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Gems Publishing - November 2019

20 REGISTER FOR YOUR GEMS FAMILY RETREAT TODAY! Don’t Miss Special Pre-Event DayWithMr. VanceMorris!

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Gems Publishing - February 2020

20 REGISTER FOR YOUR GEMS FAMILY RETREAT TODAY! MARCH 4-7, 2020 Don’t Miss Special Pre-Event DayWith

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Gems Publishing - August 2019

or send out a direct mailing campaign. • HOW DO WE GET THE WORD OUT? • • • • 8

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Gems Publishing - May 2019

should diagnose and treatment plan. In fact, every state in the Union has laws about this, don’t the

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Gems Publishing - October 2019

20 REGISTER FOR YOUR GEMS FAMILY RETREAT TODAY! Saturday afternoon “Behind-the-Scenes” Disney Tour L

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Gems Publishing - January 2019

newsletterpro into your search bar to start your free 30-day trial and let AWeber help you craft goo

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Gems Publishing - March 2019

her role, what kind of care they are providing, and — using Tom’s verbal skills — promote better den

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Gems Publishing - September 2019

emergency chair. Now, whenever we find an unexpected cavity on a patient using our WHALYA challenge

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Gems Publishing - April 2019


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Gems Publishing - July 2019

Gems Publishing - July 2019 By Dr. Tom “The Gems Guy” Orent deploy … multiple catastrophic hydraulic

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Gems Publishing - February 2019

Why Would YOUR Patient See ME for Veneers When YOU Could Have Done Them?! How to Incr ease Sale s of Any Tr eatme nt of Your Choice by 500 Pe r ce nt or Mor e

By Dr. Tom “The Gems Guy” Orent

Cindy lives on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and drove three hours round trip to my Framingham practice. Along the route between her home on Cape Cod and my office in Framingham, she drove past well over 5,000 other Dentists, most of whom would have been happy to perform her maxillary anterior veneers. More to the point, her own general Dentist could have … would have … should have been the one to do them! So how did I get the case? You might assume she was referred to me by her GP or perhaps a referral from a close friend or relative for whom I’d performed a similar smile makeover. None of the above. Cindy happened to have heard my radio ad, in which I offered a complimentary cosmetic consultation, including “Dream Smile Makeover” computer simulation (imaging). “The patient sought treatment elsewhere … not because she didn’t believe her GP would do a wonderful job … but because she had NO IDEA THAT HER DENTIST OFFERED THAT TREATMENT OR SERVICE!”

practice. Until or unless you embrace their reality, you’re leaving enormous opportunity on the table. They’ve had you perform radiographs, exams, and cleanings. Of course, in addition to what they’ve had done, most patients know you perform things like fillings, extractions, dentures, and crowns. That leaves a LONG LIST of treatments and services, many of which they may need or want … but they are unaware you could perform those treatments. Many years ago, I decided to do something about this. One at a time, I chose a specific treatment or service to highlight in my practices. Services I wanted to do more of. I wrote and sent emails to all of my patients and prospects about a particular treatment or service. Then I designed flyers to mail to my patients and for my team to hand to every patient who presented to the practice during the chosen interval (most often 4–6 months). It was a multimedia blitz that included the creation of buttons for my team to wear.


Many of our Gems Family members have told me stories of being “perplexed” when they examine a recall patient only to find that the patient sought treatment elsewhere … not because she didn’t believe her GP would do a wonderful job … but because she had NO IDEA THAT HER DENTIST OFFERED THAT TREATMENT OR SERVICE!

The results were remarkable. I built steady slow-drip multimedia internal marketing campaigns that effectively increased utilization of

Most of your patients only know you perform the treatments or services they or their family members have experienced in your

Continued on page 2 ...

