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Gems Publishing - April 2019

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Gems Publishing - November 2019

20 REGISTER FOR YOUR GEMS FAMILY RETREAT TODAY! Don’t Miss Special Pre-Event DayWithMr. VanceMorris!

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Gems Publishing - August 2019

or send out a direct mailing campaign. • HOW DO WE GET THE WORD OUT? • • • • 8

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Gems Publishing - May 2019

should diagnose and treatment plan. In fact, every state in the Union has laws about this, don’t the

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Gems Publishing - October 2019

20 REGISTER FOR YOUR GEMS FAMILY RETREAT TODAY! Saturday afternoon “Behind-the-Scenes” Disney Tour L

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Gems Publishing - January 2019

newsletterpro into your search bar to start your free 30-day trial and let AWeber help you craft goo

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Gems Publishing - March 2019

her role, what kind of care they are providing, and — using Tom’s verbal skills — promote better den

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Gems Publishing - September 2019

emergency chair. Now, whenever we find an unexpected cavity on a patient using our WHALYA challenge

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Gems Publishing - July 2019

Gems Publishing - July 2019 By Dr. Tom “The Gems Guy” Orent deploy … multiple catastrophic hydraulic

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Gems Publishing - February 2019

2021. Provider ID #210991 WEB FORM IC SITE & PORTAL of gum disease, Dentists are putting patients at

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Gems Publishing - June 2019

19 (menu bar, top left of homepage). If you have questions, please contact your Personal Gems Concie

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Gems Publishing - April 2019

By Dr. Tom “The Gems Guy” Orent

I mentioned in Part I that my team and I can see a vivid difference in the actions taken by the most successful dentists and dental teammembers versus those who continue to struggle year in and year out. Below is a self-assessment quiz on the 20 things you must do if you are serious about maximizing professional success and profit from your practice. Of course, there are way more than 20. However, ensuring that you are doing these 20 things will go a long way toward helping you blow away your goals, build the practice, and live the life of your dreams. Some of these hold (much) more weight than others. However, for simplicity’s sake, give yourself five points for each one you’re already doing. Don’t cheat; e.g., if you only set aside 60 minutes per week for your weekly team meeting or if you do 90 minutes but miss one or more per month, don’t give yourself five points for No. 1. On the other hand, if 48 out of 50 work weeks you do meet with your team, and 95% of the time you adhere to the full 90-minute meeting, then BRAVO! You get five points for No. 1! "I promise if you work toward achieving 100 on this self- assessment, you’ll have happier, healthier patients and a robust, financially healthy practice and income as a result!" In this article, for each of the 20 commonalities of the most successful practices, I will share why you should do it and where to find the resources that will show you exactly how to best deploy. I urge you to write down which ones you already do and which you don’t yet do. Put today’s date on the quiz. Make a note in your calendar to revisit this quiz at least once per quarter. Your score today is not

nearly as important as your progress tomorrow! Frankly, if it takes you two or three years to get to 100 on this quiz, that’s fine. The journey will be fun and the results are more than worth the effort along the way. I promise, if you work toward achieving 100 on this self-assessment, you’ll have happier, healthier patients and a robust, financially healthy practice and income as a result! Send an email to [email protected] and let me know how you scored on this quiz, both now and in the future. I’m confident that long before you achieve 100 on this quiz, any significant increase in your score (indicating that you have deployed more of the essential-to-your- success Gems below) will correlate to measurable increases in your practice revenue!



This is probably the single most-contested Gem we require of our GG12 Coaching program members. Many tell us they’re simply too big, too busy, have too many teammembers, etc. Then … after they’ve deployed this Gem, their profits increase, stress decreases, and the majority tell us they can’t imagine how they ran a business without at least one 90-minute all-team weekly meeting.

Site Map GoldMine UnderGround Team Training Toolkit 023 MEET MORE OFTEN MAKE MORE MONEY


Yep. I realize you’re already doing them. Not my point. More important than the fact that you have morning huddles is how you prepare for them the night before. I’ve developed an extensive downloadable checklist that is explained in the video.

