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Graduation Supplement 2018

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Graduation Supplement 2018

Graduation Ceremony Souvenir Supplement 2018

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The CIPP’s Graduation Ceremony 2018 Celebrating the success of our students!

CIPP graduates were recognised for all their hard work and achievements at the Graduation Ceremony on Friday 2 November 2018. Family members, friends, tutors, CIPP staff and dignitaries all came together to celebrate the success of our students at the Symphony Hall, Birmingham.

In today’s unstable economic environment, obtaining professional qualifications are what distinguish individuals as true leaders in their industry.

So why are professional qualifications necessary? In payroll and pensions, they are important because of the need to update skills and knowledge according to ever-changing government legislation and regulations. Employers also have certain expectations and they demand that the professionals they employ have the ability to do their jobs to the highest standard.

The Institute’s achievement of Chartered status will help demonstrate the valuable contributions that payroll and pensions professionals provide not only within business but also to UK society as a whole.

The Institute would like to congratulate all the graduates and wish them the best in their future endeavours. And remember, education does not have to stop here – we encourage you to keep up to date with all the latest legislation changes by involving yourself in continuing professional development.

The CIPP would like to thank our sponsors

And our robers and photographers

Our collaborative partners

Opening address

Eira Hammond ChFCIPPdip Chair, CIPP

I extend a very warm welcome to all of our guests, both on the stage and in the audience. I also want to welcome each and every graduand who has joined us here today to receive their academic degree.

I was privileged in September to speak at the South African Payroll Association Conference and visited Soweto where Nelson Mandela lived for part of his life. He said “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”. You might not be changing the world here today, but you’ve certainly taken steps to change the part of the world you inhabit, through your extra learning. You have definitely started to change ‘your’ world. I know, from studying myself, how extremely hard you have all worked to achieve the academic success we are celebrating here today. I know personally, just how much you deserve to receive this recognition. You have every right to feel proud of your achievements. I am sure I speak on behalf of everyone here when I say we are honoured to be able to share this very special day with you. I have no doubt that during your studies you have come to value the network of fellow students and tutors, for support and advice. I hope you forged those relationships both in tutorials as well as in social settings, and I really hope that these are friendships that will continue as you progress further into your careers and beyond. Networking amongst fellow professionals is invaluable, as I’m sure you appreciate. I would like to mention those special individuals, some of whom are here today. Family, friends, tutors and, in some cases, work colleagues. I not only want to thank them on your behalf, I also want to thank them on behalf of the CIPP, for all the help and support they have given you during your studies. They have been on the same emotional rollercoaster as you; they know all the ups and downs you’ve been through; they’ve been there for you when you were frustrated or emotional; they’ve acted as a sounding board or proofreader when you’ve needed them; they’ve given you encouragement in order for you to succeed. So thank you all for that support, I’m certain it was really appreciated by all our graduands. In giving that thanks, I’m delighted that so many of you have come along today to celebrate that success and to see your family and friends honoured for their fabulous achievement. I know that if all the graduands here today were standing where I’m standing, you would want to thank all the people who have supported you during your studies.

Be proud, smile, and take a moment when you get right here to look around,

and consider your fantastic achievement.

“You’re off to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting so… Get on your way!”

That’s a quote from Dr Seuss, and you know what? As you walk across this stage to receive your all-important honour, don’t be nervous; hold your head up high, stand tall, be proud, smile, and take a moment when you get right here to look around, and consider your fantastic achievement, and most importantly, congratulate yourself. As you collect your certificates you will be ready to go off and climb your mountain.

Finally, to our audience – remember this is a celebration – it’s mandatory to clap, cheer and whoop. And to our graduands – congratulations, and I hope you thoroughly enjoy your moment.