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... continued f rom cover

any treatment or service of my choice. Over the years, I’ve built roughly three dozen of these multimedia patient motivation “modules.” I call the system “GRAMPS.”

to SITE MAP GEMS INSIDERS' CIRCLE WEBINARS GICW 057 MOPPER HOW TO PERFORM AND GET PAID FOR MORE COSMETIC DENTISTRY. The math: If the patient needed 4–6 lower teeth treated, plus lingual composite shims on the upper canines to help restore the guidance, the fee for this fairly small case could (easily) be more than your fee for a single buildup and crown. BUT … just one visit, no impressions, no temps, no lab fee. One very happy patient and some of the most rewarding (professionally and financially) dentistry we can perform!

GRAMPS = GoldRush Patient Motivator System


This is just one of the 36 “modules” or examples of treatment many of your patients are UNAWARE of. They don’t know 1) the consequences of inaction and 2) how easily YOU could help them solve the problem.

Adding just one or two such cases per week could result in $75,000– $150,000 increased revenue for your practice.

The entire GRAMPS Patient Motivator System is available to our Gems Family Platinum and GG12 Members.


Imagine what a difference it could make to your practice when (not if) your patients begin asking for this type of care! “Lucy, that’s me on that button you’re wearing! I didn’t think there was anything you could do about my lower teeth. I just figured, since my father and his father both ended up in dentures, that I was headed there too! How can you help me?!”

GRAMPS is just perfect for Invisalign (or Clear Correct, etc.). It’s not unusual for a patient who has no need for orthodontics to take the flyer home and send in her husband or kids for treatment. Then there are modules for implants, smile imaging (which we can do for you as part of your Gems Family Platinum or GG12 Membership), migraines (NTI splint), bad breath (undiagnosed, untreated periodontal disease), cold sensitivity, laser cavity finders, and more! In all, there are 36 DONE-FOR-YOU GoldRush modules. Choose just two or three to feature this coming year. The emails and flyer templates can be downloaded from the members site. For the buttons, just let your Personal Gems Concierge know which module you’re starting and how many buttons you’ll need (one for every team member)!


Let’s say you were able to help just one additional patient per week stop enamel wear in its tracks. One more patient who’ll be happier and healthier, all ‘cause they saw your team buttons, read the flyer … and/or got your emails (the multimedia approach is the most effective)!

These restorations can be nearly invisible following Dr. Buddy Mopper’s worn enamel protocol he shared with our Gems Family. Go


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How to Fill the $ 70,000 Hole in Your Practice When speaking with a Dentist to determine whether or not they’d be a good candidate for our GG12 Practice Transformation Program, we analyze several key areas of (often untapped) opportunity. One of the most common massive gaping revenue holes in many practices comes from the underdiagnosing of pit, fissure, and groove caries. KEY TO TRANSFORMING DIAGNODENT INTO A HIGHLY VALUABLE PRACTICE ASSET. As always, in addition to watching the video, be sure to open the “MORE FILES” folder for those Team Training modules that display the icon. By Tom Rich, MBA, GG12 Senior Practice Analyst

There are several “reasons” why many Hygienists don’t consistently use DIAGNOdent:

The reason is simple: They’re often invisible to the naked eye and typically aren’t detectable using traditional examination techniques, such as X-rays or explorers. In fact, studies suggest that when using only these methods, even the most thorough Dentists will miss 76 percent of pit, fissure, and groove caries. These simple, single-surface early carious lesions can often be quickly and easily identified through the use of a DIAGNOdent (CariVu, SoproLife, Canary, Spectra, etc.). More importantly, when given a choice between early detection and a simple drill-and-fill or unchecked decay leading to catastrophic failure of a tooth, patients genuinely appreciate the less painful option (both physically and financially). [NOTE: I’ll use the term DIAGNOdent throughout this article but am referring to DIAGNOdent, CariVu, Canary, Spectra, etc.] Helping your patients avoid pain is just the tip of the “benefit iceberg.” Not only are you catching the problem before it becomes more extensive (and more expensive for your patient), but you’re also driving additional revenue into the practice. It’s totally understandable why you may feel that way. We were taught to use an explorer and feel for “tugback” in order to identify the presence of caries in a pit, fissure, or groove. It’s natural to make the assumption that you are already finding all there is to find using your explorer. It’s natural … and dangerous to the patient’s health. According to a study cited in the Journal of Caries Research, “Only 24 percent of the carious lesions were discovered by probing for stickiness. Probing proved to be unreliable for the diagnosis of fissure caries.” During the FDA trials, due to my extensive lecture schedule, Kavo sent me a DIAGNOdent to try. I was floored by the number of lesions I’d been missing. Many were small (just into the dentin). Others were enormous. Yet I’d been missing three-fourths of the pit, fissure, and groove caries into dentin. The secret to unlocking this vault is simple … Your Hygienist must use DIAGNOdent on every patient. The only exceptions are those who have no remaining virgin pits, fissures, or grooves. Watch Dr. Orent’s video in order to understand why DIAGNOdent readings need only be done ONCE EVER for each adult patient: SITE MAP GOLDMINE UNDERGROUND TEAM TRAINING TOOLKIT 033 THE BUT I DON’T NEED DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS TO IDENTIFY CARIOUS PITS, FISSURES, AND GROOVES.

