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Nov/Dec 2017

44 Cray Street, Cumberland, RI 02864


Workout Trends May Come and Go, But We Offer Lifelong Fitness A GYM WHERE EVERYBODY KNOWS YOUR NAME

Observing the fitness industry over the years, I’ve seen my share of fads. The neon spandex of the Jane Fonda era. The muscle men and steroid mania spurred by wannabe Schwarzeneggers. The lean, mean, fighting CrossFit machines. A lot of trends come out of the West Coast, where, in the year-round sunny weather, fitness gurus develop workouts du jour . The West Coast mentality is a little different than ours. With more cooperative weather, people spend more time outside staying active, whereas us East Coasters spend the majority of the months bundled up. “ My dad’s intention was to build an indoor tennis facility adapted to the times. When everyone was playing

months, we could offer members good health, year-round.

friends, and I know he will be in a safe environment.”

My dad’s intention was to build an indoor tennis facility adapted to the times. When everyone was playing racquetball, we installed courts so we could offer people a place to play. While we don’t implement every workout we learn about, we do pay attention to fitness trends because we want to provide state-of-the-art facilities and workouts that have been updated according to research. Our trainers create workouts that will benefit your body and keep it functional and strong for every activity you do, whether it’s a grueling 5-mile obstacle course or half an hour of playing tag with grandkids. Our trainers do their research to find new ideas that’ll keep you excited about coming to the gym. As a family business, we want to create an environment where all ages feel welcome, because fitness is a lifelong activity. Unlike a lot of storefront gyms, when you come in, you’re part of the club. The front desk person knows you by your first name, as does your group fitness instructor. One club member explained it well when they said, “I can drop my kid off with his

It’s a little like Cheers, “Where everybody knows your name.”

You know what trend will never go out of style? Good health. When you feel good, every part of life is better. The truth about fitness is that fads will come and go, but finding a workout routine you enjoy and can stick to is a tried-and-true classic. Inside the newsletter, on Page 3, we share the group workout class that science is lauding as a path to high-impact, long- lasting results. You’ll want to add this one to your plan for the new year — or, even better, before. If you have a friend who’s been interested in joining you for workouts, it’s also a great time to invite them to come along with you, because we’re offering our referral program for December. It includes membership discounts when you make a referral. Read more on Page 2. To all our fitness family members, happy holidays, and we look forward to seeing you in the new year! -Dave Morin

racquetball, we installed courts so we could offer people a place to play.

That’s part of the origin of my dad’s idea to build indoor courts. By providing people with a fun, family-friendly way to stay in shape even in the coldest

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Published by The Newsletter Pro .

The Life-Giving Benefits of Saunas Sweat the Years Away

Colder weather is hard on our bodies for many reasons. The air dries and cracks our skin, freezing temperatures cause old injuries to flare up and joints to ache, and the conditions make it just plain hard to exercise. What’s a fair-weather bird to do? Head to the sauna! Sauna use has been popular in Finland for thousands of years, and there are compelling reasons why. Not only are there many bodily benefits, but science is telling us it may also protect the mind. We’ve known for a long time that saunas can help with blood circulation, stress relief, and cardiovascular health. Traditional saunas use heat to get your blood flowing and promote circulation, and the sweating that goes on during a sauna experience is said to rid your body of toxins. It’s a rejuvenating ritual that releases stress along with endorphins. Now, the health journal Age and Ageing has found evidence linking sauna use to a lowered risk for Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Men aged 42–60 who participated in frequent sauna bathing sessions were found to have lowered rates of dementia and Alzheimer’s. If feeling good and warming you up weren’t enough, a healthy mind is a great reason to sauna.

And while the simplicity of the traditional sauna is part of what makes it great, some facilities have added a modern twist: infrared rays. Infrared saunas, already hot in New York City and Los Angeles, are starting to pop up everywhere. If you have trouble dealing with the heat of a typical sauna (average sauna temperatures are kept around 212 degrees F), this latest trend is for you. The average temperature of an infrared sauna is 150 degrees F, making it a more tolerable

experience. One New York studio touts infrared’s ability to stimulate collagen production, an added anti- aging benefit. Need another bonus? Infrared saunas are said to release up to 20 percent more toxins from the body than traditional saunas. Whichever type of sauna you decide to visit, the potential health benefits speak for themselves. If you don’t get to escape to Miami or Cancun this winter (and even if you do), it’s a relaxing way to warm up and ease winter ailments. Treat your body and yourself to a sauna experience!

DECEMBER REFERRAL PROGRAM Because Workouts Are More Fun With a Buddy

The holiday season is upon us, and as much as we enjoy the festivities, making time to get to the gym is challenging. In addition to the cold weather urging us to sleep in past our workout alarm, we’re trying to balance gym time with family gatherings and feasts. But when we have a workout partner waiting for us to show up at 6 a.m. for the Body Pump class, there are no excuses. Accountability can keep us motivated and dedicated to our health, even when time gets tight. Not only that, they make working out more fun. You get to laugh off your silly mistakes, and

there’s probably no one who will make you feel better once the workout is done (or be happier to grab a post-workout bite).

We know how important a workout buddy can be to your dedication, and that’s why in December we’re bringing back our referral program. Yep, if you bring a friend with you in December, there are perks involved for both of you (beyond the healthy bodies you’ll both have in the new year).

