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Healthmates Newsletter July 2022

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July 2022 - Foresight Newsletter

Resuscitaire equipment checklists (RNSH | HKH | Ryde | MV | MHDA | PACH) St 8 Clinical Governance St

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July PCSBV Newsletter 2022

July PCSBV Newsletter 2022 The PCSBV Bulletin July 2022 Imagine how much more important your relatio

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Newsletter - July 2022

or Outside Personal Trainers are not allowed in the Gyms or at Fitness Classes The Seven Oaks Scene

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July 2022 E-Newsletter

Guardians must remain on premises For safety, closed shoes are required for outdoor play. Children w

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Newsletter Pro - July 2022

Newsletter Pro - July 2022 July 2022 Still Can’t Reach Independence? You Might Be In Your Own Way Ev

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Data Centre Newsletter July 2022

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July Newsletter

ERINMILLS What's Happening in Erin Mills? Get connected by joining our community hub for local b

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Victorian Village | Life Style Newsletter | July 2022

Victorian Village | Life Style Newsletter | July 2022 JULY 2022 VICTORIAN VILLAGE Campus News Senior

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Village Woods | Life Style Newsletter | July 2022

or incapable of caring for themselves in healthy ways), and then what is good for our self. As we ce

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Newsletter - July 2019

Intermediate (3.5) Drills To be able to attend Advance drills the student needs to be able to show p

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Healthmates Newsletter July 2022

JULY 2022

Push-up Challenge wrap up. DISCO DAZZLER ZUMBA PARTY | DO YOU KNOW YOUR NUMBERS? much more

JULY 2022

A word from the manager

I have to start this off with a HUGE thank you to everyone who got involved in any shape or form in our 2022 Push-Up Challenge. It was great to see so many of you participate and get behind the fund-raising for Lifeline, including our own staff here at Health Mates. Together we raised an amazing $15,722.05, making us NSW's number one fund-raising community in the Sports & Fitness Category and first place nationally for the community that banked the most push-ups. What an effort, and we couldn't have done this without you. A full wrap-up of this event and our prize winners can be found on the following page, so be sure to read on. This month we are highlighting diabetes. For many of you it may not even cross your mind, but did you know it causes 4,400 amputations every year? This statistic certainly grabbed my attention. Worst still, 500,000 people are living with type 2 diabetes right now and don't even know it. The good news is evidence shows type 2 diabetes can be prevented in up to 58% of high risk cases, many including lifestyle improvements. When was you last check? If you are a passionate Personal Trainer, or know someone locally that is, we are currently recruiting for trainers. You can visit our website under the About / Careers section for full details and how to apply.

If you have been experiencing glitches when trying to book a class via our app recently a new version was released 30 June, but it contained a bug. This has since been fixed, so if you are still experiencing any issues check if you are running the revised 6.5.8 version. If you're not sure how to check what version you have please see us; we're happy to help. Have you lost something lately and have no idea where you put it? Well, it might just be here. We have loads of lost items, clothes and bottles that have been left behind. We will be donating our lost property stash at the end of July, so check with our reception team if you think you may have left something of yours here. Exciting news! Revesby Workers' is celebrating it's 60th anniversary. From 15 July there will be 60 days of daily offers for you to enjoy. What does this mean for you? Every day there will be a different offer, from $6 cocktails to burger bonuses and 30% off meals. There'll also be offers for Health Mates, so be sure to tell your friends and family! To find out more grab the club's August journal, visit the RWC website or check out the signage throughout the club. Happy celebrations!

Christina; Executive Manager - Health & Fitness

"The difference between winning & losing is most often not quitting" - Walt Disney -


JULY 2022

It's a Wrap

1 - 24 JUNE

The 2022 Push-Up Challenge is officially over. A huge THANK YOU to everyone who got behind this campaign, whether that be by joining a team, doing push-ups or alternatives, donating online or popping a donation in our charity tin. Everyone's support has certainly helped to raise awareness of the importance of mental health, as well as valuable funds for Lifeline. A special acknowledgement goes out to our legends that asked their friends, family and co-workers to get behind this worthwhile cause - you've made a massive impact and your efforts are very appreciated. A huge shout-out to our top six fund-raisers: Pauline Fong (Team: 5:30am Morning Crew) - $1,390 Courtney Fong (Team: 5:30am Morning Crew) - $965 Perry Zamagias (Team: The Unbeatables) - $770 Joy Shing (Team: Da Boss) - $650 Shaun Websdale (Team: Da Boss) - $500 Joan Nagle (Team: M.J.) - $410

This is what our amazing Health Mates Community achieved over the 24 days:

$15,722.05 raised for Lifeline. 18 teams consisting of 239 push-up legends (28% more than 2021). 430,405 push-ups completed (an average of 1,800 push-ups completed by every legend) and 98,423 more than 2021!

Here is how we placed on the Push for Better Leaderboard in the Sports & Fitness Category:



Our community rocks! What an achievement! Once again, thank you for getting behind the 2022 Push-Up Challenge with us. We totally appreciate your enormous support and energy! Special mention: Overall there were 1,480 teams in the challenge Australia-wide, including all categories. Health Mates came 22nd in in our fund-raising efforts and 7th in the banked push-ups stakes. That's a brilliant effort - super proud!