3 | 1-888-880-GEMS (4367) If you’d like more information, help, or guidance on how to maximize your DIAGNOdent, including the verbal skills and other presentation resources, call your Personal Gems Concierge or GG12 Coach right away! 3. They aren’t allowed to 'diagnose.' In terms of Hygienists diagnosing … they’re not. They’re identifying areas of concern. They’ll talk with the patient about what they’ve found and talk about how the Dentist normally treats a particular set of circumstances. The Dentist, as always, has final say regarding the diagnosis and treatment plan. BUT… it’s critical that the Hygienist routinely makes patients aware of problems, especially in the absence of symptoms … before the Dentist walks into the room. For more on how best to do this, go to SITE MAP GOLDMINE UNDERGROUND TEAM TRAINING TOOLKIT 053 BOBBLE HEADED DOG ACHIEVES MAXIMUM CASE ACCEPTANCE. 4. They don’t know what to say. This is pretty easily solved by sharing training found in Goldmine Underground Team Training Toolkit 033 “The Key to Transforming Your DIAGNOdent into a Valuable Practice Asset.” There’s one other reason that is worth discussing … Hygienists don’t understand how it affects the practice if they don’t use a DIAGNOdent. Remember that terrifying statistic that 76 percent of pit, fissure, and groove caries are missed using traditional examination techniques? Well, it’s been found that the cost to the practice is staggering. The average cost for a one doc/one Hygienist practice not using a DIAGNOdent is $70,000 per year. 1. They don’t think they have time. If it’s a priority for the Dentist, it needs to be equally (if not more) important for the Hygienist. If you have a team member who does not believe that it is “mission critical” that patients receive the best possible care on every visit, you may want to explore finding team members who will. Time limitations are not a reason to provide substandard care. 2. They forget. If it’s part of the accepted routine — and an expectation — it gets done. If something is allowed to become an afterthought or permitted to be relegated to the back burner, it never happens. The only way to ensure 100 percent compliance is to measure it, report on it, reward for it, and make it happen.

"7 Secrets to Double Implant Sales in 30 Days!" Dr. Jeff Anzalone, Board Certified Periodontist, GG12 Certified Coach

• #1 surprisingly easy crazy effective way to increase your implant sales & increase your practice value without ever lifting a finger. • How to use the psychological triggers of "Ethical Influence" to motivate patients to accept your recommendations for implants • How to magically transform an ordinary office phone into an IMPLANT SELLING MACHINE! • • 7 keys to create your own evergreen implant in-office public seminars to skyrocket new implant patient flow. In-office presentations are EASY, FUN, and result in highly motivated new patients! • • Secrets of Social media to attract new implant patients ready to accept and schedule care • How to leverage Google to increase your implant production • Learn the #1 way to get your patients to send you a seemingly endless flow of new implant patient referrals! COURSE OBJECTIVES: Following this presentation participants will leave with a robust set of tools for internal and external market- ing of implants in the general and prosthodontic practice… and will possess a working knowledge of the use of psychology in patient communications, specific to helping patients make the best and most informed choices regarding dental implants. “Team Motivation: Essential Techniques Guaranteed to Enhance Cooperation, Eliminate Drama, and Exponentially Increase Productivity.” Tom Rich, MBA, Senior Practice Analyst • #1 habit to ensure proper prioritization of effort and participation among the team

• 7 free/inexpensive communication and planning tools no practice can afford to be without • The 3 biggest pitfalls of motivation and how to avoid them • • The 3 most powerful ways of instantly inducing fun and camaraderie • The $40 strategy proven to break the vicious cycle of back-biting and in-fighting • The top-secret, black-belt persuasion technique so effective it should be illegal (but it’s not!!)

