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Hands For Living_Fall Activities and Hand Pain

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Hands For Living_Holidays Without Hand Pain

Patient Spotlights “My pain subsided fast!” “My therapist encouraged me to do whatever I could, or f

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Hands For Living: Relief From Hand Injuries


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Hands For Living_Protect Your Hands

1sudoku. 3 8

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Hands For Living_Get a Grip on Hand Injuries at Work

L, CHT Are you in Pain? Call Today And Start Feeling Better Fast! 425-368-7943 True confessions: I h

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Hands For Living_Take Care of Your Hands n°228814 - LevelMedium bile these puzzles and find their solutions by flashing the codes

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Hands For Living_Keep Your Hands Warm

L, CHT If there is one thing that I tell clients every single day, it’s this: after a significant in

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Hands For Living_Arthritis Pain and One Day of Free Exams

jars, sleeping, work hobbies or sports, then this is an excellent opportunity to see one of our worl

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Hands for Living: Relieving Rotator Cuff Pain n° 223724 - LevelMedium 3 6 2 9 9 4 5 RelievingRotator CuffPain In The Acute Stage Talk

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Hands For Living: Arthritis Pain Relief

2 cup chopped walnuts Preheat oven to 350 degrees and grease a 9-by-5-inch loaf pan. In a large bowl

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Hands For Living_Cold Weather

eating-foods-away-home#sthash.r1XnSKuU. dpuf Lying on your back and holding a wand

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Hands For Living_Fall Activities and Hand Pain


Keep Your Hands Healthy For Fall Fun



Be Posture Perfect I grew up dancing and learned to “stand up straight” and “keep my shoulders back” at an early age. Unfortunately, while I had great posture on the dance stage, it didn’tcarryoveroffstage, to say, I have become a strong proponent of good posture. In addition to preventing shoulder injuries, proper posture will place your elbows and hands in a better position for all forceful tasks. What does proper posture look like? Correct posture can be achieved with a few easy steps: Sit in a chair with your feet on the ground. Engage your core ‒ pull in your stomach, as if you are bringing your belly button to your spine. Your shoulder blades will automatically move back and put your shoulder in a safe position. By Helen Reilly, OTR/L

Are you in Pain? Call Today And Start Feeling Better Fast! 425-368-7943

where I slouched horribly. By the time I reached graduate school, I had developed impingement syndrome in both of my shoulders. Impingement syndrome is an injury to the rotator cuff tendons or bursa at the shoulder joint that results in pain while reaching up or back, as well as general shoulder weakness. Because these tendons are sandwiched between the arm bone and the top of the shoulder, the inflamed tendons become compressed and blood flow is reduced. When blood flow is reduced, the tendonbegins to frayand, ifuntreated,may tear through completely. If Ihadusedmycoreandupperbackmuscles, Icould haveavoidedmonthsofpainandrecovery.Needless

It’sthateasy,but improvingyourposturepermanently takes time and requires you to be mindful of how you are moving throughout the day.To build a habit out of proper posture, I recommend setting a timer and checking in on your posture throughout the day.Beforeyouknow it,slouchingwill feelawkward and you will be enjoying a strong, flexible core and graceful movement in all the directions you care to go!

