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H Charles Jelinek Jr DDS May 2019

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H Charles Jelinek Jr DDS - May 2020

2 avocado, cubed 2 oz crumbled goat cheese DIRECTIONS 1. Heat oven to 450 F and line a baking sheet

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H Charles Jelinek Jr DDS March 2019

2–3 hours. 5. Remove, slice across the grain, and serve. Solution on pg. 4 Inspired by Food Network

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H Charles Jelinek Jr DDS - June 2019

7 ammunition production plant. We spent the summers of my childhood visiting my grandparents, and I

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H Charles Jelinek Jr DDS - December 2019

4 cup coconut sugar • 2 8-oz cans water chestnuts • 1 lb sliced bacon, quartered • Tamari (wheat-fre

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H Charles Jelinek Jr DDS - September 2019

2 cup onion, diced • 1 red pepper, diced • 2 strips bacon, cut into squares 1 large sweet potato,

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H Charles Jelinek Jr DDS - May 2021

2 cup sunflower oil • 1 tsp apple cider vinegar DIRECTIONS 1. In a large pot, boil corn for 30 minut

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H Charles Jelinek Jr. DDS April 2021

4 cup grated Parmesan cheese, divided DIRECTIONS 1. Preheat oven to 425 F and grease an 8-inch squar

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H Charles Jelinek Jr DDS - October 2019

2 hours and involved extensive X-rays and scans of my head, jaw, and face … no other dentist had eve

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H Charles Jelinek Jr DDS February 2019

4 cup olive oil • Lemon wedges, for serving • 2 sprigs rosemary DIRECTIONS 1. 30 minutes before cook

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H Charles Jelinek Jr DDS - August 2019

4 bunch cilantro leaves, sliced • Juice of 1 lime • Kosher salt, to taste DIRECTIONS 1. Heat a cast-

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H Charles Jelinek Jr DDS May 2019

May 2019


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GRANDPA 2.0 Celebrating Exciting Family EventsThis Spring

My dad served in the military while I was growing up and was frequently away from home. This meant that while he was leading a group of soldiers, my mom was the commanding officer of our household. She took on the role with pride and handily kept the house running smoothly and us kids in order. When my father would come back, he always marveled at her ability to keep a harmonious home. Now, 88 years old and confined to a wheelchair, my mom lives in Jacksonville, Florida. She’s a doting grandmother of eight children and a great-grandmother to eight more. Just in time for Mother’s Day, this incredibly strong mother and grandmother is going to be a great-grandma all over again. As readers may remember from our January newsletter, my daughter Sydney and her husband Kelan will welcome their second daughter into this world in mid-May. Their eldest child, Louisa, made me and my wife grandparents when she came into the world nearly two years ago in October of 2017. We are ecstatic to welcome the newest little one into our family. While we anxiously await her arrival, Sydney and Kelan are keeping us guessing at names. We can’t even pop into her nursery because they fear we will catch a clue in the decorations! I am so proud of the way Sydney has handled becoming a mother and the way she and Kelan continue to raise Louisa. The role came very naturally to her, and watching her take on motherhood with gusto is heartwarming. As the father of two daughters, it’s been special for me to watch the relationship between Sydney and her older sister Amanda transform. Amanda teaches kids with profound disabilities. The love and care she has for these children, who have been dealt some of the hardest hands life can deal, is absolute. In fact, whenever I begin to think about all the issues I have, I think about the struggles these young children have already lived through in their short lives, and I remember to be grateful for the life I have. As a child development expert, Amanda has been able to give Sydney advice on what is normal for a child Louisa’s age to do. Plus, Amanda thoroughly loves being an aunt to her niece. Obligation to help Sydney isn’t the reason for Amanda’s attentiveness; she genuinely wants to be there for Sydney, Kelan, and Louisa.

When she becomes an aunt again this May, Amanda will be every bit as doting as she is with Louisa. Since Sydney and her family moved to Richmond, about an hour and a half away from all of us, Amanda has missed the time she used to spend with her niece. My wife and I miss it, too! But we all relish every opportunity we get to spend time together.

Amanda has her own exciting news to celebrate this spring. She is engaged and will marry her fiance, Sean, on Jan. 4, 2020! He is a Marine reservist,

studying abroad for his MBA. So, while we prepare for a new baby, we are also in wedding-planning mode making decisions on the venue, dress, catering, cake, and everything else in between. My wife and I are thrilled to welcome so many new members to our family. Whether they are in the Marines, working on their master’s degree and marrying our daughter, or they are just being born and becoming our second granddaughter, we already love what they will add to our family.

— H. Charles Jelinek, Jr., DDS


Published byThe Newsletter Pro |

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Signs of Sleep Apnea Besides Snoring ‘But I Don’t Snore!’ Sleep apnea is a common breathing condition that can affect anyone, regardless of their overall health. Yet, the condition is often accompanied by stereotypes and stigmas. In fact, in the past, doctors frequently categorized sleep apnea symptoms in women as depression, often leading these patients down a dark road of misdiagnoses and treatments that did little for their condition. Many people understand that sleep apnea is common among those who snore and people who are overweight, but sleep apnea can be so much more than that. Receiving limited oxygen while you sleep can result in numerous severe symptoms. START with how you sleep. When you have sleep apnea, your brain isn’t getting enough oxygen because your airway is blocked. So, your brain tells the heart that the body needs to wake up. Because of this, instead of getting a restful sleep each night, your body is cycling through falling asleep and jolting awake. If you are restless, have insomnia, and wake up multiple times or have to use the restroom frequently throughout the night, sleep apnea may be the cause. NEXT , consider how you feel when you wake up. If you frequently have a dry mouth or sore throat in the morning, are breathless when you wake up, experience morning headaches, or feel lethargic, your body may be signaling that it is not getting enough oxygen while you sleep. FINALLY , think about how you live each day. Are you struggling with moodiness, irritability, or depression? Do you have trouble concentrating, struggle to remember regular tasks and duties, and live with erectile dysfunction? Do you need a nap just to get through the day? Sleep apnea may be the cause. If you or a loved one is living with any of these symptoms, a sleep test can determine if sleep apnea may be to blame for your daily struggles. At H. Charles Jelinek, Jr., DDS, our experts can help you find a diagnosis and treatment options that fit into your life. Learn more by visiting or calling 703-584-5996.


