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FruityBiNature Magazine Jan. 2022

FRUITYBINATURE Issue Four Ray DeCorazón | Being Mindful | Supply Chains | And More

Table of Contents

The Ray DeCorazón Interview When Does Queer Representation Fail?




Letting Go of Guilt and Shame Once and For All

Ways to Start the New Year Right


The Caregiver's Corner: Dr. Nicholas Varholak


What It Means To Be An Ally


How Can Religion Be Better?


Supply Chains and Holiday Shopping



Biden: First Year Review

An Interview with John Scanlon of TFG Insurance


Pictured on the cover: Ray DeCorazón

The Kings of Drag: An Interview with Ray DeCorazón

With Jon Casey



Be Unique,

Be You,

Be Fruity

At FruityBiNature, we are committed to connecting and uplifting you with resources, information, resources, and access to employment, culture, and shopping.


A look into media portrayal of LGBTQ culture by Nick Greika

It’s no secret that mainstreammedia has a representation problem - Black, Asian, Latino, Indigenous, and LGBTQ+ people are woefully underrepresented across all creative mediums. And while pushback from the community has forced progress with diversity hires and increased representation, not all progress is positive, especially as it applies to the LGBTQ+ community. When representation in media is inaccurate or misguided, queer populations suffer – what could be an opportunity to normalize queer existence and share queer experiences becomes the grounds on which homophobes grumble that, “They’re forcing gays into every show.” And even as a queer person… sometimes they’re right. So, what are some instances of bad representation, how do they happen, and what can be done to create better depictions of the queer experience in media?

One of the single most disappointing representations in recent memory comes under the name of child education. As part of their celebration of Pride last June, Nickelodeon created a “Blue’s Clues Pride Parade” sing-along featuring Nina West, a drag queen and former RuPaul contestant. I’d like to say the spirit was there, that the sing-along was goodhearted, well- intentioned, and that its creators tried their best to make something wonderful, but the video is a massive failure to represent, educate, or enhearten, and comes off less like an attempt at education, and more like a corporation adding a rainbow to their logo on Facebook. " I EXPECT MORE DIVERSITY AND COMPLEXITY FROM THE MEDIA. I WANT DYNAMIC STORIES WHICH SPEAK TO THE REAL QUEER EXPERIENCE. "


Each frame of animation is filled to the brim with color and flag vomit, and the song itself only compounds its problems – its lyrics and fast pace toss around buzzword queer vocabulary without the time or effort to explain any of it. For a video meant as a child’s first educational experience with queer imagery and terms, the rapid pace of the song gives no time for anything to be processed, digested, or understood at all. In the span of 45 seconds the terms “non- binary”, “trans”, “ace”, “bi”, and “pan” are thrown out in single lines and never addressed again. While it might be nice in theory to teach children new vocabulary words, there is no purpose in educating without attempting to create an understanding of the subject. This sort of representation in the media only creates confusion.

For children whose first exposure was this video, what is LGBTQ+ culture more than a bunch of flags, bright colors, and new words? And moreover, would explaining those words even be beneficial? Is it appropriate to be teaching children about sexual preferences? The sing-along has come under fire by conservative detractors for pushing “sexualized themes” at children. While gender and sexuality will always carry sexualized themes, there are many routes to provide early education while gracefully avoiding these subjects. Blue’s Clues seeks none. The sing-along is a liberal nightmare. It reeks of a boardroom full of straight executives making sure they earn their “good boy points” during Pride at the cost of supplying conservatives ammunition against the queer community. Pride should be a time of kindness and positivity, showcasing the validity and inspiration of the queer experience. Instead, collaborations like Blue’s Clues give the community a bad reputation. What’s the fix? Should we endeavor to make queer stories and media with only queer creators and executives who understand the culture?


The show plays into dated stereotypes for much of its humor and situations and frames its few straight characters as bumbling fools to give its gay characters moral high ground. That said, while some of the show was disappointing, I couldn’t help but be charmed. The efforts of Q Force’s writing staff should not go unnoticed – “Q Force” is full of heart, care, and love for the queer community. From small details like a Jackée Harry poster on a wall rather than the typical Cher or Bette Midler, to the ingenuity of Twink’s drag disguises (yes, one of the characters is named Twink), to episodes covering events like a lesbian picnic and Eurovision, “Q Force” is a love letter from its creators to the queer community. But where does “Q Force” stand on the scale of queer representation? Despite its well- meaning, shows like “Q Force” still do more harm for the community than good. It’s not enough to just have queer creative representation when making a show, the show also has to be good.

