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Holland & Usry May 2019

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Holland & Usry - May 2021

2 tbsp fish sauce Juice of 1–2 limes, to taste 4 small shallots, thinly sliced 4 green onions, thinl

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Holland & Usry May 2020

2 cups for later use. 3. In a bag, add the remaining on the grill, cook pork until the thickest part

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Holland & Usry May 2018

2 packet ranch seasoning Directions 1. Heat grill to medium. In a large pan, toss potatoes with oliv

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Holland & Usry February 2019

4 cup dried cherries Tools • Candy thermometer Directions 1. Chop chocolate and place into a mixing

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Holland & Usry September 2019

11, various researchers conducted many studies examining the effect this kind of work has on animals

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Holland & Usry June 2019 New Study Shows Simple Ways to Safeguard Your Hope CULTIVATE JOY Just becau

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Holland & Usry July 2019

4-inch-thick patties. Season patties. 5. Meanwhile, heat a cast-iron skillet to medium-high. 6. Ligh

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Holland & Usry January 2019

4 cup onions, chopped • 2 cloves garlic, minced Directions 1. In a cast-iron skillet or large sauté

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Holland & Usry December 2019

4 cup coconut sugar shifting shadows.” Romans 12:13 • Tamari (wheat-free soy sauce), but can substit

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Holland & Usry May 2019

Why Organization Is Essential THE DEVIL IS IN THE DETAILS

“Organizing is what you do before you do something so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up.”

–A.A. Milne

Spring is here again. Along with the chance to enjoy the outdoors and take in the sun, the arrival of the season of renewal also brings an opportunity for some spring-cleaning. Whether you love or hate the act of tidying, I think we can all agree that a well-kept home functions better than a messy one. Nobody likes having to search around for essential items. If you’re the type of person who never has their can opener ready when it comes time to open a can of soup, you should probably do a little bit of reorganizing this year. I have to admit, I’m not the neatest at home but I certainly appreciate the importance of keeping the house clean and orderly. I can’t relax in clutter. Maintaining order is helpful for me if I want my home to feel like a home. At work, I’m engaged in a constant effort to improve my organization. It’s naturally my strong suit but also something I consciously work on. And I don’t just mean tireless desk upkeep. I try to set things up in the most efficient way possible. I don’t want to waste minutes each day searching for essential tools or information; I want that stuff at my fingertips so I can access it whenever I need it. Time spent fumbling around the office is time that could be spent attending to more important matters. Though our clients may not see it, our emphasis on organization benefits them, as well. In many cases, the bulk of a lawyer’s job is making sure that no loose strings are dangling and all aspects of

a case are monitored effectively. It’s pretty obvious how staying tidy with documents and digital information helps in this regard. I also have to give a lot of credit to our administrative staff for taking organization as seriously as I do. It’s awesome to work with a group of folks who genuinely care about serving our clients in the best way possible, even when that requires doing something tedious like combing through and sorting emails! Another thing I’ve learned over the years is that being organized allows you to enjoy your free time more. All we have is our time. The time you spend getting things in order may feel like a lot, but it’s nothing compared to the added hours you’ll spend digging for objects and information when you’re not organized. Want to take a trip to the beach next weekend? It’s going to be a more enjoyable and longer one if you don’t have to take hours out of your day to assemble all your beach gear. I’m under no illusion that everyone can be perfectly organized all the time. All of us fall short of that lofty goal. What’s important is that we all take the time to get more organized. Spring-cleaning is the perfect time to do this. Take a few hours to put everything in its right place. You’ll reap the rewards for a very long time. –John Holland

It’s awesome to work with a group of folks who genuinely care about serving our clients in the best way possible, even when that requires doing something tedious like combing through and sorting emails!



Some Ways to Help Children Appreciate Their Teachers

child write an appreciative note and then write one yourself. Teachers often have to maintain the happiness of students, administrators, and parents. Your card could relieve some of the stress of that balancing act and let them know that you acknowledge their efforts. A HOMEMADE MEAL Making a homemade meal (or dessert) shows teachers that you went the extra mile to appreciate their hard work. You could make a favorite dish of yours or try to find a new recipe online. Either way, encourage your child to help you with the process so that the meal is truly a gift from both of you. DONATING SCHOOL SUPPLIES Many teachers use their own money to buy school supplies for their classroom. This is just one of the ways teachers go above and beyond on a daily basis, and buying some extra school supplies can help ease that cost. Take your child shopping with you and help them pick out supplies that you know their teacher will appreciate. Your children spend several hours a day with their teachers, so fostering relationships with them is vital. Use this day to help your children understand the importance of teachers, to teach them the power of gratitude, and to encourage them to show respect for everyone who helps them in life.

