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Hare Business Elite Mar-Apr 2020

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Hare Business Elite - August 2017

August 2017 | | page 1 Published by The Newsletter Pro • www.newsletterpro.c

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Hare Business Elite NovDec 2017

December 2017 | Published by The Newsletter Pro •

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Hare Business Elite May/June 2017

June 2017 | Published by The Newsletter Pro •

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Hare Business Elite November/December 2018

2017 • Bonus depreciation percent was increased to 100 percent • Qualified property for bonus deprec

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Hare Business Elite March/April 2018

April 2018| Published by The Newsletter Pro •

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Hare Business Elite- September/October 2017

October 2017 | Published by The Newsletter Pro •

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Hare Business Elite May June 2018

June 2018 | Truck of the Month: The Brand-New 2019 Corvette Z06 Trucks aren’

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Hare, Wynn, Newell & Newton - February 2020

4 cup peanut butter for 30 seconds, then drizzle peanut butter on top of balls. Freeze balls for ano

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Elite Smiles - January/February 2020

2346352085655110 If you’re looking for more outdoor activities, Anastasia State Park is also hosting

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Hare, Wynn, Newell & Newton May 2020

2 cups for later use. In a bag, add the remaining mixture and pork shoulder. Marinate for at least 8

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Hare Business Elite Mar-Apr 2020


TRUCK Tribune

Kicking Off Spring With a Truck Show

The Hare Truck Center had a great 2019. We brought a lot of momentum with us into 2020, and we’ve only picked up steam as we head into the spring. Looking back over the past several months, I’m stunned at just how much we’ve grown! It’s by leaps and bounds, and now, we’re leaping into spring. To kick off spring, we’ll be attending the NTEA Work Truck Show in Indianapolis, March 3–6. This is the largest work truck show in the U.S. with over 530 exhibitors and attendees from all over the country and world. This year, the Work Truck Show celebrates its 20th anniversary, which makes it all the more special. There are many great speakers, presentations, and exhibitors lined up this year, and we’re excited to participate. Plus, we’re partnered with both Isuzu and Chevy at this year’s show, and we’ll be a part of their booths. Overall, it’s a great time. We get to talk about trucks, see what’s new in the industry, and take a close look at prototypes. While prototypes don’t always make it to market, it’s fun to see what companies are working on for the future. There’s always so much information packed into those few days. It can be hard to take it all in. The presentations can be a real learning experience — several companies get the chance to explain their initiatives and products. Presentations sometimes get in-depth and technical, and they can give a lot of insight into the products we work with every day.

As always, we’re more than happy to get our customers and partners free passes to the Work Truck Show. Depending on when this hits your mailbox, it might be too late, but it’s something to keep in mind for the future if you’re interested in attending the show. Back at the Truck Center, we recently welcomed a new addition to the team: Aaron McCoy! He joins us as a technician who brings a wealth of truck knowledge to our facility. We’re very glad to have him on board, especially going into the spring! As you may know, spring is a very busy time for us. A lot of truck-reliant businesses are getting revved up for the spring and summer. This includes just about everyone in the landscaping business. Yards need to be

mowed, trees need to be trimmed, and people want their homes looking their best. That means a lot of hauling equipment around. We’re glad to be in the middle of it all! We sell a lot of vehicles that make landscapers’ jobs so much easier, not to mention all the other businesses we partner with and serve. It brings us a lot of joy to be a part of the local and regional business community and to help other businesses meet their transportation and hauling needs. -John Pence Service Manager Here’s to another great spring! | page 1

