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Holland & Usry September 2019

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Holland & Usry September 2017

2 cup butter, softened • Vanilla ice cream, optional • 4 cups chopped, peeled apples Directions 1. H

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Holland & Usry - September 2020

panning-for-gold-activity for a great step-by-step guide on how to go panning for gold in your own b

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Holland & Usry - September 2021

11 Testimonial Common Bicyclist Injuries in Car Accidents Easy Peach Cobbler Willie the Parrot: The

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Holland & Usry September 2018

2 red onion, thinly sliced • 1 small loaf French bread, cut into 1-inch cubes (6 cups) 3 tablespoons

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Holland & Usry February 2019

4 cup dried cherries Tools • Candy thermometer Directions 1. Chop chocolate and place into a mixing

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Holland & Usry April 2019

Holland & Usry April 2019 Supporting a Good Cause Has Never Tasted so Good! 2019 6 TH ANNUAL BURGER

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Holland & Usry June 2019

Holland & Usry June 2019 New Study Shows Simple Ways to Safeguard Your Hope CULTIVATE JOY Just becau

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Holland & Usry July 2019

4-inch-thick patties. Season patties. 5. Meanwhile, heat a cast-iron skillet to medium-high. 6. Ligh

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Holland & Usry January 2019

4 cup onions, chopped • 2 cloves garlic, minced Directions 1. In a cast-iron skillet or large sauté

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Holland & Usry May 2019

4 tablespoon dried thyme 864.582.0416 Inspired by PRST STD US POSTAGE PAID BOISE, ID P

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Holland & Usry September 2019

A Tribute to Hard Workers Everywhere THE WORK WE DON’T SEE

I’ve always thought Labor Day to be one of our most noble holidays. The American workforce is the engine that powers our society. Every job, whether it be senator, CEO, construction worker, or caterer, matters. Labor Day is a chance to celebrate the folks whose work so often goes unnoticed and is taken for granted. Every time you walk into a brightly lit building, somebody put time and effort into the wiring. Every time you have a meal at a restaurant, you’re indirectly experiencing the work of hundreds of people. Perhaps I use these two examples because they are the industries in which I held my first two jobs. The summer before I went into 10th grade, I took a summer job as a dishwasher. Mostly, I worked the lunch shift, and I can still remember the basic rhythm of the day. I’d get in, make sure my station was clean, and brace myself for the lunch rush. Once the first wave of diners finished their appetizers, I’d be in the weeds for a solid three-plus hours. No break and no respite; it was just me and an endless mountain of dishes. Eventually, the rush would taper off, and I’d finish up the last few rounds at a slightly less frenetic pace. At a lot of restaurants, this would be considered an easy shift. The average restaurant guest never sees the dishwasher, probably never even thinks about them, but, ask any employee, and they’ll tell you that a good dishwasher is essential. We’ve gotten away from regarding the ‘regular jobs’ with the respect and dignity they deserve. Today, everyone wants to be a celebrity, and we celebrate the glamorous. America should be a country where workers of all types are

I only worked in that restaurant for one year, but it forever affected the way I see food service workers. Every role in a restaurant is difficult and demanding. When I say hundreds of people contribute to a good meal, I mean it. The people who grow the ingredients, build the restaurant, wipe the floors, make the plates, mix the drinks, cook the steaks, serve the food, and wash the dishes all have to work in unison to make it happen. When you think about it, it’s a pretty amazing accomplishment that we view as totally mundane. If I ever see someone ranting and raving in a Starbucks at the slightest inconvenience, I know they’ve never worked in a restaurant. The next year, I worked as an assistant to a local electrician. It’s another job you instantly learn to appreciate when you see it from the inside. I mean, the idiom we use to describe baseline survival is “keeping the lights on.” An electrician’s job is to do this, literally. Electricity is one of the fundamental necessities of our society, which makes being an electrician as crucial a job as there is. And yet, we never celebrate electricians. You may not even know the name of your local electrician anymore. We’ve gotten away from regarding the “regular jobs” with the respect and dignity they deserve. Today, everyone wants to be a celebrity, and we celebrate the glamorous. America should be a country where workers of all types are celebrated, paid a living wage, and treated with the rights they deserve. One of the best parts of my job today is the chance to represent folks who work in all types of industries and do all sorts of jobs. We are grateful to be a law firm that serves the people of Spartanburg. Thank you to everyone reading this for the job you do, whatever it may be.

Happy Labor Day.

celebrated, paid a living wage, and treated with the rights they deserve.



Our advanced technological age, with its plethora of online platforms to connect people all over the world, is riddled with obvious benefits as well as unfortunate side effects. Nearly 60% of children ages 8–12 have a smartphone, so cyberbullies and online predators pose a legitimate threat. Parents now wonder what they can do to preserve their child’s safety without completely invading their privacy, and many have turned to Bark for help. According to Bark’s website, the app was created in collaboration with child psychologists, youth advisors, digital media experts, and law enforcement professionals to deliver a research-backed way of safeguarding families using technology. Once purchased, the app connects to 24 platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, etc.) to monitor text messages, emails,

and social activity for signs of harmful content and interactions. When Bark’s algorithms detect potential risks, it alerts parents via email and text and sends them snippets of flagged content paired with recommendations from child psychologists on how to talk to their kids about it. Since its launch in 2016, Bark has scanned more than a billion messages from 2 million children and claims to have helped prevent dozens of potential suicides, school shootings, and bomb threats through its detection of problematic language. While the app’s claims are certainly advantageous, many parents wonder if they are infringing on their child’s privacy. According to Jasmina Byrne, a child protection specialist at UNICEF, the privacy concerns get exponentially worse if parents don’t inform their kids about the app. Other experts claim parents should let their child know they are using the tracking app, but, as a result, the children might feel forced to express themselves differently, which poses a threat to their online freedom. While there has yet to be 100% consensus among child psychology experts regarding parental smartphone-monitoring software, all seem to agree that if a parent deploys these types of apps, the experience can lead to better family communication if they let their kids know about it, and Bark might be the safest and least invasive option on the market thus far.

