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Glenn Reit D.D.S. - Winter 2021

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Glenn Reit DDS - Q1 2021

4 tsp salt. 4. Place dough on top rack and asparagus on bottom and bake for 3 minutes. 3 212-517-900

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Glenn Reit DDS - Q3 2021

3 cup per serving.) 5. Remove from freezer 20–30 minutes prior to serving to soften a bit. 3 212-517

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Glenn Reit DDS - Q1 Newsletter

or biking will increase your stamina and moderate weight training will help reduce excess fat. Eatin

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Glenn Reit DDS - Q3 2020

computer screen. “The Mandalorian” on Disney Plus with Baby Yoda is just pure entertainment. It is i

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Glenn Reit DDS December 2018

4 cup roasted almonds, preferably Marcona, coarsely chopped • • cool for 5 minutes, and top with cru

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Glenn Reit D.D.S. Winter 2019

2 small red onion, thinly sliced 1 small zucchini, julienned into noodle strands • Inspired by Natur

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Glenn Reit D.D.S. Winter 2019

2 tsp ground ginger • 2 lbs whole green beans, ends trimmed • 1 tsp crushed red pepper • 6

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Glenn Reit D.D.S. Summer 2019

3 cup bread crumbs • 1 tbsp olive oil Recipe by • Burger buns and toppings of cho

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Glenn Reit D.D.S. - Summer 2022

or dishes. When attendees aren’t eating, they can relax at a musical or cultural performance. TAKE A

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Glenn Reit D.D.S. Fall 2019

4 cup pecans, coarsely chopped 3 212-517-9000 PRST STD US POSTAGE PAID BOISE, ID PERMIT 411 Glenn Re

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Glenn Reit D.D.S. - Winter 2021

212-517-9000 | Glenn Reit D.D.S.



Memories of Christmas Past

One and Done Bucket List in the Big Apple

Growing up in New York City the holidays were always a big deal in our family. The best part being, I would receive the toy I wanted. My parents were at least intelligent enough to ask my brother and I what one toy we wanted. Might spoil the surprise but at least we received what we wanted. A little materialistic but I’m not the material girl. So, let’s travel back in time to another era in New York City. I remember walking with my grandmother and brother around the streets of Manhattan. On every corner was a Santa, a Salvation Army Santa all decked out with their swinging donation pots. Each time we passed another Santa, Grandma would give us some money to place in the pot. Instilling in us the habit of contributing to others more in need and no matter how much you had there was always more than enough to keep on giving. Leading to my realization that the more you give the more you will receive. May not seem logical, but really true. Chestnuts roasting on the open fire. Maybe today it’s a fire violation but back then chestnuts were roasting on all city corners. As far as the health department non existent but if you ate them chestnuts your immune system could only become stronger. Definitely a plus for today.

What would the holidays be without a holiday movie and where do you go for a holiday movie – only one choice. Radio City Music Hall the largest indoor theatre in existence. Back then they actually showed movies always followed by a stage show. For the Christmas movie you got the Christmas show including the Rockettes and the biblical procession of Jesus and the manger. The parade of the live animals right before your eyes consisting of elephants, camels, tigers, et al. was really cool especially when you’re a tyke. A trip to FAO Schwarz on Fifth Avenue – the world’s biggest toy store – where we got to run around and then choose another toy. Toys were a big deal to us back then. That was our reward for suffering through a clothing spree at Orbach’s across from the Empire State building. For some reason Orbach’s was our clothing home vs. Macy’s. No Miracle on 34th street for us. Finally, what would the Holiday Season be without a visit to Nathan’s in Times Square. Hot dogs, mustard, sour kraut, french fries, and diet Coke. Actually, back then any day was a good day at Nathan’s and since there was no diet Coke, it was diet Pepsi.

Go for the Gold

Museums of New York


Celtic Yule Cupcakes


What I Am Reading Now

important, followed by your family and the ability to provide a living. My hope for all of you during this holiday season is for you to continually experience these three core tenets. Finally at this time of the year, I once again appreciate having all of you as part of my practice. Without you there would be no practice and your efforts have allowed me to provide for my family and my staff who run the practice.Your continued referrals are greatly appreciated and make me feel our services are valued.

May 2022 bring you prosperity and above all happiness.

Glenn Reit, DDS

In truth the best is still being able to remember all these memories. Your health is always the most




Being a Tourist in Your Own City

The Circle Line

Yes, you get to circle the island. This is one and done but at least you get to see uptown, downtown, westside, eastside and all around. The multiple bridges seem a lot bigger when you go under them.

Central Park Carousel

And actually ride on it. If you grew up here as a kid you were on it but even as an adult it's fun. Round and round you go and make sure to ride a horse that goes up and down. No slackers allowed.

Tourists come to New York to see the sights. You being a New Yorker do not have to travel. Fortunately, or not most of these sights are one and done. Once you’ve seen them you can rest assure, they will remain in your subconscious forever.