Unfortunately, good queer representation is not that simple. Take, for example, Netflix’s “Q Force”. An animated spy series, “Q Force” was the product of the efforts of Gabe Liedman, Sean Hayes, Matt Rogers, and a multitude of writers, comedians, executives, and journalists of different races, ages, backgrounds, and sexualities, billed as a show “by queer people, for queer people”, a gay “Archer”. With an experienced, diverse writers’ room and big names like Wanda Sykes and Laurie Metcalf pinned to the project, queer people had cause for excitement! However, when Q Force’s first trailer released, it was met with aggressive criticism, accusing the show of playing into familiar jokes and tired stereotypes. Just more ammo for detractors. People feared the worst. And when the show finally released in full, it was… average. Not fantastic, but not terrible either. The jokes tend to fall flat, the character arcs don’t amount to much, and the show has the subtlety of a bulldozer.


In addition to the criticism I wrote earlier, “Q Force” also insists on being a “nicer” version of “Archer” – at every turn, its main cast of gay characters treat each other with love and respect. Which is fantastic, but also part of the reason it fails as good, constructive queer representation. By nature of its characters being so pure and endearing, “Q Force” lacks the playful banter and character dynamics of better shows like “Archer” - the characters feel less like real people and more like the vehicles for the morals of the story. By treating its gay characters as golden children, the show only reinforces the idea that all queer people need to be treated with kiddie gloves. “Q Force” fails as good queer representation because it fails to create a nuanced style of humor and character. As queer creators and allies, we cannot keep putting the same dull, tired, one-note stereotypes on screen and expecting the reputation and image of the queer community to change. From a modern show, I expect something better. I don’t want to see queer characters who exist to shout morals and educate straight characters. I don’t want to see queer characters whose only character development happens in the background or off-screen. I’m tired of seeing bad queer media and hearing the frantic typing of those ready to post that showrunners are ruining media by “forcing politics into everything.” I expect more diversity and complexity from the media. I want dynamic stories which speak to the real queer experience instead of stereotypes and shallow pandering, and I want gay characters with the dialogue and space to act like real people around other gay characters. There’s plenty of talent in the world, and I know better writing is possible. Q Force’s first season is a show stuffed with love and care for the queer community, and I hope it will be renewed for a second season. If their writers can react appropriately to the criticism of the first season, “Q Force” has the potential to be a great show and a great representation of queer culture in media. And even if the second season is disappointing, I’m going to watch it. Projects like “Q Force” can only continue being made if viewership proves there is interest in projects like it. Whether “Q Force” hits the mark itself or not, the potential to greenlight more queer projects and works is something I’ll always support. The only route to more good queer representation is to keep trying.


L E T T I NG GO O F G U I L T AND S HAME ON C E AND F OR A L L . By Paul Whitman

I came of age during the post- Stonewall era. Historically, this period is thought to be one of the better times to be alive as a gay man. So much positive messaging simply burst forth at that time. As it does today. It made a difference to me and countless others who were overburdened with loathsome feelings about their sexual orientation. In addition, it helped put me on a path to a healthier sense of self.

To be honest, getting over oneself never happens fast enough for anyone. I was no exception. I struggled with guilt and shame for years — trying to undo all the damage that had been done as a kid growing up. From bratty, bullying kids in the school yard to disapproving parents and a forbidding church, it was a pursuit that I often found elusive.

By the time I was in my forties, though, I thought my sense of self had largely done a 180. In retrospect though, that was not the case. There were lingering worries and doubts that persisted. Always a part of my interior landscape — like nasty, pesky mosquitoes, just less so. Clearly they weren’t my favorite company, but they were just part of the scenery. Always had been. I often resigned myself to my unwelcome friends without thinking long enough to make a healthier choice.


I wasn’t to make this important realization until I was further down the road. For whatever reason, it took more time to embrace the positive messaging completely. I had a lot of ‘yes, buts’ that were attached to many new bits of gay wisdom I heard. Essentially, I wore many of these bits of wisdom as band aids. Helpful for sure, but only superficially. WE ’ R E A L L WOR K S - I N - P ROG R E S S .

I didn’t realize how good things could be .

In recent years, frommany quarters, I had been hearing so much about ‘mindfulness’. It was presented, in some shape or form, as a way to improve the quality of my life. Be it dieting, improving relationships or enhancing my work life. I couldn’t ignore it anymore. I just had to try it on for size. Tentative at first, being raised in a church-going family, I was thinking its Buddhist foundation might conflict with the Gospel truth I had come to know. However, in researching the subject, I saw many commonalities and the good it might do me. So, I joined a local meditation and mindfulness group a few years ago. It was then that I woke up to the fact that I had more to let go of than I was ever aware. I can say that only by looking through my rearview mirror.

With regular meditation on self- compassion and the practice of mindfulness, I came to know that

wonderful lightness of being as never before. Unburdened as never before, like glaciers calving icebergs into the sea. Over time the excess baggage fell away, a positive sense of self emerged. It was always there, but now revealed. A glimpse of how things could be had emerged -- a happy confidence and satisfaction.

Mindfulness made all the difference.


