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GA Injury Advocates June 2019

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GA Injury Advocates - June 2022

4 cup sliced almonds (770) 233-7400 3 If you or a loved one has been injured, call our office today

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GA Injury Advocates - June 2020

GA Injury Advocates - June 2020 Auto Injury T R I B U N E JUNE 2020 How to Survive Being Blindsided

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GA Injury Advocates - November 2019

3 cup shredded leftover turkey 3 tbsp leftover cranberry sauce Note: Don’t worry if you don’t have a

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GA Injury Advocates - June 2021

4 cup avocado, cubed 4 cherry tomatoes, quartered 1 tbsp sesame seeds Directions 1. First, make the

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GA Injury Advocates - October 2019

GA Injury Advocates - October 2019 Auto Injury T R I B U N E October 2019 The Best Part of Halloween

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GA Injury Advocates May 2019

2 inch between filling and top of mold. 6. Using a small knife, gently swirl layers together. 7. Ins

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GA Injury Advocates August 2019

GA Injury Advocates August 2019 Auto Injury T R I B U N E August 2019 Lessons from My Life Coach THE

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GA Injury Advocates April 2019

or dress attire can be uncomfortable. For people who don’t have the time, try taking a short walk ar

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GA Injury Advocates February 2019

8-inch cubes. 4. In a mixing bowl, combine salmon with all other ingredients. Season with salt and p

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GA Injury Advocates September 2019

2 cup chicken or vegetable broth (optional: substitute with water) 2 strips bacon, cut into squares

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GA Injury Advocates June 2019

Auto Injury T R I B U N E

June 2019

Spotlight on John Paul LaBouff HOW WE MAKE A DIFFERENCE N o one does it all on their own. You can have all the work ethic and motivation in the world, but if you

when they need it most. It’s exciting to know that in my workers’ comp cases, my clients are able to go to some of the top doctors in the state and get excellent care paid for by the employer’s insurance company. This level of care allows them to heal, and it often gets them a better overall result in their case. In college, I was a real march-in-the-streets, change-the-world kind of person. Though a lot of things have changed since then, at my core, I’m still that guy. There’s a lot that goes into being a workers’ comp attorney. I have to help my clients navigate the legal system, manage their expectations, and see that they get to a doctor who can best treat them. It’s a tall order, but in the end, I know I’m able to make a difference. “I handle some personal injury cases, but my first love is workers’ comp.”

really want to achieve something great, you need to surround yourself with great people who will have your back. This is especially true when building a team and something I keep in mind when bringing people into the firm. This month, I want to spotlight our star associate, John Paul LaBouff, and the incredible work he does with workers’ compensation cases. –Ramiro Rodriguez, Jr. Throughout my career, I have looked for ways to make a difference. I attended a college that offered a focus on public policy and emphasized helping people who weren’t receiving the help they needed. At the time, I didn’t know what I was going to do with my life, but I knew I wanted to help people. Eventually, one of my professors suggested that my interests might be put to good use at a legal aid office. Taking her advice, I started volunteering at their office, specifically helping injured workers and other people who couldn’t afford a lawyer. It was really rewarding work, and I quickly saw the difference it made. I went into law so I could continue to make a difference. I want to help people, specifically the people who

always get overlooked and treated unfairly. That’s why I’m at GA Injury Advocates.

The people who come into my office find themselves in really difficult positions. Not only are they hurt and worried about how they’re going to take care of their families, but they are also often in challenging circumstances politically and socially. They get taken advantage of. It’s a privilege to be the person who advocates for them. My clients know they can meet with me in person and that I’ll return their calls. They know their case is important to me and that I’ll take care of them. I handle some personal injury cases, but my first love is workers’ comp. My goal is to see people who don’t generally have access to medical care receive great medical assistance

-John Paul LaBouff.

El Abogado Ramiro (El Abogado Amigo) y su equipo hablan español


(770) 233-7400




You need to eat more green foods.