A walk across the Brooklyn Bridge

The Statue of Liberty

And then you’re in Brooklyn and then back and you’re in Manhattan. When the bridge originally opened for almost all New Yorkers this was the highest height above ground they had ever been. In Tarzan comes to New York, Johnny Weissmuller the original and best Tarzan supposedly jumped off it for a swim.

C’mon, you’re a New Yorker and you haven’t been to the green lady? Back in the day you climbed the spiral staircase in an ant line to finally view out the tiny windows in her crown. There was a time when a park ranger would take you up the arm and you could view out from the torch. Today, forget about it. After Lady Liberty the boat will ferry you to Ellis Island where you can see how many arrived to the Big Apple. Both of my grandfathers came into America by this venue.

The Roosevelt Island Tram

Did you even know there is a Roosevelt Island? There it is on the Upper East Side residing on the East River which is not really a river but a tidal water estuary meaning the water flows in both directions every day. It’s always coming and going.

Empire State building

The first and the original. Go up and check out the view. A second is top of the rock at Rockefeller Center – not as tall but a different view. GO FOR THE GOLD With the Olympics coming to Beijing, China in February 2022 the goal is to go for gold. In dentistry you can also go for gold. With a gold filling or if you're brave a gold crown. Obviously, the gold crown would need to be on one of your back teeth unless you’re going for the bling. Most individuals today will not accept gold due to its color. In fact, most people prefer not to have yellow teeth to begin with and will undergo bleaching or cosmetic dentistry to lighten the shade of their teeth. In California, you can never be too-blond, too-tan and have too-white teeth. In fact, today the demand for gold dentistry is predominantly by dentists. That should tell you something. Just like you, dentists do not like going to the dentist. They may like performing dentistry but not having dentistry.When it comes to dentistry women are a lot stronger than men. Something about lying on your back with a stranger working a couple of inches from your brain can cause men to panic. Back to gold. The reason dentists choose gold is that it lasts the longest. Gold has the same expansion and contraction as enamel. Meaning, gold is the closest to what the outside of your tooth is made of. Gold is very biocompatible with your mouth. It is easy to clean and its edges can be very closely adapted to your tooth structure. In fact, most dental restorations are wide open. Meaning the armies of bacteria in

So for some of you, you need to get out and about and start filling your bucket.

your mouth are marching en mass into the interior of your tooth. Since cementing mediums contain huge amounts of fluoride this helps to keep your teeth protected.

The great draw back to gold is that it is yellow and you can see it and in today’s esthetic conscious society Moi is perfect in every way. Sort of like: Only your hair dresser knows for sure. Here at the practice, we still do gold crowns and gold fillings. If the need arises this alternative will always be presented and then promptly rejected. The cool thing about gold is when you melt it. It looks like mercury except it is gold in color. You can actually see your reflection in it and before it becomes liquid it has a reddish golden sheen. Just magnificent and it makes you realize why it has been in use since antiquity. However, at 1948 degrees Fahrenheit you certainly don’t want to touch it for then you’ll definitely be singing, but not in a good way.

But even today it continues to remain the gold standard in finance and in dentistry.



It would definitely be a different vibe if you had the place to yourself. So here are my top 10 picks. How many of them have you visited?

The Metropolitan Museum of Art

The Guggenheim

The Museum of Modern Art

The Whitney

The Museum of Natural History

The Hayden Planetarium

Ellis Island Museum

One of the advantages of living in the Big Apple is the surplus of excellent museums at our disposal.

New York Transit Museum

From classical to modern to natural there is a museum for everyone. It would be great if you could go when no one else was there. Some years back I visited Venice during Thanksgiving. Since Americans generally stay home with family and Europeans do not celebrate the holiday with temperatures in the forties it's completely empty. Meaning, no one is there and I mean no one. Kind of nice to walk down the narrow streets all alone and that’s what I would like when going to a New York City Museum.

Tenement Museum

New York Historical Society

If not, now you have something to do.



2 eggs

1 1/4 cups flour

1/2 cup butter

3/4 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp vanilla extract

1 tbsp milk

Orange zest, to taste

1 1/3 cups raisins

2/3 cup sugar

2 tbsp hot water

2 cups powdered sugar


1. Preheat the oven to 375 F. 2. In a large bowl, beat together the eggs, butter, vanilla, orange zest, and sugar. 3. Add the flour and baking powder, then fold in the milk and raisins. 4. Grease a cupcake tin before pouring the batter into it. 5. Bake for 20–25 minutes or until cooked through. Let cool. 6. In a small bowl, blend the hot water and powdered sugar to create the icing. 7. Ice your cupcakes and serve!

3 212-517-9000


Glenn Reit D.D.S. 212-517-9000 |

1498 Third Avenue New York, New York 10028

REFERRALS! There’s no greater compliment we can receive than referrals from our current patients. If you know anybody who could benefit from our services, please pass along this newsletter and have them give us a call.


FROM THE PAST Watership Down by Richard Adams A tale of wild rabbits struggling to hold onto their place in the world.

GHOST STORIES Count Magnus and Other Ghost Stories by M. R. James English Ghost stories from the 1880s and early 20th Century

ADVENTURE Enemy at the Gates CIA in action/Espionage