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Advanced PT. Physical Therapy For The Aging Adult

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Heart Of Texas PT: PT for the Aging Adult



How Physical Therapy Can Help Common Health Risks in People Over 60.


• Avoid Aches & Pains In The Garden This Spring

• Sudoku • Healthy Recipe


How Physical Therapy Can Help Common Health Risks in People Over 60. ARE YOU OVER 60?

Are you worried about how getting older is affecting your health? Have you put off taking care of yourself and now find your aches and pains seem to be limiting what you can do? At HOT Physical Therapy, our physical therapists can address your overall health and guide you back to feeling good again! As we age, our bodies become more susceptible to certain health risks, causing us to slow down and risk additional problems. We begin to notice the wear and tear that has developed throughout the years is limiting more and more of our everyday activities. Age brings a higher risk of chronic diseases such as dementia, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, arthritis, and cancer. In adults 60 and older, these chronic conditions lead to serious illness, disability, and death. Luckily, physical therapy can help improve some of the health conditions that your body may experience with age. If you are looking for solutions, HOT Physical Therapy can help!

Call our office today for more information. What Are The Most Common Age Related Health Conditions Agingcancertainly seemdaunting, as it bringswith it aslewof possible health issues. According to theWorldHealthOrganization, between2015 and 2050, the proportion of the world’s population over 60 years will nearlydouble from12%to22%. It is important toknowwhat challenges to look out for when you reach age 60 and above. For most older adults, good health ensures independence, yet far too many struggle every day with health and safety challenges such as chronicdisease, falls, andmental health issues. All of these conditions can severely impact your quality of life. Some common health issues people face as they age include chronic diseases likecardiovascular disease, hypertension, cancer, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, and diabetes have a significant impact on your health and function.

Continued inside.

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Continued from previous page.

Normal aging causes changes to our sensory system (i.e., eyes, ears, touch, taste, and smell) and changes to muscle strength and fat makeup. There are many regular age-related changes in the immune system, including a chronic inflammatory state and changes to our bowel and bladder function. One of the most important considerations is how aging affects our cognitive health. Significant changes to our psychological and cognitive function lead to conditions like dementia/Alzheimer’s and depression. These types of health risks impair one’s memory, making it difficult to remember and recall as quickly as they used to, in addition to hindering the ability to learn new things. Our physical function isaffecteddue to thechanges inourmuscles and joints. This leads toanexpected reduction inourwalkingspeed and overall mobility decline. Unfortunately, these changes also make us more susceptible to falls. Falls are the leading cause of injury among older adults. How Physical Therapy Can Help There are some preventative measures that you can take on your own to try and avoid some of these health conditions; however, sometimes, theaidof aprofessional becomesnecessary. Physical therapy treatments are a safe, healthy, and easy way to correct someof theseconditionsandprevent your riskof developing them.

Together with our physical therapists, we can create a physical exercise plan to ensure you’re getting asmuch physical activity as you can throughout the day. This will include treatment-specific exercises to increase strength and overall mobility to help prevent other health issues. It is also essential to maintain a healthy diet, ensuring you have sufficient protein to helpwith bone strength andminimizemuscle wasting. Our physical therapists canhelpset upameal plan for you to ensure you’re getting the nutrients you need and maintaining a healthy weight. Your physical therapist may also suggest at-home exercises for you to do. Theymay also offer another formof treatment, such as aquatic therapy, to increasemuscle strengthandeasediscomfort. Call Today To Schedule An Appointment If you are suffering from some of these health conditions or think youmight be, give our teamat HOT Physical Therapy a call today. We’ll bemore than happy to schedule a consultation with you and discuss how we can help treat some of these conditions. Aging doesn’t have tobeasdauntingas it seems–our physical therapists can help you maintain your highest quality of life!

Contact Heart of Texas Physical Therapy today to get started!