One of the first books I read in my mindfulness group was, “Wherever You Go, There You Are“ by Jon Kabat-Zinn. The author is a medical school professor in Boston and one of the most influential proponents of mindfulness in the country. His personal practice of yoga and studies with Buddhist teachers led him to integrate their teachings

with scientific findings. He subsequently developed a

program of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR). It is now offered by medical centers, hospitals and health maintenance organizations. What is mindfulness? Kabat-Zinn defines it as an, “awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgmentally.”

How to truly love yourself.

Mindfulness is about taking a new perspective on everyday activities. The aim is to better understand some of the experiences that have contributed to your sense of self. Sometimes it may be bullying, sexual abuse, violence, alcohol- or drug-related issues or other traumas. Mindfulness helps to identify the thoughts and feelings which may be stuck in the past and prevent you from connecting with your sense of worth in the present. Mindfulness practices may include breathing meditation, loving- kindness meditation, and awareness practices. The loving- kindness meditation had an immediate and powerful effect for me. I highly recommend it.


A n i mp o r t a n t p a r t o f t h e m i n d f u l n e s s p r o c e s s i n c l u d e s c omp a s s i o n f o r o n e s e l f . T h i s w a s t o t a l l y r a d i c a l t o me . I t i s s ome t h i n g I , o f c o u r s e , h a d h e a r d o f b u t i t s i mp o r t a n c e w a s n e v e r r e l a t e d i n a n y me a n i n g f u l w a y b y my p a r e n t s , s c h o o l o r c h u r c h . S e l f - c omp a s s i o n i s l o v i n g - k i n d n e s s t u r n e d t owa r d s t h e s e l f . Wh e n w e p r a c t i c e s e l f - c omp a s s i o n , w e e x t e n d c a r i n g , g e n t l e , a n d s u p p o r t i v e t h o u g h t s a n d w o r d s t o w a r d s o u r o wn b o d y a n d m i n d . We t r e a t o u r s e l v e s w i t h f o r g i v e n e s s a n d a c c e p t a n c e . We r e a l i z e o u r mome n t s o f p a i n a n d i mp e r f e c t i o n a r e s h a r e d b y a l l o f h uma n i t y . A n d w e u s e o u r c a p a c i t y f o r m i n d f u l n e s s t o i d e n t i f y w i t h o u r i n n e r g o o d n e s s , v e r s u s o u r i n n e r s e l f - c r i t i c . L e a r n i n g t o l o v e o u r s e l v e s i n a l l c i r c um s t a n c e s o p e n s o u r h e a r t s s o t h a t w e ma y e x t e n d t h i s s ame l o v i n g k i n d n e s s t o o t h e r s a s w e l l . S e l f - c omp a s s i o n b u i l d s r e s i l i e n c y , i mp r o v e s p h y s i c a l a n d me n t a l h e a l t h , a n d s t r e n g t h e n s o u r r e l a t i o n s h i p s f o r g r e a t e r w e l l b e i n g .

How to Practice Self-Compassion.

Self-Compassion Boosts Self-Esteem.

We can strengthen self-compassion daily through formal meditation practices and also through mindful action.

We all have a voice inside our heads that may tell us we’re not good enough. But by practicing self- compassion, we can learn not to believe it. Self- criticism boosts the stress hormones. Practicing self- compassion, on the other hand, releases oxytocin. This feel-good hormone helps us befriend ourselves just as we are – despite all our scars, blemishes and imperfections. It also strengthens our innate sense of capability. Self-Compassion Increases Self- Acceptance. We often struggle to achieve perfection, but this only reinforces the mistaken notion that we’re not already whole. The need to be perfect has negative consequences for both body and mind. Perfectionism is correlated with shorter lifespan, greater instances of auto-immune disease, and a tendency toward anxiety and depression. Self-compassion reminds us it’s okay to be perfectly imperfect, just as all humans are everywhere. When we treat ourselves with the same kindness we would extend to a loved one, we’re far less self-critical. Self- compassion increases our capacity to forgive and accept imperfection. This improves our resilience and helps transform past mistakes into tremendous moments of growth.

Acknowledge Moments of Pain We don’t have to love our pain, but we do have to accept it. By acknowledging when we’re in a moment of struggle, we give ourselves the opportunity to transform our challenges into opportunities. When acknowledging your pain, practice non- judgmental mindfulness. Allow what’s present to remain, and lovingly ask what it needs from you. Words of Loving-Kindness Silencing the inner bully with more harsh words simply doesn’t work. By practicing self-compassion, we replace the inner bully with a new, kinder, voice instead. Speak to yourself with caring and gentle words of support. In your moments of pain, how would you advise your best friend? Mindful journaling activities, such as writing your past self a letter of understanding, can help you cultivate self- compassion through self-forgiveness. Practice Genuine Self-Care Self-care isn’t about spending lavishly on a spa day or two. Genuine self-care is about treating yourself with loving-kindness every day of the year. Authentic self-care includes carving out time for daily meditation and movement. It includes eating mindfully, setting boundaries, and learning to say no. It’s living a life that aligns with your needs on any given day. 15

