e daddy. • Ican'twaitto service yourcockdaddy. • Ilove itwhen you filup m yholesdaddy. • Canlcum daddy,please? Please letm e cum foryou. • Iwish you could be here daddy. • W ilyou please cum form e daddy,ilove watching you cum.

Quote: :“I've justgoten hom e from workand need a shower,do you wantto join m e?”

Content: 1.Showerpics 2. Soapy 3.Laying on a towelin bed 4.Towelon head naked

Conversation starters: • Ifwe onlyhad a 5-m inute shower,whatwould you dotome? • There'sjustsom ething aboutbeing fucked against the walin the shower. • Ilove showersex,easyclean up too. • You could wash m yhairand fuckm e atthe sam e tim e. • I'd love nothing m ore than to be on m yknees, sucking you of in the showerbaby

Quote: :“I'm alone in thisgiganticbed and I'm horny, thanksforkeeping m e com pany.” Content: 1.Naughtyposesin bed,nude,non-nude. Conversation starters: • Do you know whatthisbed ism issing? you. • You'd love to force m yhead down into thispilow and fuckm e,wouldn'tyou. • Im agine waking up to a blowjob from m e,under these sheets. • IfIsleptnaked,would you wake up hard everym orning? • These sheetslooktoo clean,m ake them m essy with me? • Do you like it,when Istickup m yassin the air, like this?

Quote: :"I've justswitched on netflix,Ihope you don'tm ind." Content: 1.Nudeswith TV in background Netflixlogo. Conversation starters: • Ifyou were here,the onlything I'd be watching isyourface asIride yourcock. • Ilove Netflixand chil,butnothing beatsthe idea ofthatcockin m ym outh. • That'sit,baby,keep teling m e althe naughty thingsyou'd do to m e,I'm so wet. • Iwish Icould hearthe sound ofyourM oansover thisshow. • The onlygrand finale Iwantisyourload inside me baby. • Should we cum together,atthe sam e tim e? Thatwould be hot

Quote: :“Can you help m e choose whatundies lookbeston m e?” Content: 1.3 diferentunderwearsets. Conversation starters: • How doesthatselection m ake you feel? • Iwantto see you withoutunderwearbabylook whatyou’ve m ade m e do,im naked and rubbing m ypussy for you. • Im agine m e,knocking on yourdoor,with an oversized coatand thisunderneath. • W hatdoesthisoutfitm ake you wanna do to m e. • You know exactlywhatIwant,iwish thatcock wasinside m e rightnow

Quote: :“Ihope you've taken of those pants already,because Ihave.”

Content: 1.Photo ideas: 2.Pantsaround ankles 3.Pantson the floornextto you.

Conversation starters: • You'd love itifIwalked around pantlessin your hom e,wouldn'tyou baby? • They're of,which m eansI'm readyto playwith you sily. • I'm hoping theydon'thave to go backon anytim e soon,I'm so hornyforyou. • Iwish you could have been here to take them of form e,Ilove itwhen Im an takescontrol. • Ifyou were here,I'd strip of in frontofyou,bend over,and then siton yourlap. • Im agine m e,grinding aloveryou untilIfeltthat big bulge through yourpants

Quote: :“So,what'syourfavorite position? Thisism ine.”

Content: 1.Picsin yourfavorite positions 2.Using toysetc

Conversation starters: • Glad to see we have thingsin com m on,Ihope you're thinking aboutfucking m e rightnow. • Thatcockofyourswould hitm e in althe rightspots. • Iwish you were here,so you could take m e any wayyou wanted. • Should Iplaywith m ytoyforyou,justso Ican im agine it'syourcockinside m e? • You know whatelse Ilove aboutthisposition? It'seasyto pulm yhair,would you do thatform e?

Quote: : “Are you a fan ofm ynew outfit? I've taken som e photosthatnobodyelse hasseen yet,would you like to see m ore?” Content: 1.Casualoutfits.Then lead to lessand lessclothing asthe convo progresses. Conversation starters: • I'm glad you liked thatone,would you sayitm akes m e fuckable? • You should see whatI'm wearing underneath. • W el,I'lshow you ifyou show m e thatcockofyours… • W el,I'm justgoing to have to saythatyou have a very suckable cock. • Here'swhat'sunderneath,are you wishing you were here to undressm e now?