Published by The Newsletter Pro •


If you dive deep into the tactics of successful businesses and startups, a common thread among them is that culture reigns king. More and more value is placed on fostering an uplifting atmosphere for employees, which allows them to generate better business. The general consensus says great culture is built over time and can take many tries in an attempt to get it “just right.”But one book suggests that you might not need to look very far to pinpoint the biggest influence behind company culture. In “Five Frequencies: Leadership Signals That Turn Culture Into Competitive Advantage,”a team of four authors compile their years of extensive experience working with companies to execute cohesive strategies for building effective culture. Jeff Grimshaw, Tanya Mann, Lynne Viscio, and Jennifer Landis have witnessed company cultures of every type be successful and fail. They concluded that culture doesn’t cultivate from the many but, rather, is affected by the few. In this case, the few are the leaders of the business. The authors assert that leaders are, at every moment, transmitting signals to their team, whether intentionally or not. Teams take cues from those who lead them, so if leaders aren’t dialed into the frequencies they’re giving off, they could be transmitting troublesome signals. Instead, leaders should always be dialed into their “vibes”and be particularly aware of five specific frequencies:

4. The way they show up informally 5. How they compose formal communications

“Five Frequencies” illustrates how correctly tuning into these frequencies can give leaders the tools they need to make bad culture good and good culture great. Full of tried-and-true examples from real companies around the globe, this guide proves that culture is not something tangible you can hold, nor is it a procedural element you can simply implement. It’s something people feel, and it’s built and explained by the behaviors that surround it. This means it can be difficult to manage, measure, and, most importantly, change. But if leaders take the time to look at themselves and the actions they exemplify, they’ll have a solid foundation to start.

1. Their decisions and actions 2. What they choose to reward and recognize 3. What they do and do not tolerate

as unscientific, but there’s a lot of research to support making intuitive decisions. Friederike Fabritius and HansW. Hagemann, authors of“The Leading Brain: Neuroscience Hacks to Work Smarter, Better, Happier,”explain howwe develop that“gut feeling.” Intuitive decisions are driven by two structures in your brain: the basal ganglia and the insula. The basal ganglia are connected to movement and building habits. The insula, part of the cerebral cortex, becomes engaged when you experience pain, feel love, listen to music, or even enjoy a piece of chocolate. Neuroscientists believe the insula is responsible for self- awareness, particularly for recognizing changes in your body. When you have to solve a problem, your basal ganglia start working on a solution, even if you aren’t consciously thinking about it. If you make a conscious decision that agrees with the subconscious solution of your basal ganglia, your brain gives off a subtle reward. The decision doesn’t have to be logical to feel right — that’s your gut feeling. However, if the conscious and subconscious parts of your brain don’t agree, your insula detects the discrepancy and registers a threat. It’s the“I have a bad feeling about this”response. Fabritius and Hagemann note that gut feelings“represent the most efficient use of your accumulated experience.”According to the authors, flipping a coin is the best way to really listen to your basal ganglia and insula. Your subconscious brain has already made a decision; flipping a coin helps you test your intuition about each option. If the coin lands on heads and you feel relieved, then heads is the right choice. However, if the coin lands on tails and you’re uncertain or want to flip again, then that’s your intuition saying the other option is the better choice. So, the next time you’re caught in a pickle, grab the nearest quarter and put your intuition to the test.

The Scientifically Smarter Way to Make Business Decisions Heads or Tails?

You have two options in front of you. They both sound great, are backed by research, and could transform your business for the better, but you can only choose one. Which do you commit to? When you’re faced with two equally worthwhile options, science says the best way to make a decision is to flip a coin. When you flip a coin, you’re not really leaving the decision up to chance; you’re actually calling on your intuition to guide you. The practice is often regarded

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Truck of the Month Isuzu Trucks & Knapheide Bodies — A Perfect Spring Combination If you haven’t seen themalready, the 2020 Isuzu NRR trucks have arrived at the Hare Truck Center showroom! Couple this truck with a Knapheide body, and you have a real winner. Here are a few details about the 2020 Isuzu NRR truck. It’s a 9,500-pound GVWR, standard cab with plenty of features and available options.Whatever your purpose may be, the truck can be configured tomeet your needs.We had onemodel that included a 12-foot Knapheide landscape dump body with a toolbox. The Isuzu NRR also uses the exclusive hexapod design in order tomaximize interior space. More space equals more comfort mixed withmore productivity and maintenance features. Like all Isuzu Diesel N-series trucks built after 2007, it includes a >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4

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