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Hearing Center of LI - July 2018

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July 2018

Long Island Sound

What I Learned From a Fighter Jet Pilot

Ed Rush and ‘The 21-Day Miracle’

Dr. Larry and Ed Rush

With Independence Day being celebrated this month, it is the perfect time to remember those military members who have served our country. It’s also a great time to consider what those of us who have not served can learn from them. One of those veterans is former Marine Corp fighter pilot and flight instructor, Ed Rush. When Ed first joined the Marines, he was not sure whether or not he would be able to make it through the grueling experience of boot camp. He met another recruit who had accidentally broken his toe during training and had to leave. Rush briefly considered doing the same — on purpose — in order to get out of boot camp without being labeled a quitter. He ultimately decided to persevere. As a result, he eventually flew over 50 combat missions as an F-18 fighter jet pilot, became the primary instructor for one- on-one dogfighting for the Marines, and earned an Air Medal for his service. Today, Ed Rush spends more time on stage than in the cockpit, using the many lessons he learned in the military to help people reach goals that are important to them. Recently, I had the opportunity to see him speak, and I spent some time chatting with him afterward. He was encouraging and inspiring, with a great sense of humor and lots of helpful ideas. In one of his best-selling books, “The 21- Day Miracle: How to Change Anything in 3 Weeks,” I found many valuable lessons that have been helpful to me, and I think they could be helpful to my patients.

Though Rush has accomplished a great deal in the military and in business, he insists that those accomplishments had nothing to do with his superior determination, innate skill, or intelligence. (He flunked out of kindergarten.) Instead, he credits his success to two things: using proven principles that anyone can use and having good training. Two of the principles Rush credits for his success – and the success of many people – are: 1. It takes about 21 days of consistent work to develop a habit or accomplish something of significance. 2. Most accomplishments are achieved with the “sprint then rest” approach rather than the “slow and steady” approach. He mentions that, although boot camp lasts thirteen weeks, it takes three weeks of boot camp to “make a Marine.” In those three weeks, the new recruit develops the mindset and basic skills to be a Marine. The rest of the time is spent honing those skills. It is interesting to note that research shows it takes about three weeks for most people to adapt to new sounds from new hearing aids and start to get maximum benefit. During that time, it may be easy to become discouraged, but my experience with many patients over the years confirms that those who stick out those 21 days, like Ed Rush did, are likely to discover a whole new world of better hearing. In general,

three weeks is enough time to really accomplish something, but it’s not so long that you will get burned out. Rush learned the importance of good training as a fighter pilot. More than once, while flying his F-18, he got into dangerous situations and there was no time to figure out what to do. Knowing what to do because of his training saved his life. While I can’t say that the training we give our patients in how to handle difficult listening situations has saved their lives, we often hear from patients about how the coaching and instruction we have provided them with saved them from frustration and embarrassment. I have found that if you want to improve your listening ability (or any aspect of your life), putting in concentrated effort for a few weeks and having good training can make all the difference. You don’t need to be an award-winning F-18 fighter pilot to make some real improvements in your quality of life!

–Lawrence Cardano, Au.D.

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Ambient Noise Is Louder Than Ever — Here’s How to Avoid It Looking for a Quiet Restaurant? Try SoundPrint

more, hearing loss from all causes is the third-most prevalent chronic health condition in the country, topped only by diabetes and cancer. But the damage goes beyond physical health. If you are one of the unlucky 30 percent of people suffering from hearing loss, noise pollution can drastically hinder your ability to communicate with your loved ones. There’s a reason that so many people with hearing difficulty stop going out to restaurants, withdraw into their homes, and decide that communication is just too much effort. Luckily, there’s SoundPrint, a new app that helps users pinpoint restaurants and cafes that aren’t drowning in noise, allowing you to have a conversation without being overwhelmed by everything else that’s going on in the background.

The app uses a decibel reader to show users the exact level of noise wherever they are and allows them to upload “noise reviews” to warn other users about loud places they should avoid. It’s easy to use. All you need to do is open the map, check around for areas rated “Quiet” or “Moderate,” and head there for a more casual, less strenuous dining experience. There are even lists on of certified “Quiet Spots” in cities like NYC, San Francisco, and even Las Vegas! Though SoundPrint is still in its early days, it’s already an incredibly useful tool for those of us who prefer a quieter place to relax and talk with those we love. Check it out and let us know your experience — we’d love to hear if the app has helped you steer clear of the noise of daily life.

“Before I visited Hearing Center of Long Island, I was trying to wear a hearing aid that was given to me by a relative. It was not much help, as it was not customized for me. I was skeptical that anything would be better. “Fortunately, I attended a presentation by Hearing Center of Long Island director Dr. Lawrence Cardano. I learned the right questions to ask and how I might be able to solve my hearing problems. “After the presentation, I visited Hearing Center of Long Island. The doctors there took the time to find out what my concerns were and what 2 • We’re listening to you. The world is loud. Have you noticed? Between the music blasting in department stores, the raucous clatter of traffic, and — most notoriously — the overwhelming din you experience the instant you step into a restaurant, we’re guessing that nearly everybody has felt the level of ambient noise cranking up a few notches in recent years. Though you may not realize it, this noise is more than just annoying. Over time it can cause permanent hearing loss. We can see that, as noise pollution becomes more and more of an issue, hearing difficulty among adults of all ages is on the rise. Today, according to a 2017 report by the CDC, 1 in 3 adults suffer from noise-induced hearing loss. What’s

What Our Patients Are Saying

was important to me. They customized a solution for me and helped me get used to better hearing easily. Now I enjoy wearing my hearing aids and hearing well in situations where I used

Mr. Catalano with his son, Richard Jr., and Dr. Larry

to have trouble, like having conversations with family members and listening to TV. “I would highly recommend Hearing Center of Long Island to anyone having difficulty with their hearing.”

