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3 Simple Steps To Beat Achy Shoulders

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4 teaspoon black pepper • 4 heads endive • 1 avocado DIRECTIONS Bring the water to a boil in a large

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CHEST RAISE Lift chest bone up and out, let shoulders fall down and back gently. Be careful not to a

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athletic training profession grew. Matt was involved with Mississippi State athletics for three year

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Secondary Education, ’78 • Loma Linda University: BS Physical Therapy, ’84 1-855-673-3600 ◆

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Full Potential. 3 Simple Steps To Beat Achy Shoulders




INSIDE: � 3 Steps To Beat Achy Shoulders � 3 Ways To Avoid Carpal Tunnel Syndrome � Exercise Essentials

3 Simple Steps to Beat Achy Shoulders

� Patient Success � Healthy Recipe

Health & Fitness


The Newsletter About Achieving and Maintaining Optimal Well-Being

3 Simple Steps to Beat Achy Shoulders SHOULDER PAIN IS SO LAST YEAR

2.Strengthen your rotator cuff muscles. By keeping your rotator cuff muscles strong, you help guide your shoulder joints, lessening the chance for injury and inflammation to occur. A simple exercise to perform is while sitting or standing, keep elbows at your side bent to 90 degrees and thumbs up. Push your hands out like opening a newspaper. Repeat 10 times. 3.Improve your scapula stability. The shoulder blade makes up an important part of your shoulder complex. It has many different muscles attached to it, pulling at just the right time for proper shoulder movement. Improve the shoulder blade muscles by frequently firing them. In sitting or standing, drop your shoulders slowly down and back. This wakes up those important muscles which help guide the shoulder blade when using your arm. Perform 10-15 repetitions, holding the contraction for 5 seconds frequently throughout the day.

Your shoulders have to move through an incredible 180 degrees of motion, while still maintaining stability and strength. The shoulder joint acts like a ball in a very shallow socket that is part of the shoulder blade. Some of the most important muscles in the rotator cuff are actually the smallest. The rotator cuff is made up of 4 muscles that are small, but vital to keeping the ball stable in the socket. When these muscles are weak or injured, the ball can jamup into the socket of the shoulder blade, causing inflammation and pain. Try these simple actions to improve the health of your shoulders and alleviate that nagging ache or sharp pain for good. 1.Sit up tall! The number one reason for repetitive injury and pain in the shoulders is poor posture. When the ball moves forward in the socket, the rotator cuff becomes vulnerable to injury! There is less space for the muscles which can then get “pinched”. The muscles are also overstretched, making them weaker.

Ways To Avoid Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a very common occurrence, especially in those that are at a computer all day. The carpal tunnel is in your wrist and made up of bones of the hand and ligaments that form the ceiling of the tunnel. With typing, pressure is frequently put on the wrists and base of the palm. In addition, the frequent use of the tendons that glide through this area during typing can cause the tendons to become irritated and swollen, decreasing the space in the tunnel. Your median nerve, which supplies sensation and muscle control to your thumb and first two fingers can become compressed. This is why with CTS, many people first experience tingling or numbness in the thumb and first two fingers. While this can be a sign of nerve compression, the good news is that this can be prevented and even reversed quite quickly. Seeing a physical therapist right away is essential, but here are some tips you can do in the meantime: 1. Stretch your wrists and hands. Stand up and grab the tips of your fingers with the other hand. With your armoutstretched, gently stretch your fingers back until you feel a gentle pulling in your hand andwrist. Hold this for 15-30 seconds and repeat on both sides 3 times. Do this frequently throughout the day.

2. Improve your posture at work. If you slouch at the keyboard, this puts the neck in a bad position and can put more pressure on your wrists, decreasing blood flow to your hands. Sit tall and have your keyboard slightly lower than the level of your elbow. 3. Stretch your chest and shoulders. Improving your shoulder and chest mobility increases the circulation in your hands. The better your circulation, the less inflammation can build up in the hand and wrist. CTS is a condition that you can prevent with these tips; however, if you start to notice the tingling, numbness or weakness in your hand, see a physical therapist right away. It is much better to catch CTS early, than after nerve damage has occurred. If you feel that you might be experiencing CTS or know someone with these symptoms, call us today to speak with one of our specialists.

