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Gems Publishing August 2018

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Gems Publishing - August 2019

or send out a direct mailing campaign. • HOW DO WE GET THE WORD OUT? • • • • 8

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Gems Publishing - December 2018

values section that details the purpose behind the actions of a company will be proudly on display.

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Gems Publishing - August 2020

Gems Publishing - August 2020 By Dr. Tom “The Gems Guy” Orent You’re 55 years old (substitute your a

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Gems Publishing May 2018

Gold Plus Quarterly 90-Minute Q&A Tuesday, June 5; 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. — GG12 Office Hours Wedn

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Gems Publishing - November 2018

she could handle a WHALYA. Some practices take it to the next level and have their staff wear earpie

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Gems Publishing June 2018

one-hygienist general practice. You employ two full-time staff members in the front office, one full

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Gems Publishing - November 2019

20 REGISTER FOR YOUR GEMS FAMILY RETREAT TODAY! Don’t Miss Special Pre-Event DayWithMr. VanceMorris!

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Gems Publishing - November 2020

or the “shoe leather” Gems described above to get your foot in the door of small- to medium-sized lo

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Gems Publishing - May 2019

should diagnose and treatment plan. In fact, every state in the Union has laws about this, don’t the

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Gems Publishing - May 2020

or just to express your appreciation that they are your patient. When each of you takes just five mi

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Gems Publishing August 2018

9 Keys to Rapidly and Consistently Increasing New Patient Flow. Part III Precious Gems That Will Transform Your Practice By Dr. Tom “The Gems Guy” Orent

Without further ado, let’s dive into the “9 Keys to Rapidly and Consistently Increasing New Patient Flow and Adding at LEAST $150,000.00”

The last two editions of the “New Frontiers” newsletter have laid the foundation you need to maximize new patient flow. We discussed capacity and the fact that very few practices are truly at their limits — there are many more hours potentially available to schedule and often more operatory space to serve patients. Practices truly running at capacity are generating $3,000,000– $6,000,000 per year per location. 1. You have to consistently deploy at least 6–8 strategies simultaneously. 2. You need a barometer for your cost of acquisition. 3. ALL MARKETING IS A TEST. 4. It’s important to preframe expectations. 5. Using the 20/20/20 New Patient Exam will help you retain new patients and gain a higher acceptance of treatment while safeguarding your most valuable asset: your time. 6. You must have a system in place to track the source of every new patient. Each one of these 6 Gems is crucial to achieving tangible results from the “9 Keys to Rapidly and Consistently Increasing New Patient Flow and Adding at LEAST $150,000.00.” I strongly recommend you take the time with your team in your 90-minute internal staff meetings to review these two articles. You can find them by heading over to Click on “Site Map,” and under “Additional Resources” you’ll find a link labeled “Newsletters.” The June and July issues of “New Frontiers of Dental Practice Success” will have all the information you need to get the most out of this month’s edition. In our last issue, we explored “6 Marketing Gems You Can Take to the Bank” that will help prime the pump.

1. ‘071 Retreat Part III — How to Triple New Patient Referrals’

If you want to increase referrals, make it a priority to watch this video in the GG12 Monthly Team Training Toolkit. In order to understand the video’s reference to Cialdini’s moment of reciprocity and how it relates to your practice, you must first know your referral rate. An average one-doctor/one-hygienist practice has about 1,500 active patients (active patients defined as those who have had at least one visit in the last 18 months). Your referral rate is the percentage of those patients who are driving new patient referrals back to your practice during any given month. You can stimulate new patient flow from other sources, such as advertising, but your referral rate pertains directly to new patients who come from referrals. To illustrate this, you can follow along with the math I provide, but it’s important to apply this Gem directly to your practice by using your own numbers. Both of these scenarios are based on the traditional one-doctor/ one-hygienist practice with about 1,500 active patients.

Scenario 2:

Scenario 1:

