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Forum on Education Abroad - Vision Snapshot Groupings

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Design Briefs - The Forum on Education Abroad

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The Forum on Education Abroad - Strategic Articulation Map

institutional goals. WIDELY CITED RESEARCH We are regularly sought out to collaborate on new researc

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The Forum on Education Abroad - Net Promoter Score 2020

Up-to-Date • Too Focused on Revenue Generation Net Promoter Score 62 N = 289 The Forum on Education

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Your Crescendo - The Forum on Education Abroad Strat Plan

MISSION WHAT WE’RE GOING TO DO • Our calling as an organization • Our why • What collectively engage

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The Forum on Education Abroad - SOAR Whitepaper - Your Cres…

provide research on hybrid study abroad model • Opportunity for Forum to do industry research • Ince

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MISSION WHAT WE’RE GOING TO DO • Our calling as an organization • Our why • What collectively engage

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Design Thinking Session Recap - The Forum on Education Abroa

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MAINTENANT OUVERT 56 heures aux deux semaines, salaire selon les compétences, exigences requises. Po

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Forum on Education Abroad - Vision Snapshot Groupings


The Forum's membership reflects the diversity of students studying abroad within and outside the US In 2025, we envision that: The Forum's membership profile reflects the diversity of students studying abroad within and outside the US. You see diverse individuals attending and leading our events. Our membership is inclusive of various types of organizations and individuals who are engaged with education abroad from the U.S. and around the world. Membership now includes many HBCUs, TCUs, HSIs, etc. We aspire to have all HBCUs and TCUs active with the Forum with representatives on campus who actively engage with the standards. Unique program models are shared by these institutions and in order to foster greater cultural understanding and depth of engagement with institutional missions, partnerships have been formed with cultural organizations in places with indigenous studies programs, led by indigenous practitioners who are all granted membership based on their exemplary work. New members are sourced from education abroad alumni and faculty who have learned the impact of education abroad. This is enabled by The Forum assisting in the creation of new program model that focuses on the recruitment of underrepresented and underserved students. One example might be to help members establish ambassador program to help recruit atypical students to study abroad. The ultimate result is that The Forum has empowered their members to allow every student to participate, regardless of socioeconomic status or major. The membership is multi-dimensionally diverse (institutional types, locations around the world, those sending and/or receiving) and represents all entities involved in student mobility. It includes lots of professional, vocational schools and community colleges. The Forum's strengths are reflected in the broad cross- section of institutions of higher learning that are represented, across higher education categories (large research universities, four year public and private universities, community colleges, non-profit (and for-profit) providers, etc. As you see our impact, you’ll find that we not only have contributed to a significant expansion of study abroad participation on the part of historically underrepresented populations, but that, through our standards of best practice, we have been successful in improving the field's support of these populations while they are abroad. Eventually, the arguments about EA being the domain of predominately white, affluent students no longer carry weight. Ultimately, we see this diversity in membership show up as a rich diversity in our members’ students studying abroad. There is increased access to both on-site and virtual global learning opportunities to underrepresented students with metrics that measure participation. Perhaps, we will see The Forum on Education Abroad partner / merge with Diversity Abroad organization, citing that "all Education Abroad should be inclusive and equitable, and it simply makes sense for our organizations to merge under that shared commitment. We eventually see that we


not only have contributed to a significant expansion of study abroad participation on the part of historically underrepresented populations, but that, through our standards of best practice, we have been successful in improving the field's support of these populations while they are abroad. We can accomplish this through increased membership from other types of organizations that host students in education abroad programs. We recognize that this vision starts at home and you see it in our Board, Council, staff, committees and working groups reflect our commitment to diversity. More diversity in our membership Diverse individuals attending and leading our events Inclusive membership from various types of organizations and individuals who are engaged with education abroad from the U.S. and around the world Membership now includes lots of professional, vocational schools and community colleges. The Forum's membership profile reflects the diversity of students studying abroad within and outside the US The membership is truly diverse (institutional types, locations around the world, those sending and/or receiving) and represents all entities involved in student mobility. That we not only have contributed to a significant expansion of study abroad participation on the part of historically underrepresented populations, but that, through our standards of best practice, have been successful in improving the field's support of these populations while they are abroad. That arguments about EA being the domain of predominately white, affluent students no longer carry weight. Increased access to both on-site and virtual global learning opportunities to underrepresented students. New metrics to count participation? Membership now includes many HBCUs, TCUs, HSIs, etc. A rich diversity in the students studying abroad Forum on Education Abroad merges with Diversity Abroad organization, citing that "all Education Abroad should be inclusive and equitable, and it simply makes sense for our organizations to merge under that shared commitment Increased membership from other types of organizations that host students in education abroad programs. Our Board, Council, staff, committees and working groups reflect our commitment to diversity. The Forum's strengths are reflected in the broad cross-section of institutions of higher learning that are represented, across higher education categories (large research universities, four year public and private universities, community colleges, non-profit (and for-profit) providers, etc. In 2025 all HBCUs and TCUs are active with the Forum and have representatives on campus who actively engage with the standards. Unique program models are shared by these institutions and in order to foster greater cultural understanding and depth of engagement with institutional missions, partnerships have been formed with cultural organizations in places with indigenous studies programs, led by indigenous practitioners who are all granted membership based on their