Healthy Recipe

Spinach Stuffed Mushrooms Ingredients

• 1/2 cup Plain Oikos Organic Greek Yogurt • Salt and pepper to taste

• 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar • 1/2 tsp soy sauce • 2 cups chopped fresh spinach

• 20 medium mushrooms • 1/4 cup chopped shallots, scallions or onion • 2 cloves garlic, chopped

Directions Wash the mushrooms and carefully remove the stems without breaking the caps. Finely chop the stems. Combine the shallots, garlic and vinegar in a small skillet or saucepan and cook for 1 to 2 minutes. Add the chopped mushroom stems and soy sauce and cook, stirring occasionally, for 3 to 5 minutes, until the mushrooms soften and release their juices. Add the spinach and cook, continuing to stir, until it is wilted and the liquid in the pan is absorbed. Remove from the heat and let cool for a few minutes, then stir in the yogurt. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Preheat the oven to 350ºF. Stuff the spinach filling into the mushroom caps. Place the mushrooms in a baking pan and bake for 20 minutes, until tender. Remove from the oven and let sit for a few minutes for the filling to set before serving. Yields 20 mushrooms.

Patient Success Story

Kind Words From Our Patients

I am not spending all my time thinking about how much pain I was in, but rather what I am going to do with my life today! “1)My mental picture of what was possible and why is a huge change for me since I started here. 2) I had very little range of motion at my first appointment, and now I move as freely as my body will allow. 3) I am not spending all my time thinking about how much pain I was in, but rather what I am going to do with my life today! Having Luke educate me during the entire process about inputs and outputs and the why’s and why not’s was instrumental in the mental picture of what could be possible. The front desk was always friendly and accommodating!” - Sheryl S.

Practice News

Giving Back During the Holidays!

Thank you to all who donated to this year’s charity, Community Action House. We collected items for their dry stock shelves to help families throughout the year.

Full Potential Christmas Party

Every year, the Full Potential Christmas party is a time to appreciate each others work and celebrate the year together. It was a time to reflect the joy we have within the company. It is a surprise each year where we have dinner, this year was the Catering side of The Good Earth.


Learn To Manage Low Back Pain & Sciatica Without Medication, Injections, or Surgery. Join us Thursday, January 17th, at 7 pm located at Full Potential PT! We have limited spots available and space will fill up fast, so register now to avoid missing out. To register, please call our office at 616-392-2172.

3. You’ve found yourself worryingmore about your pain, numbness, and tingling rather than living your life. 4. You’ve TRIED EVERYTHING and just want to get back to normal.

1. You’ve missed work due to sciatica or back pain

2. You’ve missed out on family vacation or activities you love because you’re afraid of aggravating your sciatica

Outstanding relief for your aches... Try these simple exercises to keep you moving... Exercise Essentials

Strengthens Shoulders

Strengthens Shoulders

Shoulder Pattern 2 Stand with good posture with your arm across your body and your hand rotated in, thumb pointed down. Bring your arm up and across your body diagonally As you do, rotate your hand outward. Finish with your hand above your head and out to the side. Repeat 6-10 times for both shoulders.

Shoulder Pattern 1 Stand with good posture with your arm down at your side, rotated in and thumb pointed down. Bring your arm and hand upward and across your body. As you do so, rotate your hand outward. Finish with your thumb pointed upward and your hand slightly above your head. Repeat 6-10 times for both shoulders.


Always consult your physical therapist or physician before starting exercises you are unsure of doing.


Full Potential wants to hear from all you patients who after discharge have continued to do her home exercises as a part of their strategy to stay healthy. We would like to know just howmuch this has contributed to your ability to remain active and continue to live your life as you desire.

1. Call and talk to your therapist 2. Discover why your pain has come back 3. Get your custom recovery program

Email [email protected] if you are interested in a free pain consultation!