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GA Injury Advocates - September 2022

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GA Injury Advocates - September 2021

11 Let Sauces Bring New Life to Tired Meals Will You Survive the 100 Deadliest Days? One-Pan Apple C

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GA Injury Advocates - April 2022

GA Injury Advocates - April 2022 Auto Injury T R I B U N E April 2022 S IN Behind Some of Our

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GA Injury Advocates - February 2022

2 tsp paprika Solution on Page 4 Salt and pepper, to taste (770) 233-7400 3 If you or a loved one ha

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GA Injury Advocates - June 2022

4 cup sliced almonds (770) 233-7400 3 If you or a loved one has been injured, call our office today

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GA Injury Advocates - September 2020

whitewater to brush up on what to expect inside the park and what is expected of guests upon entry.

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GA Injury Advocates - March 2022

GA Injury Advocates - March 2022 Auto Injury T R I B U N E March 2022 Don’t Leave Your Fate Up to

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GA Injury Advocates - January 2022

2 cup hummus 4 handfuls baby kale 2 small avocados, sliced Balsamic glaze Optional: Garnishes of you

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GA Injury Advocates September 2019

2 cup chicken or vegetable broth (optional: substitute with water) 2 strips bacon, cut into squares

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GA Injury Advocates - August 2022

4 tsp pepper 1 tsp Italian seasoning 3 tomatoes, chopped 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 tbsp fresh basil,

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GA Injury Advocates - July 2022

2 tbsp liquid smoke (optional) 4. Ladle the beans into a 9x13-inch pan and bake for 1 hour. Serve wa

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GA Injury Advocates - September 2022

Auto Injury TRIBUNE

September 2022

The Repercussions of Concussions The brain is the most important organ in our bodies; it controls everything we do. So, even “minor” brain injuries can have long-lasting impacts on one’s quality of life and ability to function. National Concussion Awareness Day on Sept. 20 aims to share the often-overlooked dangers of the most common form of traumatic brain injury (TBI). Traumatic brain injuries are any injury that affects the brain’s ability to function normally. They can result from blows to the head, sudden and powerful jolts, or penetrating injuries like gunshot wounds. In 2020, they caused 64,000 deaths. And while concussions are considered “mild” TBIs because they’re not life-threatening, they can still have serious repercussions. Concussions are among the most common injuries we see at GA Injury Advocates. Though many people associate the condition with football players, boxers, and youth sports, other accidents cause concussions daily. In fact, both car accidents and workplace injuries account for more concussions than sports injuries. A concussion occurs when the brain rapidly moves back and forth inside the skull. After this violent movement, the brain can experience bruising, bleeding, or tearing of the tissue and nerves. Contrary to popular belief, you also don’t necessarily have to hit your head to suffer from a concussion. Many car accident victims experience them due to the sudden deceleration that happens in a crash. No matter how a concussion happens, the symptoms remain the same. Concussions often, but not always, result in loss of consciousness and amnesia, even if they are very brief. The person may only be unconscious for a moment or two, and the memory loss typically involves the time shortly before and after the crash. The worse the loss of consciousness or memory is, the more severe the concussion.

People with concussions are often confused, nauseous, or dizzy immediately after the accident. They also frequently experience headaches, confusion, tiredness, and sensitivity to light and noise. Many people don’t know how to explain their symptoms and may describe themselves as “not feeling right.” And some people with concussions may not recognize the signs. You will be able to identify a concussed person if they appear stunned, confused, clumsy, or slow. Anyone displaying these signs should seek medical attention immediately. But symptoms of a concussion sometimes do not appear for hours or even days. If symptoms start sometime after potential head trauma, you should visit the emergency room for help. The initial symptoms of a concussion can last throughout the recovery period. Many people also notice changes in mood, which can include increased irritability, anger, anxiousness, or depression. Insomnia is also common, while seizures are possible but rare. Importantly, no two concussions are the same, even when they involve the same person. Fortunately, about 80% of concussions resolve within two weeks, but others can persist for months or years. That’s why it’s crucial to seek medical care as soon as possible after an accident and follow up with any change in symptoms. I see clients with this condition constantly, so take it from me — there’s no such thing as “just” a concussion. Each one deserves to be treated with care and urgency.