No, this doesn’t mean green Skittles. Green vegetables comprise one of the most important food groups, and most people aren’t eating enough of them. But if you do decide to get more nutrients from green veggies, remember that not all greens are created equal. Dark leafy spinach is basically a superfood, offering protein, iron, vitamin A, and tons of minerals. Meanwhile, iceberg lettuce or celery may fill your stomach up, but they offer little to no nutritional value.

Setting some time aside to be with family is important, but it can be difficult when everyone is always on their cellphones. Constant cellphone use has become a global problem, and the habit is hard to break because we rely on mobile devices heavily for work, school, and keeping in contact with friends and family. Luckily, there are plenty of apps that can reduce how often you’re on your phone and minimize distractions. SIEMPO After you install Siempo on your phone, it will ask which apps are likely to distract you. Once you select them, the app will move those apps away from the home screen and place the important ones, such as the messaging, contacts, email, and calendar apps, on the first screen. You can also designate times for specific apps to be used throughout the day. STAY FOCUSED Stay Focused is like Siempo, but there are some significant differences. You can set times to access certain apps and put the most distracting ones on lock. Stay Focused also has a “strict mode” that prevents you from uninstalling it, so be sure to think carefully before activating the lockdown because you won’t have access to those specific apps until the timer runs out. FOREST In the time that Forest takes control of your device for a set time limit, the app starts growing a tree. Once the tree is fully grown, your time is up, and it joins the other trees that were grown during other breaks. If you pick up your phone and try to access an app, Forest will send you a notification asking you if you want to kill your baby tree by giving up. Who says guilt isn’t a good motivator? BESIDES APPS Aside from using these apps, silencing your phone and putting it in another room, leaving it in your car if you’re out at dinner, or keeping it in your purse or back pocket during a social event can also reduce your screen time. Having your phone out of sight and out of reach will keep the temptation of pulling it out at bay. Spending time with your family is crucial, and with these apps and tips, you’ll enjoy each other’s company without too many screen distractions.

Next time you’re at the grocery store, keep an eye out for these top-rated green vegetables that are both delicious and nutritious.

AVOCADO They’re tasty, they’re trendy, and they’re great for your eyes. Avocados are a great source of an antioxidant called lutein, which improves eye health. They’re also rich in vitamin E. Researchers have recently noted that people who get most of their vitamin E from their diet tend to have a lower risk for Alzheimer’s disease. It’s all the more reason to enjoy that avocado toast! EDAMAME Looking for a filling mid-afternoon snack? Skip the potato chips and help yourself to some edamame. These Japanese soybeans are a familiar sight on sushi menus, but they’re also readily available in the freezer section of your local grocery store. Edamame is delicious and a great source of protein, making it the perfect snack. WATERCRESS Step aside, kale; here’s the real queen of green. With more calcium than milk, more iron than spinach, and more vitamin C than an orange, watercress is one of the best greens you’re not eating. With all of these extra vitamins, watercress has been shown to improve heart health, bone health, and even act as an antidepressant. Next time you need a pick-me-up, consider a watercress salad. Your whole body will thank you! Bad childhood encounters with canned spinach or steamed Brussels sprouts are why many people avoid green veggies. But the produce section is full of tasty, healthy options waiting to appear on your dinner plate and improve your well-being.



Around 2.8 million people in the United States suffer from nonfatal workplace injuries every year. Some of these injuries are mild and heal with time; others are severe and life-altering. Whatever the nature of the injury, employees can claim workers’ compensation to help cover their medical bills as well as lost wages. For injured employees, workers’ comp can be lifesaving. This is why it’s so important to approach your case with care. If you’ve been injured on the job, here are three mistakes that can ruin your workers’ comp case. You didn’t report your injury. If you suffer any sort of injury while on the job, even if you don’t think you’ll need medical treatment, tell your supervisor promptly. No matter how mild it may seem at the time, your condition can change. It’s important to have an accurate record of your injury. You didn’t discuss your restrictions with your employer. After an injury, your doctor will likely put you on restrictions based on what you can and cannot do. This could include not lifting anything over 10 pounds or not raising your arms above your head.