Quote: :“Show m e thatcock,Ilove visualising it during sexting,itgetsm e so wet.” Content: 1.Upskirtplayful. 2.Hand underpants. 3.Som ething thatshowsyourreadyto playassoon ashe sendsit. Conversation starters: • Im agine ifyou were nextto m e rightnow,I'd be al overthatin a heartbeat. • Ihave no doubtyourcockwould film e up perfectly baby.I'm geting a bitcaried awaywith alm ydirty thoughtshere. • W el,first,Iwantitin m ym outh,then Iwantit in m yass. • W here do you wanna stickitbabe? Telm e, would you fuckm e fastorslow? Idon'tcare how you fuckm e,Ijustwantitinside m e so badly. • These wetlipswould feelso good wrapped around thatcockbaby

Quote: :“So,whatwould you like to see first? Ihope you’re readyto cum form e… ” Content: 1.Cheekyphoto,m aybe a nipple slip orsom ething thatsaysyou're readyto bare al. Conversation starters: • I'm glad you said that,Itookyou foran as /boob kinda guy. • How badlydo you wanna see m e playwith m y ass/boobs? • I'm sure yourhandswould feelgreaton m e. • The thoughtofyou giving m yass/boobsthe atention it/theydeserve realyturnsm e on. • Do Igeta requestnow? Because Iwanna see thatcock,nice and hard form e.

Quote: :“W hatwould you do to m e ifIwore this around yourhouse alday?”

Content: 1.Choose between a top orbotom sand don't wearthe other.Then pose around the house. Conversation starters: • I'm such a tease aren'tI,posing around the house for you. • Iguessthere'sno use forthe restofm yclothing isthere? • Telm e,would you pulm ypantiesto the side orrip them of m e. • W el,where do you wantm e to bend over? The table,chair,on the floor? • Good choice,now Iwantyou to telm e in detail exactlywhatyou're going to do to m e

Quote: :“I’m looking fora place to sit,could Isit on yourface?”

Content: 1.Pantieson,cam era looking up atass,leaning backon heels. Conversation starters: • I'm glad you'l etm e restm yas on yourface, Iguessthere'sno use forthese pantiesthen? • Ibetyou're greatwith yourtongue.Telm e what you'd do with it? • I'd suckthatcockso good while you ate m y pussyand assbaby. • Then,I'd be so wet,I'd jum p straighton your cockand m ake you cum so fucking hard form e. • Ilove a good spanking,would you leave a handprint?

Quote: :“Telm e,whatwould you do Ifiputm y feetup on yourlap during a m ovie.”

Content: 1.Soles,feetup in the air.

Conversation starters: • I'd love a good m assage,m aybe you could kiss m yfeettoo ifyou're into that? • W hen I'm relaxed,alIwantisan orgasm . • Do you thinkyou'd gethard,rubbing m yfeet? • Ihope you're jerking itnice and fastform e baby. • Iwish you could fuckm e in thisposition on the couch. • Ilove a m an thatworshipsm e,itm akesm e tingle.

• Do you know whatId wanna do after? • Straddle yourcockand ride you u tilyou cam e inside m e

Quote: :“Ifyou had 10 m inuteswith m e in a room , whatwould we do?”

Content: 1.Seductive posesaround the bedroom .

Conversation starters: • Oh realy? Thatsoundsam azing • I'd siton yourlap,kissyourneckand then just to the ground to give you a blowjob. • W hatwould you do ifIsaid Iwanted you to cum inside m e? • W hatwould you do ifyou heard a knockat the door,Ihope you wouldn'tstop. • Ifyou cam e before 10 m inutes,I'd expectyou to keep playing with m e. • And afterItookm ypantsof,then whatwould you do? • I'd love to layin thisbed,covered in yourcum . • W ould you pulm yhairand slap m yassbaby