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GUIDE TO THE BEST NIGHTS SLEEP Is your mattress your friend ?

«Life belongs to those who sleep well» Sleep well to live a better life

The proverb states the obvious! A good nights sleep enables us to wake-up in the morn- ing with feelings of joy and the energy and strength to move mountains. In reality, many people struggle to fall asleep or have disturbed nights which leaves them feeling like they have barely slept. In a society that values activity, speed and the need to be connected through technology at all times, the lack of good sleep is becoming a crisis.

Chronic fatigue can lead to back-ache and muscular tension and is also associated with weight problems, diabetes, depression and even cancer. While there is so much information available about diet and exercise, the importance of good sleep is often overlooked and is a key ingredient in maintaining good health.

Give sleep the attention it deserves.

Elite’s craftsmen have been committed to improving the quality of life and health of their customers since 1895.


The four key points for better sleep

The bedroom: a room dedicated solely for sleep and rest

generally hotter than woman and maintain a constant body temperature. For this reason, individual needs should be considered when choosing the bed-linen.

To create the perfect conditions for good sleep, the bedroom should be dedicated exclusively for relaxation. Turn off the television, computer, alarm and any other electrical equipment.

The bed, the main element The bed is the most important piece

of furniture and should be the centerpiece of the bedroom. It is advisable to change the mattress every 10 years. Invest in the best quality mattress with correct tension to sup- port your spine and muscular system. It will bring you precious restful sleep every day.

A soothing space that is cool and dark

Darkness triggers the production of mela- tonin, a hormone that promotes relaxation and deep sleep. The correct window cover- ings are important to block light from outside. LED lights from alarms, bedside clocks and televisions may also prevent deep sleep.Noise disturbs sleep. The use of ear plugs can help you sleep peacefully.

A regular routine Regular routines and activities help

prepare the body and the mind for good sleep and rest. Going to sleep and waking at regu- lar times helps to maintain a healthy natural rhythm. Yawning, blinking, shivering and slow movement are signs that its time to sleep.

Ambient temperature is important. The ideal temperature is between 16-19 C. Men are


Relieve the body and recover

Most people do not make the connection between their sleeping patterns and their health problems. In our country, 80% of the population suf- fers from back pain periodically. Sedentary lifestyle, bad posture, stress and tension are part of our daily lives. Hyperactivity in our society leaves us with too little time to sleep, be calm or relax. The second part of the night’s sleep is reserved for the important REM phase. Dur- ing this phase, brain activity is intense and the muscles relax. A mattress with the right support of the bodies muscular and skeletal system is critical during this phase.

support that prevents pain associated with pressure points and at the same time sup- ports the lower back and cervical spine. A good quality mattress relieves pressure points on the joints and allows the muscu- lar system to relax. Your sleep will be less disturbed from turning because of discom- fort and you will awaken feeling vibrant and renewed. When the body relaxes during sleep, it has a tremendous capacity to repair itself. While not the answer to all ills, a comfortable bed is the first step toward holistic wellness. When the body relaxes during sleep, it has a tremendous capacity to repair itself. While not the answer to all ills, a comfortable bed is the first step toward holistic wellness.

A mattress that is too hard or too soft can be a cause for alarm. A good mattress provides


Sleep disorders

Headaches, neuralgia and stiff neck Tension in the neck is worse at night and needs to be supported by the correct pillow and mattress. Incorrect support will cause stiffness in the neck and headaches. Fibromyalgia Tension, anxiety and fatique can cause mus- cle spasms which affect the back, shoulders, neck, chest and knees. The right mattress can relieve these symptoms by avoiding unneces- sary pressure on the soft tissue and creating a comfortable cocoon which enables the body to relax. Painful joints and hips When a mattress is too hard, the hips and joints become constant pressure points. A good mat- tress adapts to the contours of the sleepers body and relieves pain during the night.

Backache Pain and spasms are often aggravated dur- ing the night if the mattress does not pro- vide the correct support and forces the body into a poor posture. Sore knees Pressure on the joints increases pain in the knees. A mattress with flexible support allows the legs to relax and relieves pain. Circulatory problems Poor circulation can result in swelling of the feet, pain and numbness in the legs during the night. A mattress with the correct pres- sure can be beneficial. Good blood circula- tion guarantees good cell regeneration during the night.


How to recognize a worn mattress?