And our top 3 team fund-raisers: 5:30am Morning Crew - $3,885 Da Boss - $2,520 You Got This - $1,430

Congratulations to the 5:30am Morning Crew : All 16 team members completed the full 3,139 push-ups!

Zac L (Team: Mission Slimpossible) enjoys a 1 month Health Mates membership Louise G (Team: Mission Slimpossible) has scored a 1 hour Personal Training session Dean W (Team: The Unbeatables) has won a $50 RWC gift card And the winners are… Anyone who completed their pledged number of push-ups went into the draw to win one of three prizes. Let's not forget the bonus 4,050 (yes, more than the pledged 3,139) 'thank you burpees' donated by RJ, Amber, Ben J, Ben W, Jamie, Max, Zander, Jules and Steph. Plus the team were chosen twice for the Push-Up of the day pic. Well done team!


JULY 2022

Group Ex - In the News

We have passed the middle of the year without too much interruption, which is great to see. We are now well into Winter and all those bugs that we avoided over the last two years are is hitting us all hard. We need to be vigilant for each other and stay home when we are unwell. Thank you for your patience and understanding as your instructors have also been hit by those bugs; we are all coming back to our classes as soon as we can. Class changes: As the Winter cold weather has moved in, class attendance numbers have decline. The following classes have been rested and will be reassessed come spring.

Did you know... You can bring a friend with you to attend the gym, including taking a class? As a member, you can certainly do this. It's a great way to get your friends moving and we know many of you have more fun when you exercise with a buddy. You can bring as many mates as you like (one trial visit per person), so see us at reception if you'd like to book your friend/s in to do a class with you. Stay warm and healthy. Let's not hibernate this Winter, instead use exercise as an opportunity to keep warm and focus on your physical and mental health.

Mon 5.45am Tabata Wed 9am Cardio HIIT Wed 4.30pm Cardio HIIT Wed 7pm Rev

Tuesday 8.45am Sculpt is now Butt Blast Wednesday 4.30pm is now Rev 45 Friday 8am Butt Blast is now Sculpt 60

Also, check out our feature Disco Dazzler Zumba class below. Warm up your Friday night with your favourite dance tracks from the disco days and be sure to sparkle like a disco ball!

Carissa; Assistant Manager

- Vicki Baum -


JULY 2022

Diabetes Week

10 to 16 July

Life is busy. Work, family, friends, chores, a social life. Sometimes we’re so busy running around after everyone else, we don’t take the time to think about our health. For many Australians, putting themselves at the bottom of their ‘to do list’ puts their health at risk. This could include being diagnosed with type 1 or type 2 diabetes too late. Not making time for yourself, or time to learn the early warning signs, can put you at risk of major life-threatening health problems. Both types of diabetes are more common than you think.

Did you know diabetes…

Myths vs Facts There are many myths about diabetes which can make separating fact from fiction difficult. To cut through the confusion, we’ve broken down some of the common misconceptions: Myth - Diabetes is not serious Fact – There is no such thing as “mild” diabetes. All types of diabetes are serious and can lead to complications if not well managed. Diabetes can affect quality of life and can reduce life expectancy. Myth – You have to be overweight or obese to develop diabetes Fact – Being overweight or obese is a risk factor for type 2 diabetes but it is not a direct cause. Some people who are overweight may not develop type 2 diabetes while some people who are of a healthy weight will develop type 2 diabetes. Is the leading cause of blindness in working age adults? Is a leading cause of kidney failure? Is the leading cause of preventable limb amputations? Increase a person’s risk of heart attacks and stroke by up to four times? Is estimated to cost the Australian economy around $14.6 billion per annum? Many Australians will live with type 2 diabetes for up to seven years before being diagnosed. More than 500,000 Australians are living with silent, undiagnosed type 2 diabetes. If not diagnosed in time, it can cause blindness, kidney damage, amputation and heart attack. Although you can develop type 2 diabetes at any age, your risk increases if you are over 40, especially if you are overweight or have a family history of type 2 diabetes.

Myth – Diabetes can be prevented Fact – Not all types of diabetes can be prevented. Type 1 is an autoimmune condition, it can't be prevented and there is no cure. The cause of type 1 diabetes is still unknown. Strong international evidence shows diabetes prevention programs can help prevent type 2 diabetes in up to 58% of cases. There is no single cause of type 2 diabetes, but there are well-established risk factors. Your risk of developing diabetes is also affected by things you cannot change such as family history and ethnicity. Myth – You only get type 2 diabetes when you’re old Fact – Type 2 diabetes usually develops in adults over the age of 45 years, but is increasingly occurring in younger age groups including children, adolescents and young adults. Myth – People with diabetes can’t eat dessert Fact – Because diabetes effects blood glucose levels, many people think they need to avoid sugars and foods containing sugar. However, if eaten as part of a healthy meal plan, or combined with exercise, sweets and desserts can be eaten by people with diabetes. Myth – Only people with type 1 diabetes need insulin Fact – Around 50 percent of people with type 2 diabetes will need insulin after 6-10 years of being diagnosed with diabetes because the pancreas produces less insulin over time. Taking medication when required can result in fewer complications in the long-term and is part of managing type 2 diabetes. People with type 1 diabetes depend on insulin replacements every day of their lives. They must test their blood glucose levels several times throughout the day.