COURSE OBJECTIVES: This presentation will teach attendees how to create an atmosphere of cooperation and support specific to how dental practice team members work together to achieve common goals and to support the practice vision. Participants will learn employee motivation techniques are to be avoided and which have been proven effective and should be adopted.

We have a VERY LIMITED Room Block. You will not be turned away from the Retreat, but You MAY BE LOCKED OUT of our Block UNLESS You Register IMMEDIATELY! OUR Block is just $149/night, while the event hotel RATE for our dates is as much as $259/night! Gems Family members REGISTER TODAY! Join us for this potentially LIFE-CHANGING event. Arrive on Planet Gems Atlanta, Georgia, at anytime Wednesday 3/13/19. Program begins Thursday morning 3/14/19 and ends 5pm Saturday 3/16/19. Tuition includes Breakfast and lunch each day and Friday pm Dinner. Doctors, spouses and team members are invited. Exclusive GG12 Coaching member Reunion Dinner Thursday night.

KEYNOTE: “How to Turn Dental Sleep Medicine into a 6-Figure Profit Center Instead of a Hobby!”

Dr. Kent Smith is a Diplomate of the American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine and American Sleep and Breathing Academy and is President of the American Sleep and Breathing Academy. In 2007, he was asked to start a sleep curriculum at the Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies, and in 2012, he was the first in Texas to be award- ed a Dental Sleep Medicine Facility Accreditation. He runs two sleep practices in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area and has been speaking on many topics related to sleep both nationally and internationally for the last 15 years.

"Breakthrough System Transforms that Boring Office Meeting Into an Adventure-Filled Curiously Profitable Highlight of Your Week!” COURSE OBJECTIVES: Following this presentation participants will have a working knowledge of how best to communicate sleep apnea issues with patients’ physicians, know how to build a dental team best-able to manage their sleep apnea practice, and how to make sleep apnea services a professionally and financially rewarding part of their practices. 1. The one hire you need to move the needle to build sleep medicine in your practice 2. The trick to making more from Medicare than any other insurance plan 3. The most common mistake you MUST AVOID when communicating with Physicians 4. How to identify the low hanging fruit in your own patient base 5. A powerful new use for your existing patient communication software 6. How to make more money with your technology than it costs to pay for it 7. How to BOOST YOUR INCOME using a sleep physician you will never actually meet 8. Working toward a debit card you can use for personal expenses, just by making appliances for your patients

Ira Hirsch, GG12 Certified Coach • Discover the 3 most critical components you need when creating your staff meeting agenda. • Unwrap the secret team meeting formula to determine how much time to give to each topic. • Discover how to craft your opening statement to ensure INTENDED RESULTS from every staff meeting. • • This mysterious (nearly addictive) incentive helps keep your team members ENGAGED and CONTRIBUTING during every meeting. • Discover the one tool Chet Holmes taught Fortune 100 Businesses guaranteed to elicit participation and an endless stream of ideas from each and every team member • Do this one thing to make dental practice issues vanish into thin air.

COURSE OBJECTIVES: This presentation will prepare attendees to craft weekly team meetings which become the highlight of the week instead of an event to be avoided at all costs. Participants will learn the tools with which team meetings can become both fun and highly productive for team members and owner doctors alike.