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Ken Pullar FCIPP Chief executive officer, CIPP CEO address

Good afternoon and welcome to graduands, friends, family, tutors and other guests. We are here to celebrate and to support you graduands who have achieved a major milestone in your payroll/pension careers. We are here to celebrate your success – so please all stand up and give everyone around you a big round of applause for your achievement. Your journey here today will not have been an easy one. Learning whilst in employment, balancing your work, family, friends and studies will have been a challenge, and one you have managed successfully. You should be incredibly proud of your achievement. Knowledge is power, and you have worked hard to increase yours and give you career opportunities which are not available to unqualified peers. Well done. But let’s not forget those husbands, wives, partners, friends and family members who have supported you in being here today. Those who have been there whilst you have juggled commitments, those who have had to understand when you could not have that night in the pub or have had to support you whilst you studied on holiday. So, let’s take a moment to applaud those who have supported you and helped you in being here today. You are now equipped with a significant range of knowledge and skills and, through maintaining your CIPP membership and using your designatory letters, you can shout about how brilliant you are. Your designatory letters demonstrate your qualification and professionalism to the world. Make sure you continue your membership with the CIPP in order to use these well-earned letters after your name. These letters not only demonstrate that you have achieved your qualification, but that you have access to the latest information and support relating to changes in the industry and that you are a payroll or pensions professional worth having on the team. When we achieve goals in our lives, we often start to think about the next one. It is a rare person who thinks, I’ve achieved everything I wanted to and now I shall stop. Whilst you may be thinking about a well-earned break, I am sure it won’t be long before you start working on your next challenge or goal. Be that further qualifications or working towards Chartered membership with the CIPP – the highest level of professional membership in payroll and pensions, which is now that little bit closer due to the qualification you have achieved. Thank you all. You have helped your loved ones become true professionals in their industry.

Your designatory letters demonstrate your qualification and professionalism to the world.

Whatever you do next, remember learning is a life-long journey both personally and professionally, but where ever your journey takes you, I want to wish you the very best.

My final words to you are, don’t forget to complete your continuing professional development, and remember the words of Henry Ford, who said: “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young”.

Enjoy your day and congratulations once again.


The CIPP’s Graduation Ceremony 2018

Guest address

Helen Livesey MBA MREC CertRP Business director, Hays Payroll Management

Firstly, a massive congratulation to each and every one of you on your CIPP qualification. I would imagine you have all worked so hard and you and your families must be so proud of your amazing achievement. Secondly, the market for quality professionals like yourselves is very much in your favour, with more opportunities available than ever before. For the last eight years, it has been the busiest period in the history of the payroll and pension profession. Here in the UK we have all been dealing with real time information, automatic enrolment, shared parental leave, gender pay reporting, IR35 to name a few, and these continued regulatory and legislative changes have kept all of the payroll and pension profession extremely busy. The heavy workload of pension and payroll professionals is set to increase further as the economy continues to grow and employers look to hire quality professional support. In our new Hays Salary Guide Report for 2019 , which we are just in the middle of launching, 95% of organisations tell us they expect their business activities to increase or remain the same and nearly 60% of employers said they do plan to recruit over the next twelve months. On top of this, salaries have grown for the eighth year running and growing at 4.2% which is incredible. With your CIPP qualification – you will be massively in demand in the market. Everyone in this room celebrating today has worked hard to gain their CIPP qualification and to add another dimension to their career choice as a payroll or pension professional. At Hays, we believe that employers and the payroll and pension profession need to work together to find ways to open up this function as a career choice to a broader range of people, including school leavers into apprenticeships and graduates, as this will help the profession have more choice of candidates in the future, plus growing the CIPP and payroll and pension community. To summarise, you will find that your payroll and pension skills will stay in massive demand into 2019, putting pressure on employers to address the shortage of suitable candidates. Employers are keen to keep their payroll and pension professionals, so are increasingly making counter-offers to individuals who have secured another job offer. In order to retain good people, it is also important for payroll professionals to feel confident that their current employer is committed to investing in their future over the medium to long-term and offering training and degrees through the CIPP is an absolute must for any organisation wanting to stand out as an employer of choice.

With your CIPP qualification – you will be massively in

demand in the market!

Congratulations again and enjoy your celebration.


