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Franklin Rehab: How To Relieve Arthritis Symptoms

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Pittman_Arthritis Symptoms & How to Relieve Them Naturally

Pittman_Arthritis Symptoms & How to Relieve Them Naturally The Pittman CONNECTION The Newsletter Abo

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PSM.How to Relieve Arthritis Pain

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PTII: Natural Ways to Relieve Arthritis Pain

INGREDIENTS: • 1 ½ cups of spinach, de-stemmed • ½ cucumber, chopped • 2 stalks of celery, chopped •

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Regional PT_The 4 Easiest Ways to Treat Arthritis Symptoms

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Natural Ways To Relieve Arthritis Pain

Number 2April1998. 3.Croft,Peter,et al.Outcome of LowbackPain inGeneralPractice:AProspectiveStudy.Br

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Appalachian: Natural Ways To Relieve Arthritis Pain

FALL PREVENTION: November 14th, 7-8:30 pm Presented by Colleen Whiteford, DPT Register by calling ou

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5 Ways To Naturally Relieve Arthritis Pain

pains” that are slowing you down. Call Today! (801) 944-1209 Fax: (801) 274-1180 ? a d e

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Franklin Rehab: How To Relieve Arthritis Symptoms

Health & Fitness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

“Completing Simple Activities Should Be Painless Regardless Of Age!” 5 Surprising Symptoms Of Arthritis & How To Relieve Them Naturally

Do you find yourself feeling sore and achy in one or more of your joints of your body after physical work or exercise? It is possible, that you may be experiencing the symptoms of osteoarthritis. According to the American Arthritis Association, Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis affecting the vast majority of the population as they age. There are many reasons why people get OA, but the main one is that as we all live longer, wear and tear on the cartilage in our joints occurs, causing inflammation and pain after activity. (continued inside)

INSIDE: • 5 Surprising Symptoms Of Arthritis & How To Relieve Them Naturally

• Referral Spotlight

• Health Tips

• Patient Spotlight

Health & Fitness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

“Work Hand-In-Hand With Wisconsin’s Best Physical Therapists!” 5 Surprising Symptoms Of Arthritis & How To Relieve Them Naturally Causes of Osteoarthritis

While the exact mechanisms of how OA starts are not known, a lifestyleof inactivity,poordiet,weakness inanarea, injury,ordisease canaccelerateOA inpeople,even inyoungadults.Yourcartilage isa shockabsorberforyour jointsanddependsonyouroverallhealthand nutrition to survive the relentless daily pounding it takes. Over time, jointalignmentandmuscleweaknessarounda jointcansignificantly affect the pressure on the cartilage causing it to wear down faster. 5 Symptoms of Osteoarthritis Whatmostpeoplearenotawareof isthatarthritis inthespine,knees, hips, and fingers are the most common areas for Osteoarthritis to occur. The symptoms typically come on slowly, but as the disease continues more symptoms occur such as: 1. Pain in a joint. 2. Swelling or tenderness in one or more joints. 3. Stiffnessafterperiodsofsittingor inactivity.This isespecially noted when getting up in the morning. 4. Flare-ups of pain and inflammation after using the arthritic joint. 5. Crunching feeling or sounds of bone rubbing on bone (called crepitus) when moving the joint. AtFranklinRehabilitation,wefindthebesttreatmentforeachpatient. We work hand-in-hand with some of the area’s best specialists, like Dr.PeterMedved,toworktowardsacommongoalofapain-free life. Read more about him in our Referral Spotlight.

Have an injury and need to see a specialist? Franklin Rehabilitation has relationships with every physician specialty group in the area. Contact us at [email protected] if you need advice or if you would like us to help get you in to see the doctor quickly.

ReferralSpotlight: Dr.PeterMedved,ENT

When needed, Franklin Rehabilitation offers referrals to the best specialists in the area. Meet Dr. Peter Medved – a medical specialist who really listens. Dr. Peter Medved is a board certified general ENT (ear, nose, throat) specialist in Franklin, WI with an emphasis on practical, cost-effective and when possible, non-surgical solutions. He has been in practice for more than 30 years working as a tireless problem solver for his patients.

