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2 tbsp maple syrup • 1 tbsp fresh rosemary, chopped Directions 1. 3. Preheat oven to 400 F, placing

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4 tsp pepper • • 3 cloves garlic, minced Directions 1. 3. Preheat the oven to 400 F and line a bakin

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4 tsp salt 2 tsp vanilla extract 1 cup powdered sugar, sifted (plus extra for rolling cookies) 1 cup

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2 tsp sea salt Pepper, to taste 2 tbsp lemon juice 1 cup corn 6 cups arugula, packed Directions 1. 3

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or dress attire can be uncomfortable. For people who don’t have the time, try taking a short walk ar

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GA Injury Advocates - April 2020

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April 2020

The Power of Goals and Rituals A HIGHER STANDARD

I am a huge supporter of setting goals. I’ve talked a lot about goal setting in this very newsletter. But this month, I want to address why I believe so strongly in setting goals. Your goal list, no matter what’s on it, isn’t just a massive to-do list. The goals you set reflect the standard of life you want to live. Everyone has goals, but most people make goals just to get by. They want to pay the bills, get out of debt, make their relationships a little better, or just make a living. They’ve gotten caught up in the everyday details of just getting by. Their goals don’t extend much further beyond that. They’re not taking charge of their future. This is because the standard they’ve set for themselves is mediocre at best. When you set your goals, those goals have to challenge you to push further than your mind would ever let you go. This is how you discover what your true potential is. One of the ways you can raise your goals is to raise your standards. Many people set their standard at just paying their bills and getting by. They don’t believe they are capable of much more than that. Each month after they pay their bills, they have no money left over. On the opposite side, you’ll find that the people with a higher standard have enough money so they can do whatever they want. They always find a way to have tons of money after paying their bills.

rituals than a healthy, fit person. When the alarm goes off in the morning, an unhealthy person probably hits snooze several times. Then you have someone like my wife, who is one of the healthiest people I know. As soon as her alarm goes off at 5 o’clock in the morning, she jumps up, puts on her tennis shoes, and goes to the gym. That’s her ritual every single morning. It can be difficult to determine what rituals you need to adopt in order to achieve your higher standard. The good news is that you can look to people who have already achieved that standard. The world is full of successful people who have written books, started podcasts, and given talks about their personal rituals. When you decide to raise your standards, ask yourself how you define success and find someone who is successful in that area. Is success running a profitable company, having a fulfilling relationship with your significant other, or being physically healthy? Make that your standard and find a successful person whose goals and rituals you can adopt. And once you adopt those rituals, you need to wake up and work on them every single day. It won’t happen overnight. Reaching those standards is hard work, but you only have one life to live. Shouldn’t you live it to the highest standard possible? –Ramiro Rodriguez, Jr.

Of course, the person who has plenty of money didn’t just set a higher standard and then instantly have more money. They had to work for it. That’s where goal setting comes in. People with a higher standard set goals that will force them to work hard and struggle. People often forget about the hard part. When we look at successful people, we see their end results but not their struggles. We don’t see how many drawbacks they faced and how many times they had to try again. But it’s always there, and when you set a higher standard for yourself, those struggles are worth it. The trick to raising yourself to a higher standard is to change your rituals. What are the things you’re doing every day that are contributing to your goals and raising you to a higher standard? An unhealthy person will have very different

El Abogado Ramiro (El Abogado Amigo) y su equipo hablan español


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If your child is between 3–5 years old, you’ve probably noticed that they’re becoming a lot more talkative. By the time children are 4, they can usually speak in 5–8-word sentences. That makes this age range the perfect time to get your child interested in reading. However, this can raise a lot of questions. For starters, the question of how to get your child interested in reading is almost more important than when you do it. You may wonder how much time you should spend reading with them, how intensive reading time should be, and if you should make everything involving words and letters into a reading lesson. While the answers to these questions will vary from child to child, there’s one goal that every parent should strive for when teaching their child to read: Above all, help them enjoy it. When your child starts kindergarten, learning to read will be a part of the curriculum. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to teach them to read earlier, though. If your child loves to read, it can make their learning experience much more enjoyable. There are plenty of ways to help your child enjoy reading from an early age. One is to simply read to them and make storytime fun. If the pig goes oink or the mailman has a funny, nasally voice, bring those features to life. You can also have your kids help you with daily tasks that require reading, like making a to-do list

It’s hard to imagine kids as anything but carefree, happy, and eager to explore the world around them. However, children experience stress just like adults do, which can severely impact their typically cheerful dispositions. Since April is National Stress Awareness Month, now is an opportune time to familiarize yourself with tools and information that can help you alleviate your child’s stress. What are their stressors? Any number of everyday factors can lead to stress, and stress can plague anyone who feels overwhelmed. Toddlers and young children going to day care or school for the first time may experience separation anxiety due to being apart from their parents. Older kids and teenagers may feel mounting social and academic pressure. Even something as simple as overhearing loved ones arguing or seeing a sad news report can add to a child’s stress levels. How do I know if my child is stressed? When a kid is stressed, they will exhibit odd behavior and even undergo physical changes. Depending on your child’s age, watch for mood swings, changes in sleep patterns, headaches, trouble focusing, or withdrawal from the people around them. According to, younger children may also pick up habits like twirling their hair or sucking their thumb, while older kids may start to bully others, lie, or rebel. Can I help reduce their stress? According to, good nutrition, proper rest, and healthy attention are great ways to help kids manage their stress. Set time aside each day to talk and spend time with your children; talking about worries will reduce or relieve anxieties. If you know about an upcoming stressful situation, like a school exam or a health checkup, prepare your child by studying with them or talking to them about what to expect.

or shopping at the grocery store. When they’re helping you and having fun, it won’t feel like learning at all!

