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Grand Strand Health & Wellness - November 2020

Grand Strand Health & Wellness - November 2020 November 2020 843-357-9355 | GrandStrandChiropractic.

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2-INCH CIRCULAR SAW For bigger DIY projects, it might not be realistic for you to work with the heav

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Grand Strand Health & Wellness - October 2020

October 2020

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From My Family to Yours, for National Cookbook Month I really like to cook. It’s not something I have to be compelled to do; it’s just something that’s therapeutic for me, whether it AUNT JOYCE’S CHICKEN MARINADE

means grilling up some steaks on the barbecue or baking some pastries in the oven. It’s something I discovered I enjoyed doing when I was little, and my mom let me help her in the kitchen sometimes. Then, when I worked in food service all through high school, college, and chiropractic school, I just started taking some inspiration from my work and experimenting with different dishes at home. I also watched a lot of cooking shows for inspiration. I’m not the only one in my family with a love of cooking, however. I’m lucky enough to have family members who love to cook and share recipes just as much as I do. Plus, since October is National Cookbook Month, now is the perfect time to share some of my favorite recipes that my family created.

This one is similar to my sister’s recipe but is still uniquely tasty. My aunt Joyce gave me the recipe when my wife and I moved into our first house 15

years ago. You combine 3/4 cup soy sauce, 1 cup of sherry, 2 1/2 cups pineapple juice, 1/2 cup sugar, 1/2 cup red wine vinegar, and 1 tablespoon garlic. Then, let the chicken thighs soak for half a day to a full day and enjoy!


These rolls are a mainstay at any family holiday gathering to this day, even though my grandmother passed away 20 years ago (usually now my mother or my aunt makes them). Start by mixing together 2 1/2–3 cups water and one package of yeast. Then, separately mix together 7 cups flour, 1/2 cup sugar, and 1 cup shortening. Add the water and yeast to the flour mixture and mix well. Let the dough rise for one hour before rolling them out into biscuits. Then, dip them in melted butter, place them on a buttered pan, and let them rise for another hour. Bake them at 450 degrees F until brown. I know many of you who come into our office enjoy a new recipe just as much as I do, and I hope some of you will enjoy trying these recipes for yourselves. Let me know if you have any questions about these recipes or if you end up trying them! I would love to know what you think next time you’re in the office. –Dr. Chris Garner


I’ve had this recipe for 20 years now after I saw it written down at my sister’s house. I’ve held onto it ever since because it is delicious. My sister owns a restaurant and catering business, so you know it has to be good! Basically, you combine 1/3 cup of pineapple juice, 1/3 cup of orange juice, and 1/3 cup of soy sauce with some minced garlic, minced ginger root, and brown sugar to create the marinade. Then, you let your chicken thighs soak in it for half a day to a full day before grilling them. They are incredible.

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Grand Strand’s Patient of the Month

The family that attends Grand Strand together stays healthy together. At least, that’s the case for Michelle Boswell. Michelle has been coming to our office for many years and referred her husband, Steve, and her granddaughters to us. They now all come in for their monthly appointments together, and we absolutely love having them. Every time the Boswells come in for their appointment, they are incredibly upbeat and pleasant. They’re an absolute delight to talk to, and we love hearing Michelle’s stories about her granddaughters’ sports teams. Outside of our office, they constantly share the results of their monthly appointments with other members of our community so they can enjoy their best lives as well. Michelle and Steve live very active lifestyles in the Myrtle Beach area. They’re pickleball champions, and whenever they visit Grand Strand, we always look forward to hearing about their latest pickleball wins. Michelle also makes sure to attend every single one of her grandchildrens’ sporting events. She is their No. 1 cheerleader. Even though Michelle can be fun spirited and lighthearted, we love that she takes her and her family’s health very seriously. They know just how important it is to commit to a consistent routine for maintaining

good holistic health. Michelle and her family have been such a joy to work with since they first started coming to our office, and we hope they continue to pursue and enjoy the best life they can possibly have.

We have so many patients who are

worth declaring our patient of the month, and we wish we didn’t have to choose just one. If you have a

friend or family member you think would benefit from the services we offer here at Grand Strand Health and Wellness, we encourage you to share this newsletter with them and hope they give us a call at (843) 357-9355.

Does Vitamin D Help Our Bones and Our Muscles? A PREVIOUSLY UNKNOWN BENEFIT OF VITAMIN D

As the weather cools and the days get shorter, we can’t rely as much on the sun for our daily dose of vitamin D. The primary function of vitamin D is regulating the amount of calcium and phosphate in the body. These nutrients are necessary for strengthening our bones and teeth, which becomes increasingly important as we age and our bones naturally become more brittle. While these benefits of vitamin D are well documented, did you know that getting your daily dose of vitamin D can also contribute to healthier muscles? A few years ago, researchers published a study that seemed to show that vitamin D could potentially help people gain muscle mass. While the research team said their results weren’t conclusive, their findings were certainly interesting.

