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EllisPT_Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist Pain

EllisPT_Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist Pain Newsletter Ellis Physical Therapy Wants To Thank ALL OF OUR PATI

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ElliottPT_Shoulder Wrist Elbow Pain


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OptimumPerformance_Shoulder Elbow Wrist Pain

or shoulder. Due to the complexity of the hand and upper extremity, a hand therapist should be your

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Fyzical_Shoulder Elbow Wrist Pain

NPTM. Also visit Juvent’s Clinically Proven Micro-Impact Platform ® You can Ex

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Outpatient PT_Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist Pain

or get an electrician to install additional outlets. Remove clutter from walkways to reduce the chan

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TaylorRehab_Shoulder Elbow and Wrist Pain

rotator cuff workshop on Saturday June 13th from 10-11 am at our Gateway location! You will learn th

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ArrowPTR_Shoulder Elbow and Wrist Pain n° 315994 - Level Hard EXERCISE ESSENTIALS WAND SHOULDER FLEXION While holding an elasti

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Nestor PT_Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist Pain

Nestor PT_Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist Pain NEWSLETTER LIVE YOUR LIFE FREE F

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NYSportsandSpinal_Shoulder Elbow and Wrist Pain

NYSportsandSpinal_Shoulder Elbow and Wrist Pain NEWSLETTER Where Is It Coming From? SHOULDER, ELBOW,

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PelhamPhysicalMed_Shoulder, Elbow, and Wrist Pain

writereview?placeid=ChIJw wzpcVjzwokRxFhxt1kaEp8 Your positive review helps us impact more people’s

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Fyzical_Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist Pain



DidYouJust Suffer a Sprainor aStrain?

You’ve probably had a sprain or strain at some point in your life. Chronic sprainsandstrainsarenotgoodas they lead to lastingproblemssuchas weakness and joint damage. However, did you know that being strong,

some cases, the inability to move a joint (elbow, wrist or shoulder). Sprains occur when a joint is forced beyond its normal range of motion, such as bending your wrist back during a fall. If you still have pain from a past injury, this is probably because you never fully recovered from the sprain or the joint is unstable. Sprains can be mild, or they can be traumatic, such as with a fall or with an on-the-field injury . What is a strain? A strain is an injury that overstretches or tears muscles or tendons (connects muscles to bones). A strain typically occurs at the point where the muscle is becoming a tendon and is stretched too fast, then suddenly contracts, as with quickly grasping for a falling heavy object.

musculoskeletal system. What is a sprain?

A sprain is an injury that overstretches or tears a ligament (tissue that connects bone to bone), which provides joints their stability. A severely damaged ligament during an injury or accident can cause a joint to become unstable. Symptoms may include pain, inflammation and in

DoYouHaveShoulder, ElboworWristPain? You try to get through the day, but that nagging pain in your shoulder, elbow or wrist just keeps your attention focused on it. It sure is hard to concentrate on work, your family and other activities you need to do! We can help you get back to living!

It is common to fixate on that body part that hurts. The thought is that because it hurts there, the problem is right there! However, this is often not the cause. You see, the body part that is painful is usually the one that is doing all the work, because other areas are not doing their job. The body is truly amazing and all the parts work together as one whole, most of the time. However,whenanareaofyourbodybecomes weak or stiff because it was abused from poor posture, stress or injury, even an old one, other areas strain from the overwork to pick up the slack. A common word that is used for this type of repetitive injury strain is called “tendonitis”.This is simply an inflammation of the tendonsof thatarea,whichattachmuscles to bones. For example, a very common complaint is tennis elbow and even pain in the forearm or wrist area. However, why is

this happening in the first place?

in your wrist and elbow. If this goes on too long, it becomes severe and you seek out medical help. Typically a brace may be put on the area, but that is not where the problem is, right? It’s because your shoulder was stiff and weak from your slouching. Our highly trained physical therapists will be able to identify faulty postures and poor compensation patterns. With a comprehensive evaluation and individualized treatment plan, you can be back to doing what you like to do, quickly and easily. The education you receive about your injury and its cause will help you to stay healthy moving forward and hopefully, prevent future injury. Give us a call today if your shoulder, elbow or wrist is hurting, we can help!