Finally, the best way to make reading enjoyable for your children is to enjoy it yourself. Your kids watch what you do, and if they see you enjoying a good book, they’ll want to read even more. Reading

opens up the world to them, and with your help, nothing will dull their love of learning.

Don’t stop here. For more tools and information regarding stress reduction in children, visit or contact your doctor.


The Last Laugh

The Hilarious History of April Fools’ Day

In 1957, the BBC news series “Panorama” ran one of its most memorable segments: a three-minute report on the Swiss spaghetti- tree harvest. The broadcast featured footage of a family harvesting long strands of cooked spaghetti noodles from an orchard and marveled at the dedicated cultivation. That evening, the BBC received 250 calls from people with questions about the piece. Many people wanted to know how they could get their own spaghetti trees. Unfortunately, these callers had overlooked the fact that this report was aired on April 1. The spaghetti-tree hoax is fondly remembered as “the biggest hoax that any reputable news establishment ever pulled.” At the time, pasta wasn’t common in Britain, so “Panorama” took the opportunity to partake in the proud tradition of April Fools’ pranks. Though not an official holiday, April Fools’ Day has been celebrated for centuries. Some historians believe the tradition began in the 1500s, when the Western world switched from the Julian calendar to the modern Gregorian

calendar. On the Julian calendar, people held New Year’s celebrations on April 1. The Gregorian calendar switched the start of the new year to Jan. 1. After the switch, a popular prank arose in trying to convince people that April 1 was still the right day to celebrate the new year. This is just one theory about the holiday’s origins. Other theories suggest that April Fools’ Day has some connection to the Vernal Equinox, the Roman end-of-winter celebration Hilaria, or the Celtic New Year. Both the Encyclopedia of Religion and the Encyclopedia Britannica claim that the practice of pranks on April 1 tie into the arrival of spring, which “fools” mankind with its erratic weather. We might never know the true origin of April Fools’ Day, but we can still enjoy the day for a few laughs and some harmless pranks. Have you told your friends about the Swiss spaghetti harvest yet?




This crowd-pleasing dish is sure to be the biggest hit at your next gathering. And it’s good for you, too!


1. Heat oven to 450 F and line a baking sheet with aluminum foil. 2. In a medium bowl, combine vinegar, shallots, and honey. 3. Gradually whisk olive oil into the mixture and season with salt and pepper. 4. In a small bowl, toss the beets in dressing until they are coated. 5. Place coated beets on baking sheet and roast them for 12 minutes. Set the beets aside and allow them to cool. 6. In a large bowl, toss arugula, walnuts, and berries with the remaining vinaigrette. Season with salt and pepper. 7. Top salad with beets, avocado, and goat cheese.


• • • • • • • • • • •

1/4 cup balsamic vinegar 3 tbsp shallots, thinly sliced

1 tbsp honey

1/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil Salt and pepper to taste 6 beets, peeled and quartered

6 cups fresh arugula

1/2 cup walnuts, toasted and chopped 1/4 cup dried cranberries or cherries

1/2 avocado, cubed

Solution on Page 4

2 oz crumbled goat cheese

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The Standard of Your Life Helping Your Child Manage Stress Fostering a Love of Reading in Your Child Prepare for the Swiss Spaghetti Harvest! Beet, Goat Cheese, and Arugula Salad A Tour of Marietta




Last month, we took a tour of the William Root House and Gardens and explored its long history. As part of Cobb Landmarks & Historical Society’s The Next Generation project, the Root House campus has recently become home to even more displaced historical structures. The most eye-catching addition to the Root House is the Manning Cabin. Built by Judge David Irwin in the 1830s, the cabin was home to the Manning family during the Civil War. Much like the Root House, the Manning Cabin survived the Civil War only to fall into disrepair by the late 20th century. In the 1990s, the cabin was scheduled for demolition before being saved by descendants of the Manning family. At this point, the cabin was moved from its original location on Macland Road and reconstructed near Powder Springs. For 25 years, the cabin was used for private family events. Then, in 2016, the Manning Cabin was donated to Cobb Landmarks with the hope that this historical building would be preserved for generations to come. With the

help of Marietta-based Fortress Builders, the Manning Cabin was relocated to the Root House campus. Reconstruction was finished in 2019, and the Manning Cabin helped expand the historical value of the Root House Museum. The Manning Cabin serves as both an event venue and exhibit space, with the second floor of the cabin housing an exhibit dedicated to the lives of Marietta’s enslaved population during the antebellum South. In addition to relocating Manning Cabin, The Next Generation project also helped bring an old smokehouse back to Root House. The smokehouse was dismantled and placed into storage decades ago. When insurance records from the 19th century revealed that the smokehouse once stood behind the Root House, Cobb Landmarks used the bricks to reconstruct a smokehouse on the campus. These new additions are open to guests of the William Root House Museum and Garden to explore. Learn more about the history of all these structures at

Housing History