The alarm rings but you’re already awake

Take the 7 point test 1 Is your bed more than about 3,650 nights. As we move on average 40 times a night, the box spring and mattress have been worn by about 150,000 movements. □ Yes □ No 2 Your bed is too soft or too 10 years old ? Beds that are more than 10 years old have been slept on for short ? To relax all the muscles and allow the body and mind to recover, it is important to choose a sufficiently long and wide bed. Sleep regularly disturbed by discomfort leads to chronic fatigue. □ Yes □ No

3 Do you feel tired when you wake up ? A poor quality bed causes pain and stiffness in the body. This leads to repeated waking up, especially in the second part of the night and eventually causes physical and mental exhaustion. With a new good quality bed, the muscular system is relaxed, sleep will be deeper and there will be fewer wake-ups during the night. □ Yes □ No 4 Do you wake with back pain ? Many body pains are aggra- vated and even caused by poor posture during sleep due to an old or inappro- priate bed. If you suffer from back pain, you

You have turned in all directions, have tried unsuccessfully to find comfortable position to prolong sleep. You assume its your age. You are not sick or old: the pain and discomfort is caused by the wrong mattress. The mattress could be old but most likely it is too hard.

Perhaps you have had this mattress since Uni- versity or it is as old as your children?


should look for a personalized support mat- tress and be careful not to confuse firmness and support. (See above sleep disorders). □ Yes □ No 5 Does the movement of your partner wake you ? Some mat- tresses offer individuals more inde- pendent sleep than others. For couples with a large difference in body size, it is advisable to opt for two mattresses with two different types of comfort (“his & her” option). □ Yes □ No

Continuation of test ->


Proceed the test (continuation)

6 Does your bed make more and more noise ? After 10 years, the mechanical wear and the natural aging of components in a bed will lead to poor performance and degradation of about 25% ... and more if it’s a box spring or mat- tress of inferior quality. □ Yes □ No

7. Is your bed formed like a bowl ? If you feel like you are lying in the bottom of a bowl, the suspen- sion of the bed is worn and it will no longer provide the necessary support to allow the muscles of back and spine to relax. □ Yes □ No

Result If you answered yes to at least 2 of the 7 questions, it’s time to change the bed 78% of buyers regret not having changed their bed earlier. A good bed loses its quality very slowly. Choosing a quality bed is an investment in your health.

The right mattress: perfect alignment of the spine


How to choose a bed? Studies show that good quality beds consistently improve sleep. Falling asleep is faster and waking up in the night is reduced. People prone to back pain see a significant improvement in their symptoms. It is worthwhile to take the time to choose carefully.

1. Take the time Considering the life of a bed and how it will affect your sleep, it is impor- tant to take the time when choosing your new bed. It is advisable to have enough time to make yourself comfortable, lie on the different beds, close your eyes and experience the qualities of support in different sleep positions. Comparing mattress firmness and finding the correct one is essential. If you are sharing your bed with a partner it is important for you both to find the best individual support. 2. Refreshed and present They say that you should never go shopping when you ‘re hungry. The same applies to purchasing a new bed. Do not rush to the store at night after a hard week. The chances are than high that you will choose a model that does not suit you at all. 3. Consider what your body needs The most common belief among most people is that a hard bed is a good bed. This is the biggest misconception. The role of the mattress and the base is to support the muscular and bone structure of the body and avoid

A good bed provides the following : • Correct support of the spinal column

• The optimal relaxation of the muscular system

• The conditions for proper blood circulation and there- fore better cell regeneration

• Regulation of and consistent body temperature

• A comfortable and healthy ventilated environment


5. Choose a specialist Choosing a bed should be done carefully. Seek a specialist who can assist and advise you on which bed will best suit your body type. 6. Make an investment Buying the cheapest often ends up being more expensive. This saying is also true in the bed industry. You might save time and money and end up with a lumpy bed within 4 years. You will certainly pay more for a good quality brand of mattress but you will be making an investment in your well-being and health. 7. The Elite quality At Elite, your bed is made especially for you in Aubonne. Like a dress made by a couturier, your mattress is handmade by craftsmen, from the first to the last stitch sewn. This is why we need about 3 weeks to make your custom-made bed.

unnecessary pressure points. The bed should suit your body type. If you sleep with a partner but your height, weight and sleep patterns differ, it is better to choose two different mattresses for the same bed. 4. No mattress without a good base The mattress and base are inseparable elements. The suspension of the bed base prolongs the life of the mattress. If you buy a beautiful brand new mattress and place it on a worn or inadequate base, it will lead to premature wear. It is advisable to purchase the correct base at the same time.