• Wednesday Evening 3/13/19 - Arrive • Thursday Morning 3/14/19 – Keynote Dr. Kent Smith • Thursday Afternoon 3/14/19 - GG12 Coaches' Presentations • Thursday Night 3/14/19 - GG12 Coaching Members Reunion Dinner • Friday 3/15/19 Retreat Mastermind Sessions • Friday 3/15/19 Gems Family Retreat Dinner • Saturday 3/16/19 All Day Retreat Mastermind Sessions

What our Gems Family Members Are Saying About the Retreats I have been part of other dental groups and you have attracted a very kind, empathetic, and successful group. I have been practicing for 29 years and these three days were a real eye opener. You should be proud of a job well done and I can tell the group is full of quality growth because of your leadership. Thanks for the great hospitality from you and Elizabeth. Dr. Michael Bjornbak, Sherman Oaks, CA We are already putting 3 or 4 of the big ideas into play this week ! Really gave us some good time for me and my Office Manager to focus and get some things done! A+++! From the bottom of our hearts thank you so much for a great meeting and your hospitality! Dr. Sean Tarpenning, Eau Claire, WI The Gems Retreat was fantastic. Everyone learned so much and we have already begun to start putting things in place as to what we want to accomplish. I think this was the first meeting that I have ever been to where dentists were so eager to share what was working for them as well as what was not . It is great to see everyone working together to promote better dentistry all over the map. Linda Donley & Dr. James Donley, North Muskegon, MI

Register NOW for Your Gems Family Members’ Retreat, Spring 2019

STEP 1: Complete contact & attendee information requested below

Primary Doctor Attending:_________________________________________________ Spouse Attending: _________________________ Additional Doctors Attending:_______________________________________________________________________________________ Team Members Attending __________________________________________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________________ State:_______ Primary Doctor’s Cell Phone:_______________________________ Email Address for Confirmation Email ____________________________________________ Today’s Date ____________________

STEP 2: Fill in the five yellow cells

GG12 Other GIC

Gold Member Full Fee

Gold Register 1/1/19 to 1/31/19

Gold Register by 12/31/18

Platinum Member Full Fee

Platinum Register 1/1/19 to 1/31/19

Platinum Register by 12/31/18

Line Totals

Fill in # of Doctors and # of Non-Docs then Enter Total For Docs & Team Based Upon Your Membership Level and the Date by Which You Register




NC* $1497 NC* $1297


$997 $797

$897 $697

$897 $697

$697 $497

$597 $ $397 $ Total $


Non-Doctor Team & Spouse

____ Thursday Keynote and GG12 Certified Coaches Presentations ____ Thursday Evening GG12 REUNION CELEBRATION Dinner ____ Friday GG12 Doctor and Spouse Mastermind Session ____ Friday GG12 Team Members’ BREAKOUT Mastermind Session ____ Friday Evening Gems Family Retreat Dinner ____ Saturday Gems Family Members’ Doctor & Spouse Mastermind Session ____ Saturday Gems Family Team Members’ BREAKOUT Mastermind Session STEP 3: Enter into each line, the TOTAL NUMBER attending EACH event

Please enter any special dietary needs here ____________________________________________________________ Upon registration, your tuition will be charged to your credit card on file. After registering for the event, you will receive a confirmation which will include a link to book your room(s) in the event hotel at our group rate if space within the Gems group block remains available. *GG12 & GG12 Alumni Members credit card will be charged a $200.00 REFUNDABLE Deposit, to help us properly plan for meals and retreat space. The FULL $200 will be REFUNDED the week after you ATTEND the retreat (or if you Cancel 30 days Prior to event) STEP 4: Fax completed form (or see Online & Phone registration options in YELLOW HIGHLIGHT below) In “Think and Grow Rich” Napoleon Hill introduced us to the power of the mastermind. The amazing synergistic power of the whole is far greater than the sum of the individual parts. Members will have a chance to present the one HUGE BREAKTHROUGH that has helped their practice to achieve enormous gains in profitability, and the one BIGGEST CONCERN/PROBLEM with which they’d like the group’s input. I have been a participant in business mastermind sessions for the last 16 years. I can point to multiple times when that participation led me to changes or improvements that have been directly responsible for making me a multi-millionaire. This portion of our Gems Family Retreat should prove to be a very powerful and profitable benefit of your Gems Insiders’ Circle Membership.