Vitamin D enters the body in an inactive form. It doesn’t become active until it comes in contact with the right enzymes in either the liver or the kidneys. To learn more about what factors affect this vitamin’s rate of absorption and activation in the body, researchers observed the levels of inactive vitamin D in 116 women ages 20–74. What they found was that women with higher muscle mass had lower levels of inactive vitamin D, while women with lower muscle mass had higher levels of inactive vitamin D. The conclusion researchers drew was that active vitamin D might help optimize muscle strength. While that conclusion is not ironclad, vitamin D’s other well-known benefits still make it worth getting your daily dose. It can aid weight loss, enhance mood, support cardiovascular health, boost the immune system, and strengthen bones,

among many other benefits. So, its potential muscle-boosting properties are just another reason to get more vitamin D. To get more of this important vitamin in your diet, try adding salmon, mushrooms, and even canned tuna to your menu. Also, as winter approaches, it might be time to start taking a vitamin D supplement. Whether you’re 20 or 74 years old, it’s never too late to find ways to strengthen your muscles.


Celebrating Cassidy Posma

Grand Strand’s Team Owner of the Month

This month, the team owner we would like to spotlight is Cassidy Posma. Cassidy has been with Grand Strand for over five months and is a part of our therapy team. She assists our patients with their electrical stimulation (e-stim) therapy, PEMF therapy, and Pro Soft therapy. She is also in charge of sterilizing everything between patient visits to the office, which is an incredibly important job that alone makes Cassidy worthy of a shoutout. Cassidy recently graduated from the University of South Carolina. Her degree is in public health. During both high school and college, Cassidy was a cheerleader, and she was also an avid soccer player. She played on the same team as her younger sister, who still goes to USC. Cassidy loves the patient care side of the medical field, and she wants to pursue an advanced degree in radiology.

Cassidy’s bubbly personality makes everyone who comes into our office feel welcome. She greets

town with her boyfriend sampling all the cuisine Myrtle Beach

has to offer. Cassidy loves spending time outdoors, whether that means relaxing at the beach

everyone she sees with a big bright smile. She is also very inquisitive and has a passion for learning how each type of

with her friends, hanging out with Jersey at the park, or just going for a run in the area.

therapy helps the patient. Once she learns it for herself, she doesn’t hesitate to share that knowledge with every patient she helps.

We’re so blessed to have such a bright star on our team here at Grand Strand. Thank you,

Cassidy, for everything you do for our patients. We can’t wait to see all the ways you grow personally and professionally during your time here.

Cassidy lives in the Myrtle Beach area with her beautiful goldendoodle, Jersey. In her spare time, you can find her at the dog park or at the beach with Jersey, or out around

Client Success


“After being a patient at Grand Strand Health and Wellness for about seven months, I was noticing good results with my knee and back pain but had a feeling things could be even better. I read a brochure about orthotics and decided to have my feet tested, and then I ordered specially made orthotics for my various ‘fallen arches,’ etc. The result is wonderful. After wearing the inserts for about three days, I noticed increased pain relief in my knees as well as better posture, as the inserts are helping my skeletal system to recover from knee misplacement. I recommend everyone with knee and/or hip pain to consider personally prescribed orthotics.”

–Kate Buscher

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Inside This Issue


A Few New Recipes for You to Try for National Cookbook Month Grand Strand’s Patient of the Month: Michelle Boswell A Previously Unknown Benefit of Vitamin D



Team Owner of the Month: Cassidy Posma

Client Success


How to Get a Good Night’s Sleep


And Get a Good Night ’s Sleep

Though very real medical conditions, such as insomnia and sleep apnea, deprive people of sleep, the reason most of us probably don’t get enough sleep is simply because we put off our bedtime. Instead of getting into bed, we opt to check off another item on our to-do list or watch another episode of our favorite show. This is sometimes called “bedtime procrastination.” We all know a good night’s sleep is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, so how can we stop putting it off? A good place to start is by keeping track of your day. The human mind isn’t meant to internalize checklists and task reminders, so use your phone or journal as a scheduling assistant. However you decide to keep track, make sure to give yourself a set amount of time to accomplish your tasks, like letting yourself watch TV for just one hour or blocking out three hours to help your kids with their homework. It might even help to set alarms on your watch or on your phone to let you know when your time is up on any of your activities. Another big part is creating an environment that is conducive to a good night’s sleep, and that starts with turning your electronic devices off well before you get under the covers. Smartphone screens, computer screens, and even some energy-efficient light

bulbs emit blue light, which reduces the production of melatonin, the hormone that

tells your body it’s time to go to bed. Instead of looking at

your phone, try reading a book before going to sleep. If your screens prove to be too big of a draw for you when bedtime comes, it might be a good idea to move your devices to another room so they’re out of sight and out of mind. Finally, don’t get discouraged if you don’t start getting better sleep right away. Setting up good bedtime routines takes time. But if you stick with it — and maybe have someone else in your house hold you accountable to your commitments — you’ll start to get better sleep and have more energy to take on the day in no time.