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GA Injury Advocates - July 2022

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July 2022

Staying Safe During Your Summer Swim

It’s not summer without a dip in the pool, but that fun way to cool off can turn dangerous. Ten people in the United States die every day from drowning, and two of them are children under the age of 14. For every one child who drowns, the Red Cross reports that five more visit the emergency room for water-related injuries. That’s no reason not to engage in your favorite summer pastime, but it is a good reminder that water poses an inherent risk. Think of it like driving. When you get behind the wheel of a car, you’re almost always fine. But it only takes one time for something terrible to happen. It’s the reason we require driver’s licenses, use seat belts, enforce traffic laws, and have safety features in our cars. Perhaps the most important thing you can do to keep your family safe is to ensure everyone knows how to swim — and it’s just as crucial for the adults as it is for the kids. First, children whose parents know how to swim are more likely to learn how to swim themselves. Second, if anything ever happens in the water, you need to be capable of helping your children immediately. Water wings, pool floats, and inflatable toys can be fun, but you should never rely on them alone. You may be safer with one than without it, but

they’re no replacement for water competency. It’s also important to take breaks, swim with at least one other person present, and avoid alcohol. If you have a backyard pool, you have a big responsibility. The Red Cross reports that 69% of young children who drowned were not expected to be near the water when the incident occurred. Time is of the essence, so check the water first if a child ever goes missing. Even kiddie pools can be dangerous for very young children, so make sure they don’t have access. When your pool is not in use, secure it with child-proof barriers to protect your children and neighbors. An adult should always be present when children are swimming — and adults must give them their full attention. That means you need to put away cellphones and other distractions! If your child is visiting a friend’s house, make sure their family follows the same pool safety rules. Even at a public pool with a lifeguard present, you should still pay close attention to the children in your care. Lifeguards have training, but they also need to watch dozens of people simultaneously. Seconds worth of response time can turn a close call into a tragedy, so don’t rely solely on someone else to keep your children safe.

The same is true on public beaches, lakes, or other open bodies of water. Everyone swimming should also understand this experience is different from one in a pool. Swimmers need to contend with the tide, unexpected changes in water depth, and rocks or other hazards. Due to changing tides and rip currents, only strong swimmers should venture into deep open water. Finally, it’s crucial to know that drowning doesn’t look like drowning. Yelling, splashing, and panicking are signs of water distress — not drowning. Take them seriously, as distress can lead to drowning. But drowning people are usually incapable of calling or waving for help. If you see someone floating with their mouth at water level with their head tilted back, seek help immediately. Also, watch out for glassy or closed eyes, a person gasping for breath or attempting to swim but going nowhere, or anyone motioning like they’re climbing a ladder. I hope you and your family will never need to use these tips. But when lives are at stake, it’s better to know the risks and be safe instead of sorry. Now that you know how to keep yourself and your family out of harm’s way, you’re ready to enjoy some fun in the sun. I’ll see you in the water!

El Abogado Ramiro (El Abogado Amigo) y su equipo hablan español


(770) 233-7400

‘Mom, Dad, There’s Nothing to Do!’ Keeping Kids Entertained Through Summer

When you need a break from your busy life, you probably look at your cellphone. And when you need a break from your cellphone, you might watch TV or browse social media on your other devices. This cycle of never-ending screens can be taxing on your mental health. Everyone hits their breaking point at a different time, and you may not even realize when you’ve reached your limit. If you find yourself getting angry or upset at posted content, consistently comparing yourself to others, or feeling depressed, it may be time for a digital detox. But what is a digital detox? It’s taking a break from electronic devices, such as your cellphone or tablet, and mindlessly scrolling through social media or news stories. IS IT TIME FOR A DIGITAL DETOX?

Kids look forward to summer vacation all year long, but it often only takes a few days before the “I’m bored” whines begin. It gets worse; many kids will happily spend months staring at their devices, wasting time they’ll never get back. So, how do you get children active and keep them entertained? MAKE A SUMMER BUCKET LIST. It even happens to adults: We blink, and the season is over. All those things we “meant” to do somehow end up having to wait another year (or more). Don’t let that happen to you or your kids this year. Make sure everyone gets their fill of summer fun by making a list of can’t-miss activities. Include staples like visiting the pool or the zoo — but also entertain ideas about backyard crafts and water balloon fights. Don’t forget to incorporate plenty of things the kids can do at or near home. The next time they’re bored, point them to the list and urge them to complete one of their activities. LEARN SOMETHING NEW. Hear us out — this is designed to be fun. The goal here isn’t to make your kid memorize multiplication tables over summer break. (Though, if you suggest it, they might find something else to do very quickly!) What interests do your kids have? Whether it’s firetrucks, dinosaurs, fashion, or something else entirely, they have countless opportunities to learn more through your local library or the World Wide Web. You don’t have to restrict them to book learning, either. Your kid might love the opportunity to try countless hobbies like sewing, sculpting, or even gardening. CAMP CLOSE TO HOME. Most kids love the outdoors, and they’re easily distracted by a bit of novelty. You don’t have to travel far to enjoy nature — you just need a backyard, a tent, and some sleeping bags. The prospect of spending the night outside will sound thrilling to most kids. If you have young children, make it a family affair with a campfire, roasted marshmallows, and songs. Let older kids invite some friends for a unique sleepover, complete with flashlight tag and scary stories. Summer will be over before you know it, but you and your kids can have more to show for those months — and great memories, too! Forget about “I’m bored,” and prepare yourself for a new mantra: “When can we do that again?”

Now that you know what it is, how can you detox yourself?