2 Hand Pain: Getting a Grip on Back to School and Fall Activities 6 7 1 4


n° 318548 - Level Hard

Between end-of-summer barbecues, shopping for the return to school and getting used to the cooler weather – there are plenty of reasons why your hands and arms may be a bit overworked this time ofyear. However, that shouldn’t keepyou fromenjoying the season and spending time with loved ones. In fact, there are plentyof fun, simple and easyactivities foryou to tryout during the fall season that won’t put additional strain on your hands and arms. At Hands for Living, we want to make sure you are able to get the most out of life without painful arthritis flare-ups or other pain symptoms. If you’re interested in learning more about reducing chronic pain, keep reading and be sure to check out our available hand therapy services online today. 5 Fun Fall Activities Everyone Can Enjoy 1. Hiking There are few better ways to spend a beautiful fall day than by getting out and enjoying nature. While some people envision battling up amountainside when theythink about hiking, a good hike doesn’t have to leaveyou feeling worse for wear afterward. Simplypack up a backpack with water and snacks, put on some sunscreen, lace upyour hiking shoes andyou’re readyto go. Pick a trail that is simple and easyor pushesyourself with something a bit more intermediate – the choice is yours! 2. Get Crafty One great fall activity that can help with your hand therapy is crafting.The comfortable and crisp fall weather makes crafting the ideal indoor activity for people of all ages as well. Try your hand a crafting a fall wreath using fake leaves, flowers, and greenery. Or break outyour craft paints to decorate fallen acorns and leaves then string them together to make a festive fall garland. 3. Corn Maze If a day spent out on the hiking trail isn’t really your cup of tea, you can instead opt for a leisurely stroll in a corn maze this fall. Great for a fun familywalk, most corn mazes are simple enough for the kids to enjoy and are often located near hot apple cider stands too – perfect for a crisp fall day. 4. Apple Picking Nothing quite says fall better than time spent picking apples with your loved ones. Visit a local farm to pick a couple of sacks of apples, take a hayride and stock up on other seasonal favorites. Once you get home, you can use your apples to back up a few of your favorite fall treats as well. The cooking and baking possibilities are endless when you’ve got farm fresh apples in the house.

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n° 36953 - Level Hard

Play on your mobile these puzzles and find their solutions by flashing n°318548 n°310547 n° 369

5. Pumpkin Carving It’s never too early to start practicing for the perfect Halloween pumpkin! So why not gather a group of friends and family for a pumpkin carving party? In fact, practicing with some of the tools needed for pumpkin carving can actually be helpful for hand therapy because the repetitive exercises can help to reprogram certain muscles in the hand. So grab a pumpkin or two and start carving! Enjoy a Safe and Happy Fall Season With so many big changes coming up in the fall season, it’s important to take some time out ofyour busyschedule for a few fun and relaxing activities. Any of these simple and delightful fall activities would be great to try out with your loved ones and won’t aggravate your hand or arm pain. Interested in learning more about the benefits of hand therapy for reducing chronic hand, arm, and shoulder pain? Call (425) 368-7943 or contact our friendly team at Hands for Living online today for more information.

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Fun & Games SUDOKU 7 2 4 3

Shoulder Exercise Helps With Weakness and Pain



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n°310547 - LevelHard

The object is to place the numbers 1 to 9 in the emptysquares so that each row, each column and each 3x3 box contains the same number only once. Shoulder Exercise Lying on your back and holding a wand, palm face down on both sides, slowly raise the wand towards overhead. Repeat 12 times a day.



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n°315994 - LevelHard

Patient Spotlight n°315994 “I couldn’t have asked for a better therapist.” “My therapist was very skilled and knowledgeable in what she does. She always pushed me in my exercises to do even better. When I started therapy, I really didn’t know how much it would help. After starting with JoAnn, every week I was excited to come back and show her my improvements. I couldn’t have asked for a better therapist. Thank you!” - MacKenzie R.

Turkey Meatballs

flashing the codes below : n°36953

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INGREDIENTS • 1 lb ground turkey • 1 large egg beaten • 1/4 cup shaved parmesan

• 1 tsp basil • 1 tsp salt

• 1/2 tsp ground black pepper • 1 (24 oz) jar red pasta sauce • 1/2 lb whole grain spaghetti

• 1 tsp garlic powder • 1 tsp onion powder

Directions Preheat broiler on high for 5 minutes. Combine all meatball ingredients in large bowl. Useyourhands tomix the ingredients.Usea1.5 tablespooncookiescoop toscoop18 meatballsontoa rimmedcookiesheet.Broilon top rack for5minutes. Ina largeskillet, bring pasta sauce to a low simmer. Add in cooked meatballs and simmer together for 5-10minutesoruntilmeatballsarecompletelycooked through.Servewithyourchoice of pasta, fresh basil, more parmesan and enjoy!