can be difficult, especially if your restrictions would prevent you from being able to perform your regular job. However, employers are legally required to reasonably accommodate employees with doctor’s restrictions. Additionally, opening this dialogue with your employer shows you are serious about recovering and continuing to work if possible, which can greatly benefit your case. If you aren’t sure how to have this conversation with your employer, your lawyer can help. You waited too long to file your claim. One of the worst things you can do for your case is wait. In Georgia, injured employees must file for workers’ comp benefits within one year of the accident date or they lose their right to compensation. Your medical needs could last a lot longer than a year, so make sure you have a legal claim to the benefits you deserve. When it comes to workers’ comp, it’s important to remember that everybody who is injured on the job is entitled to medical treatment. Don’t be afraid to talk to a lawyer and discuss your options. If you’ve been injured on the job, get help from an experienced workers’ comp attorney by calling (770) 233-7400 today. All workers’ comp claims should be reported within 30 days.


If your doctor puts you on restrictions, you need to discuss these with your employer. This




With raw zucchini, toasted hazelnuts, and a robust Parmigiano-Reggiano, this early summer salad is a delight of different textures and flavors that will make a great side at your next cookout.


• • • • •

3 small zucchini (3/4 lb.) 1/2 tsp lemon zest, grated 3 tbsp fresh lemon juice 3 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil Salt and pepper, to taste

1/4 cup toasted hazelnuts, coarsely chopped

• •

Mint leaves, for garnish

Parmesan cheese, preferably Parmigiano- Reggiano, for garnish


1. Using a mandolin or very sharp knife, slice zucchini lengthwise into extremely thin, wide ribbons. 2. Arrange zucchini ribbons on a plate, sprinkle with lemon zest, and drizzle with juice.

3. Drizzle oil over zucchini, season with salt and pepper, and toss. 4. Scatter hazelnuts over the top, garnish with mint and cheese, and serve.

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If you or a loved one has been injured, call our office today for a free consultation.

332 North Marietta Pkwy Marietta, GA 30060 (770) 233-7400


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Working to Make a Difference Take a Break From Your Smartphone Are All Green Foods the Same? Have You Committed These Workers’ Comp Mistakes? Zucchini Salad With Toasted Hazelnuts Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park





The History of Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park

In 1864, the Civil War had been raging on for three years. Determined to end the fighting, Union General William T. Sherman launched the Atlanta Campaign to destroy the Confederate army and its supply operations. The battle that Sherman called “the hardest fight of the campaign up to that date” took place on June 27, 1864, in the shadow of Kennesaw Mountain. The battle between Union and Confederate armies impacted the very land itself. Soldiers cut down trees and turned fields of grass into patches of exposed clay, which became thick pools of mud when it rained. While Union forces lost the battle, Confederate General Leonidas Polk was killed in the fighting, and the battle failed to halt Sherman’s march on Atlanta. Today, the site where Union and Confederate forces clashed is preserved as Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park (NBP). There are still artifacts from the battle at the park today. Keep in mind that if you find any

artifacts, leave them behind or turn them into the visitor center. It’s against federal law to hunt for or remove artifacts from national parks. Though Kennesaw Mountain NBP is best known as a battlefield, the park has so much more to offer visitors today. Guests can drive to the top of the mountain or take a shuttle on weekends to play and picnic in designated areas or enjoy a hike on the 22 miles of maintained trails. Bird-watchers also have good reason to flock to Kennesaw Mountain NBP. Designated as a globally important bird area, the park is a prime natural migration habitat in the spring and fall. Kennesaw Mountain NBP is a very special national park, preserving both our national history and the natural beauty of the state of Georgia. Whether you’re touring the park museum, chatting with park rangers, or picnicking with the family, Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park is worth visiting this summer.

A Glimpse of the Past