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Hamilton Insurance Group June 2018

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Hamilton Insurance Group - June 2019

4 cup toasted hazelnuts, coarsely chopped • Mint leaves, for garnish • Parmesan cheese, preferably P

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Hamilton Insurance Group October 2018

8 teaspoon cayenne pepper • Nonstick vegetable oil spray Inspired by Bon Appétit magazine DIRECTIONS

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Hamilton Insurance Group - December 2018

2 cup heavy cream • 1 tablespoon unsalted butter • 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil • Salt and pe

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Hamilton Insurance Group - November 2018

2 cup dark brown sugar • 4 tablespoons unsalted butter • 1 tablespoon kosher salt 1. Heat oven to 37

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Hamilton Insurance Group August 2018

Hamilton Insurance Group August 2018 THE SILVER LINING To Your Life & Health 770-744-1855 E ducation

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Hamilton Insurance Group September 2018

2 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes • Juice of 1 lemon • Salt, for pasta water and to taste • 2 oun

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Hamilton Insurance Group May 2018

4 cup crumbled feta cheese • Salt and pepper to taste squash. Season with salt and pepper; cook 4–5

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Hamilton Insurance Group April 2018

4 cup fresh mint, plus more for garnish • Juice of 1 lemon • Salt to taste • Pistachios for garnish

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Hamilton Insurance Group July 2018

smores- strawberry-shortcake-recipe. The Elvis A campfire snack fit for a king — of rock ’n’ roll, t

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Hamilton Insurance Group - September 2019

2 lbs. heirloom and cherry tomatoes, roughly chopped • 2 scallions, thinly sliced Medicare Annual El

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Hamilton Insurance Group June 2018

THE SILVER LINING To Your Life & Health


H ow M y D ad T aught M e to B e a F ather

And the Lessons I Hope to Teach My Children

He is a hardworking man who loves his children. One day, he told me, “Duane, when I die, I hope God judges me based on how I treated my children.” His love for his children set a precedent for how I raise my children. It’s imperative to me that I spend time with my children as they grow up so I can support them in every possible way. My father’s independence and love for his children also played a role in how I started my career path. The desire to not be held down by my job comes from my dad. He is self- employed and has always called his own shots. Being in the mortgage industry for 35 years has shown me that he thrives on freedom, and I’m My dad is my hero. He’s taught me so much in life and molded me to be the man I am today. Things between him and my mom may not have worked out, but it wasn’t for lack of trying. They married and divorced twice. They gave it the proper American try, and it didn’t happen the way either of them wanted. When they separated, he was still a great dad to me. Even though I did not see him every day, he made his presence felt. There wasn’t a single responsibility where he dropped the ball. He paid for my college, my first car, and made sure he met his financial obligations to my mom.

the same way. When I was selling life insurance, I ran into one major complication: My children were getting older, and I wasn’t around enough. My wife needed me at home to help, but I was working a 9–5 job. A friend introduced me to this opportunity with Medicare so I could work a schedule that allowed me to financially support my children while still being present in their lives. The work lets me impart life lessons and raise them the way I believe is right. IT’S IMPORTANT TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF FIRST, BUT YOU ALSO HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF OTHERS. As my children grow up, I want them to understand life isn’t just about them. “

It’s important to take care of yourself first, but you also have to take care of others. I tell them to find one task a day they can do for someone else. For my son, I want him to be a gentleman, and for my daughters, I want them to be able to stand on their own two feet. At the same time, I want my children to recognize that it’s better to have a partner and not go it alone. The most important life lesson I want them to know is that they don’t have to follow the route I did. They can carve their own paths and find a way that works well for them. The decisions we make today can affect us for years. I’m proud to have a father who has modeled proper decision making for me, and I strive to do the same for my children. Happy Father’s Day to all the great dads out there. –Duane Hamilton 1 770-744-1855

well-being. It’s a shallow relationship that is based only on the value you can provide to them. When I work with people, I view my job as the exact opposite. I don’t ask, “What can you do for my wallet?” Instead, I ask, “What can I do to enrich your life?” What Is Said A salesperson is concerned about one thing and one thing only: closing the deal. A lot of the conversation will be centered around money or ways in which they can accomplish that goal. There’s no discussion about your health or your life. You’ll hear a rehearsed script aimed at making you buy what they’re selling. I can’t work that way. When I speak with people, I sometimes end up For people facing age-related changes like memory loss, the results of these tests are especially relevant. The studies point to evidence that meditation can strengthen certain areas of the brain — the prefrontal cortex, the hippocampus, and the amygdala — that weaken as we age. The Prefrontal Cortex Your prefrontal cortex thins with age, which is associated with decreased cognitive function in your later years. However, meditation may reduce this age- related thinning. Dr. Sara Lazar, a neuroscientist specializing in the effects of yoga and meditation on cognitive and behavioral function, reports that long-time meditators don’t show a decline in the thickness of the prefrontal cortex. The Hippocampus Your hippocampus helps you process and form new memories, and it’s very sensitive to stress. In fact, research shows that your hippocampus will shrink in response to stressful situations and chronic stress. The remedy? Meditation.

offering them a solution I don’t even provide! I look to add value by asking questions about your life and what you need so you can make the proper decisions. I’m not here to say salespeople are wrong or that you shouldn’t trust them. There are plenty of individuals out there who do a great job in sales and also provide value. What distinguishes what I do from what they do is the fact that I’m not taking money out of your pocket. If you’re interested in how I can provide value to your life through Medicare, reach out to me today. I am here to sincerely empower your life to be healthier, whether that’s with my service or not. Dr. Lazar’s study showed a positive correlation between meditation and a higher concentration of gray matter in the left hippocampus. The Amygdala Often called the fear center of the brain, the amygdala is triggered by stressful situations. But unlike the hippocampus, which shrinks in response to stress, the amygdala has been shown to become denser. In one study, people who attended mindfulness meditation classes showed a smaller stress response in brain scans compared to those who did not attend the classes. Meditation may help to decrease the density of the amygdala and therefore increase your ability to handle stress. Of course, in addition to these benefits, there’s a good chance that five minutes of meditation each day will simply make you feel better. People who meditate report an increase in overall well-being. Why not give it a try?