• 1,500 active patients, 20 new patients

• 1,500 active patients, 60 new patients

– 6 came from outside sources

– 15 came from other sources such as a billboard, website, or advertising

– 14 are referrals

– 45 are referrals

• 14 / 1500 = 0.0093

• 45 / 1500 = 0.03

– Less than 1% monthly referral rate

– Your monthly referral rate is 3%

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waiting in line to get face painting, animal balloons, and tattoos, you’re going to talk to the parents about new trends in dentistry, answer any questions they may have, and ask them to them fill out a card for a big raffle item, such as a gas grill or television. The card they fill out is a contact form with their first name, last name, phone number, and email. Tell them that you need a phone number because you’re going to call all the raffle winners. Teams that are successful at street fairs consistently add significant surges of new patients: 10, 15, even 20 or more. The most any of our members attracted from one fair was 38 new patients. But to be one of those teams, you can’t wait for people to come over to the booth. You need to go out and actively pursue prospective patients. To find out more, watch “012 Street Fairs — How to Effectively Target and Attract Droves of New Patients Primed to Accept Treatment and Services Part II.” Digital marketing is a great way to hypertarget your practice to highly motivated patients. Mr. David Herman explains how to use Google AdWords to drive patients to your front door for the exact services you want. Looking for more implant patients? David has an army of people to create ads for you. AdWords doesn’t generate a random social media ad or a generic pop- up. If someone does a Google search for “dental implants,” AdWords can make sure your practice appears at the top of the list. For a comprehensive breakdown on how to mine this Gem, head over to “Gems Insiders’ Circle Webinars” on the website and click on “GICW 089 Herman Blow Away Production Goals With Laser-Focused Target Web Marketing.” Out of all the 9 Keys, this is the least frequently deployed but one of the easiest . Sometimes billboards just crush it. We had a member a few years back who had four billboards in her area, and she had great results with each one. When the billboard company called to tell her they had another one for lease, but it was 10 miles away, she gave it a test run, and it still did really well. If you are going to implement this strategy, contact us. I am happy to help you with the design, graphics, and phrasing. 4. Web Marketing for Dentists 5. Billboards

Almost all practices fall closer to Scenario 2, which means 98–99% of your patients are not referring to you during any given month. That’s the bad news, but it also provides an incredible opportunity. To double your referral rate, you’d only need to add 14 more new patient referrals per month. How do you get another 14 new patient referrals? If you break down the monthly numbers, that’s only three more new patient referrals per week, which is less than one a day. In order to do that, you need a system, and “071 Retreat Part III — How to Triple New Patient Referrals” is all about referral systems. Dr. Chris Phelps developed a system that resulted in a $1,000,000 increase to his practice. By laser-targeting his strategy to active, independent retirees, Chris was able to find patients who were ambulatory and active and also needed dental care. He focused on seniors who were not in managed care so he could increase his percentage of fee-for-service versus managed care (PPO) patients. One of the ways he did this was by hosting wine and cheese events. 60 people showed up at the first one, 50 of whom had not seen a dentist in over a year. What would you be able to do with 50 warm leads who would be full-fee patients!? Another Gem you can unearth for your practice is to host a value-added presentation for potential patients. The topics should be engaging but simple. For example, you can explain the oral-systemic link to prospective patients for 30–45 minutes with a 15-minute forum to field questions afterward. Contests are another great way to cultivate new patient flow. At one of his wine and cheese presentations in an active seniors community, Dr. Chris Phelps held a homeowners association raffle where the winner would have their yearly dues paid in full. He made gift bags so no attendee left empty-handed. At the end of each event, he takes pictures with the winner to promote his next contest. These are just a few examples of how you can find new patients. To take full advantage and mine this Gem to its core, navigate to the GG12 Monthly Team Training Toolkit and watch the video for yourself. 2. ‘069 Retreat Part I — Attract 933 of the Right Kind of New Patients’

3. Street Fairs

On Page 4, GG12 Coach Chuck Nemitz explains how you can find new patients by taking your team to a health fair. While health fairs and street fairs are similar, the way you market at them is very different.

Street fairs are a fun way to maximize new patient flow. The key is to find a fair that has kids and moms there. Once you’ve found the right fair, you need to bring three things: animal balloons, face paint, and rub-on tattoos. These are surefire ways to get kids to drag their mothers over to your booth and create long lines. While the kids are

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Just have your Personal Gems Concierge put us in touch via email if you’d like my help designing your billboard.

Many of our members have hit HOME RUNS with postcard campaigns run by this company. If you are going to try it, reach out to me. I can put you in touch with the right writers, designers, and editors to make sure your postcard has the greatest chance of success.

6. is a great way to have leads come directly to you. It only costs $3,000 for 12 months. If you reviewed our last edition, you know that $250–$300 for new patient acquisition is what we recommend. If you use Zocdoc, it only takes one patient a month to hit our average acquisition cost of $250 per new patient. We have members who are doing far better than that by using this service. books millions of appointments per month, so if it’s still available in your area, grab it now. The average lifetime value of a patient is $4,800, so one new patient in 12 months is really all you need to have the ad cover itself. Many of you know that, decades ago, 1-800-Dentist was one of the strongest ways to advertise. In recent years, maybe not so much; however, we have had several members, including GG12 Coach Lisa Weber, who have done extremely well with 1-800-Dentist. In order to achieve success, you need to set very specific parameters as to what type of lead you’ll accept: no one more than 4 miles away, no Medicaid, and only a lead you’ll be able to direct-connect with live. 7. 1-800-Dentist