Patients commonly consult with Dr. Medved in his office for periodic ear cleaning, head and neck cancer screening with fiberoptic exam, acute and chronic sinusitis, voice disorders, balance problems, head and neck pain, as well as many other symptoms. He is available for pediatric consultations but often refers children to pediatric ENT specialists at Children’s Hospital, especially if surgery may be required. Dr. Medved is a strong advocate for physical therapy to treat several common conditions including positional vertigo, cervical vertigo, imbalance, falling risk, temporomandibular joint problems (TMJ), facial pain, headaches and others. In addition to providing his patients with personalized care, audiological services are available in his clinic five days a week with Drs. Amy Wiza AuD and Darrel Feakes AuD - who administer hearing tests and provide auditory rehabilitation solutions, including fittings of Resound and Siemens hearing instruments. Dr. Medved enthusiastically endorses Patrick Barron and his team of qualified physical therapists at Franklin Rehabilitation after seeing firsthand, the successful recovery many of his patients have experienced there, for the past 14 years. Dr. Medved accepts most insurance plans and his welcoming staff invite you to call (414) 529-9330 for an office consultation. His office is conveniently located at 9200 W. Loomis Rd #221, Franklin, WI 53132.

How Osteoarthritis Affects You

What Can Help Arthritis Pain? Many people think that once they have arthritis nothing can be done about it except takeanti-inflammatorymedications,supplements,and inworstcasescenarioprepare fora jointreplacementsurgery.However,whatmostpeopledon’tknow isthatphysical therapy isoneof themosteffective treatments forOAandcanhelp relievesymptoms significantly. Whether you have been suffering for a short or long time, a lot can be done to help joint alignment, stability, and pain. Ourphysicaltherapyfocusesonaddressingyour individualproblem, improvingnormal mobility, and strengthening the muscles around the joint. Different treatments are performed to relieve pain, swelling, and restore muscle balance around the affected joint. We then teach you valuable techniques on how to maintain your joint health so you can get back to the activities you enjoy. Therefore, you can have a life with less pain and more movement. Call us today to find out how!

Patient Spotlight “Sleeping through my nights!”

“Since I’ve been coming I’ve noticed so much improvement. I’ve had one mild headache that went away with stretching and one migraine pill. I have been sleeping through my nights for the most part and have only had one night with hip pain.” - Jessica M.

Think PT First

Why You Need To Come Back In For A Check-Up: � Move without pain � Walk for long distances � Live an active & healthy lifestyle TAKE CARE OF YOUR ACHES & PAINS. BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE. � Bend and move freely � Balance confidently & securely � Sit for long periods comfortably

Walking For Exercise HEALTH TIPS

Walking is an excellent way to start getting fit because it costs little to nothing and can be done almost anywhere and by just about anyone. So how do you begin with a walking program? Here are a few do’s and don’ts to get you started. DON’T focus too much on speed or distance. When you’re new to walking, it doesn’t matter how far or how fast you go. Instead, focus on slowly building up your time (starting with as little as 5-10 minutes at first) and walking at a comfortable pace for you. Greater speeds and distances will come as you get fitter! DO ease into walking. Remember to warm up at a slower pace and work up to longer distances gradually. DO wear proper footwear. A supportive shoe will be comfortable and go the distance with you.

DON’T get caught up with long workouts. Walking can be broken up into several mini sessions throughout the day as you accumulate your time. You don’t have to walk for an hour, for example, to get the benefits of this form of exercise. How long should you walk? Ideally, work your way up to walking for at least 20 minutes per session. Eventually, you may be able to walk longer (up to an hour). The longer you walk past 20 minutes, the more fat you are burning, so that can be a good motivator to keep pushing yourself as you get fitter. But remember: Time can be cumulative: You don’t have to do 20-60 minutes in a single walking session. You can do several 10 minute mini workouts each day and add them up.