-Richard Catalano, Malverne, NY

The Fifth Step to Excellent Hearing Satisfaction In each of the last few issues of the Long Island Sound, we have been covering the six steps we use at the Hearing Center of Long Island to ensure that our patients receive long-term said, was that a hearing aid fitting is only successful if the patient is happy with the results. “You should make your patients smile,” he said. To ensure patient satisfaction, we guide Real-World Results

hearing satisfaction, as described in Dr. Larry’s book, “Better Hearing With or Without Hearing Aids.” This month, we will be discussing step five: Outcome Validation. This step comes after testing to verify that your hearing aids are technically performing as they should. Are you getting the benefits you should be getting? In graduate school, one of Dr. Larry’s professors asked the class, “How do you know if a particular hearing aid fitting has been successful?” The class chimed in with all kinds of answers, most of which involved various types of testing they had been taught to do. The professor thanked the class for their thoughtful answers but told them they were all wrong. The correct answer, he Sudoku

every patient through a step we call “Outcome Validation,” where we check to see whether their hearing aids are providing the benefits they should be getting in their everyday lives. Although it seems counterintuitive, research shows that in-office measures of speech understanding while wearing hearing aids are not strongly correlated with self-reported benefit and satisfaction in real life. That is why we focus primarily on written questionnaires and informal interviews with our patients to determine whether or not they are truly getting all they need out of their hearing aids. This step is important because if you are not getting some of the real-world

benefits that testing indicates you should be getting, your audiologist can almost always make changes or adjustments, or give you instructions to correct the problem. At Hearing Center of Long Island, our audiologists are experts at this troubleshooting. If you are curious about the ways you can get more out of your hearing aids, or if you’re just curious about how much benefit you should expect from the best hearing help, call us at (516) 874-3675 to schedule a free consultation. We will do everything we can to make you smile.

On Listening “You never get people’s fuller attention than when you are listening to them.” –Robert Brault The Sound of Laughter Q: Where was the Declaration of Independence signed? A: At the bottom.

Instructions Each row, column,

and nonet (3 x 3 group of nine

boxes) must contain numbers 1 through 9 exactly once. No row, column, or nonet should contain a repetition of any number.

Solution on the top of pg. 4

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Solution (from pg. 3)

INSIDE This Issue

Page 1 Dr. Larry and ‘The 21-Day Miracle’ Page 2 Try SoundPrint to Avoid Noisy Restaurants Our Patients Say It Best Page 3 Get the Most Out of Your Hearing Aids Sudoku The Sound of Laughter On Listening Page 4 The History of Hot Dogs and Burgers If your plans for this Independence Day involve firing up the barbecue, you’ll probably be cooking two American classics: hot dogs and hamburgers. Come the Fourth of July, families will be grilling up burgers and dogs from sea to shining sea, but it wasn’t always this way. The story of how beef patties and sausages became culinary symbols of our nation will give you plenty of food for thought. THE HOT DOG It was German immigrants who brought the “frankfurter” and the “wienerwurst” to American soil in the 1800s. There is much debate over who first decided to place one of these franks in a bun, but by the opening of the 20th century, hot dog stands had popped up all over the Eastern Seaboard. We do know the identity of the man who took the hot dog’s popularity to a national level: Nathan Handwerker.

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This American Grub How Hot Dogs and Hamburgers Became National Treasures

A Jewish immigrant from Poland, Nathan sliced buns for a hot dog stand on Coney Island. After scraping together enough money, he quit his job and opened a stand of his own, undercutting his former employer’s prices by half. Not only did Nathan’s hot dogs outsell the competition, the Great Depression made them the perfect food for a nation suddenly living on a tight budget. By the 1930s, hot dogs had become so unquestionably American that Franklin Roosevelt famously served them to King George VI during his royal visit in 1939. THE BURGER Like the hot dog, the exact origin of the beef patty’s eventual “sandwiching” is lost to history. Once again, it was German immigrants who brought their recipes for “Hamburg steak” with them across the Atlantic, but reports vary as to who first sold the meat patty inside a bun.

Multiple diners and fairgrounds across America claim to be the home of the first hamburger. All of these claims date to the turn of the 20th century, a time when our nation was faced with feeding a growing working class quickly and cheaply. By the 1950s, the burger had become a symbol of the American everyman. Both the hot dog and hamburger embody the history of our nation. Immigrant traditions merged with blue- collar needs to create two uniquely American foods. It’s fitting that we celebrate America’s birthday with the grub that has grown along with it.

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