Presented by Dr. Tom Orent, Gems Insiders’ Circle & 1000 Gems Seminars SM Complete & Fax this Form to: 1-508-879-2468 OR REGISTER ONLINE at Click on the ATLANTA 2019 Banner at top left of home page or Call 1-888-880-GEMS (4367) Outside USA & Canada 001-508-872-0066

Approved PACE Program Provider FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by a state or provincial board of dentistry or AGD endorsement . The current term of approval extends from 1/1/2018 to 12/31/2021. Provider ID #210991


of gum disease, Dentists are putting patients at risk for grave health dangers.

To ensure that you aren’t unwittingly guilty of supervised neglect, you must 1) perform periodontal charting and diagnosis for every patient and inform them of the systemic link between gum disease and extreme health risks and 2) encourage them to accept treatment that could ultimately save their lives. $100,000 Perio Per Year” will give you (and more importantly, your team) the verbal skills needed to help patients understand the importance of periodontal treatment. You’ll have access to information that will teach you the best practices for discussing gum disease, instructions for role-playing to perfect the discussion points, and done-for-you graphic laminates that show the progression of periodontal disease if it goes untreated. Your team members will understand and believe in the process, which will make them more confident about relaying the information to patients. Your Hygienists will have already laid the framework for patient acceptance of recommended periodontal care … long before you enter the exam room. By stressing the consequences of putting off treatment and emphasizing the necessity of preventing potential systemic consequences, you increase the likelihood of patients accepting recommended care. In this way, you are no longer participating in supervised neglect; you are reducing the likelihood of periodontal malpractice suits and helping your patients achieve optimal periodontal and systemic health … plus adding significant revenue to your practice. To take action and make sure that you are taking care of your patients in the best possible way, reach out to your Gems Concierge to set up a call with your Gems Coach! The Goldmine Team Training Toolkit Episode 052 “Protect Patients’ Health and Add

' Protect Your Patients’ Health and Add $ 100,000 Per io Per Year ! Improve Just 2 Patients’ Perio Health Per Week, Add 6 Figures Annual Revenue

Dr. Jeff Anzalone, Board-Certified Periodontist, Certified GG12 Coach

While every Dentist knows it takes far more than superb dental skills to keep a practice running efficiently, at the very core of the profession is patient care. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the operational side of managing a practice — hiring new team members, keeping track of necessary paperwork, updating the building and supply storage, etc. — but when it comes right down to it, the No. 1 reason you got into the field was to help patients. As a board-certified Periodontist, I’ve been frustrated by the sheer number of patients I see who suffer from supervised neglect regarding their undiagnosed and untreated periodontal disease. What do I mean by supervised neglect? A patient comes into my practice for the first time with bleeding gums, bone loss, or other signs of gum disease. When I ask them about it, they say, “My previous Dentist and I were keeping an eye on it.” THIS is supervised neglect, and it occurs so often that it has now become the No. 2 cause of all dental malpractice lawsuits. In many cases, the Dentist waits too long, the disease worsens, and the Dentist is slapped with a (perhaps deserved) malpractice lawsuit.

In more severe cases, the link between a patient’s periodontal disease and their systemic health may result in life-threatening issues. Several studies show an association “To ensure that you aren’t unwittingly guilty of supervised neglect, you must 1) perform periodontal charting and diagnosis for every patient and inform them of the systemic link between gum disease and extreme health risks between gum disease and health risks, such as diabetes, heart attacks, stroke, osteoporosis, respiratory disease, and even cancer. By not communicating this link to patients with signs and 2) encourage them to accept treatment that could ultimately save their lives.”

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I H ave Seen the Light !

And as a Result, I Have Healthier Patients and a Healthier Bank Account!

In our technology-driven society, people have abundant options when it comes to solving problems. Can’t remember an actor’s name from your favorite show? Google it. Can’t pinpoint the missing ingredient in a chocolate chip cookie recipe? Google it. Trying to refurbish the coffee table your grandmother gave you? You guessed it. In its formative years, the internet was dubbed the “information superhighway” due to its inordinate amount of >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12

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