How Meditation Helps You Maintain Brain Health

Meditation has often been touted by New Age gurus as a way to find inner peace and stillness. But what if meditating could reduce the effects of aging on your brain? According to research, taking a few minutes out of your day to meditate may improve cognitive function. As meditation’s popularity has spread, so have studies of the practice. The results of 100 studies examining the cognitive effects of meditation all show evidence of improvements in psychological and cognitive functions. Some of the results are intuitive, such as how meditation helps us deal with stress. But other results are incontrovertible, such as scans showing that meditation causes structural changes in the brain.

Sales vs. Value-Added Service

Why I Am Not a Salesman

When people talk to me about what I do for a living, the word “salesman” often comes up. But I don’t look at my work as sales. When I knock on someone’s door or meet a client, their guard is usually up because they have a fear I’m going to try and swindle them. It’s been done before, so why would they think any different? That’s not how I do things, however. When I help a potential client, I’m not trying to sell. I’m trying to add value to their lives. Here are two essential aspects that differentiate value-added services from sales. How You’re Treated When you’re working with a salesperson, you’re treated like a dollar sign. They don’t take time to dive into your needs, your life, or your


I specialize in making sure my clients are covered to the full extent for their health needs. I’ve heard some interesting requests in my day, but I can’t say how I would react if one of my clients asked for one of these policies. Alien Insurance Yes, you read that right. You can get an insurance policy for the off-chance aliens abduct you. It may seem far- fetched, but there have been reported instances of premiums being as high as $150 per month! And if you think no one is taking the bait, think again. Tens of thousands of people across the world insure themselves against little green men. Of course, if you can prove you’ve been abducted, then you are entitled to the full payout of the plan. W on ’ t B elieve Do You Need Alien Coverage? I nsurance P olicies Y ou

Medicare doesn’t provide alien- abduction insurance, but it will cover a variety of health concerns. I’ve seen a lot of sales personnel attempt to put people in plans that they shouldn’t have. I’m here to make sure that you only get insurance on your pinky toe if you want it. If you’re interested in learning more, reach out to me today. I’ll help you get enrolled in a plan that is right for you.

Body Part Whether it be the tongue of Gene Simmons or even the chest hair of Tom Jones, many celebrities have policies in place to protect their signature traits. Bruce Springsteen once insured his voice for over $6 million, and cricket player Merv Hughes insured his mustache for $370,000. The list is endless, but for these stars, coverage is essential.

S picy C himichurri G rilled C heese


For chimichurri • 2 jalapeños • 4 green onions • 1/2 cup cilantro • 1 clove garlic • 2 tablespoons olive oil • Juice of 1 lime • 2 teaspoons honey

For sandwiches • 1 tablespoon olive oil • 1 ripe avocado, cut into slices • 2–4 ounces fresh mozzarella • 4 slices whole- wheat bread

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1. Pulse chimichurri ingredients in a food processor or blender until combined but not pureed. Add extra olive oil as needed. 2. Heat grill or skillet to medium-low. Brush outsides of bread with olive oil. Smear

1 tablespoon chimichurri on each slice of bread. Place a layer of avocado and cheese between slices. 3. Cook gently until bread is crisp and cheese is melted. 4. Slice and serve.

3 770-744-1855

1170 Peachtree Street NE Suite 1200 Atlanta, GA 30309




Fatherhood Means Being There for Your Children How Meditation Can Help the Aging Brain The Difference Between Sales



and Value-Added Service Yes, You Can Insure Your Chest Hair Spicy Chimichurri Grilled Cheese Too Much Shade? Plant These Vegetables! L ay S ome S hade on M e 3 3 4 There’s nothing quite like growing your own vegetables, but if your home doesn’t get the best sunlight, what can you do? It’s a problem many gardeners face. Even if you live in a sunny area, you may have a shady corner of the garden or side of the house going to waste. Fortunately, there are plenty of plants that do well in partial and full shade. The Best Vegetables to Plant in Shady Spots

As a general rule, leafy greens do better in shade and milder temperatures than other vegetables. Flowering plants and vines, such as cucumbers, peppers, and tomatoes, need more hours of sunlight per day in order to thrive — about six hours or more. Herbs. While many herbs, such as basil, are better suited for sunnier conditions, there are a few that will do great in shade. These include chives, cilantro, golden marjoram, mint, oregano, and parsley. (Hours of sun per day: 3) Kale. Typically, kale does well in partial shade. When kale is grown

in full shade, the leaves tend to be slightly smaller, but this can be offset by growing additional plants. (Hours of sun per day: 3–4) Peas. Like kale, when grown in shade, peas and beans won’t grow quite as full, and plants may take longer to mature, but with proper planning, you’ll still reap a plentiful harvest. Bush and dwarf varieties are recommended over their pole counterparts. (Hours of sun per day: 4–5) Potatoes. Root vegetables, such as potatoes, carrots, and beets, will grow in partial shade, but they may take

a few more weeks to mature, and they may produce fewer vegetables. However, as most gardeners agree, the results are still worth the effort. (Hours of sun per day: 4–5) Spinach. Like most leafy greens, spinach does very well in shade, particularly baby spinach. The plant will continue to produce leaves for an extended period of time if you regularly harvest the outer leaves. (Hours of sun per day: 3–4)