Testimonials HEAR WHAT OUR CLIENTS HAVE TO SAY ABOUT US! “I was in a car wreck that resulted in surgery and lots of pain and suffering. Another lawyer friend told me about Rob Usry. He made me feel comfortable. He seemed honest and competent. I hired him that day. I am pleased with his work. He kept in contact with me, exposing each aspect. He is very diligent. Camilla was great. She was always there when I needed something. Pam at the front desk is a lovely lady.”

“John Holland and Rob Usry kept me informed every step of the way. I would definitely refer them to anyone who’s in need of a lawyer.”

–Shel B.

–Whitley A., Spartanburg DUI crash victim


GET A TUNE UP The arrival of school season is the perfect impetus to get your vehicle serviced. Make sure the mechanic checks the tire pressure, fluid levels, and air conditioning system before you leave the shop. If you’re going to be driving kids to and from school every day, you want to have a car you can depend on. WATCH THE SPEED LIMIT SIGNS School zones have reduced speed limits for good reason. Some have a round-the- clock limit that you’ll need to observe regardless of whether school’s in session, while others use flashing lights to indicate the times when the speed is reduced. Regardless of the type of school zone you’re in, there is no need to exceed the posted speed limit, and pretending you “didn’t see the sign” isn’t an excuse. KEEP YOUR HEAD ON A SWIVEL It’s always prudent to remain alert when driving, but never more so than when you’re in or around a school zone. Children don’t understand the rules of the road the way adults do. As such, they can behave erratically and move into dangerous areas in a split second. Don’t ever assume you know what a child will do. Instead, stay vigilant and only continue when you know it’s safe to do so.

When you’re making a back-to-school checklist, what comes to mind? In addition to basics like picking up supplies and making sure your little ones have a new outfit for the first day, don’t forget to give your vehicle and driving habits an end-of-summer refresh. According to national safety organization Safe Routes to School, the percentage of children riding the bus has been declining steadily since the mid ‘80s. With far more cars in the carpool line, it’s important to practice cautious, defensive driving in school zones. To do that, follow our back-to-school checklist for your car.

If your child has been injured by a vehicle in a school zone, the team at Holland & Usry can help get you the justice you deserve. Call us today at 864.582.0416.

Isaiah 40:30–31 “Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Psalm 31:24 “Be strong and let your heart take courage.” Good News



Topping: •

Filling: •

3/4 cup all-purpose flour

5 lbs Granny Smith apples, peeled, cored, and chopped

1/3 cup brown sugar

1/4 cup pecans, finely chopped

1/4 tsp ground cinnamon

3 tbsp all-purpose flour

1/4 tsp salt

2 tbsp maple syrup

6 tbsp chilled butter, cut into pieces

1 tbsp lemon juice

1/4 cup pecans, coarsely chopped


1. Heat oven to 350 F. 2. In a mixing bowl, mix all filling ingredients together. Transfer to individual serving ramekins. 3. In a different mixing bowl, combine flour, sugar, cinnamon, and salt for the topping. Mix in butter until it forms lumps roughly the size of a pea, then stir in pecans. Sprinkle topping over filling. 4. Bake for 35–40 minutes, let stand for 10 minutes, and serve.


Inspired by Food Network


* This newsletter is intended to educate the public about personal injury, workers’ compensation, criminal defense, and family law issues. You can copy and distribute it as long as you copy the entire newsletter. But the newsletter is not intended to be legal advice; you should ask a lawyer about your specific case. Every case is different, and all case outcomes depend on unique facts and laws.

101 W. St. John St. Suite 206 Spartanburg, SC 29306

INSIDE this issue


Every Job Is Important


Do You Know Who Your Kid Is Talking to Online?



Back-to-School Commutes

Classic Apple Crisp

Honoring the Canines of 9/11


If you no longer want to receive this newsletter, call Pam at 864.582.0416 or email [email protected] .


In the immediate aftermath of 9/11, thousands of New Yorkers took to the streets to clear rubble, offer supplies, and search for survivors. It was a powerful act of resilience in a deeply trying time, and while most of the individuals helping with the disaster stood on two feet, more than 300 canines also answered the call to service. Dogs of all breeds and backgrounds, including search and rescue dogs, police dogs, service dogs, and therapy dogs, were brought in to help find and care for survivors in the wake of the destruction. They worked tirelessly alongside rescue crews as they searched through the debris. Search and rescue dogs and their handlers worked 12–16-hour days, searching for survivors and victims. They worked through dangerous conditions: Many dogs burned their paws as they dug through hot rubble, and both handlers and canines inhaled toxic dust. The task was both physically and mentally exhausting for the dogs during their shifts. Some dogs that found deceased victims refused to eat or interact with other animals. Search and rescue dogs became increasingly stressed and depressed the longer they searched without any results, mirroring their handlers. It wasn’t uncommon for handlers to stage mock “findings” of survivors to keep the dogs’ spirits up.

certifications after the events of 9/11, promising to aid in future disasters and hopefully lessen the impact of such catastrophes.

After 9/11, various researchers conducted many studies examining the effect this kind of work has on animals, both physically and mentally. Many of these studies wouldn’t be possible without the AKC Canine Health Foundation, so if you’re looking to give back this September, visit them at their website to see how you can help: .

Fortunately, the sacrifices these dogs and their handlers made did not go unnoticed. Many dog owners were inspired to earn their search and rescue