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... continued f rom cover

Site Map GoldMine UnderGround Team Training Toolkit 056 YOUR PERFECT DAY BY DESIGN — THE AM HUDDLE

and patients loved it!) we got mornings off and didn’t start until 2 p.m. So, 9-to-5 … even 8-to-6, Monday–Friday no longer cuts it in today’s competitive environment.



This separates the super successful from the wannabes. Only practices that routinely role-play verbal skills — week in and week out — only those practices ever see the level of exponential growth others only dream of. There are verbal skills for just about everything you do every day in practice. Answering the new patient phone call; explaining fluoride, perio, best-option quadrant dentistry; making financial arrangements; even what you say when scheduling an appointment to increase the odds your patient actually shows up; etc. — if there is a particular verbal skill you’re looking for, ask your Personal Gems Concierge for assistance. Use your online shared Action List, and you’ll enjoy rapid improvement in individual team member accountability. This is one of the easiest tools to deploy and will help improve your results with any/every Gem you deploy from this day forward. Dr. Kelly Brown’s practices are collecting in excess of $18 million. Kelly recently said that he begins and ends every team meeting with the action lists and would not run any practice without them. 4. ACTION LISTS: USED THROUGHOUT EVERYMEETING Of course, No. 5 depends upon your use of No. 4, “Action Lists.” Throughout your meetings, you’ll be using your action list to record specific actions or steps required to deploy the Gems upon which you’re working. You’ll record who is responsible for each action and the deadline by which it is to be accomplished. That deadline is never more than six days from the date of the meeting during which it was agreed upon. At the start of the next meeting, you begin with a review of the action list from the prior meeting and a status update on each step from the individuals responsible. No, I’m not suggesting that you work from 7 a.m. – 9 p.m., seven days a week … although we have a few (ultra successful) practices that do offer hours pretty close to that. Whatever your current hours are, reconsider them if you don’t offer at the very least two mornings from 7 a.m., two evenings until 9 p.m., and either Saturdays or Sundays every week. At my Framingham practice, on days we opened at 7 a.m., we worked straight through (no lunch, unless there was a no-show or otherwise unscheduled break) until 2 p.m., then we all (except one person to answer phones and see walk-ins) got the rest of the afternoon off. On the days we worked until 10 p.m. (that’s not a typo … we were open until 10 p.m., 6. CONVENIENT HOURS: OPEN 7 A.M. – 9 P.M., PLUS SATURDAY (AND/OR SUNDAY) Site Map AUDIO/VIDEO Programs Retreat Presentations DISCOVER THE SIMPLE SECRET SCIENCE BEHIND CONSISTENT PRACTICE SUCCESS — MR. CHUCK NEMITZ 5. BEGIN EVERYMEETINGWITH A REVIEWOF LASTWEEK’S ACTION LIST

There are three ways to pay a hygienist. The most common (and worst) is hourly. Your hygienist is a provider of services and has significant influence on the services your patients choose, both in terms of hygiene and doctor restorative care. She (or he) should be incentivized to maximize all that can be done to help patients achieve optimal health and longevity. Hourly pay will never achieve that. The second way (far less common) is commission. Some practices pay their hygienists a percentage of everything they produce in their chair. It’s better than hourly but still fraught with problems. First, it tends to put undue focus only on what’s happening in the RDH's chair. The RDH should have incentive to be a TEAM PLAYER and help when and wherever needed. When her compensation is tied directly and only to what she produces, you miss the RDH incentive to help the whole team and consider overall patient health. Due to the above, I invented what I call “Hybrid Hygiene Compensation” (HHC). I had five hygienists between my two practices, and all five were paid using HHC. With HHC, the hygienist's pay consists of a combination of a percentage of what she does in her chair plus a percentage of whole office collections. My hygienists were compensated for and motivated to help anyone at any time in order to best serve our patients’ optimal health.


B. After you watch the above video, ask your Personal Gems Concierge to schedule a call with Elizabeth, my wife, the engineer. Elizabeth will help develop your custom Hybrid Hygiene Compensation formula based upon >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10

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