How to maintain a bed ?

General advice

During the first months of use, the materials should stabilize around the body of the sleeper. To maintain the even distribution of the materials in the surface of the mattress, it is advisable to turn the mattress and reverse head-up every two weeks in the first month, then once every three months. Mattress protectors A washable mattress protector prevents premature wear and protects the mattress from any stains. Disinfection The basic vacuum cleaner cannot remove bacteria and dust mites in the deep layers of the mattress. The Ecoclean service by Elite is an effective solution, 100% natural with no chemical additives. Destroyed by UV rays, microorganisims are separated with high frequency vibra- tions and then sucked up. The disinfecrtion is done on site. The pro- cess is dry and the mattress is immediately ready for use. For more information look at

Avoid bending the mattress to preserve the struc- ture of the cells.

Occasionally turn the head and the foot ends of the mattress to ensure that the surface materials remain evenly distributed.

Use both sides at least twice a year (in October and in April if it has a summer and winter side).

Never place the mattress directly on an unventi- lated support.

Place the mattress on a base adapted to prolong the life and the quality of the mattress.


Elite, swiss bedding excellence

In 1895 Jules-Henri Caillet, master saddler upholsterer, founded his company in Lake Geneva. From the beginning, his mattresses and box spring bases were known for their quality. He quickly became famous around the country equipping the best resorts in Switzerland and abroad. Elite is synonymous with durability, quality and comfort and are the choice of those who desire only the best. This pride in tradition and carefully hand- made goods continues today. In a globalized world, we continue to use traditional skills, local production and natural materials. The new generation pocket springs have replaced the old spirals from the days of our grand- mothers. High-tech foam has appeared, but overall methods have remained the same as well as the company values. Our mattresses are virtually indestructible, carefully padded and stitched by hand and certified by Euro-

pean standards. It takes patience, skill and beautiful natural materials to make a mattress that cares for our customers health and brings vitality, comfort and the best night sleep.

Elite has kept its promise for over a century to the delight of their sleepers.


The different types of mattresses

The function of a good mattress is both simple and very complex. It should be firm to fully support the body in all positions, but soft and warm enough to prevent pressure points and tension. In short, it aims to fit your body type. To be closer to the needs of its clients, Elite offers 21 models in its range of mattresses for different individuals. Each model has three degrees of firmness and various comfort zones to suit the body structure.

port and maintain. These are the springs, foam, memory foam, horsehair or latex. The “heart” is surrounded by a first buffer layer often consisting of a compressible and resilient material such as foam, sisal or horsehair. Then come the layers of padding that will give the quality of comfort and control thermo-hygrometer. The whole mattress is enclosed in a casing made from organic cotton ticking.

All Elite mattresses are constructed in a similar pattern. In its center is the element that creates the suspension and therefore its ability to sup-

5 zones

7 zones

Anatomical areas

Male and Female


The various mattress cores

Pocket Springs Each spring is enclosed in a small cotton barrel-shaped bag. It reacts indepen- dently to any pressure even without movement. The pocket springs provide a feeling of weightlessness. They relieve pressure points of the body and relieve the nervous system. Organized in differ- ent zones of comfort, the springs provide proper support to the neck, shoulder, spine, kidneys, hips and legs.

Biconical springs Dynamic comfort with very good back support, high resistance and maximum ventilation.

Use: single bed, child’s bedroom, guest room.

Multi-coil springs Dynamic comfort, innovative progres- sive compression springs provide excellent back support. Airy mattress: suitable for people with warm body temperatures.

We have come a long way since the last century when the sleeper even- tually felt the wire through the ticking and at the end the mattress felt like it was a bathtub.

Use: main bedroom, person with sensitive back

Use: single bed, child’s bedroom, guest room.


100% natural latex From the Hevea tree, this highly elastic material allows a gradual and balanced anatomical body fit. It provides very good independence while sleeping

Pure horse hair Horsehair is a traditional stuffing of the mattress. It is making a comeback due to its naturalness, high absorbency and because it is metal free It is considered good for rheumatism and provides strong support. Memory foam Under the influence of body tempera- ture, this high-tech foam is adjustable to your body like a mould, reducing any pressure on sensitive areas. Use: main bedroom, person with sen- sitive back.