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Guest address

Carsten Staehr FCIPP CEO, Cintra HR & Payroll Services

First of all, let me say how delighted I am to be here today, celebrating with such an amazing bunch of people. And I mean that from the bottom of my heart. Studying for a qualification takes a tremendous amount of drive and dedication, and the fact that most of you will have achieved this whilst juggling a full-time job, family responsibilities and the many other commitments that our incredibly busy lives throw at us, is outstanding. This level of commitment leaves me in no doubt that in front of me now are the payroll stars of the future and your employers should be very proud of you. The CIPP do a fantastic job of making sure that the payroll profession achieves the recognition it deserves. It responds to the changes and pressures the industry faces and provides courses that equip you to be the very best that you can be. All Cintra bureau staff are CIPP qualified and many go on to continue their education to the highest level. Your success here today and your commitment to continuing professional development is a springboard towards achieving the Holy Grail of Chartered membership. In our industry we are constantly alive to new challenges and need to have juggling skills that would be the envy of any top-class circus act. Changes in the pensions arena in recent years have been both significant and challenging and pensions continue to remain high on the agenda. It is therefore a highly sought-after area in which to develop knowledge, understanding and expertise…so this qualification makes you an even more valuable asset than you were before. Common to everyone in this room and demonstrated by your willingness to invest in continuing your education, is the desire to do a good job, to have the expertise and knowledge that enables you to face future challenges with confidence. Cintra are staunch supporters of the CIPP: as industry bodies go, it really is at the top of its game. The information sharing, courses, networking… they are all first rate. But what really makes the Institute great is you – its members. You are the heart of the CIPP: the drive, professionalism and thirst for knowledge that you demonstrate today is what really sets it apart. The CIPP undoubtedly has the most dedicated members of any institution I have encountered. With your commitment and enthusiasm, I know the future of the payroll profession is in good hands.

...that in front of me now are the payroll stars of the future and your employers should be very proud of you.

I hope you take pride in the achievements we celebrate today, and I hope you continue to evolve with the help and support of the CIPP and your fellow professionals.

Cintra HR & Payroll Services is proud to support this event and I, personally, am truly proud of each and every one of you and wish you continued achievement and success in the future.


The CIPP’s Graduation Ceremony 2018

Pete Moody PhD MSc BSc PGCE FHEA CIPP link tutor, University of Worcester Guest address

Congratulations to you all on achieving a significant milestone in your careers. I’ll be honest with you, I didn’t know about CIPP until I got involved with this course. As far as I was concerned, payroll simply put some money into my bank account every month. But I wasn’t aware of all that went on behind the scenes to make sure that the right amount of money went there, and that it was actually sent. And that all the deductions were for the correct amounts and went to the right places. The same thing applies to pensions – I’ve been paying into a pension scheme for quite a few years now and, in rather fewer years than that, I hope to be able to benefit from that scheme. But somebody has to take care of all that for me. This happens both at my employer’s end (where they take money away from me), and in running the Teachers’ Pensions Scheme (and hopefully they will soon start giving me money).

Your qualification is not an end in itself, but a step on the way, a milestone.

I suspect most people (out there) are like me and haven’t heard of the CIPP.

But the people who matter do know. Your employers know. Anybody seriously involved with payroll or pensions knows. And so they know about your qualification, and why it is important.

Your qualification is not an end in itself, but a step on the way, a milestone. You need to travel further.

When I passed my driving test, it was an indication that I was considered safe to go out onto the road by myself. I knew where all the controls were, and what they did. I could steer a car well enough to avoid hitting things. I knew the rules that needed to be followed. But that didn’t make me a good driver. For that, I needed experience. My vehicle control skills needed to be honed. I needed to learn how to respond to new situations. I think you can see the analogy I’m trying to draw, but even the best analogies break down. The rules of the road are well-established, and unlikely to change much in the near future (at least, until we get self-driving cars). But the rules for payroll and pensions change at almost every budget speech. Working in payroll or pensions is more like my job, which is teaching computing – there is something new every six months or so. One of the most recent ‘new things’ was the General >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16

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