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winter-service ). Each winter, from November through March, the PORT shelter sets up shop each week

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Gillette Law - October/November 2019

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OCT/NOV 2019



With the holiday season fast approaching, we as a firm wanted to shine a light on an important organization giving back to our community. “A21” is a charity doing a lot of good around the world and here in Williamsburg. In fact, our own case manager and intake specialist supervisor Brandy Guererro volunteers with the nonprofit, helping organize their biggest local event, the Walk for Freedom. Since this annual demonstration will be held on Oct. 19 this year, we wanted Brandy to share the importance of the work A21 does and how you can make this year’s walk a success!

In order to meet the challenge of confronting the global slave trade, A21 partners with churches, schools, and other community groups to form “A-Teams” responsible for organizing local initiatives. I joined one of these teams through my church three years ago and have been passionately involved ever since. These teams do everything from educating people on how to avoid being lured into slavery, to working with law enforcement to identify and rescue victims, and, of course, supporting the healing of those who escape slavery. But we can’t make these efforts happen on our own. The Walk For Freedom is a global event designed to raise awareness about human trafficking and to raise funds to fight it. Our local walk will be happening on Oct. 19 in colonial Williamsburg. If you are interested in helping this important cause, visit home/gpsgiw and sign up! We want this year to be our biggest ever and hope for at least 500 walkers to come out with us and take a stand against slavery. We’ve even partnered with local restaurants, who will donate a percentage of the proceeds of your meal to A21 after the walk — just show them the flyer you’ll receive when you show up! There will also be a raffle basket available for participants. That humans are still being bought and sold into horrifying conditions in this day and age is unacceptable. I hope you’ll join us on Saturday the 19th as we take the next step to stamp out slavery in Hampton Roads and the world.

–Brian Gillette

Thanks, Brian!

The A21 Campaign is a nonprofit, nongovernmental organization dedicated to ending human trafficking and slavery. The name “A21” itself comes from its mission to abolish injustice in the 21st century, and from the airport terminal where Christine Caine, the founder, was first inspired to create such an organization. It may surprise some readers that slavery still exists in the 21st century, but, the truth is, it’s more prevalent than ever. According to the UN’s International Labor Organization, 40.3 million people are in servitude today. Of these victims, 71% are women and 25% are children. It’s an insidious criminal enterprise that is alive and well, and it’s closer to home than you may think. As the Virginian Pilot reported in March of last year, the greater Hampton Roads area is a “hub of human trafficking,” with 152 cases being reported in 2016 alone. A21 may be a global organization, but their aid is desperately needed here in our own community. Thankfully, the organization uses a very localized approach.

–Brandy Guerrero

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College expenses aren’t what they used to be. What used to be affordable to any student with a part-time summer job now can take years to pay off. If your grandkids want to go to college, the cost of education should not be a barrier to their future. Luckily there are ways that you can help ease that financial burden. Invest in a 529 savings plan. There are no limits on age, income, or monetary contributions attached to this college savings account, and contributions are tax- deductible in some states. Just like a Roth IRA, the earnings grow over time and can be used tax-free for qualifying expenses, like tuition and room and board. There are a few downsides, however. Funds from a grandparent’s 529 savings plan are considered student income and could hurt your student’s eligibility for financial aid. If you choose to fund through a parent’s 529 savings plan, which doesn’t count as student income, you lose control over the funds you contribute. Pay their tuition. Not everybody has $20,000 just lying around, but if you do, using it to pay for your grandchild’s tuition isn’t a bad way to spend it. Normally, annual financial gifts that are exempt from the federal Individuals seeking Social Security Disability often share the same questions: Where can I go to access services? How can I learn to restructure my budget with limited income? How do I get the help I need with no transportation? Are there emergency funds to assist me in the short term? We are fortunate in James City County, and throughout Virginia, to have a valuable resource that assists with all of this — the Department of Social Services ( Many people think Social Services is only for children and families being placed into foster care, and, while this is some of what they do, this agency does so much more. Speaking with Kim and Ellie, two of the case managers in James City County, I learned that often they help individuals with disabilities improve their lives and become as successful as possible. So, Social Services is ready to help, great, but where can the services be accessed? Applications for SNAP, Medicaid, and TANF can all be completed online ( or over the phone (1-855-635-4370). While there are other ways to complete an application, online or over the phone streamlines the process and will get you the assistance you need sooner. Other applications for emergency services should be completed by phone. ANSWERING QUESTIONS ABOUT SOCIAL SERVICES

gift tax can’t exceed $15,000, but payments toward someone’s tuition, for any amount, are not taxed. Keep in mind, however, that the money can only go toward tuition, not toward other college expenses like room and board or textbooks. Help them find opportunities to save. Even if you don’t have thousands of dollars to give, you can still help your grandkids look for other opportunities to save. There are thousands of available scholarships, grants, and programs to help students pay for college, and helping them look online and in your community can go a long way. College could be your grandchild’s first stop on the path to achieving their dreams. You can be a part of that journey by making sure money doesn’t get in the way of that.