Teacher Appreciation Week runs from May 6–10 this year, and there are plenty of ways students of all ages can thank their educators for everything they do. Being a teacher isn’t an easy job, and the people who make it their profession are passionate about helping kids learn. Depending on how old your child is, they may need a parent’s help in showing their appreciation. Here are a few ways parents and children can appreciate teachers together. THANK-YOU NOTES This gesture is simple and sweet and can be very thoughtful. Telling a teacher what makes them outstanding can often be just as valuable as a gift. Help your child write an appreciative note and then write one yourself. Teachers often have to maintain the happiness of students, administrators, and parents. Your card could relieve some of the stress of that balancing act and let them know that you acknowledge their efforts. A HOMEMADE MEAL Making a homemade meal (or dessert) shows teachers that you went the extra mile to appreciate their hard work. You could make a favorite dish of yours or try to find a new recipe online. Either way, encourage your child to help you with the process so that the meal is truly a gift from both of you. DONATING SCHOOL SUPPLIES Many teachers use their own money to buy school supplies for their classroom. This is just one of the ways teachers go above and beyond on a daily basis, and buying some extra school supplies can help ease that cost. Take your child shopping with you and help them pick out supplies that you know their teacher will appreciate. Your children spend several hours a day with their teachers, so fostering relationships with them is vital. Use this day to help your children understand the importance of teachers, to teach them the power of gratitude, and to encourage them to show respect for everyone who helps them in life.




A full-mouth restoration can give you the confident smile you have always craved with false teeth that fit into your life. This simple procedure involves implanting false teeth that have been designed specifically for your mouth into your jawbone after careful planning and examination.

a recent patient for example. This patient’s ear, nose, and throat doctor recommended she come see Dr. Jelinek because her ears didn’t appear to be the cause of her severe earaches. After an exam, Dr. Jelinek and our team fitted this patient with an oral appliance she wears all day, every day, and set her up with regular maintenance appointments. At a recent check-in, this woman mentioned that within the last month, she only had one headache — a major improvement from months ago, when she would experience head pain four times every week.

But for some patients, relief can be more complex.

If your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) — which is where your jawbone hinges — is unstable, a full-mouth restoration can be problematic. Signs of an unstable joint include clicking or popping noises in your jaw or the inability to fully open your mouth. This could mean your joint is inflamed, hindered, or not at full capacity. Additional symptoms of TMJ disorder include headaches and neck and shoulder pain. Unfortunately, if you have a weak or hindered jaw bone, a standard full- mouth restoration isn’t going to hold. Think of your jaw like a three-legged stool. If one of the legs of the stool is broken or shorter, the stool will be wobbly. Essentially, the foundation of your mouth is too uneven to build onto.

An unstable jaw isn’t the end of the world. Find out how H. Charles Jelinek, Jr., DDS, can help by visiting or calling 703-584-5996.

But there is hope for patients who are living with pain and missing teeth. In fact, these are problems Dr. H. Charles Jelinek treats every day. Take

Shrimp Sausage Skewers

Inspired by



CREOLE SEASONING INGREDIENTS • 2 tablespoons paprika • 1/2 tablespoon garlic powder • 1/2 tablespoon onion powder •

1/2 pound raw shrimp, peeled and deveined

1/2 pound cooked sausage, cut into 1-inch pieces

2 zucchini, cut into 1/2-inch cubes

2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

1/2 tablespoon cayenne or chili powder

Wooden skewers, soaked in water for 30 minutes

1/4 tablespoon dried oregano

1/4 tablespoon dried thyme


1. Heat your grill to medium-high. 2. In a bowl, combine all ingredients for creole seasoning. 3. In a large bowl, combine the shrimp, zucchini pieces, and sausage pieces, and cover them with the olive oil. 4. Add creole seasoning and mix well until all ingredients are covered. 5. Load up skewers with alternating pieces of shrimp, sausage, and zucchini until they’re full. 6. Grill skewers until shrimp are well-cooked (6–8 minutes).

Solution on Pg. 4


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8505 ARLINGTON BLVD., SUITE 260 • FAIRFAX, VA 22031 703.584.5996 • www.Nor thernVirginiaDental .com



I’mBecoming a Grandpa, Again!

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Teacher AppreciationWeek Is Here! Nonsnoring Sleep Apnea Symptoms

Finding Relief for All Patients Shrimp Sausage Skewers


Genealogy Sites Provide Breakthroughs in Cold Cases

Genealogy Sites and the Warming of Cold Cases

We’ve come a long way in the field of forensic science since 1986, when DNA was first used to convict someone in court. In 2019, criminals who would have gotten away with their crimes in the past are now put behind bars where they belong. The advent of that were solved by sequestering information from sites like 23andMe and With this revolution in DNA testing on the rise, there’s really no end to the impossible-to-solve cold cases that can finally be put to rest. Whatever the motivation was behind genealogy sites in the beginning, they’re now some of the most sought-after >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5

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