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Beat That Belly Fat & Get Moving Safely!

16 going forward. Exercise Essentials Try these exercises to help maintain a healthy back and spine

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NextLevelSports: Eat Healthy & Get Moving

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Get Moving Safely & Effectively

Health & Wellness • N E W S L E T T E R •

Get Moving Safely and Effectively

4. Exercise can help boost your energy level. Physical activity helps deliver more oxygen and nutrients to your muscles and can improve the efficiency of your heart and lungs, thus improving your overall energy level. 5. Exercise promotes better sleep. Regular physical exercise can help you fall asleep faster and have longer periods of deep sleep, allowing you to wake up more rested and alert. The Amer i can Hear t Association recommends 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity exercise per week to help increase your overall heart and lung health. Moderate exercise is when you get your heart rate 50-60% above your resting heart rate. Some examples of moderate exercise are walking 2 miles in 30 minutes, biking 5miles in 30minutes, running 1.5 miles in 15 minutes, and dancing for 30 minutes. Moderate exercise should feel somewhat hard. You should notice an increase in breathing

Exercise is defined as planned and structured physical activity with the purpose of training a specific part of the body. So how much do you really know about exercise and why it is so important? Exercise has many proven health benefits: 1. Exercise can help control weight to keep your body mass index (BMI) in a healthy range. Physical activity helps you burn calories, and the more intense the activity is, the more calories you burn. 2. Exercise can help combat and control health conditions. It will help you increase your good cholesterol (HDL), control or prevent type 2 diabetes, eliminate risk of heart attack and stroke, manage depression, control arthritis, and decrease your risk of falling. 3. Exercise can help improve your mood. Physical activity stimulates the release of hormones that leave you feeling relaxed and happy.

rate, work up a sweat after 10 minutes, and you should still be able to carry on a conversation, but you should not be able to sing. Vigorous exercise is when you get your

As your tolerance for exercise increases, you can work your way up to 30minutes at a time and eventually progress to the recommended amount of activity per week. When you are starting a strength training program, you should start with 1 set of 15 repetitions of each exercise. Your muscles should feel tired after 15 repetitions. When you are able to perform 1 set without any muscle fatigue, you can increase to 2 sets, and then to 3 sets. After you can complete 3 sets of 15 without any significant muscle fatigue you can increase the weight and lower your repetitions back down to 1 set of 15. If you follow these guidelines you will be able to improve your strength andmuscle endurance withminimal risk of injury.

heart rate 70-80% above your restingheart rate. Some examples of vigorous exercise include running 1.5 miles in 9 minutes, biking 5 miles in 20 minutes, shoveling snow, or playing basketball. Vigorous exercise should feel tough. Your breathing should be deep and rapid and you should develop a sweat after a few minutes. You should only be able to say a few words at a time without pausing for a breath. Inaddition to regular aerobic exercise, the American Heart Association also recommends moderate to high muscle strengthening activities 2 days per week. This could include using free weights, weight machines at the gym, or body weight strengthening such as pushups or planks.

By Abbey Fecher, DPT

7 Steps to Help You Run Your First 5K 1. Buy a good pair of running shoes. They can be expensive, but they are a lot cheaper than a gym membership or all the doctor’s visits and co-pays you’ll have if you get injured! 2. Throw out the concept of “No pain, no gain.” 4 . Stay hydrated! Even in the cold weather you can get dehydrated. 5. Pick a goal and register for a race! There are

hundreds of 5K races in our area. Pick one with a theme or one that supports a cause that is meaningful to you. If you have a race scheduled, you will be more likely to follow the training program. 6. Find a running buddy! It is much harder to roll over in bed, reset your alarm, and go back to sleep when you have someone counting on you.

Yes, running can be uncomfortable, but it shouldn’t be painful. If you experience pain, please seek medical help. Physical therapy is a great place to start! 3. If you don’t do the workouts, it won’t work! Maybe you have tried before and never reached your goal. But did you follow the program? Did you make time for 3 workouts a week? Did you make it a priority?

7. Lastly, don’t get discouraged! Starting a running program is no easy task, but just remember, you can do it! It will help you make a lasting change to promote a healthy lifestyle!

21251 Ridgetop Circle Suite #140, Sterling, VA 20166 703-450-4300

Our Pat ient Spot l ight

“I SET A NEW PERSONAL RECORD IN MY 50-YARD FREESTYLE!” “When I came to Loudoun Sports Therapy Center, my ankles and feet were locked up in pain. Physical therapy helped loosen everything up and strengthened my ankles, legs and hips. Now my swimming kick is so much stronger and I’m setting new personal records when I race! YEAH!” Kathleen came to Loudoun Sports Therapy Center for foot and ankle pain and stiffness. It prevented her from swimming at a competitive level. Kathleen worked hard, completed her plan of care here and she is back in the pool and setting new records!

Pat ient Resul ts

MY MUSCLES ARE SO STRONG NOW! “I was very uncomfortable being unsteady when I walked. My balance was way off and I couldn’t walk alone, even with a walker. Now, I have so much confidence. My muscles are so strong now. I received a wonderful workout every visit. The therapists are wonderful. Thank you Loudoun Sports Therapy.” ~Beulah D.

I CAN GO BACK TO WORKING OUT! “I came to therapy because I was having more pain in my knee than normal. Squatting down and going up stairs was becoming hard and painful. After therapy, my knee is stronger and I no longer have pain going up stairs or squatting down. I can now go back to working out more without having to worry about knee pain.” ~Gabrielle D.