Ref: Diabetes Australia;


JULY 2022

Our fitness appraisal is an awesome way to hold yourself accountable with your training as you will be able to monitor your progress. The whole process takes approximately 15 minutes (includes measuring your blood pressure and Tanita scan) and can be done prior to your training session. Do you know if what you are doing at the gym is keeping or moving your health numbers into the healthy zone? If you don’t know your health numbers, it might be time to find out. It is important that you know these numbers as they will give you a good indication of your overall health. Below is the 5 key numbers that you need to know. Why have a fitness appraisal?

- Body Mass Index - Waist to Hip ratio - Blood Pressure

Knowing and acting on high BP can save lives. We have referred members to their GP after discovering their BP was high; within a week they were having life-saving heart surgery. High BP is called the silent killer as there are often no symptoms, so checking it regularly is advisable. Your fitness appraisal will also include a Tanita body scan and a VO2 sub max test (depending on your goals). Stay tuned as we dive into more information about what these will tell you next month. We highly recommend getting a Fitness Appraisal every 6-8 weeks so you can see how you are progressing and have a consultation with one of our trainers. If you are exercising regularly, why not have a plan in place to make the best use of your time? You've got nothing to lose, but plenty to gain.

- Blood sugar - Cholesterol

What do these numbers mean? The top 3 numbers you can keep an eye on at Health Mates as we measure them as a part of your fitness appraisal. The last two can be taken care of by your GP. Body Mass Index or BMI for short. Is where we use your age, your height and weight to find out your BMI. This gives as an estimate of your fat levels in your body. This score is a score that your doctor uses as well. This is only an estimate and as you start to weight train very regularly you would focus more on waist to hip ratio. Waist to hip ratio gives us an idea of body fat. Stored fat that is close to the heart is considered high risk for cardiovascular disease. If our waist is where we are storing it then this is very close to our heart. Blood pressure (BP) is the pressure (force per unit) exerted by circulating blood on the walls of blood vessels. Persistent hypertension is one of the risk factors for strokes, heart attacks and heart failure and is a leading cause of chronic renal failure. Even moderate elevation of arterial blood pressure leads to shortened life expectancy. By measuring your BP during your fitness appraisal we'll be able to give you immediate feedback on where it's sitting.

RJ; Fitness Coordinator

Our Fitness Appraisals are FREE for any Health Mates member. Make sure you take advantage of this valuable service by making an appointment with our reception team.

Have you ever jumped on a cardio machine to find the touch screen doesn't like you? Don't take it personally. With everyone using wipes to clean the screens it leaves behind a residue. Once this builds up the sensitivity of the screen decreases. If you notice this please let us know as we have a special way to rectify this and will get onto it ASAP. What's wrong with my fingers?


JULY 2022

A special introduction to Georgia. We love Georgia's energy and love of people. In her time away from Health Mates she is studying to become a paramedic. If you haven't already met her, pop up to reception and say hi! 60 Seconds with Georgia

How long have you been working at Health Mates? About 4 months!

What's your favourite take away food? Burgers! - Beef not chicken though...

What makes you smile most about working here? I enjoy watching the members doing what they love. Seeing the commitment and dedication of other members to exercise is inspiring. What's your favourite type of exercise? Anything outdoorsy! Hiking through the National Park or playing soccer on a Sunday

If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? Somewhere sunny in Europe.

Favourite holiday destination? Great Barrier Reef

Favourite TV show? Greys Anatomy - it's a guilty pleasure...

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? Surrounding myself with my friends and family.

Favourite Song? Seventeen Going Under - Sam Fender

Tell us something about yourself that not many people know. I'm studying to become a paramedic, which I love more than anything. I am also a twin.

What's in season?

VEGETABLES: Artichoke, Beans (green), Beetroot, Bok Choy, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Capsicum, Carrot, Cauliflower, Celery, Eggplant, Leek, Lettuce, Mushroom, Onion, Parsnip, Peas, Potato, Pumpkin, Silver beet, Spinach, Swedes, Sweet Potato, Tomato and Zucchini.

Winter has arrived, so we thought we'd share the best in-season fruit and veg to help you prepare healthy and economical meals over the coming months. FRUIT: Apples, Kiwi Fruits, Grapefruit, Lemon, Lime, Mandarin, Rock melon, Oranges, Passionfruit, Pears and Rhubarb. Avocados are also in season and Australia has an abundance of them at the moment, so get them while they are cheap.


JULY 2022

Our SKILLRUNs have the unique MULTIDRIVE TECHNOLOGY (patent pending), allowing both cardio training and resistance workouts to enhance power. The interactive UNITY console allows you to access a completely customised workout experience, engaging and motivating you through digital content, personalised training programs and >Page i Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9

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