9. Free Standing Inserts (FSI)

Newspaper inserts are a great way to gain exposure and implement new patient marketing campaigns. Jerry Jones and GG12 Coach Lisa Weber are great resources for understanding the best ways to use FSIs. Set up a coaching call with her today to learn more. For these 9 Keys to achieve results for your practice, you must deploy at least 6 or 7 of them simultaneously. Once you’ve done that, I strongly encourage you to reach out to me after a few months and let me know how the Gems discussed in the last three issues of “New Frontiers” have affected your new patient flow. Remember that all marketing is a test. If some of these strategies don’t bear fruit for your practice, then cut them loose. If you’re struggling to understand how to implement these methods, have your Gems Concierge schedule a call with your coach so they can walk you through the process step by step. Gems Insiders’ Circle™ Quarterly Q&A Webinars: Four times each year, I’m available in the evening for up to 90 minutes to answer your questions about any dental practice management topics of your choice. GG12 and Insiders’ Circle™ Members’ Spring and Fall Retreats: Doctors and team members often tell us they have never experienced anything like our retreats in all their years attending dental continuing education. Experience it for yourself and form a lifelong bond with other GG12 and GIC family members. Register now!

For the latest up-to-date information about what’s happening on Planet Gems, go to and click on “Calendar” (menu bar, top left of homepage). If you have questions, please contact your Personal Gems Concierge or call 1-888- 880-GEMS (4367). 90-Minute GG12 Team Training Webinars: GG12 Team Training Toolkit Dental Practice Transformation members, please block out this monthly program. These occur just once each month, but they could easily be the most important 90 minutes you and your entire team will invest.

August 8; 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. EDT — GG12 Office Hours

August 22; 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. EDT — GG12 90-Minute Team Training Webinar

August 22; 8:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. EDT — GG12 and GIC Gold PLUS Quarterly 90-Minute Q&A

August 24; 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. EDT — GG12 Office Hours

September 12–15; GG12, Gold PLUS, and Gold Members’ fall retreat

GG12 Office Hours: Twice each month, my office door is open for your visits. This is an optional opportunity for GG12 doctors and teams to reach me directly with questions about dental practice management.

REGISTRATION FOR THE FALL RETREAT IS NOW OPEN! Click on the fall retreat banner (top left corner of our homepage).

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GG12 Alumni Member Dr. George Landress and his team at Danbury Smiles just came back from a health fair, and I wanted to share some of the Gems they unearthed. There’s some prep work involved with events like this, which is why we at Gems give you marketing strategies to “Swipe and Deploy” to help ensure your success. I even crafted a radio spot that aired locally for Dr. Landress. Dr. Landress spent less than $3,000 for the event. That included employee compensation. We always recommend paying your team members hourly plus significant incentives for each new patient who schedules at the fair and shows up at your practice. (Of course, you should always check your compensation plans with your HR attorney or CEDR.) Your coach will walk you through how to structure it, but when your staff is personally invested, the results are significantly better. The raffle prizes were also included in the cost of the event. On display right at the booth were a 55- inch flat-screen TV, a certificate for $500 off any treatment at Danbury Smiles, and scratch tickets for a chance to win $2,000 every month for life! Dr. Landress’ strategy to drive traffic to his booth was especially ingenious. They handed out cards at the front door promoting the $2,000 scratch ticket they were giving away. On top of that, once folks came to the booth, they got to spin a huge prize wheel. Plus, they offered free oral cancer screenings, and other ways to enter the raffle. Dr. Landress said that they were the most talked-about booth at the fair. Once you have a lead at your booth, it’s imperative to get them to schedule while they are there. Use an assumptive close. You must have access to your schedule (live online or printed) in order to be able to schedule right then and there. Rather than asking what time and day works for them, use a dual alternative assumptive close. “We have 9 a.m. next Tuesday available, or 3 p.m. next Friday. Which would you prefer?” Once you’ve settled on a date, provide them with a card and have the patient fill it out . You’ll achieve a higher level of psychological commitment when they fill it out themselves. That card gives you an opportunity to further market to them with gifts or other materials. When the dust settled, Danbury Smiles ended the fair with 18 scheduled new patients! The first person through the door was none other than the woman who won the TV, and she scheduled a second appointment for fillings. If you take into account the Average Lifetime Value of a patient, the health fair paid for itself with the very first new patient… 17 more to follow! If you have more questions on how to get results from health fairs and street fairs, reach out to your Personal Gems Concierge to schedule a call with your coach today.

Learn From Dr. George Landress and Danbury Smiles How Having FUN at STREET FAIRS Can FILL Your Chairs!

By Chuck Nemitz, Certified GG12 Coach

What if I told you you’re sitting on a treasure chest full of Gems without knowing it? Well, that’s exactly what health fairs are. A health fair is similar to a street fair but is targeted to a different audience. You can read about street fairs on the cover, but if you want to put this Gem under the microscope, head on over to the “Advanced Marketing Brain Trust” at InsidersCircle. com. You’ll find all the information under “012 New Patient Surge From Street Fairs.”