MY WELL-BEING IS IMPROVED! “Dealing with an injury and its associated pain and inconveniences is never a pleasant experience. My elbow and shoulder injury made me unable or made it very difficult to do any task that involved physical effort; even lifting a glass of water induced pain. I had difficulty sleeping with the pain. Coming to my therapy sessions after a day at work was never easy but I came and went through the process with a happy heart, knowing that I was being cared for by a group of cordial professionals that treated me well. Now, the pain and its related inconveniences are gone and I am experiencing a greater sense of well- being. So in gratitude, I am a glass to the staff and the team of therapists that were involved with my care. Thanks again and cheers!” ~Ariel A.

I LOOK FORWARD TO PLAYING MY FAVORITE SPORTS AGAIN! “I came to LSTC after sustaining a concussion in soccer practice. When I started treatment, I had a constant headache, I was fatigued, slowed down and miserable. Tricia was great at understanding my symptoms, providing guidance about how to cope with them and supporting me through my recovery. Now that I am fully recovered, I look forward to getting back to my favorite sports. I appreciate the care and attention to get me to this point. Thank you!” ~Nathan B.

21251 Ridgetop Circle Suite #140, Sterling, VA 20166 703-450-4300

Clinic News What’s happening at LSTC... Safety Tips When Shoveling Snow Weather in Virginia is often fickle, particularly when it comes to winter weather. When we get snow this season, we want to make sure you know how to shovel that delightful and chilly mess correctly so you don’t injury yourself. Shoveling snow is often a common cause of lower back injuries this time of year. However, these can be easily prevented when you use correct body mechanics. Try these tips to keep your back pain-free this winter: Choose a Shovel that Works with Your Body  • An ergonomic snowshovel will help take the stress off your back and make your snow shoveling a much easier task. • A shovel that has an adjustable handle will minimize your need to bend. • Avoid keeping your knees straight and arching your back, which can cause unnecessary stress on your lower back. Start with a Warm-Up • You are more prone to injury when your muscles are cold and tight. Warmed up, flexible muscles help ease your way into any strenuous task.

• Begin with a quickly paced walk for five to10 minutes before shoveling snow to warm up your muscles. • Other warm-up activities includemarching in place and gentle stretching, which will help get your blood pumping. • Warm up your arms and shoulders with a set of 10 shoulder rolls. These are performed by gently rolling your shoulders up, back and forward again. Using Proper Lifting Technique • Face the pile of snow you intend to lift. Keep your body square toward the snow you’re about to pick up with the shovel. • Bend your knees and hips so you’re not relying on your lower back to do all the work. Lift with your leg muscles and keep your back straight to avoid stress on the muscles supporting your spine. • Keep each load of snow you’re lifting light. • When lifting a shovel full of snow, grip the shovel with one hand close to the blade and keep the other hand on the handle. • Avoid twisting your back when you’re moving the snow. Keep your nose over your toes and pivot your body together to face the new direction in which you’re moving.

• Keep the load of snow close to your body. Do not reach out to throw the snow to a new location. • Walk to the new location to deposit the load of snow rather than reaching or twisting your back to toss it. Take Your Time • Shovel small amounts of snow and take breaks rather than shoveling a large pile at one time. • Removing snow over a period of time will reduce the stress on your lower back and help prevent straining your arms. • If the snow is deep, remove only a few inches off the top at a time instead of trying to shovel the full depth at one time. • Don’t forget to take breaks every few minutes to avoid overexertion. Use your break time to your advantage; take time to stretch out your arms and shoulders to prepare for the next load of snow.

Ask a PT: Have a question about physical therapy, an injury or a pain you’re feeling?

• Q: Do I have to see a doctor before I come to physical therapy?

• A: No! In Virginia, Direct Access allows you to receive physical therapy services without first getting a referral froma physician or other healthcare provider. All you need to do is tell us the doctor you would like us to send a report to on the day of your first appointment. You can then be seen for 30 days of physical therapy before the doctor needs to write a prescription. It’s that easy so REFER YOURSELF TO PHYSICAL THERAPY! Call us today at 703-450-4300 to schedule your first appointment.

Refer someone to LSTC for physical therapy! When they come in for care and tell us you referred them, we will enter you into our drawing for a $50 gift card!

Every time we have 13 entries in the jar, we will draw a name for a $50 gift card. Then the game starts over. Play now for your chance to win and keep playing for more chances!

Congrats to George B.! Congrats to George B. for being our most recent referral game winner. George referred a brand new patient to Loudoun Sports Therapy Center and won a $50 Amazon gift card!

Ask your question by posting it on our Facebook or twitter page.

21251 Ridgetop Circle Suite #140, Sterling, VA 20166 703-450-4300

21251 Ridgetop Circle Suite #140 Sterling, VA 20166 703-450-4300

Outpatient Physical Therapy Specializing In: Lower Back Pain • Neck Pain • Sciatica • Hip Problems • Shoulder Pain • Bursitis • Tendonitis • Frozen Shoulder Joint Pain and Replacements • Foot and Ankle Pain • Plantar Fasciitis • Knee Problems • Arthritis • Muscle Pains Sprains • Strains • Hand and Elbow Problems • Sports Injuries • Concussion Management Program Sports Performance Program • Return to Sport Program • Balance and Vestibular Problems • Other Conditions