On Being Your Best Self

Self-compassion is not self-indulgent nor selfish. Neither is it self-pity. Self-pity is an immersion in our problems that keeps us separated from others. Self-compassion entails recognizing our hardships are shared by all beings, and a means by which we can become better connected. Ironically, we may sometimes feel more comfortable extending compassion to others than to ourselves. This can be a good place to start with a self-compassion practice. Becoming more mindful of the ways in which we extend grace to others can help us to realize we too are worthy of the same kind of attention. I’ve come to understand that every single person, who walks the face of this planet, deserves to feel good about who and what they are. This is our birthright. We owe it to ourselves to strive to live with a sense of dignity and positive self-regard. Something else I now understand: it doesn’t matter if you accidentally fell down a staircase and were left a physical/emotional cripple or someone intentionally pushed you – you are still left to ‘pick up the pieces’ and carry on with your life. Just do it, as they say. Mindfully and with compassion of course.


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Happy New Year everyone! Having been a trainer for over 18 years, the New Year brings many opportunities for those who are seeking to improve their physical wellness. I believe that you should be able to improve yourself at any time during the year, however the New Year is a great time of year to start. I would like to share a few tips and tricks that should help kickstart your year off right.

With Mark Amero


Start balancing your meals appropriately. By eating a well-balanced diet, your brain chemistry will remain more balanced. Denying yourself certain food groups or denying yourself carbs will result in a negative outcome. If you know you're going to go out to have a pizza with your friends, balance out your day. Enjoy egg whites and spinach for breakfast, a healthy salad for lunch with protein, and enjoy your evening out – maybe even enjoy a vodka soda! If you do overindulge, don't throw away the whole week and give up. Wake up the next day, brush yourself off, and start over again. Denying yourself will only create complications in the future. You will become resentful of the diet, resentful of certain food groups, and will most likely overindulge when the cravings become too intense. To be clear – consuming a well-balanced diet prevents binging, keeps your mood even, and will be the key to maintaining your weight. 19

Stop trying to plan a diet. Sometimes we get so hung up on looking at “diets” as our answer for weight loss, but it's only a part of it. What I like to do with people is start small and work our way to bigger things. For example, if I have a client who loves diet soda, I will encourage them to start with the small step of giving up diet soda first. When you've accomplished that first small goal, it feels like a huge accomplishment. Thus, setting yourself up for a positive result next time. For the next change, I would ask a client to exchange simple carbohydrates for more complex carbohydrates, like using brown rice instead of white. If they were trepidatious to do that, I might suggest mixing the two starches together to bridge the change. Try not to look for specific diets to make life changes for you and make small changes to your overall diet in general. The more effective you become at making small changes in your lifestyle, the more effective you will become at making permanent changes long term.

Next, I would insist that people stop killing themselves to exercise. It has been scientifically proven that a hard stressful workout can sometimes cause potential long term health effects. If you're not enjoying your workout, then maybe tone it down a bit. A hormone called cortisol is directly affected by the amount of stress you put on your body. Just like having a stressful job, a stressful workout may not be exactly what you need. I encourage clients to have an adequate lifting routine three times a week, with about 1/2 hour to 45 minutes of low intensity cardio. HIIT workouts are a great way to lose weight quickly and effective at getting you in and out of the gym within 45 minutes. There is one drawback – you should take at least ten minutes post HIIT workout for a mindful stretch routine. Put some meditation into it. This will help to lower cortisol levels and give you a boost of energy to get you through the rest of your day.

Another thing that I commonly see is that people compare themselves to others. We are all different from each other, that's what makes us people. What works for one person may not work for another. Going back to the previous paragraph, when I said stop killing yourself at the gym, I often hear people say that's what they must do because they saw someone else do it. What if that person is a triathlete? That person may train excessively, have very different goals than you, and doing what they do might hurt you. Stop worrying about what everyone else is doing and do what's right for you. One way to learn what is right for you might be to enlist the help of a personal trainer. Personal trainers have a unique skill set which will provide the right programming for you and your goals. That's why it's called personal training - it's personal.

There are multiple ways that personal trainers can help you, and it doesn't have to be an expensive program. Some trainers will help you with just a couple visits, or even online. Enlisting professional help will give you the comfort to know that you will be guided professionally, thus reducing the chance of injury and it will give you the peace of mind knowing that you’re doing what you need; not what you think you need. I hope that this information will be helpful for you, and that you understand all around fitness encompasses your mind, body, and soul. By eating well balanced meals, not comparing yourself to others, and enlisting the professional help of others, you will be setting yourself up for success in the new year. Remember, life is not about finding yourself - life is about creating yourself. Only you will know what's right for you, so make sure you do it correctly.

Eat well, train well and be well.