The upper extremity works in 3 parts, the shoulder, elbow and wrist. They rely on each other to make the incredible movements of your arm so you can reach grasp and do ordinary daily tasks we take for granted. They rely on your posture to be good in order to function properly. When you slouch or sometimes do a repetitive task, like reaching acrossyourdesk,certainmusclescanbecome too tight or strong while others become weak. This muscle imbalance leads to that area not working as well as it should. For example, you sit at a desk all day and you slouch your shoulders. Now, your shoulder doesn’t work as well, but you still move your mouse around with your arm, which causes your wrist and forearmmuscles tooverwork.As thishappens over time, you start to notice aches and pains

You Can Be Pain Free This Holiday Have you already met your out of pocket max for the year? Take advantage of the opportunity to feel better and it might not cost you a dime! Patients with family plans or those who have had major surgeries or have a chronic illness are especially likely to have a $0 balance remaining on their out-of-pocket expenses. This means that the cost of physical therapy could be minimal or completely covered by the patient’s insurance plan. If you are close to or have met your insurance deductible for the year, then now is the time to come in for Physical Therapy! Are you feeling aches & pains? Need to work on your core? Let us help you get a head start for 2018. Contact us today to schedule your appointment.

SAVEMONEY WITH PHYSICAL THERAPY Research shows patients on average than referred patients, decreasing costs tremendously. COME BACK IN FOR A CHECK UP! who went straight to Physical Therapy had 86% fewer visits

Patient Success Spotlight

“Your physical therapists, Bert and Kimball, are excellent. Your balance team is also very good. Everyone is friendly. It has been an enlightening experience. Thank you.” - S.B. Enlightening experience! New facility, great equipment! “Great PTand techs who really care about my treatment. Appointments start on time. New facility, centrally located for convenience. Great equipment, no wait time. I highly recommend Fyzical!” - C.B.

Exercise Essential

Lower Fiber Traps | Prone

Strengthens Arms Always consultyour therapistorphysicianbefore startingexercisesyouareunsureofdoing. Try this movement if you are arm or shoulder pain.

Lie on your stomach with arms at your side. Slightly bring your shoulder blades together

Dear FYZICAL Family,

As a physical therapist, I always enjoy the thrill of getting to watch as patients improve and heal. I get to share in your joy as you improve with your goals. And really it’s one of the best parts of my day...certainly the best part of this job. Well today, I invite you to share in some excitement with me. As many of you know I am the proud father to 5 rambunctious boys. And my wife and I have loved pretty close to every second of it. They are fun.... and wild, and sweet.....and wild, they have incredibly kind hearts...and they are pretty wild. I think you get the point, they are an awesome wild bunch of circus animals. When you are doing a job with boys, they say that one boy is worth one boy. 2 boys are worth half a boy. (They end up playing most of the time.) And 3 can just forget it. And I can officially add that with 5 boys, you can just expect consistent chaos.

Like for example: raking leaves. This year we asked the boys to rake the leaves. They actually did a pretty good job for a while, and then they had so much fun jumping in the leaves. I thought it was great that they were playing and having a good time. And then, they went to neighbors who were bagging their leaves, and offered to help them bag their leaves. Again I applauded this effort.

But when they brought 20 bags from the neighbor’s house and dumped the leaves in our front yard, I wasn’t as excited.

Anyway, the reason I tell you this is that despite really having an exhausting-but-great experience with our boys, we have always wanted to have a daughter.

I don’t know if it’s always a good idea to try again after you have 5 boys in a row, but we did try again. And I am very excited to tell you all that we are expecting a girl this April.

I wish I could better explain the excitement we all feel. The boys included. Above are a couple pictures of us soon after we did a “gender-reveal” for the boys. We threw colored powder all over ourselves, and when the boys saw the pink, they knew it was a girl. Here is a link to the 20 second video if you are interested in seeing the excitement.

Sincerely, Kimball Taylor

Kimball Taylor, DPT Physical Therapist

Kimball grew up around physical therapy and has always enjoyed helping patients feel better and do more. He graduated from University of Utah in Physical Therapy in 2009 and has been at FYZICAL in Provo since then. He has trained extensively with Rogan for best-practice in treating Neck and Back injuries. He completed all 3 levels of FYZICAL’s Vestibular Rehabilitation Program, and he is considered a Master Balance Certified Clinician. Kimball understands that every body is unique and different. He is a natural problem-solver and enjoys thinking outside-the-box to create a unique plan for each patient to accomplish therapy goals and get the patient back to full function. He excels at treating spine injuries, balance disorders, post op rehab, sports injuries, postural dysfunction, and many more.

Provo Address: 3303 North University Avenue Provo, Utah 84604 (801) 373-7438

Lehi Address: 3401 North Center Street Suite #200

Orem Address: 360 South State Street #C110 Orem, Utah 84058 (801)-850-9146

Lehi, Utah 84043 (385) 309-1951