exemplary work. New members are sourced from education abroad alumni and faculty who have learned the impact of education abroad. Forum continues its work on diverse, representational membership and leadership The Forum has assisted in the creation of new program model that focus on the recruitment of underrepresented and underserved students. The Forum has helped members establish ambassador program to help recruit atypical students to study abroad. The Forum has empowered their members to allow every student to participate, regardless of socioeconomic status or major. The Forum is recognized as THE go to authority in education abroad as they emerge as leaders in developing and integrating training, resources, and global learning outcomes into education. In 2025, we envision that: The Forum is recognized as THE go to authority in education abroad as they emerge as leaders in developing and integrating training, resources, and global learning outcomes into education. Through advocacy and other activities, the Forum will be recognized as the thought leader in envisioning a new reality for education abroad. We anticipate emerging trends and challenges in the field so that our resources and events are truly bleeding edge. We are often consulted in legislative efforts and/or guidelines for the field. When international incidents occur in the education abroad world, The Forum is where people (media, governmental agencies, university presidents, etc.) turn for answers. We are also the go-to source for dialogue-focused events. We are also recognized as the leader on race issues in global learning. If any U.S. sending higher education institution or secondary school is planning to provide opportunities for students to learn abroad as a formal part of their curriculum, that it is an expectation that such institutions actively use resources provided by the Forum. Ultimately, The Forum is widely viewed as THE pre-eminent association for education abroad....worldwide! Additionally, the Forum is sought-after as a leader in developing and integrating global learning outcomes into secondary and post-secondary education settings. Forum as the thought leader in the field, and the go-to source for training and resources The Forum as an authority--consulted in legislative efforts and/or guidelines for the field The Forum having a higher profile globally as 'The' study abroad community When "stuff" happens in the education abroad world, that The Forum is where people (media, governmental agencies, university presidents, etc.) turn for answers. We are the go-to source for dialogue-focused events The Forum is recognized as a trusted authority in education abroad by legislative leaders, media, and higher ed.




Through advocacy and other activities, the Forum will be recognized as the thought leader in envisioning a new reality for education abroad. We anticipate emerging trends and challenges in the field so that our resources and events are truly cutting (if not bleeding) edge. Vision of Strengths in 2025: If any U.S. sending higher edu institution (or secondary school) is planning to provide opportunities for students to learn abroad as a formal part of their curriculum or co-curriculum that it is an expectation that such institutions actively use resources provided by the Forum. Not sure how this is measured though if resources for the field at large are also available without requirement of membership. (this is not fully a complete thought... :)) The Forum aids members on development of new program model that are less expensive and have shorter travel distance. The Forum is widely viewed as THE pre-eminent association for education abroad....worldwide! The Forum is the first place the media calls for insights on international education trends, happenings, etc. The Forum is recognized as leader on race issues in global learning. The Forum has developed an "Open Ideo" type portal for global problem solving in study abroad. The Forum’s institutional membership truly represents the world - all the continents and possible institutions that could work with North American students In 2025, we envision: The Forum’s institutional membership truly represents the world - all the continents and possible institutions that could work with North American students. The Forum has evolved to be a microcosm of the world in its membership ethnic and cultural diversity. We have expanded membership to more international institutions and organizations and we serve a broad global Membership. Our members benefit from less US-centric approach, via more diversity in voices, resources, and training. We have a network of champions in regions throughout the globe. Further, we have established deeper commitment from global corporate companies to invest in programs. Picture this: There's a photo array of the 50,000 members of the Forum with special highlights on conference presenters, people who have completed Forum trainings, and those who have helped implement the standards into new programs and this photo is



colorful, vibrant and representative of global cultures. Stronger international representation in the membership


Forum's institutional membership represents the the world - all the continents and possible institutions that could work with North American students The Forum serving a broad global Membership.