Teacher Appreciation Week runs from May 6–10 this year, and there are plenty of ways students of all ages can thank their educators for everything they do. Being a teacher isn’t an easy job, and the people who make it their profession are passionate about helping kids learn. Depending on how old your child is, they may need a parent’s help in showing their appreciation. Here are a few ways parents and children can appreciate teachers together. THANK-YOU NOTES This gesture is simple and sweet and can be very thoughtful. Telling a teacher what makes them outstanding can often be just as valuable as a gift. Help your Testimonial


“Very Professional and Courteous — we have dealt with this firm for a few years. Everyone at this firm is always very helpful and has a positive and friendly attitude. They have always been very informative and knowledgeable. They always explain everything in great detail and keep you up to date with your case so you’re never left wondering what is going on. Overall this is a great firm with great employees who always get you great results. My wife and I were awarded a full settlement from a motorcycle accident I was in. Without this firm, we most likely

would not have gotten the great results that we received. We strongly recommend this firm to anyone and everyone in need of a great firm with GREAT results.”

–Ray & Jerrie Wyant, Spartanburg motorcycle crash clients

Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents


FAILURE TO YIELD RIGHT-OF-WAY These types of accidents often evoke an “I didn’t see you” response from drivers. We reject that notion entirely. If somebody can’t see a motorcyclist, it’s because they’re not looking. That being said, you can never assume another driver will obey the rules of the road. Staying vigilant while passing on ramps or moving through intersections will allow you to react to unlawful behavior from cars. SPEEDING This is an obvious one, but still one worth noting. People flying down the road tend to be less observant. That lack of attention combined with high speeds decreases the reaction time available to both driver and motorcyclist. If you observe someone speeding, it’s best to get as far away from them as possible. FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY Drivers are expected to leave ample room for motorcycles, but they don’t always respect that rule. You need to be prepared to use all resources (signals, hand motions, horns, etc.) to make other drivers aware of you. DISTRACTED DRIVING It’s very hard to be distracted on a motorcycle, but that’s not true of a passenger car. At this point, you almost have to assume that drivers may be distracted by phones or other devices, lest you end up victim of someone else’s negligence.

Everyone who rides a motorcycle understands that the sense of freedom offered by two wheels comes with increased risks. According to a recent report from the Governors Highway Safety Association, it’s 28 times more likely that a crash involving a motorcycle will result in a fatality compared to crashes involving exclusively passenger vehicles. As such, it’s incredibly important to take safe riding seriously. In our experience, the causes for motorcycle accidents are the same as any other kind of accident. The difference is that the ramifications of an accident can be much more severe. Understanding these causes will go a long way toward keeping you safe on the road. With that in mind, let’s look at the four most common reasons accidents occur.

Good News

Deuteronomy 31:6

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. James 1:2-3 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.




1. Heat your grill to medium-high. 2. In a bowl, combine all ingredients for creole seasoning. 3. In a large bowl, combine the shrimp, zucchini pieces, and sausage pieces, and cover them with the olive oil. 4. Add creole seasoning and mix well until all ingredients are covered. 5. Load up skewers with alternating pieces of shrimp, sausage, and zucchini until they’re full. 6. Grill skewers until shrimp are well-cooked (6–8 minutes).

1/2 pound raw shrimp, peeled and deveined 1/2 pound cooked sausage, cut into 1-inch pieces

2 zucchini, cut into 1/2-inch cubes

2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

Wooden skewers, soaked in water for 30 minutes

Creole Seasoning Ingredients • 2 tablespoons paprika •

1/2 tablespoon garlic powder

1/2 tablespoon onion powder

1/2 tablespoon cayenne or chili powder

1/4 tablespoon dried oregano

1/4 tablespoon dried thyme


Inspired by


* This newsletter is intended to educate the public about personal injury, workers’ compensation, criminal defense, and family law issues. You can copy and distribute it as long as you copy the entire newsletter. But the newsletter is not intended to be legal advice; you should ask a lawyer about your specific case. Every case is different, and all case outcomes depend on unique facts and laws.

101 W. St. John St. Suite 206 Spartanburg, SC 29306

INSIDE this issue


The Importance of Organization


Teacher Appreciation Week Is Here!



The Behaviors That Lead to Motorcycle Accidents

Shrimp Sausage Skewers


Genealogy Sites Provide Breakthroughs in Cold Cases

If you no longer want to receive this newsletter, call Pam at 864.582.0416 or email [email protected] .



We’ve come a long way in the field of forensic science since 1986, when DNA was first used to convict someone in court. In 2019, criminals who would have gotten away with their crimes in the past are now put behind bars where they belong. The advent of genealogy testing has been thrust into the spotlight with high-profile cases that were solved by sequestering information from sites like 23andMe and With this revolution in DNA testing on the rise, there’s really no end to the impossible-to-solve cold cases that can finally be put to rest. Whatever the motivation was behind genealogy sites in the beginning, they’re now some of the most sought-after >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4

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