Ingredients: • 4 cups (1-inch) slices asparagus • 3 cups fat-free, less-sodium chicken broth • 1 1/2 cups water • 1 tbsp butter • 2 cups chopped onion (about 1 large) • 2 cups uncooked Arborio rice • 1/2 cup dry white wine • 1 cup (4 ounces) grated fresh Parmigiano- Reggiano cheese • 1/4 cup heavy whipping cream • 1 tsp salt • 1/2 tsp freshly ground black pepper HEALTHY RECIPE SPRING ASPARAGUS RISOTTO

INSTRUCTIONS: Place 1 cup asparagus and 1 cup broth in a blender; puree until smooth. Combine puree, remaining 2 cups broth, and 1 1/2 cups water in a medium saucepan; bring to a simmer (do not boil). Keep warm over low heat. Melt butter in a large heavy saucepan over medium heat. Add onion to pan; cook 8 minutes or until tender, stirring occasionally. Stir in rice; cook 1 minute, stirring constantly. Stir in wine; cook 2 minutes or until liquid is nearly absorbed, stirring constantly. Add 1/2 cup broth mixture; cook 2 minutes or until the liquid is nearly absorbed, stirring constantly. Add remaining puree mixture, 1/2 cup at a time, stirring constantly until each portion of broth is absorbed before adding the next (about 30 minutes total). Stir in remaining 3 cups asparagus; cook 2 minutes. Stir in 3/4 cup cheese, cream, salt, and pepper. Transfer risotto to a bowl. Serve with remaining 1/4 cup cheese.

Call today 254-301-7374


SUDOKU The goal of Sudoku is to fill a 9×9 grid with numbers so that each row, column and 3×3 section contain all of the digits between 1 and 9. 9 7 3 5 4 1 9 4 3 2 7 1 5 8 6 3 5 9 n° 26608 - Level Medium

5 7 6 1 2 8 4 5 8 1 3 6 5 3 7 8 4 9 4 Avoid Aches & Pains In The Garden This Spring

n° 24946 - Level Medium

COME BACK TO HEART OF TEXAS PT! Has a pain returned? Are you suffering with a new pain? Do you want to become healthier, stronger, and more active? If you answered yes to any of these questions you need to come back to Heart of Texas Physical Therapy. Call us today! Call for an appointment today and start your journey to a healthier, happier, pain-free life. Call today 254-301-7374 PT CONSULTATION 5 • End your gardening session with some gentle backward bending of your low back, a short walk and light stretching, similar to stretches done before starting. Author: Andrea Avruskin PT, DPT 7 3 9 6 • Avoid bending your wrist upwards when pulling things or using gardening tools. Instead, keep your wrist straight and use your shoulder muscles to pull and lift. n° 217145 - Level Medium 8 6 1 3 Common gardening activities, such as digging, planting, weeding, mulching, and raking can cause stress and strain on muscles and joints. This is especially true for senior citizens and people who are normally sedentary. Different body areas such as the shoulders, neck, back, and knees can be vulnerable to injury during gardening. These tips can help prevent injuries: • Warm up before you garden. A 10 minute brisk walk and stretches for the spine and limbs are good ways to warm up. • Change positions frequently to avoid stiffness or cramping. • Make use of a garden cart or wheelbarrow to move heavy planting materials or tools. Be sure to keep your back straight while using a wheelbarrow. 9 1 8 8 2 6 1 4 8 9 6 • If kneeling on both knees causes discomfort in your back, try kneeling on one and keep the other foot on the ground. Use knee pads or a gardening pad when kneeling. • If kneeling or leaning down to the ground causes significant pain in your back or knees, consider using elevated planters to do your gardening. 3 4 9 5 4 7 2 8 5 9 6 4 9 7 5 2 3 8 4 5 7 6 6 8 1 6 1 4 8 5 2 5 2 5 3 7 3 6 4 n° 216874 - Level Medium

1 8 4 2 5


7 5


1 8 6 4 6 3 7 5 3 4 9


2 9


5 1 6 9 3

n° 26673 - Level Medium




1 4

7 1


EXERCISE ESSENTIALS 7 3 4 1 7 2 6 9 6 2 1 8 6 2 5 6 3 9 9 BIRD DOG 4-POINT ARM& LEG RAISE Begin by placing your knees and hands on the floor, with your hips and shoulders at a 90° angle. While keeping stable and engaging your core muscles, lift one arm and an opposite leg straight out toward the horizon, with your thumb pointed to the ceiling. Place both arm and leg back down to starting position. Perform 10 repetitions and then repeat this exercise with the opposite arm and leg. To build stability, this exercise can first be performed using only the arm or leg, and the opposing arm or leg can be added once ready for progression. n° 214184 - Level Medium 8 9

lay these sudoku puzzles on your mobile and find their solutions by flashing the codes below: 26608 n° 24946 n° 26673 n° 217145 n° 214184

Contact us today and mention this newsletter to schedule your FREE PT Consultation! n° 216874

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Offer expires 03/31/22