In the quaint New England town of Litchfield, CT there is a small , busy office tucked away in a house on a side street. People come and go, many of them walking in very carefully and deliberately as if they carry a huge weight. And yet, as if by magic the same people can be seen leaving the office seemingly with a much lighter load, more agile and more carefree. The man behind that magic is Dr. Nicholas Varholak.


Growing up Dr. Nick, a CT Native, overcame the challenges of CAPD, and expressed himself primarily through sports and a love of painting and drawing. In highschool , he was recruited on a full scholarship to play soccer for the University of Rhode Island. Being very passionate about the sport, he played soccer for nearly 7 years after college as a semi-pro and later as a professional in Europe. He was and has remained very close with his family and considers himself to have had a “blessed childhood. ” He studied exercise science and cardiovascular rehabilitation at the University of Rhode Island. He was inspired to go into the field by a college sweetheart’s Chiropractor father. “The community loved him, he treated everything, he was very successful . Nick thought, “Hey this could be up my ally. I ’m a people’s person, I ’m very active, I like helping people, that’s something I would want to do. ” After applying and getting into the University of Bridgeport, he began the process of becoming a chiropractor.

It was then he started to realize that old philosophical “straight” chiropractics wasn’t for him. He was a mixer. I like to have lots of different tools in my toolbox and I like to have lots of ranges on how to help people. Not just bring people in and adjust them and think that’s the end all be all . I can make this my own and I can do it, and that’s what I did. ” Once Dr. Nick graduated, he began practicing in New York City, midtown. He quickly realized that he was working just to live in NYC. “I was a country boy and I realized that the city is a playground for real estate and finance. It probably wasn’t a town for a chiropractor. I never understood how the chiropractors could cover their overhead, but they figured it out. I got some good experience. ” When Dr. Nick met his future wife, she happened to know of a practice in Litchfield, CT where the chiropractor was slowly working her way out to retire. The rest is history and now Dr. Nick Varholak is Litchfield’s and the surrounding communities premier chiropractor and one of the most beloved healthcare professionals in the area.


What makes Nick a good doctor is that there is no BS- he genuinely tries to understand everyone’s struggle. He does everything he possibly can to help someone. If he can’t help someone, he will send them to the people who can. When asked about his philosophy of healing Nick said, “I think it's understanding. Getting to know the person. A lot of suffering begins in the heart and in the mind. If people can’t let down their guard and feel comfortable and feel at peace and at ease, you’re never going to crack the nut. The second thing is addressing the issue using science. If you can combine all that stuff you can get pretty good results. And then sometimes people just need surgery. (chuckles) It's understanding people's sensitivities to. Its understanding body type, its understanding strengths and weaknesses, character, and sensitivities. It's understanding how you can balance all those and build all those good qualities up and numb down all the bad qualities. Combine that with the skills of treating nerve pain and the science side of it, and what are the things to help, and you can get a lot of results, good results. And that’s the art of healing, I guess. It’s basically loving people as much as you can. It’s a very rewarding field. Dr. Nick keeps several tools in his toolbox such as physical therapy, soft tissue work, manipulation, acupuncture and CBD therapy to name a few. “I ’m not cookie cutter with anything I do. Everybody is different, everybody gets a different treatment and that’s how it goes. ”

Speaking on CBD therapy Nick said, “I ’m a big believer in neural inhibition. I did my thesis on Epilepsy. CBD has been shown to be very good in a lot of things. One, for epilepsy, and one for bipolar, and of course, it's shown to be very good for pain. One of the reasons CBD is very good is that it’s a neuroinhibitor. It slows down the excitatory transmissions of nerves in the body. I always say sixty percent of diseases we have in this country are brought on by stress. Our own stress, our own bad habits because of stress, there are a lot of cancers caused by chronic stress. Cannabinoids are probably one of the best things out there for decreasing stress and anxiety. If you can decrease stress and anxiety, you can treat a million things. ” If you can calm the nerves down, you can calm inflammation down because inflammation is just a reaction from the brain to the body saying ouch, ouch, ouch, and we send histamines and crap down into our hands and fingers because our body is saying we’re hurting there, and chronic histamine leads to degeneration. So, we can get all into the benefits of CBD and all that stuff , it’s a miracle drug. CBD has been life saving for a lot of people with neurodegenerative issues. Anything to kind of slow down the over- excitation of the nervous system is beneficial to all people. ” “I ’ve always known that CBD is very good for people, but there is so much out there. My biggest thing with CBD in the beginning, it was kind of like the gold rush. One company says this, one company says that. Everybody has their CBD that they like and CBD that they don’t like. Knowing that I use the best product on the market (Agora CBD) and the purest form of CBD and cannabinoids is to me a no brainer for people using this for stress and anxiety. I feel if you can decrease the stress and anxiety in the body, it’s going to be good for your whole wellness. ”

You can schedule an appointment with Dr. Nick at Litchfield Family Chiropractic or call 860-361-6433