Here are two reasons to bring a workout buddy to the gym in December:

1. The month of December will be free for your friend. That’s right. They can join you for as many workouts, matches, and runs as they want for the month. 2. For each friend you bring who becomes a member, your monthly membership fee is reduced by $5. So, the more friends you bring, the less you pay for your membership! Share the gift of good health with your friends and family this holiday season. Ask us about our December referral program and bring a partner to keep you on your game!

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Published by The Newsletter Pro .

Why You Need to Add Some ‘GRIT’ to Your Workout BENEFITS OF THE LES MILLS HIIT WORKOUT

If you want to make one change to your fitness routine next year, high intensity interval training (HIIT) is the one to choose. High intensity interval training has made its name as a fitness game changer, and there are plenty of studies highlighting its remarkably transformative effects. The results come from going as hard as you can for a short period of time, resting, and repeating. It’s a formula that allows you to reach your maximum training zone again and again. One of the most effective workouts our trainers have found, LES MILLS GRIT™, is backed by science. Based on the high intensity interval training principles, the fast-paced moves increase aerobic fitness, unleash fast-twitch muscle fibers, burn fat all day long, and grow lean muscle tissue. These benefits make this workout the most effective for burning fat and building muscle quickly and powerfully. Three Scientifically-Backed Reasons to Do High Intensity Interval Training: 1. Create Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption Otherwise known as the EPOC effect, your increased cardio effort will help you burn calories even after you’ve finished working out. Have a Laugh!

2. Stimulate Growth Hormone Want to know the secret to changing the shape of your body? Stimulating growth hormone. Burning fat the way HIIT does produces more growth hormone, which, in turn, leads to more weight loss. 3. Develop Fast-Twitch Muscle Fibers Anytime you exercise, you engage your slow-twitch muscle fiber. But if you want to maximize your workout, you need to unleash your fast-twitch muscle fiber, and that’s where LES MILLS GRIT™ comes in. We’ve partnered with Les Mills to offer the GRIT workout because we’ve seen the amazing results. We know time is tight and these 30-minute workouts can help ward off the extra holiday pounds without costing you hours in the gym. Join us during the holiday season. A 10-class punch card is $100, but the results are priceless. Just in time for the new year and the new, fitter you.

Easy Holiday Party Cheese Fondue Scrambling to find something for the holiday potluck? This fondue is sure to impress!


Recipe inspired by

• ¾ cup dry white wine • 1 tablespoon cornstarch • 1 (8-ounce) package sliced Swiss cheese

• 1 clove garlic • Salt to taste • Foods to dip (apple slices, bread cubes, roasted vegetables, etc.)


1. In a large bowl, whisk together wine and cornstarch. 2. Chop cheese slices into small, uniform pieces. 3. Rub clove of garlic all over the sides and bottom of a heavy- bottomed pot, then discard. 4. Heat wine mixture over medium-low heat in the pot until thick and bubbling. Add some cheese and slowly whisk. When nearly smooth, add more cheese and whisk gently. Repeat until all cheese is melted. If mixture seems too tight, add 1 tablespoon wine. 5. Season with salt and serve immediately. Keep pot on low heat to keep the fondue dippable.

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Published by The Newsletter Pro .


44 Cray Street Cumberland, RI 02864 Call us! 401.333.4480


This Issue

Good Health All Year Long



How Saunas Will Change Your Winter Health

Club Happenings in the Holiday Season — You Don’t Want to Miss This!

One HIIT Wonder: The Workout You Need


Easy Holiday Party Cheese Fondue

A Very Good Boy


Otis: Unlikely Hurricane Hero

The woman posted the picture to Facebook. “This dog is walking around Sinton, Texas, carrying a [sic] entire bag of dog food with him. LOL #refugee,” the caption read. The image resonated with people and quickly went viral, being shared over 50,000 times. The people of the Lone Star State have long prided themselves on their pluck and resilience. “Must be a Texas dog cause [sic] he can survive without help,” one commenter wrote online. Another site called him “the hero Texas needed.” Otis’ canine resilience was both humorous and inspirational. The most powerful images in a crisis aren’t of Air Force One or of celebrities donating millions. They’re of ordinary people — and pets — striving, surviving, and making their way back home, just like Otis.

In late August, the nation was put to the test after Hurricane Harvey struck Texas. Journalists, professional and otherwise, brought back stories and images of the destruction in Harvey’s aftermath. Among those stories was one about a dog named Otis. Otis, a German shepherd mix, belongs to a 5-year-old boy in Sinton, Texas. “He’s a special dog,” said Salvador Segovia, the grandfather of Otis’ owner. “He’s been instrumental in helping my grandson following numerous hospital visits for seizures and asthma.”

Apparently, Otis is a local celebrity due to his affable nature. He can saunter down to the Dairy Queen and score a free hamburger. Salvador says he’s also the only dog allowed to lie down in front of the county court house. When Harvey struck, dogs, cats, and people sprang into survival mode. For Otis, that meant gathering resources. The morning after the storm, a woman snapped a picture of a damp Otis trotting down the street. In his mouth, he toted an entire bag of dog food, and not a small one.

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Published by The Newsletter Pro .