• SCHEDULE A BREAK FROM YOUR DEVICES. Even if it’s just for a half-hour, use the time to do other activities, such as exercise, household chores, or even gardening. • TURN OFF NOTIFICATIONS. Constant notifications can be incredibly distracting, so silencing them allows us to focus more on our surroundings.

• DISCONNECT BEFORE BEDTIME. Turn off all electronics an hour before you go to sleep to relax your body and mind.

Another benefit is that you’ll feel less stressed, especially if you compare yourself to others on social media or get lost in negative news cycles.

Perhaps the most notable benefit of a digital detox is reclaiming your own time. Checking your cellphone and scrolling through social media can quickly become a subconscious habit. Before you know it, an hour or two has

passed. Even watching television can take up huge chunks of your day. With a digital detox, you get that time back, and you can reallocate it to healthier activities.

If you feel like you need a break from

your electronic devices, take one. It could lead to a healthier and happier life.



SUDOKU CHARCOAL A charcoal grill is the only acceptable option for some outdoor chefs! It’s the best way to get that smoky flavor many barbecue fans crave, and charcoal grills also generally offer the most affordable price point. But while they use It all starts with the right grill purchase. There are many options available, but we’ve rounded up the most popular grill types to help you determine which one is right for you. Which Grill Type Is Right for You For many people, summer is all about the smell and taste of a home-grilled meal. But the process of grilling seems to get more complicated every year, with new gadgets and accessories constantly hitting the market. What do you need, and what can you leave on the shelf? And if you’re new to grilling, how do you even get started?

a relatively simple setup, they require more preparation than other options. To master this grill, you’ll need some practice and patience. PELLET After a long spell of unpopularity, pellet grills are back in a big way. Suitable for both smoking and grilling, pellet grills offer flavor with built- in temperature controls to keep your heat consistent. That way, the chef can spend less time monitoring the grill. But you’ll need an electrical outlet, and some people struggle to get a good sear on the meat with a pellet option. GAS OR PROPANE A gas or propane grill may be the best choice for true beginners. It’s the least messy and least fussy option — and anybody who knows how to use a stove can probably work it. Gas and propane grills heat up quickly, don’t require a lot

of oversight, and offer large cooking surfaces. That’s why they’re the most popular option. You won’t get that smoky taste, but most users think the payoff is worth it. KAMADO OR ‘EGG’ The egg grill is currently all the rage. It’s the advanced version of a charcoal grill and is probably not the best choice for beginners. If you’re ready for a challenge, the kamado reaches extremely high temperatures and offers versatility in what and how you grill. The dome shape helps the meat cook evenly from all sides and can cook a variety of foods, including steak, cheesecake, and pizza! No matter which grill you choose, a good cookout is all about food, family, and fun. With those three ingredients in place, you can’t go wrong!



July is National Baked Beans Month, and you don’t need bacon to celebrate this iconic side dish! This plant-based version will be a crowd-pleaser at your next vegan barbecue.


• • • • • • • • • • •

2 tbsp olive oil

1 yellow onion, chopped 4 cloves garlic, minced 3/4 cup molasses 1/2 cup brown sugar


1. Preheat the oven to 350 F.

2. In a large pot over medium heat, warm olive oil. Add the onion and sauté for 5 minutes, then add the garlic and cook for 1 more minute. 3. Add all of the remaining ingredients except the beans into the pot. Mix the sauce well, then stir in the beans.

3/4 cup ketchup

3/4 tsp salt

2 tbsp apple cider vinegar

1 1/2 tbsp vegan Worcestershire sauce

2 tsp Sriracha

4 15-oz cans navy beans, drained and rinsed. 1/2 tbsp liquid smoke (optional)

4. Ladle the beans into a 9x13-inch pan and bake for 1 hour. Serve warm and enjoy!

(770) 233-7400 3 If you or a loved one has been injured, call our office today for a free consultation.

332 North Marietta Pkwy Marietta, GA 30060 (770) 233-7400


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Before Swimming, Brush Up on Water Safety!


Beating Summer Vacation Boredom


The Benefits of a Digital Detox


Your Guide to Summer Grills

Easy Vegan Baked Beans

Does Your Car Really Need Premium Gas?


This year has seen gas prices at all-time highs, with countless Americans facing sticker shock at the pump. It has quite a few people wondering how to save a few dollars while filling their tanks. Some have turned to shopping around, joining clubs, or driving less. But if you’re using premium gas in your tank, there might be a simpler solution you haven’t even considered. We all want the best for our prized possessions, and cars are one of the most expensive things most people own. They generally assume premium gas must be better for their cars — it’s practically right there in the name. But premium gas costs an average of 50 cents more per gallon than regular, and if you have a big tank or spend a lot of time driving, the total adds up quickly. Motor vehicle experts argue that, in many cases, drivers should save their money.

First, it helps to understand what makes premium gas premium. The premium designation refers to its octane rating. A higher octane rating means the gas has a lower chance of self-igniting in your engine. Self-ignition can cause engine knock and result in permanent damage. The octane rating of regular fuel is 86, whereas premium gas can go as high as 94. It used to offer significantly more protection. But newer engines are more sophisticated and better at self-regulating, making engine knock a lot less likely. The key is to check your car’s owner’s manual to see what type of fuel it requires. Many manuals recommend premium fuel, but a recommendation isn’t a mandate. Cars lose some of their performance with regular gas, but you probably won’t notice the difference. You may experience slower acceleration from a braking position, but accelerating at a moderate pace should work fine.

Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule. Some cars require premium fuel, and you can even void your warranty by not using it. These are typically high-end cars like a Porsche or Ferrari. If that doesn’t describe your car, you’re probably in the clear to save yourself some dough. Just make sure to consult the owner’s manual before making any decisions. If you’re one of the few who need premium gas, using regular could cost you big bucks.