El Abogado Ramiro (El Abogado Amigo) y su equipo hablan español


(770) 233-7400

Ready, Set, Scavenge! Explore What Autumn Offers



Though we may not always think about it, balance is essential to just about everything we do in our daily routines. From simply getting out of bed, leaning over to tie our shoes, or even walking to the mailbox, we need good balance to keep ourselves steady while performing normal tasks. KNOW WHY BALANCE IS IMPORTANT. Balance is the ability to control your body’s position, whether stationary or moving. It is a key component of fitness that many people neglect while developing their fitness regimen. Balance training is a great way to help your body recognize where it is and control movements in a given space. When the body knows where its limbs are in space — known as proprioception — it is able to produce smooth, controlled movements with fewer risks of injuries. Reaction time and agility are also improved with balance training. The body learns how to quickly correct itself but not overcompensate and has the ability to quickly change direction effectively and efficiently. Though balance training is important for everyone, it is especially important for those who have problems due to illness, weakness, or dizziness. It allows them to overcome stiffness or unsteadiness and to develop an awareness of body segments and how to align them. THESE EXERCISES HELP WITH BALANCE. Balance training involves exercises to strengthen the muscles that help keep you upright and improve stability. These types of exercises can be done as often as you like or even every day. Consider trying the following exercises: • Standing with your weight on one leg and raising the other leg to the side or behind you. • Putting one heel right in front of the other foot, as if you were walking a tightrope. • Standing up and sitting down from a chair without using your hands. • Walking while alternating knee lifts with each step. • Stretching and gentle movement as part of yoga or tai chi.

As the leaves begin to fall and the air becomes cooler, it is a sure sign that summer is slowly coming to an end. Though we will miss the pool parties and backyard barbecues, there is still lots to look forward to during fall. Autumn is known as the season of change, and getting the kids outside allows them to understand and explore the changes going on in the world around them. Creating a fall scavenger hunt is a great way for kids to practice their reading and observation skills, all while still enjoying the outdoors. SIGNS OF FALL Creating a specific scavenger hunt for signs of autumn is a great way to enhance your child’s observation skills.

Consider the following for your signs of fall hunt:

1. Leaves that have changed colors 2. Tree seeds or pine cones that have fallen to the ground 3. Items from a fall harvest (like pumpkins, sunflowers, or hay bales) 4. Changes among people’s apparel (such as jackets, hats, and scarves) 5. Animals hibernating or migrating FALL COLOR WHEEL The best way to explore autumn’s colors is by creating a fall color wheel hunt! Since the leaves are the surest signs of fall, kids can compare and contrast the different colors of each leaf they find, making this a fun hands-on activity. You can either download a color wheel template from the internet or make one yourself! All you need is a piece of paper that’s big enough for kids to tape the leaves onto and different areas for the colors red, yellow, orange, and brown. This will help kids see the different kinds of leaves as well as their visual changes during the season. The weather is getting colder, but it doesn’t mean you have to hibernate too! Bundle up with a cozy sweater and beanie, and encourage the family to get outside to explore all of the wonderful changes autumn has to offer.

Balance is essential to living a healthy, functional life. It’s important to incorporate balance training into your fitness regimen. That way you can decrease the risk of injuries and help move freely and confidently.



Physical Therapy vs. Chiropractic Care

SUDOKU typically approach the body as one large unit. If you visit a physical therapist with knee pain, they will likely also examine your back, hips, and ankles to determine if they are contributing to But how do you know if a chiropractor or physical therapist is right for your injury? The process starts with understanding what each type of practitioner does. Physical therapists are experts in movement, and their goal is to restore or improve your physical function through exercise. They We all sometimes have minor aches, pains, bumps, and bruises that we can heal at home with Advil and a little rest. But more extensive injuries should be treated by a medical professional. Sometimes that means casts, surgeries, or bed rest. Other times, people need to take more of an active role in their healing with a physical therapist or chiropractor.

the problem. Then, they will develop a treatment plan to reduce pain and rebuild strength, flexibility, and mobility over weeks or months. Chiropractors treat neuromuscular disorders by realigning the body to alleviate pain, primarily in the back and neck. Much of this realignment consists of the “bone-cracking” many people associate with chiropractic care. These adjustments can sound brutal, but they usually consist of small, gentle, and highly specific manipulations of the spine. In addition to adjustments, chiropractors may make lifestyle recommendations regarding diet, exercise, and other habits. The two approaches to healing have many similarities. Both take a holistic approach to pain and injuries. When you see either one for back pain, they will try to understand why and treat the underlying cause rather than the symptoms.