At a street fair, your demographic is moms with kids. The idea is to attract kids to your booth with face painting, balloons, and rub-on tattoos because where there’s a child, there’s a parent. From that point, your team can interact with the mom, inviting her to participate in your prize giveaway. Health fairs are a little different because your primary audience is adults. You’re not going to woo them by offering face painting. But what you lose in that tactic, you gain in lead potential. By the sheer nature of the event, a health fair booth generates a lot of warm leads. You’ll find fitness gurus, plastic surgeons, physicians, and everything in between, so every attendee is already health-conscious. If they stop at your booth, it’s because they’re interested in dental care, or at least responsive to oral health.

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PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID BOISE, ID PERMIT 411 GG12 Coaching Members and GIC Gold & Gold Plus Wednesday, September 12th through Saturday, September 15th, 2018 1000 Gems Seminars Presents... These Events Are INCLUDED in Your Membership Fee.




September 12th - 14th Programs are Exclusive for Current GG12 Team Training Toolkit Members & Active GG12 Alumni

1:30 pm to 4:00 pm.

GG12 Coaches’ Presentations

4:30 pm to 8:30 pm.

6:30 pm to 10:00 pm.

GG12 Dinner at the Orents At our home in Sherborn, Massachusetts (40 min from Boston)

At Boston’s PREMIER Steakhouse, Flemings. Annual GG12 Members’ FIVE STAR Gourmet Celebration Dinner

9:00 am to 12:00 pm.

GG12 TEAM: Special Team-Only Breakout Sessions. 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. GG12 DOCTORS: Advanced Brainstorming Session

Dr. Mike Milligan, Founder and President ofwww.OralSystemi- and Member of the Board of Directors, American Academy for Oral Systemic Health

September 14 & 15, 2018 GIC GOLD & Gold Plus, GG12 & GG12 Alumni

6:30 pm to 9:30 pm.

Gold, Gold PLUS & GG12 TEAM: Special Team-Only Breakout Sessions Gold, Gold PLUS & GG12 DOCTORS: Lightning Mastermind Session 8:00 am to 5:00 pm

Join Elizabeth and me for endless appetizers, "family dinner" and desserts at our home in Sherborn, MA (40 min from Boston) GIC Gold, Gold PLUS, & GG12 Dinner:

Register NOW for Your Fall 2018 Gems Retreat & Mastermind Events

RSVP Required byAugust 15th, 2018

$200.00 REFUNDABLE Deposit per OFFICE. In order to properly plan for meals and retreat space, your credit card will be charged $200 per office. The FULL $200 will be REFUNDED the week after you ATTEND the retreat (or if you CANCEL PRIOR to 8/12/2018)

Spouse (Gold/Gold PLUS May Substitute One Key Staff): Doctor Name:

GG12 & GG12 Alumni Team Attending:

City: State: Doctor’s Cell Phone:

Deposit : MC VISA DISC AMEX Card # (Will be refunded week after you attend)

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Exp Date: Signature: Today’s Date:

Please enter into each line, the TOTAL NUMBER attending EACH event

Wednesday Evening GG12 Dinner at the Orent home Thursday GG12 Event Presentations and GG12 Coaches Panel Thursday Evening GG12 FIVE-STAR CELEBRATION Dinner Friday GG12 Doctor and Spouse Advanced Brainstorming Session Friday GG12 Team Members’ BREAKOUT Mastermind Session Friday Evening Gold, Gold PLUS & GG12 Dinner at the Orent home

Saturday Gold, Gold PLUS, GG12 Doctor & Spouse Lightning Mastermind Session Saturday Gold and Gold PLUS & GG12 Team Members’ BREAKOUT Mastermind Session

Please enter any special dietary needs here:

 After registering for the event, you will receive a connrmation which will include a link to book your room(s) in the event hotel at our group rate if space within the Gems group block remains available.

Register NOW for Your Fall 2018 Events Complete & Fax this Form to: 1-508-879-2468 or Call 1-888-880-4367 or 001-508-872-0066

The Best August Ever!

Lessons From Aesop

By Tom Rich, MBA, GG12 Senior Practice Analyst

(a barbecue, TV, etc.), and a stack of entry forms. The idea is to make it fun for your team and those who stop by your booth. Find at least one before the end of August, and then register two more before the end of September. • New move-in campaign: According to the American Dental Association, most new patients join a dental practice during the end of summer. It makes sense. Most of these people have moved and just settled into their new homes, they’re going through the checklist of getting the family ready for the school year, and they’re shopping for a dentist. Now is the time to get the new move-in list and direct mail them. Become friends with a real estate agent, and give a gift (e.g., $100 off any procedure) to everyone who moves into your area. • Patient appreciation day: This is the existing patient version of the street fair. Make it fun. Invite everyone in your patient >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10

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