Agora CBD

Un ll ii k e c h em i c a l l y d e r i v e d CBD , we d o n o t i l l i , a l t e r t h e p l a n t s i n t e g r i t y . Ag o r a CBD™ i s l l i i i e x t r a c t e d b y a c h em i c a l - f r e e p r o c e s s t h a t i l i n v o k e s a l l o f t h e p l a n t ’ s n a t u r a l s y n e r g y . We i l l l ’ l e x t r a c t t h e n a t u r a l f a t t y a c i d s , wa x e s , l i , , m i n e r a l s , a n d v i t am i n s t o c r e a t e a p o t e n t i l , i i p h y t o c a n n a b i n o i d - r i c h , b r o a d s p e c t r um , “ a s i i i , , f o u n d i n n a t u r e ” s u p p l eme n t f o r y o u r b o d y . i l


When it comes to the LGBTQ community, many take the view that you’re either in or you’re out. And, from a technical standpoint, I guess you can say that is true. But sometimes it’s not always best to look at things in terms of black and white. I was lucky enough to be born with a physical gender that matches how I feel mentally and a sexuality that society considers mainstream. Many others aren’t as lucky. This doesn’t mean their experiences are any less valid than mine. Those who are different from who society expects them to be shouldn’t be ostracized; instead they should be celebrated. Because if there’s anything I’ve learned in my


By Dylan Knipple

time on Earth, the majority of society’s expectations aren’t worth living up to.




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When it comes to the plight of the LGBTQ community, it can be hard for a cis-gendered person to fully comprehend the hardships our counterparts have had to endure. You can learn about discriminatory practices, hate crimes, the pain of having to hide your true self for the sake of your safety. You can learn all these things, but you’ll never actually experience them, never have a true understanding of what it is like. So then how do you be an ally? For me, it’s actually quite simple. I like to start with myself. Before you can really know someone else, you have to know yourself. You have to know your beliefs and your values. Personally, just because I’m not LGBTQ doesn’t mean I don’t know what it is like to be an outsider. Growing up, I was always the kid in school who was a bit weird, a bit different. Who could stand on the fringes of many social groups but never truly fit into any of them. I remember being young and wanting so badly just to fit in. But, I also remember growing up, realizing how much it sucks to have to fit in, and how empowering it was to just be myself, even if it meant I would stick out or that some people wouldn’t like me. At the end of the day, you can’t control how others think. The upside is they can’t control how you think either. So it’s my belief that we all have the right to be our own individual. Your life is yours to live and yours only. Others may try to influence your thoughts and actions, but ultimately they only have the power you give them.



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So where does all this fit in with the LGBTQ community and being an ally? Well, the same way I have my right to be my own individual, everybody else has the same right. Our LGBTQ friends aren’t different or abnormal, they’re themselves and have every right to be. When you really think about it, LGBTQ people and cis-people aren’t all that different. We all eat, sleep, and breathe. We all get out of bed and get dressed in the morning. We all go out into the world and share in both its splendors and its terrors. We all want to find meaning in life, to discover and do what makes us happy. These are not experiences that pertain to one sole group, but they are common human experiences, experiences that unite us all. That is why when it comes to being an ally, I don’t like to think of LGBTQ people as LGBTQ people. Instead, they’re just people, the same as you and I. Being able to accept people for who they are is a great start to being an ally, but it’s not the only step. Just because you accept the LGBTQ community for who they are, doesn’t mean everyone else does. This is where being an ally really comes in. People don’t realize it, but being a cis- gendered ally gives you more power to help the LGBTQ community than they have themselves. If you witness someone being bigoted or discriminatory, step in and say something. Not only do you protect LGBTQ individuals in this scenario, but also the person discriminating against them will be far more impacted and likely to listen if it is someone like them telling them what they are doing is wrong. N O M A D I C | 2 4


Sometimes people can get marooned on an island of hate, but if you offer them a bridge back home, they will want to take it. Being an ally is being that bridge. It’s being able to connect LBGTQ people and cis-people and say “look at how similar we are; look at how we are all the same. Let’s be united and not divided.” Being an ally is about recognizing and teaching others that fighting for LGBTQ rights doesn’t take away cis-gendered rights. You don’t have to tear others down to boost the LGBTQ community up. The LGBTQ cause is about humanity, and ensuring every human has the right to be themselves. And the fight for the betterment of humanity is a noble one; a fight that participating in lets me hold my head high with pride. After all, are we not all just humans? If being an ally to the LGBTQ community means I can leave this world a better place for those who come after me, then I’m all in.