Chiropractors and physical therapists both have doctorates in their field of study. The two practices also have a very hands-on approach to treatment, and many of their techniques will look similar to the untrained eye. But there are key differences. Chiropractors often do not treat conditions outside of the back and neck, and some sell dietary supplements that make other medical professionals skeptical. Meanwhile, physical therapy requires more active participation by the patient through exercise during visits and at home. The best treatment will depend on the type of injury and its cause, so ask your doctor for their opinion. Some people also seek both types of care to determine which produces better results. There is no universal “right” answer — just the one that works best for you.



In just 30 minutes, turn a pile of summer veggies into a Chinese-inspired dish.


2 Chinese eggplants, cut into 1/4-inch strips

• • • • •

Salt, to taste

Directions 1. In a large bowl, add the eggplant and coat with salt. Cover the eggplant with water and soak for 15 minutes. Drain and pat dry. 2. In a wok over medium heat, warm 2 tbsp of oil. Add the eggplant and fry for 4–5 minutes. Remove and set aside. 3. Add the remaining oil and green beans to the wok. Fry for 5 minutes, then remove and set aside. 4. Add garlic, ginger, and chili before stir-frying for 1 minute. Return the green beans and eggplant to the wok and add the soy sauce, vegan stir-fry sauce, and pepper. Toss to coat, then serve over rice!

3 tbsp vegetable oil, divided 6 oz green beans, trimmed

6 cloves garlic, minced

1/2-inch piece of ginger, thinly sliced 1 red chili pepper, thinly sliced

• •

2 tbsp soy sauce

1 tbsp vegan stir-fry sauce (like Lee Kum Kee Vegetarian)

1/8 tsp pepper

(770) 233-7400 3 If you or a loved one has been injured, call our office today for a free consultation.

332 North Marietta Pkwy Marietta, GA 30060 (770) 233-7400


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The Dangers of Concussions

DIY Fall Scavenger Hunt for the Family


Balance Training Key to Quality Movement

Should You See a Physical Therapist or Chiropractor? Green Bean and Eggplant Stir-Fry


Why Americans Love Tailgating


Sept. 3 is National Tailgating Day, just in time to kick off the 2022 NFL season. But you might be surprised to know that the phenomenon is unique to the U.S. and Canada. Tailgate parties are plenty of fun — but who decided that snacking and drinking in a parking lot is such a great idea? Many historians trace the tradition to the First Battle of Bull Run. On July 21, 1861, Civil War spectators close to the Mason-Dixon line gathered with picnic baskets to watch soldiers fight in the countryside. The main event was much more bloody and consequential than a football game, but the concept was essentially the same: Families brought food from home and ate while cheering on their “team.” The first football tailgate may have happened at a college football game between Rutgers and Princeton University in 1869. But

tailgates only started gaining popularity with the advent of automobiles. In the 1920s, football became a little too popular, and restaurants couldn’t accommodate all the hungry diners. Fans who could afford vehicles started holding “truck picnics” before the game. Then in the 1930s, the first station wagons with tailgates were sold. The tailgates were used as makeshift tables, cementing the name of the tradition. Tailgating started becoming a cultural phenomenon in the 1950s when car ownership exploded and portable grills became available. NFL stadiums began to relocate in the 1970s to accommodate the increasing number of suburban commuters coming to see professional football games. They moved from crowded areas of inner cities serviced by public transportation and filled with eateries to more out-of-the-way locations.

That was good news for drivers who needed a place to park but bad news for their stomachs. There were fewer places to eat — and even decades ago, concession food inside the stadium came at a high premium. Hungry fans realized that if they wanted to eat for a reasonable price, they had to cook for themselves. The practice has been a national pastime ever since. The tradition remains the perfect way for fans and non-fans alike to cut loose, grill some good food, and down a couple of cold ones. According to, 30% of tailgaters never go inside the stadium. So, it turns out you don’t have to love the game to love a tailgate.