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Grand Strand Health and Wellness - January 2020

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2-INCH CIRCULAR SAW For bigger DIY projects, it might not be realistic for you to work with the heav

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50 partnership — it’s a partnership in which each person gives the other every part of themselves. R

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or hip pain to consider personally prescribed orthotics.” –Kate Buscher 843-357-9355 3 PRST STD US P

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Grand Strand Health and Wellness - January 2020

January 2020

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F or most of us, our ability to stick to our New Year’s resolutions probably starts out strong, but ends up pretty weak. For whatever reason, when February rolls around (or even Jan. 2, in some cases), it just becomes harder and harder to follow through on whatever goals we set for ourselves. With that in mind, these tips and tricks are proven ways I’ve found that can help you stay true to your resolutions all year long. SET GOALS WITH CARE If you have multiple goals, give one or two of them priority over the others. Whichever ones you do put at the top of your resolution to-do list, make sure they’re goals you can actually complete. For example, instead of setting a primary goal to lose 30 pounds, start by saying you’ll bring a healthy lunch to work three days a week instead of getting takeout. FRAME GOALS WITH CARE Don’t create goals that have contingencies out of your control. Say you create for yourself the lofty goal of finishing in the top 10 of a road race you really want to run. While this is an admirable goal, it doesn’t work very well as a New Year’s resolution because it’s not a goal completely within your control. A lot of other people might have that goal as well, and you’ll be competing against their drive and willpower, along with your own. Choose goals where the only person you’re trying to beat is your former self. If you stick with it, that’s a race you’ll be able to win every time.

BEGIN WITH BABY STEPS Your goals might look pretty

goals, health and fitness goals, etc. The clarity this categorization provides can also keep the momentum going.

daunting on Jan. 1. That’s why it’s wise to break those goals down into small, measurable baby steps. Say you want to sell your house sometime during the year, and you want to make your property ready for showings. There’s a lot of tasks that need to be done, but if you start by doing one thing each day, like pruning the bushes, or picking the exterior paint color, you’ll be amazed by how fast you’ll reach your goal! WRITE DOWN A GAME PLAN Schedule when you’ll get all those baby steps done so you can enter each day with a clear idea of how to contribute to reaching your goal. For example: 1. On Tuesday: Drive by houses in the neighborhood and look at exterior paint colors. 2. On Wednesday: Get paint samples from hardware store. 3. On Thursday: Sit down with your spouse and narrow down the list of paint colors. 4. On Friday: Select the final color. KEEP THE MOMENTUM GOING Nothing encourages you to keep going more than looking back on all you’ve accomplished. Make it a part of your day to review your list of baby steps and check off what you’ve completed. The satisfaction you feel will spur you forward toward reaching your overarching goal. As an extra step, I’ve always found it helpful to categorize my goals when I write them down into professional goals, family goals, spiritual

BE POSITIVE, AND KEEP QUIET AROUND NAYSAYERS Having a positive outlook is key to

successfully accomplishing your New Year’s resolutions. Positive thinkers never let small defeats or shortcomings bring them down. If they skip a workout, they don’t think “Man, I missed a workout.” They think, “I made all but one workout this week — and next week, I’ll do all of them.” It’s also important to surround yourself with friends and family who believe in you instead of people who don’t think you can accomplish your goals. You don’t want them sabotaging your efforts. FIND A COACH While it doesn’t necessarily have to be a coach, having someone to work with you toward your goals and hold you accountable to them is invaluable. This could be a personal trainer, a life coach, or a financial planner, depending on the goal. Even a family member or a really close friend can help hold you accountable. I wish all of you the best of luck in accomplishing your resolutions! Follow these tips, and you can’t go wrong. Happy New Year! –Dr. Chris Garner

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But We’re Glad She’s Here Now

While she was once a rolling stone, we’re happy that Laura Doolittle decided to settle down and gather moss in Myrtle Beach — if only so we at Grand Strand Health and Wellness could get to know her. She is originally from the big city of New York, but between living there and settling down in Myrtle Beach, she and her husband of 36 years, Brian, traveled extensively for his work. At one point, Laura moved to Fort Wayne, Indiana, which still holds a special place in her heart. As someone who grew up in the sprawling city of New York, the relative quaintness of Fort Wayne was a welcome change of pace for her. Some of the closest friends she’s ever had, who became like family to her, were people she met in Fort Wayne. Laura and Brian used to be big motorcycle enthusiasts, and they frequently traveled around the country on their Honda Goldwing. Later on, they ditched the helmets and let the wind blow through their hair as they continued their travels in their convertible. Throughout their time on the road, however, they frequently vacationed in Myrtle Beach until seven years ago when they made our little oceanside hamlet their new home.