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HOW CAN RELIGION BE BETTER? In theory, religion, which I’ll define loosely as the belief in a higher power or in higher powers, instills its followers with the core values and beliefs to be good people. However, far too often we hear stories of people and families separated by religion. From different belief systems, to different beliefs within the same system, to harmful beliefs created by communal interpretations of the system, religion divides. As someone raised in the Catholic Church and who wants to see the success of religion in creating good people, I think it’s important to address this division, confront it, and ask a very important question: how can religion be better? BY: NICK GREIKA


I can only credibly speak for my own religion, so it’s probably best to start there. What does it mean to be Catholic? For me, Catholicism as a belief system is less biblical and more personal. When I consider faith and religion, I think about core values, beliefs, and my childhood memories from Catholic school. Growing up, the most important rule we were taught was Golden – do unto others as you would have them do unto you. With Golden Rule posters pinned up in every classroom, teachers, nuns, and pastors hammered home that above all else, we should treat others well. Of course, kids will be kids, so that rule was difficult to translate into everyday life. However, another lesson we were taught was easier: “You don’t have to like everyone, but you do have to love everyone.” In a Catholic school, class sizes were small; my graduating class of 20 was one of the largest in school history. I grew up with my classmates – they were my friends, bullies, teammates, and rivals (and sometimes all four in the same day). Whether I got along with someone that day or not, the foundation of love and respect always stayed true. In general, I have great memories of my school and my childhood. I made lifelong friends, and I feel that my upbringing is a part of the reason I am a good, kind, and understanding person today. Under the right system and with the right foundational education, I believe religion can be extremely beneficial to upbringing. However, to speak so highly of organized religion is shortsighted. I am fortunate for my upbringing. I am fortunate to have gone to a school where I received a beneficial religious education. I am fortunate that my family and my childhood friends, all raised Catholic, supported me when I came out. Not everybody is so fortunate. Religion, and more specifically, communal interpretation of religion, has led to the hatred and rejection of those outside the thin heteronormative bubble. Around the world, gay and queer people are subject to terrible discrimination at the hands of organized religion. And, while I may advocate for the good Catholicism has done for me, even I do not feel like I belong or want to belong to a religion which hates so many people like me. It’s no surprise that religion is a sour subject within the LGBTQ+ community - can you blame someone for hating a community which hates them? Catholicism teaches that all human life is sacred and beautiful, so why have some Catholics decided that sexuality overwrites the concept of being a human being? When did we decide that certain people aren’t people? When the foundation of treating others the way you wish to be treated is torn up and the concept of ever-present love is erased, why should it be expected of the queer community to rise above and meet hatred with love, or to accept a religion which seeks its exclusion?

I’d rather change the way Catholics interact with their faith, and with God.


To broaden my scope, what sours people about any organized religion is generally not the values of those religions as a whole – most religions preach tolerance, acceptance, and love. The problem lies in interpretations of the way of God being used as the catalyst for oppression and discrimination. When communities shame and hurt others as envoys of their gods, the world suffers and divides. The fix is simple: a more individual relationship with religion, core values and beliefs, and God. My teachers chose to teach us the Golden Rule as the most important rule for good reason – If we choose to live our lives as the most loving, compassionate, and caring people we can be, and others choose to live their lives the same way, how could religion be a bad thing? To that, my question is this: What is your God to you? Who is that being? And in imagining him, or her, or them, what sort of God makes you a better person – is your God damning, or loving?

While my case might be individual and extremely fortunate, it means something. If the people in my life who were raised Catholic were able to accept me with open arms, that must mean something. I am not fundamentally better or worse than any other queer person, but my coming out was never met with anger, discrimination, or quoted Bible verses about my sin. If homosexuality were such a damning sin, shouldn’t all Catholics feel the same way? Individuals aren’t the problem with religion – community is. The problem with Catholicism is the pressure of communal ideals. Communities become echo chambers for homophobic, sexist, and discriminatory beliefs under the guise of upholding the sanctity of marriage and tradition. In Matthew 11:28, Jesus says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” How many queer people could ever feel restful or home under modern organized religion? Militant Catholics have chosen the preservation of tradition over the creation of safe places for those who need it most and have both destroyed the reputation of the Catholic Church and contradicted the teachings of their Lord.


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S UP P L Y CHA I N S AND HO L I DAY S HOP P I NG B y D y l a n K n i p p l e

With the holiday season come and past, looking back we’ve seen supply chain woes and pandemic worries affect how consumers approached holiday shopping this season. To understand how the supply chain affected holiday shopping, first we need to understand what is occurring in the supply chains. Over the course of the pandemic, a boom in online shopping created a huge demand for goods, many of which are produced overseas. This increase in demand resulted in cargo ships getting backed up at the ports, where thousands of shipping containers sit untouched as dock workers struggle to work through the backlog.

Even after goods are unloaded at the port, a shortage of truck drivers has meant goods take even longer to reach their final destination. Furthermore, the pandemic still has the potential to cause labor shortages and factory shutdowns, adding even more strife to the situation. Breakdowns in the supply chain and pandemic stress have affected consumer behavior in many ways. In order to avoid lack of inventory, many consumers and retailers shifted focus to getting holiday shopping done early this season. One survey found that 70% of people had at least started their holiday shopping by late October.