Use: main bedroom, person with sen- sitive back.

Soy foam and Evopore Elite uses only two types of foam: Evopore foam high quality non-CFC (gas destroy- ing the ozone layer) and a foam of natural soy. These materials provide an anatomical support for sleepers.

Use: child’s room, guest bedroom and bunk beds.

Use: master bedroom mattress for those who want no foam nor metal.


The natural padding

Natural materials To create the most comfortable mattress, Elite artisans select only the best natural materials that are chosen because of their qualities and properties to ensure comfort and well-being. Chemically treated and synthetic materials are avoided.

Wool and silk Wool, whether from Swiss sheep, Andean alpaca, the Kashmir goat or camel provides excellent temperature control and ability to absorb moisture and breathe. Tussah silk, derived from the cocoon of the silk- worm keeps cool in summer and provides warmth in winter.






Vegetable fibers Chosen for their absorbence, breathability and resistance, materi- als such as organic cotton, lyocell (wood cellulose), SeaCell® (lyocell fiber enriched algae, rich in Vitamin E), soy fiber and Ingeo, a corn plant fiber, are also hypoallergenic and biodegradable.

Primary web The heart of mattress is surrounded and protected by a first layer. To ensure good elasticity, Elite favors materials such as 100% natural latex, horse hair or sisal fiber.


Horse hair


Organic cotton SeaCell®





The different types of mattresses

A good box-spring base improves the capacity to support the mattress. The correct support prevents damage to the pocket-springs and pro- longs the life of the mattress. The box spring, an Elite tradition The upholstered box springs are part of the heritage and unique exper- tise of Elite. Made to last a life-time, they offer unparalleled comfort. The box springs can stand alone or be integrated into your exist- ing bed frame. They can be designed to suit all types of mattresses including rounded edges or notched corners to fit a four-poster bed. It can be decorated in fabric or leather to perfectly suit the furniture and décor in your bedroom.

Designed with an Elite headboard of your choice, it will become the centerpiece of your bedroom.

The slatted bases They produce a strong adjustable support, flexible through articulated slats from the Flex system. The head and foot of the base can be adjusted. The slatted Elite bed fits all frames and types of Elite mattresses.

Power Bases They combine the comfort of an Elite box spring with modern technol-

ogy to experience the sleep enjoyed by the last generation. With remote control, the mattress adapts quickly and effortlessly to the needs of the sleeper.


Elite, a bed certified with EcoLabel and committed to a sustainable future

A sustainable and environmentally friendly product When choosing an Elite bed, you are not only purchasing a top quality product, you are also making a responsible ecological choice. As part of the Ecolabel, all Elite mattresses easily passed the stress tests of the specialized institute TÜV LGA in Germany. After 30,000 cycles under a 140 kg (equivalent steamroller 8 to 10 years’ use), Elite mattresses have outstanding results with virtually no loss of firm- ness, between 0 and 6% depending on the model tested. The philosophy of the Elite house is respect This fundamental value is reflected in the commitments of its suppliers as well as the require- ment for its employees.

By promoting natural materials and non-industrialized production meth- ods, Elite has always considered the protection of the environment and the health of its customers A healthy product Today there is evidence that all chemicals inhaled during sleep or absorbed through the skin during sleep from the linen or mattress will be absorbed into the blood-stream at some point. Elite is committed to producing a healthy product. All Elite mat- tresses have been certified by the European Ecolabel in 2011. Estab- lished in 1992, the EU Ecolabel is the only official European Ecolabel used in all member countries of the European Union. It takes into account criteria related to production, recycling and the overall impact on the environment. This label sets a strict framework regarding the intrinsic composition of the product with regards to the use of non-toxic products, quality, durabil- ity and comfort. All Elite mattresses meet these rigorous specifications.


Elite Gallery

Geneva • Aubonne • Lausanne • Sion Gstaad • Crans-Montana • Verbier St. Moritz • Bern • Lucerne • Zurich Basel • Riehen • Lugano

Paris • Milan • Cape Town • Shanghai

You can also contact us on our website or by email to [email protected]

© Copyright by Elite SA

GUIDE TO SLEEP WELL Sleep well to live better Relieve the body and recover Sleep disorders How to recognize a worn bed ?

How to choose a bed ? How to maintain a bed ?