Laura loves it here at the beach, and she loves spending time with her four stepchildren and her nine wonderful grandchildren. We figure she must have perfected her ability to cook and bake by making treats for them because she cooks incredible meals and bakes a mean

chocolate chip cookie. She actually baked the cookies for Dr. Salami’s welcoming party, and she told us the secret

to her recipe is doubling the chocolate! Laura also loves to read, and she has a book in hand every time she visits the clinic.

Laura is caring, loving, and patient when she’s in the office. She praises our team every chance she gets and makes us all feel loved and appreciated when we talk to her. We’re grateful we get to help her change her life so she can keep enjoying everything it has to offer.

Stay Active During Your Golden Years


Whether you want to generate some extra income during your retirement or just keep yourself busy, getting a part-time job can be a great way to spend your golden years. But why settle for just any opportunity when you could stay mentally and physically active and give back to the community? If that sounds like your ideal way to spend retirement, here are a few options to consider. PASS ALONG YOUR KNOWLEDGE AS A TEACHER. Many community colleges and community centers offer part-time teaching opportunities for those who want to share their field of expertise with others. Many of these positions don’t require a teaching degree or certificate — just a wealth of knowledge from your years in the workforce. Alternatively, if you want to help younger students with their academics, you could also work as a tutor or a teacher’s assistant at a local school. SHARE YOUR PASSION FOR SPORTS AS A COACH. Coaching can be a satisfying way to spend your retirement and support younger athletes. However, there are a few things to keep in mind if you want to be a coach. You might need to pass a background check, and you’ll probably need to know first aid as well. While the pay

isn’t incredible, the time you’ll spend sharing your passion for sports with young people is more than worth it. GIVE BACK AS A PERSONAL CARE AIDE. If you’re looking for an opportunity to stay active and have a more direct impact on people’s lives, you can try being a personal care aide. Personal care aides help elderly and disabled people with everyday tasks, such as shopping, doing laundry, and bathing. Many people who require this assistance prefer older aides who can empathize with their struggles, so it’s a great job for recent retirees. Just because you’ve retired doesn’t mean you can no longer bring value to your community. With all the time you have on your hands, you could become one of your town’s most valuable assets.


Dr. Crilley Shows Us What Holistic Dedication Looks Like Skilled Doctor, Family Man, Martial Arts Expert

There’s no one good way to describe what a blessing Dr. Matthew Crilley is for Grand Strand Health and Wellness, his family, and the Murrell Inlet community. He has worked at Grand Strand for the past three years, and he is regularly the first person into the office and the last person to leave. And while he’s working, we can’t put a number on all the ways he helps patients and other team owners. Dr. Crilley is incredibly passionate about our patients’ health and well-being. It’s not uncommon to hear a patient say something like “I do not know where I would be if it weren’t for Dr. Crilley.” He loves educating people, and he seamlessly shares his wealth of knowledge with great analogies that make it clear just how important chiropractic health is for everyone. His passion for health and wellness is apparent

every time he celebrates the successes of both his patients and the team. The ways he helps out around the office are seemingly endless, and we don’t know how we would do our jobs without him.

Dr. Crilley doesn’t let his dedication to his job keep him from enjoying time with his family and in his community, however. He and his wife Amy have two sons, Tristan and Troy, and a daughter, Tessa. When he isn’t changing lives at the clinic, he is spending time with his family at soccer games or Cub Scout meetings. When the weather is nice, he loves going on bike rides with Tessa and playing outside with his sons.

Dr. Crilley also spends time at the Shaolin Kung Fu studios. He has a second degree black belt in taekwondo and a first degree blackbelt in hapkido. He and his family are also very involved in their church, Beach Church, in Myrtle Beach. We at Grand Strand Health and Wellness are lucky to work with someone so dedicated in every area of his life and hope for many more years with him on the team.

Client Success “Numbness, tingling, and pain in my feet and legs had been interfering with my sleep. I saw the ad regarding the cold laser treatment for neuropathy and decided to give it a try. After a few visits with Rachael, the pain and numbness in my feet has practically disappeared. This has been worth it! The staff is very good!” –Lois Dalgliesh


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Inside This Issue 7 Steps to Stay Committed to Your New Year’s Resolutions Laura Doolittle: Grand Strand’s Patient of the Month Stay Active During Your Golden Years 1 2


What Holistic Dedication Looks Like: Dr. Matthew Crilley

Client Success


Unique Food Tracking Apps to Check Out in 2020

Unique Food Tracking Apps to Check Out in 2020

ATE Ate bills itself as a “visual, mindful, and non-judgmental” food tracking app. Unlike most options on the market, Ate focuses on feelings rather than numbers. Instead of counting calories, its users snap photos of their meals and input why they ate — whether they were hungry, stressed, or socializing — and how the meal made them feel. It’s an ideal strategy for those worried that too much >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4

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