Many stores held Black Friday sales earlier in November or ran sales throughout the whole month. Smart consumers were eager to take advantage of extended deals and product availability while it lasted. Last minute holiday shopping is stressful under normal conditions, and consumers and retailers alike took extra care this season to get shopping done early. Not only did holiday shopping get done earlier this season, but consumer buying habits changed drastically as well. This holiday season, a record 11.5% of Americans said they were not buying gifts at all. With economic and financial stress from the COVID pandemic still lingering, many low-income households simply don’t have the money to spend.

With stimulus checks long gone, inflation hitting a 39-year high, high prices for gas and groceries, the end of the rent moratorium, and the restart of student loan payments in the New Year, many Americans are more worried about if they will be able to pay their bills than being able to afford gifts for family and friends. Despite a record amount of people not buying gifts, profits from holiday shopping are expected to increase up to 10.5% from 2020. So if less people are buying gifts, how are stores seeing increases in profits? The experts suggest there are two key factors that resulted in higher total holiday spending.

The first key factor in creating such high holiday spending is inflation. If 11.5% of Americans are not buying gifts, that still leaves 88.5% of Americans doing holiday shopping. And with the previously mentioned 39 year high in inflation, everything they purchase costs more. This means that even if consumers are buying fewer gifts than in the past, they are likely spending more.

The second factor that played a pivotal role in increased holiday spending is wealth. Wealthy households have been more insulated to the economic and financial stress of the COVID pandemic. The wealthiest of American society have even seen their wealth grow throughout the pandemic. This leaves them more available money to spend on the holidays. Experts state that high-income households spent 5 times more on holiday shopping than low-income households.


With a record number of Americans skipping out on holiday shopping this year and inflation and pandemic worries cutting back the majority of Americans holiday plans this season, what can we expect from consumers next holiday season? Unfortunately, experts do not see a rebound anytime soon when it comes to enthusiasm for holiday shopping. Experts agree the current supply chain problems are indicative of larger infrastructure issues. Despite the availability of vaccines, new COVID variants have kept the pandemic on everyone’s mind and it doesn’t look like it will be going away anytime soon either. Then add on top of that the continuing inflation issue. Right now, there is no short-term solution to any of these problems. Some experts feel that it could be another 18 to 24 months before things even return to “semi-normal.” If this holds true, you can expect another difficult holiday season for middle and lower income households next year, with high-income households accounting for the majority of holiday spending again.

In a survey conducted by Deloitte, households making less than $50,000 annually spent 22% less for the holidays in 2021 compared to 2020. The same survey found that households making more than $100,000 annually spent 15% more on holiday shopping in 2021 compared to 2020. This drastic difference in behavior shows just how big a role economic status plays in holiday spending habits. The experts believe high spending by wealthy households is masking over struggles being faced by middle and lower income households. Soaring holiday profits may make it look like Americans are embracing the holiday season in full swing, but in reality, the majority of Americans are buying less gifts and getting less value for their money than in previous holiday seasons.


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On January 20, 2021 Joe Biden was sworn in and officially became President of the United States of America. In one of the most heated and divisive elections in recent memory, Biden made a lot of grand promises in order to win voters over. Now, just about a year into his presidency, let’s take a moment to review Biden’s performance and what he has accomplished so far. A major influence in the 2020 Presidential election was the COVID-19 pandemic. Largely critical of former president Trump’s initial handling of the ongoing pandemic, Biden campaigned on an aggressive approach to conquering COVID, including a relief package and widespread access to the vaccine. Biden has been able to accomplish these two goals, but with mixed results. Biden originally promised voters $2,000 stimulus checks as part of his relief package, but was only able to provide stimulus checks of $1,400. Of course, some stimulus is better than no stimulus at all but many voters were counting on Biden delivering the full amount he promised and are disappointed at his failure to do so. Then, critics also point to the large government spending required to distribute stimulus checks as a contributing factor to the high inflation that is currently hitting every American’s pocket. At the same time, the $1,400 stimulus checks made a significant difference for many Americans. The COVID-19 vaccine is easily the most controversial topic of the Biden presidency, and with good reason. Biden’s plan to fight COVID relied heavily on getting as much of the population as possible vaccinated as quickly as possible.

Biden started this endeavor strong, reaching his goal of getting 200 million vaccine doses administered within his first 100 days as president. Biden fell short of his next goal however, failing to get 70% of U.S. adults at least one vaccine dose by July 4th. As new variants emerged and COVID continued to spread despite vaccination status, people started to lose faith in the vaccine. With breakthrough cases and concerns over effectiveness against variants contributing to vaccine hesitancy, Biden resorted to vaccine mandates in order to keep his vaccine push alive. While mandates did succeed in getting more people vaccinated, again this was not without controversy. Many people felt a mandate forcing them to take a vaccine they are not fully comfortable with is a gross overstep of government power. Multiple states are even suing in an attempt to block vaccine mandates.