I would see a more diverse membership, and possibly alliances with other similar organizations/associations internationally that could help strengthen the FORUM's position in the field at a global level. International organizations become members for reasons other than the fact that they host large numbers of US students on ed abroad programs. There's a photo array of the 50,000 members of the Forum with special highlights on conference presenters, people who have completed Forum trainings, and those who have helped implement the standards into new programs and this photo is colorful, vibrant and representative of global cultures Membership is made up equally of US and international members. Stronger international representation in the membership International members are more engaged and included in Forum efforts through virtual opportunities Forum members benefit from less US-centric approach, via more diversity in voices, resources, and training. The Forum has a network of champions in regions throughout the globe. The Forum has established deeper commitment from global corporate companies to invest in programs. The Forum has expanded membership to more international institutions and organizations. The Forum is recognized GLOBALLY as THE standards setting body for best practices across institutions of higher learning, with international university membership approaching or exceeding US college/university membership. That by 2025, the Forum is recognized GLOBALLY as THE standards setting body for best practices across institutions of higher learning, with international university membership approaching or exceeding US college/university membership. These standards are recognized by all as being minimal requirements. Future editions of the Standards evolve to account for the growth and diversification in membership and the needs of the field including virtual learning. Further, we see more institutions and programs (including faculty led) that bear the seal of good practice from the Forum on their promotional materials. Institutions who were once considered underrepresented now represent the greatest number of schools with information sessions highlighting the standards and collaborative program planning. . Standards are recognized by all as being minimal requirements. That by 2025, the Forum is recognized GLOBALLY as THE standards setting body for best practices across institutions of higher learning, with international university membership approaching or exceeding US college/university membership. Future editions of the Standards evolve to account for the growth and diversification in membership and the needs of the field. In 2025, the Forum is recognized as the GLOBAL (not just US) standard-developing organization in the field of Ed Abroad.




with more members than ever, in 2025 we see more institutions and programs (including faculty led) that bear the seal of good practice from the Forum on their promotional materials. Institutions who were once considered underrepresented now represent the greatest number of schools with information sessions highlighting the standards and collaborative program planning People and institutions around the world embrace the Standards of Good Practice More visibility for the Forum as The standards setting organization for the field Education abroad programs more clearly reflect the standards and guidelines of The Forum. Forum provides standards for virtual study abroad. All Forum members have engaged with a Forum event or program by attending a conference, critical dialogue, Standards workshop, webinar or training session, or other Forum- sponsored program. In 2025, all Forum members engaged with a Forum event or program by attending a conference, critical dialogue, Standards workshop, webinar or training session, or other Forum-sponsored program. We will host and facilitate joint events, dialogues and EA town halls, training opportunities, professional shadowing opportunities, shared publications with greater international outreach, seminars and events around the world – in person or virtual They will be widely attended by colleagues across all six continents. There will be more opportunities for dialogue and engagement within the community of practitioners. These events will be widely attended by individuals at all level of their career, including people outside of the ed abroad office or program provider organizations. Our virtual events are well known for their quality - both from the content and networking perspectives. We’ve developed a series of workshops, dialogues around what excellence in virtual study abroad would/could/should look like complete with tools for assessing student engagement in virtual global experiences. This can be accelerated with development of an "Open Ideo" type portal for digital connecting and global problem solving among study abroad practitioners. It may be interesting to see smaller seminars or events around the world - I envision that we can gather in person again! Setting-up joint events, training opportunities, professional shadowing opportunities, and a shared publication with greater international outreach. More opportunities for dialogue and engagement within the community of practitioners Forum hosts dialogues and EA town halls on a monthly basis that are widely attended by colleagues across all six continents




Forum events are widely attended by individuals at all level of their career, including people outside of the ed abroad office or program provider organizations. Our virtual events are famous for their quality - both from the content and networking perspectives. Forum developed a series of workshops, dialogues around what excellence in virtual study abroad would/could/should look like. Had a tool for assessing student engagement in virtual global experiences. In 2025, 90% of all Forum members engaged with a Forum event or program by attending a conference, critical dialogue, Standards workshop, webinar or training session, or other Forum-sponsored program. (Note: I do not know what this % engagement figure is now, but it would be excellent to be able to report on how engaged Forum members continue to be with the organization's programming - and to set goals around this metric). The Forum has developed an "Open Ideo" type portal for global problem solving in study abroad. The Forum will have played a major role in guiding and facilitating the reemergence of global education by convening the profession to reimagine study abroad and how to do it in a way that creates the best experience for students and does so inclusively. By 2025, envision that: The Forum will have played a major role in guiding and facilitating the reemergence of global education by convening the profession to reimagine study abroad and how to do it in a way that creates the best experience for students and does so inclusively. The Forum supports, advocates and provides resources for an even broader range of organizations/institutions whose purpose is to educate global citizens. We have advanced a sustainability framework for education abroad and for its impact on the communities where global education takes place. We will have continued to expand our network of advocacy platforms across the country and around the world. Arising from and advocated by the forum community, a workable vision for education abroad that embraces standards and assists institutions in constructing these new type opportunities available to students who wish to avail themselves of them. The Forum would have grown substantially by implement bold ideas. These might include establishment of a program that awards Board and Council member to enlist at least three new member institutions annually. Also implementing the Global Citizen Passport (certificate), all students that participate in a program at one of its members becomes eligible to apply for the passport We would have established agreements with foreign govt's to make visas easier and less costly for students. This allows the FORUM to build a >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13

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