Once you have completed the applications, you are on the way to getting assistance. Depending on the type of assistance needed, you will be assigned a case manager. Your case manager will be there to help you find additional tools for budgeting and transportation. For budgeting assistance, the Department of Social Services will provide community resources like Literacy for Life or Williamsburg House of Mercy ( Case managers can also assist with budgeting decisions to ensure you are making good long-term choices. Case managers will also work to overcome your transportation barrier. Transportation is a major issue in a lot of areas, but Social Services will provide you with options to lessen the burden. Social Services does have emergency funds available and may be able to help. These funds are extremely limited, come with rules for how often they can be used, and may run out at the end of the fiscal year. Emergency funds are not state funds; they come from directly within the city or county. Social Services can also connect you with other community partners and community services that may provide long- term assistance. The Department of Social Services has much more to offer and is a needed part of the community. If you are in need of assistance, they are ready and willing to help. They are willing to work as hard as you do to ensure you succeed.

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From the fields of Lexington to the mountains of Afghanistan, generations of Americans have risked life and limb defending the ideals of liberty and justice. Our firm is lucky to work with so many members of this proud tradition. So, in honor of Veterans Day, we at the Gillette Law Group want to express our gratitude for the brave men and women who answered the call to serve our country. Every day, we help former service members seeking Social Security Disability benefits, and every day we are reminded of the magnitude of their sacrifice. War leaves all manner of wounds, physical and psychological alike. All of them can be debilitating, making reintegration into civilian life that much harder. This is what the public often forgets: A soldier’s sacrifice doesn’t stop after they take off the uniform.

back. You deserve support as you move forward with your life, and we’re here to lend a hand however we can. Yes, that could mean helping you navigate the complexities of the Social Security system — but we can put you in contact with other services, such as support groups and rehabilitation centers. Adjusting to life after serving your country can be incredibly difficult, but you don’t have to do it alone. Here are a few resources available to you:

Veteran Crisis Line: 1-800-273-8255

VA Healthcare: 1-877-222-8387

VA Benefits: 1-800-827-1000

To our veteran readers, your courage and determination are deeply humbling. The example you set inspires us, and we want to give

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for your service.




What do you get when you drop a pumpkin? Squash.


• 2 slices sourdough bread • 2 tbsp Dijon mustard • 2 slices Swiss cheese • 1/3 cup shredded leftover turkey

• 3 tbsp leftover cranberry sauce • 1/3 cup leftover dressing or stuffing • 2 tbsp leftover gravy • 1 tbsp butter, room temperature

SERIOUS COMPLICATIONS From Your Hip Replacement Implant?

Note: Don’t worry if you don’t have all the leftovers required.


• Hip pain • Groin pain • Pain when standing or weight bearing • Low back pain • Buttock pain If you or a loved one are suffering from:

• Start up pain when walking • Inability to resist during straight leg raise test • Audible clicking sounds • Sensing that hip is not “in place” • High chromium/cobalt levels

1. Coat inside of each bread slice with mustard and a slice of cheese. Place turkey and cranberry sauce on one slice and dressing and gravy on the other. 2. Combine sandwich and spread butter on both sides. 3. In a panini maker or large skillet, grill until crispy and golden brown. 4. Slice and serve.

You may be entitled to compensation, but your time to collect may be running out. Give us a call and learn how we can help. 757-220-4529

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1315 Jamestown Rd. Suite 102 Williamsburg, VA 23185


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INSIDE This Issue

Slavery Exists Right Here in Williamsburg page 1 3 Strategies for Helping Grandkids Pay for College page 2 Answering Questions About Social Services page 2

Saluting Our Veterans page 3

The Best Leftover Turkey Sandwich page 3 Amazing Cat Tales page 4


Most owners will tell you their cats act like ancient deities. Majestic, scrupulous, and utterly unpredictable, these fascinating creatures have long captured our imaginations. Even before cat videos took the internet by storm, humans have been idolizing felines, placing them alongside some of their most important mythological figures.

caught in a rainstorm while hunting and took shelter under a tree near the temple. Nakaota spotted Tama near the temple, and the cat raised its leg, beckoning the noble to come toward him. Curious, Nakaota complied, stepping out from beneath the tree just before a bolt of lightning struck it down. The lord’s life was saved, and to this day, the Maneki-Neko (the beckoning cat) is a symbol of wealth and good fortune. In Norse folklore, the goddess Freya had a unique means of travel: a chariot pulled by two cats. These were skogkatts, or Norwegian Forest cats, that were only a little larger than your average house cat. Still, these small felines towed Freya around battlefields as she gathered warriors to send to Valhalla. On top of being the goddess of war, love affairs, and magic, Freya may well have been Midgard’s first cat lady. Freya’s Skogkatts — Norway

Bastet — Egypt

Of course, a list of mythical cats has to start with Egypt. While many people know the pharaohs and their followers thought cats were sacred, you may be surprised by how deep the connection goes. The earliest depiction of Bastet, the feline deity of protection, is a lion-headed woman in battle. But, over the course of 2,000 years, Bastet evolved to resemble the domesticated, pointy-eared cats we know and love today.

招き猫 (Maneki-Neko) — Japan

Legend has it that in the 17th century, a monk living in a small temple in Edo (now Tokyo) was struggling to survive, but he still split his meals with his cat, Tama. One day, Lord Nakaota li got

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